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A Red Winter

Jan 17, 2009
Fjalar Ulfricsson was an angry man. At the age of 37, he had seen his own people imprisoned, sent to work, murdered, beaten, and kept away from decent jobs. The government had abandoned its people. He did not necessarily blame the Germans as a whole, just the Hilleheim family. They had sucked the nation dry, and now it was time to strike back.

It was New Years day, and the nation was gathering in Hilleheim to witness Prince Sebastian's wedding to Helen Hoffman. As Fjalar sat with a camera in the V.I.P. section, he knew that this is not what would be seen. After what seemed like 6 hours of sitting and waiting, finally the traditional Styrian bride theme came on. And the guests rose to watch the soon to be Queen walk down the aisle of the massive Halle Cathedral. As she reached the middle of the aisle, the scene turned ugly for the royal family. Thirty of the guests took out SR-2 sub-machine guns. The Kryobaijani weapons unloaded their lethal payload onto bodyguards, and onto other people who looked like security.

The guests began to scream and scatter, as well as the Royal Family. However, the exits had already been cut off by the revolutionaries. As the 'terrorists' began to seize control of the situation, the guests began to grow quite. It was then that Fjalar pulled out his pistol, and walked up to the alter. The Prince sat with tears of fear rolling down his cheeks. It was as if he knew he was going to be truck down for his crimes against the Norse and Germans alike. The revolutionaries had hit the future queen in the gut, and she was sitting, crying. Without hesitation, Fjalar struck her down, with a shot to the neck. The fear in the Prince's eyes intensified.

Fjalar aimed his pistol and yelled, "Grípa þau!" The revolutionaries around him began to grab and execute all of the royal family members in front of the guests and the Prince. The Prince had literally pissed himself by the end of the executions. Now, as the cathedral grew silent except for the guests sobs of fear, fighting could be heard outside the cathedral. The royal army was now trying to thwart a complete invasion of Hallein. Artillery shells were pounding the outskirts of the city, and Anti-Air Guns were taking down any aircraft flying in or out of the city. The current regime was doomed.

Now, as the Prince's own world collapsed around him, the Prince was about to face his one execution. Fjalar walked up closer to the prince. Roughly standing him up and shoving him up against the alter, Fjalar pulled out a relic of his family. The ancient Norse dagger was carved with ruins, and had been used as a sacrificial knife in the days before the Germans. He quickly thrust it deep into the Prince's chest, and uttered the words, "And now you will join you're family in the fire. You worthless bastard."

The revolution was in full-swing now, and as the North of Styria was seized by the leftists in a single night, the south would soon fall as well.