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Arise ye Progenitors :: Attn. Engellex


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND

Attention Thaumantican Brother or Sister of the Northern Constituent Republic

Contained within this parcel are the cremated remains of an Engellachian West Engell Republican Combined Armed Forces soldier who donated his or her life and bodily contents to the eternal cause of Thaumantic Civilization. This small vile of ashes represent a portion of that warrior and their body, as each warrior represents a portion of of the greater body of defense in the Thaumantic Domain.

You will never know the name of this sacrificed hero, yet it is your duty now to honor their gift to progress by utilizing your life in service to their cause. Be it a pound in war bond, a tomato from your garden, or your own enlistment in arms at this critical time - the Thaumantic Domain needs the denizens from the island of the progenitors to join Engellkind in at the frontlines of the First Republic’s Frontier.

Empires are rising on the old continent through alliances forged by misrule. Methodical leftist liquidators rove the Burgundian countryside looting everything not nailed down, and pressing anyone not infirm into conscription to the communist cult. The battle taking the lives of fellow Thaumanticans may very well be the opening chapter of a wider campaign in the clash of civilizations.

We must not deny our warrior’s sacrifices by shying away from duty. We must not fight among ourselves so that their sacrifice was made in vain. And finally we must never falter or succumb to defeat, for the very future of their children and yours born and unborn are in the balance between our orderly way of life and the enemy’s reign of terror.

Please save these ashes by placing them somewhere safe, though this warrior is dead and has paid the ultimate sacrifice, let them symbolize your regard for those warriors still fighting for your security on the island of the progenitors and all Thaumantic Republics of Engellkind.

Your faithful patriot,
Sergeant Barnes

Wounded in Action in Operation Domain of Democracy
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