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ARNN - Arendaal's National News - Profile: Empire of the North

Nov 22, 2006
Emyn Arnen
ARNN - Arendaal's National News

Sunday, 2nd February 1953

:arrow: Preparations underway for the Trondheim Carnival
Preparations are well underway for the annual Trondheim Carnival, the best known and most hideously elaborate of Arendaal's carnival celebrations. Revellers are promised to turn out in beautiful, intricate, and often incredibly camp, costumes for the festivities, the most effervescent of which will be chosen as 'King and/or Queen of the Trondheim Carnival' on the last day of the Carnival.

Due to run from the 22nd of February to the 4th of March, the Carnival will come to an end with the advent of Lent, an all-around downer of a season but generally agreed to be the best possible cure for the immense hangover assured to be awaiting anyone who's lucky enough to frequent the famous (or infamous Carnival).

Trondheim Mayor, Ulrik Mikkelsen, has extended a traditionally warm welcome to all international and national visitors to the forthcoming festivities, hoping that this year will attract even more visitors than 2013. Trondheim, Arendaal's second largest city, is also the country's second most visited destination after the national capital, Emyn Arnen.
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Nov 22, 2006
Emyn Arnen
ARNN - Arendaal's National News

Monday, 3 February 1953

:arrow: King and Queen to attend Imperial Marriage in Valkany
His Majesty King Sven V and his Queen, Agneta of Suionia have confirmed their attendance of the forthcoming wedding of Emperor Demetrius XV of Valkany and Princess Ingeborg of Vestrland. The Royal wedding will take place on the 13th of February at Zessionsford's Saint George's Cathedral.

On behalf of the King, Karlheim Palace confirmed Their Majesties attendance with the following message to Valkany's authorities: "On behalf of the Kingdom of Arendaal, His Majesty King Sven V extends his heartfelt congratulations to the Imperial Family of Valkany and the Royal Family of Vestrland, as well as the people of both nations, on this most joyous occasion. Arendaal has long believed that bonds of marriage between states not only reinforce alliances, but breed harmony, understandings and peace between peoples. It is certain that this union is sure to bring both lasting happiness to the bride and groom, but also to their people and Europe at large. Their Majesties King Sven V and Queen Agneta would be honoured to represent Arendaal at this most happy event."

The statement's emphasis on the desirability of royal marriage alliances is a clear echo of the historic Aren use of such practices, giving rise to the prolific phrase "Let others make war, you, happy Arendaal, marry". King Sven V's own marriage with, Queen Agneta, who hails from Suionia, is credited with bringing the two states closer together.
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Nov 22, 2006
Emyn Arnen
ARNN - Arendaal's National News

Tuesday, 11th February 1953

:arrow: Stone Circle Unearthed in Thorvald
A stone circle, thought to have been built by Norse mystics in the early 6th century has been unearthed in the suburbs of the Northern city of Thorvald. Reports confirm that a crew of construction workers, taking time off from their busy whistling-at-any-passing-female schedule to engage in construction work came across immense, foreboding stones. "We immediately knew we had to stop work and contact the proper authorities, site manager Jonassen explained, gesturing wildly at the remarkable discovery. "Within hours, the place turned into an archaeological dig".

The site is expected to shed light on the murky period of Aren history, the so-called 'Dark Ages' preceding the Viking era, which has fascinated and eluded students of history for years.
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Nov 22, 2006
Emyn Arnen
ARNN - Arendaal's National News

Thursday, 13th February 1953

:arrow: Mysterious Stone Circle Gets 'Mysteriouser' - Could the end be near?

The mysterious stone circle unearthed near Thorvald on Monday has become the site of a major archaeological dig lead by the city’s University. Expert consultant archaeologists hired by the Ministry of Culture are also on the scene.

The most enigmatic creations of the Neolithic era, stone circles were built as far back as 3,000 – 2,000 BCE by communities across Arendaal. Originally thought to date to 500 CE, archaeologists on the scene have determined that the circle is, in fact, far older. “It may date to anywhere between 3,000 and 2,500 BCE,” leading archaeologist Professor Nissa Lundberg, Head of Thorvald University’s Archaeology Department told journalists from her position at the dig, “certainly no later.

As with other stone circles, the mysterious new site offers no evidence of human dwelling, nor does it contain graves. It reinforces the hypothesis that such locations were constructed for ceremonial purposes, or as a kind of talisman acknowledging and appeasing the power of the natural – or super natural world.

The construction workers who originally unearthed the site, meanwhile, have been giving interviews left, right and centre. One dishevelled worker has apparently eschewed his job and taken to standing beside the site with a sign reading “The End Cometh”.
Nov 22, 2006
Emyn Arnen
ARNN - Arendaal's National News

Thursday, 7th March 1953

:arrow: New Exhibition Unveiled: The Glorious Empire of the North

An exhibition surrounding the 'Golden Era' of the Empire of the North (1560-1735) is to open at the Aren Hermitage Museum today. King Sven V himself with be on hand to inaugurate the exhibition, which includes various art works - from paintings, to sculptures, handicrafts and other artefacts, including maps, jewels, clothing, letters, weapons and even farming implements from the period. The Empire was a historic entity encompassing most of Northern Europe between the 16th and 18th centuries, led by the Monarchs of Arendaal who reigned over vassal states as the Emperors of the North. Spurred along by Protestant zeal, the Empire is considered a golden age of artistic, scientific and technological innovation, a glittering bridge between the Renaissance and the Modern Era.
Nov 22, 2006
Emyn Arnen
ARNN - Arendaal's National News

Monday, 17th March 1953

:arrow: Blast from the past: Profile of the first Emperor of the North

In honour of the new exhibition on the Empire of the North (1560-1735) making waves at Emyn Arnen's Hermitage Museum, today ARNN brings you a special exclusive profile on the first Northern Emperor, King Kristian II of Arendaal. Incidentally, if you still haven't got round to viewing the astounding exhibit - full of masterpieces, glittering jewels and all kinds of paraphenelia - the Hermitage is extending the exhibit's run due to popular demand. As lines for the exhibit snake around the immense edifice of the Hermitage, formerly an Imeprial palace, the Museum's director has confirmed that the exhibition will run until September, rather than July as previously planned.

A ruler in profile:

was born to be a King. But his chances seemed dim once he converted to Protestantism in his 20s. When his aunt took the crown, declaring her nephew a heretic who forfeited the succession with his blasphemous ways, it seemed unlikely that the Prince - too young, too rebellious, too 'other' - would ever come to be King. Let alone would anyone have expected him to found an Empire which would bring a Golden era to Scania, uniting nations across Northern Europe under one ruler. But Kristian II never was much good at doing what was expected of him.

By the time his father, suddenly died (possibly poisoned) in 1550, Kristian II had openly converted to the Protestant religion. Attracting the support of Catholic nobles, his aunt seized the throne. Kristian, fearing for his life, fled north and denounced Katherine's policies towards Protestants. He claimed that he would treat subjects equally be they Catholic or Protestant (a claim which was not initially believed by the Catholic nobility), but Katherine rejected his right to rule and declared him a heretic.

Meanwhile, full scale war broke out between Catholics and Protestants as Katherine and her younger brother Bjorn III suppressed Protestantism and grievances turned bloody.

In 1549 Kristian married to secure the support of a foreign power. The Suionian King was young and easily swayed by Kristian's imposing personality and persuasive arguments. He would institute religious tolerance, not persecution. He would not burn books, let alone people. He would hold his Catholic subjects just as dear to him as those who embraced the Protestant faith. The Suionian monarch paled in comparison to Kristian - shrewd, intelligent, good looking, athletic, every inch a Prince. The manners of a courtier and the mind of a philosopher. Perhaps the former wanted to impress. Certainly, that is the effect that Kristian had on those whom he met - King or commoner, they would want, ever so desperately, to impress him. He was a man who was worth impressing.

At the Battle of the Cross in 1560, Kristian's forces defeated those of his uncle and he ascended the throne as King of Arendaal. His first official Act was dubbed the Edict of Bergen made Arendaal a Protestant nation but guaranteed religious liberties to all - most prominently Catholics and Jews.

Once crowned King, Kristian decided that Northern Europe sorely needed unification to deter further strife. The Protestant clergy of Scania hailed him the Great Unifier, urging him to take the title of 'Emperor of the North'. Kristian was crowned with this title in Svealand, a centre of Protestantism. Thus the Empire of the North was born in 1560, and would continue to flourish in Scania until its dissolution some two centuries later.

Kristian II proved to be a man of vision and courage. He adopted policies and undertook projects to improve the lives of his subjects, earning him great popularity. A declaration attributed to him is: "If God spares me, I will ensure that there is no working man in my Kingdom who does not have the means to have a chicken in the pot every Sunday!"

This egalitarian statement epitomises the peace and prosperity Kristian brought to Arendaal after a decade of religious war, and demonstrates how well he understood the plight of the Aren worker and peasant farmer. His forthright manner, physical courage and military successes also contrasted dramatically with the turbulent languor of the last Catholic Kings of Arendaal.

Tired of bloody struggles and material deprivation, Kristian's charisma won the day with the Aren people. He also expanded the grounds of the Hermitage (the site of the current popular exhibition on the Empire he founded), adding the Grande Galerie to the palace. More than 400 meters long and thirty-five meters wide, this huge addition was at the time was the longest edifice of its kind in the world. A promoter of the arts by all classes, he invited hundreds of artists and craftsmen to live and work on the building’s lower floors, a tradition that would continue for another two hundred years.

Although he was a popular ruler, Kristian became the victim of an assassination plot in 1570. He was stabbed by a fanatically passionate Protestant, Leif Armansen, who believed the King had been too tolerant of Catholics and 'heretics'. The Protestant obsession with 'heresy' had a great deal to do with the to the King's refusal to persecute Catholics, leaving many Protestant religious leaders insecure about their own position.

Kristian II was buried in Notre Dame de Emyn Arnen and was much mourned. A cult around his personality of emerged during the reign of his daughter, , who succeeded him in 1570. Subsequent monarchs continued the tradition of emphasising the reign of the benevolent Emperor and King Kristian II. Adeliza's long reign came to be known as a "Golden Era", marked by peace and boomming commerce that owed a great deal to the foundations laid by Kristian II.
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