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[ATTN: Ivernia] GODC

Jan 28, 2014
United States

Diplomatic Communique
(Confidential Until After GODC Application)

The Republic of Asylan wishes to ask of Ivernia the greatest of diplomatic favors. Ever since we had approached the Free Cities League with the desire to entire in a pact almost identical to your own they had suggest the creation of a greater pact between more nations especially including their own.

On the backs of their recommendations and previous connections we wish to ask for a recommendation to submit our application to the GODC pact.

The ideals and requirements of the Council are ones that we self identify with and we believe that our naval power and the great pride our nation takes in distributing humanitarian aid and economic assistance would be a great addition to the Council.

We look forward to your decision.

Department of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Asylan