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Behind the Frozen Doors of the North


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Jul 17, 2010
Kadriorg Palace
Royal Council Meeting II

Eino Mark was the young count of Seto, a tall man of Fenno-Celtic heritage, 27 years old. Before all this he was a Maths teacher at a high school in Kuressaare. He liked the city life, compared to the all rural Seto, but every month, he still didn't miss a chance to visit the county and the family's Manor in the northern regions of Virumaa as there was something magical in the tundra and the taiga, in the clean and crisp air, in the aurora and the arctic wildlife that always attracted him, which he jokingly referred to as "Boreal hypnosis". In modern Virumaa, the old counties and Duchies were still alive as part of the administrative divisions, but in reality, the count, duke or price-bishop/archbishop had no power as an elected prefect was the one administering it, but as a way to keep the land tied to its history and continuity, the regions still kept names like Counties, Dukedoms, Princely Bishoprics or Archbishoprics. Eino was a count, but other than being a member of the Royal Council it meant nothing, as even their own land, where the family had an elk farm, was very close to the average size of the private farms in the county, and small by the standards of the corporation farms.

He was here, at Kadriorg, as the count of Seto, as he inherited the title only a few months before after his father has died from a very severe form of lung cancer. As he has inherited the family's farm and the title, the Duke of Sakala, Paavo Tamm took him under his protection. Eino saw all of this with suspicion, as Tamm couldn't hide all his interest in him behind some form of historicity, as the jure, the Count of Seto was loyal to the Duke of Pohjamaad, the North, not to the one of Sakala, so he was already suspecting that he might be pushing him to sign off his farm into one of the corporations he was heading. He decided to led the Duke be, but always keep himself with the guard up, especially as he was now in the midst of what he called a nest full of adders.

"We cannot move forward without a preliminary vote! That is the custom!" yelled the speaker of the Royal Assembly, Aigar Rootare, who was moderating the meeting of the Royal Council. He was present there by the virtue of his post in the legislative, rather than the nobility of his ancestors. His yell woke Eino from his daydreaming. "How can it be stated on the record that we know whom to cross out without a preliminary vote?" he continued. "This is just wasting time! You all know that not me, neither Saar will gain a majority vote..." responded Paavo Tamm, who was seated to the left of Eino, loud enough to cover the auditorium in which the meeting was taking place. "Stop interrupting the elective process!" yelled Alvar Saar, the Duke of Raasiku, from the other side of the hall, who then turned towards the speaker and continued: "You all know me. I have given most of my life to see this country rise up from the ashes of communism. My father has fought in the National Uprising and he himself has killed over ten communists as he fought in guerrillas in the Raasiku mountains. The Saar family has given Virumaa many kings and many had successful, long, peaceful and prosperous reigns..." he stated, but he was interrupted by Paavo Tamm. "We are here to elect a king, not to present ourselves as politicians in an electoral campaign. Leave populism to them. You all know that the Tamm and the Saar families have given most of the Kings this country had. But this time, it is different, as you all know that Lounamaad, the south, won't accept a Tamm king and Pohjamaad, the north, won't accept a Saar king. It has been too much bad blood between us after the Virunian Winter of 1955 and sadly, I feel that we have learned nothing, even if we went through the communist regime of 1956 or the national uprising of 1957. That is why, while now I do understand the need to break the impasse, seeing us all here, I understand why the government has decided that its better to delay this election,"stated Duke Paavo Tamm. The people were in uproar, showing their discontent.

"Order! Order!" yelled the speaker to calm the people. "Your highnesses, if both of you now only want to attack each other, I can very well ban you from this meeting, because this behaviour is disrespectful for the other nobles in the room and for the representatives of the government and the civil society!" the speaker continued shouting. "We will move to a preliminary vote and we will see how we go from there. All of you are to come prepared with the candidate in mind and when you will be called you will enter the booth and tick on the candidate you support," he continued.

This actually took a lot more time than Eino thought as there were close to 70 members of Royal Council in the auditorium, and as much as he considered himself uninterested in all of this, he at least knew whom he didn't want to see as Apostolic King, and that included the dukes of Sakala and Raasiku, but many others too far too much time in that booth, as usually finding a name on a list and ticking it would need less than two minutes. As he was waiting, he could see that Tamm was talking with the others about the importance of not putting an old man on the throne, but his mind randomly flew away to 2nd degree equations and primitives, only to observe that his eyes met the gave of Koit Sokk, the leader of the reformist faction of the National People's Action. His turn came and he entered the booth and took the voting bulletin. He would not tick on any Virunian duke as he found many of them obnoxious, nor did he want someone who was very close to the regime. Could Matteus Kabin, the son of the count of Muntelene be a good candidate? They were his neighbours and he grew up with Matteus, but he couldn't see him as Apostolic King. Arvi Laas, the Duke of Saaremaa? Yeah right... that guy interacts more with elks with polar bears than people. Jaak Maimu, the son of the count of Kaleva. Hm... he knew him, he was very liberal and ecologist, he even went into a twatter row with the Justosians over a killed whale. He could have potential. Cardinal Laas or Cardinal Kuusik... He'd rather not. Robert Gunn... he nearly laughed. Some more Gunnish Clan chiefs which he didn't really knew. The King of Elben or of Neustria, the nephew of the king of Elben, the Eiffellanders. He smirked of the idea that there might be a slim chance to see an Eiffellander on the throne. In the end he put his tick on Jaak Maimu, the son of the count of Kaleva.

An hour later, the speaker counted and read the votes:

  • Alvar Saar, duke of Raasiku : 3 votes;
  • Hendrik Saar: 10 votes;
  • Aleksander Saar: 0 votes;
  • Einarr Saar: 1 vote;
  • Paavo Tamm, the duke of Sakala: 3 votes;
  • Olev Tamm: 8 votes;
  • Arvi Laas, the duke of Saaremaa: 0 votes
  • Evald Kabin, the count of Muntelene: 0 votes;
  • Matteus Kabin: 5 votes;
  • Karl Maimu: 1 vote;
  • Jaak Maimu: 10 votes;
  • Ando Aavik, the Duke of Riisvere: 0 votes;
  • Ivar Cardinal Laas, the Prince Bishop of Ugandi: 2 votes;
  • Feliks Cardinal Kuusik, the Prince Bishop of Loksa 5 votes;
  • Robert Gunn: 0 votes;
  • William G, Wilson: 1 vote;
  • Iain McDougall, Clan Chief: 10 votes;
  • Ambrose Cameron, Clan Chief: 0 votes;
  • Charles Augustus, king of Neustria: 0 votes;
  • Karl Maria VIII von Eschenbach, King of Elben, Grand Duke of : 0 votes;
  • Johann Maria von Eschenbach: 6 votes;
  • Albrecht III von Dietz-Hadamar of Eiffelland: 0 votes;
  • Friedrich, the Crown Prince: 2 votes;
  • Prince Phillip: 0 votes;
  • Johann: 1 vote;
  • Prince Wolfgang: 0 votes;
  • Prince Franz: 0 votes;
  • Prince Ludwig: 2 votes;