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Between the Devil and Three Seas


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006

Zmister could not help but let a slight smirk slip out as he watched his guest try and hide his annoyance at the KNP's chief's famous frankness. Yet deep down Zmitser knew he was being domineering ultimately from a place of weakness - his party needed the Kadikistanis more than they needed them.

For the sake of ease, Zmitser let the comments about 'Yiddish indoctrination' pass. He had rubbed shoulder-to-shoulder with enough Jews in Amstov to know they were not intent on world domination as Ivar and Banja Luka would have you believe. In fact, Trivodnian Jews were a parochial bunch, too scared to fight for their own nation they kept the Krasnislavians trapped in an artificial creation with them.

Zmitser picked up and swallowed one of the snacks - essentially pastry, meat, potato and root vegetables kept together by slop of varying viscosity - before downing another vodka shot. He had heard the Kadikistanis liked to drink, probably to escape the misery at home. Zmitser thought maybe here in Trivodnia his cousins across the border would ease up a bit. Then again, Moladzcheyna was hardly paradise.

"I am very aware there are two sides to every story, Mikhail, and I can tell you the Krasnislavian National Party is no fan of Chancellor Kahnemann's foreign policy either," Zmitser started, also lighting a cigarette, "there is no desire for war here - with you or the Jews."

Zmitser let the last point hang for a bit among the smoke clouds.

"If Krasnislavia is to be free and united, it must be through peaceful means. Krasnislavians here have suffered enough communal conflict to know it is not worth it. So guns and other weapons will be of no use to us."

Zmitser paused again, trying to judge Mikhail's reaction.

"Money however will be. As our assembly members are not taking their seats in protest, they are not getting their wages or allowances. The various court cases against will no doubt see fines as well as imprisonment."

As the second shot washed over him, Zmitser could start to sense he was on the verge of something historic. For decades Ivar had backed the Free State's Jewish elite over the Krasnislavians. As recently as the 1980s, Amstov and Ivar had collaborated against Krasnislavian nationalism. Yet the Christmas Crisis had changed all that, as Kadikistan threw its weight behind the openly anti-Semitic Raoul Farrago regime. Coupled with growing Krasnislavian discontent, Ivar had realised how it could Trivodnia most: by picking open old wounds.

Ministry of National Defence

It did not take long for news of the encounter between Eiffellander special forces and a local police department to reach the upper levels of government. One vodkas too many while celebrating their 'earnings' - 10,000 Eiffellander Marks was not far off the average Trivodnians yearly wage - and the policemen spilled all. Foreigners in a blacked out car speaking Yiddish with a camp accent claiming to be Retalian military personnel. Unexplained damage to the vehicle, which was driving only a few miles away from the scene of the murder. Bundles of cash in brown parcels. It had the makings of a good spy thriller, let alone a drunken bar story.

Incredulous colleagues were sceptical, until they saw the wads of notes for themselves. Dozens of drinks later, many would go home in an alcohol-induced stupor and forget. But soon talk would start whirling around the police station again, and one too many indiscreet conversations led the local chief eventually reporting what he had overheard to the National Watch, in return for a handsome sum of his own of course. Money made everything easier in the Free State.

It then went up the command chain to the Ministry of the Interior, which passed it on to the Ministry of National Defence. By the time the Free State Self-Defence Forces liaison asked the Retalian ROCC teams if they had been in the area at the time, it had been over a week since the incident. No doubt the perpetrators were long gone.

Regardless of what the Retalians answered, it would raise uncomfortable questions.

Altburg could be blunt and admit it was behind the killing of Duncan MacLeish, leaving Amstov in the awkward position of potentially defending a known smuggler at the expense of a key security relationship. Or the Retalians could admit they were along the Polesian coast - far from the Crotobaltislavonian and Kadikistani borders were they were supposed to be - but deny any involvement. Or th could insist they had nothing with it, leaving the killers still unknown.
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Establishing Nation
Aug 4, 2007
The Swissman

There were two ways the Trivodnians could escalate. Either directly to the Retalian liaison in Amstob, or through their own liaisons in Altburg. Luckily, they chose the first option, which allowed the Retalian liaison to politely acknowledge the receipt of the question and take some time to escalate and revert with an answer. Just to make sure that the information was correct and comprehensive. Additionally, the liaison requested additional information and details to get a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

The fact that the Trivodnians escalated this that high up the chain meant that this was no simple car accident or mafia war. It was a potential high profile liquidation of a high value target with diplomatic continuity hazards and political risks. All the lingvo Retalians loved in their daily routines.

The matter was that the National Defence Command Centre back in Retalia was aware of all the locations of all the Retalian ROCC teams in Trivodnia at any given time. This was a tightly controlled operation. And they knew at the time of escalation that no team was supposed to be present that far away from their main area of assignment and operational responsibility. The Polesian Sea was considered a potential threat for a flanking offensive through Ruthenia-Galicia, yet the probability of such a scenario was considered low and as such this vector was studied through more strategic and less tactical reconnaissance means.

The time taken to answer the question was necessary to provide a credible answer to the Trivodnians. Because if the Ministry of Defence could be sure that none of its assets were present, they did not know for sure if assets from other agencies could have been present. To not jeopardise colleagues, they had to inquire first.

So a request was issued to the Foreign Security Directorate, Retalia's main foreign intelligence gathering agency, on whether they had assets within the Polesian Sea at the time of the potential high profile liquidation of a high value target.

This did not take days. In fact, the escalation from the MOD to the FSD happened within 30 minutes of the Trivodnians escalating the question to the Retalian liaison in Amstov.

The FSD acknowledged the receipt from the MOD and, having no assets present on the ground, passed the information on to the Eiffellander ASdS. The two agencies were rather close to each other and the FSD knew that Eiffellander agents could pose off as Retalians. Just as Retalians could pose off as Eiffellanders. All that with fully legitimate papers and ID, not forgeries. The general gentleman's agreement between the two agencies was that when using each other's identities, the two agencies would not do so in highly sensitive situations. The two agencies would protect each other's reputational risks.

The questions from the Retalian FSD to the Eiffellander ASdS were as follows:
1) Request from Trivodnians to Retalians on the presence of Retalian Recon/Observation/Combat Control teams in the Polesian Sea area at the site of a HPL HVT (high profile liquidation of a high value target). No Retalian assets were present.
2) Were any ASdS assets present in the Polesian Sea area at the site of an HPL HVT? Was this an ASdS operation?
3) If #2 positive, who was the HVT, what was the operation about?

The answer from the ASdS was expected within 60 minutes from the escalation.

@Eiffelland @Trivodnia
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Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Staatsschutz headquarters
Trier, Eiffelland

The request for information from the FSD was received by the Abteilung Ausland (usually just called “Ausland” in Staatsschutz jargon). The question was expected. Well aware of the fact that the usage of Retalian ID papers by the ASdS team went beyond the agreements between the Staatsschutz and the FSD, it had already been decided not to mention that Duncan MacLeish was the target, despite the fact that he had been killed.

The whole operation to kill MacLeish was the result of an unwritten code of honour of the Staatsschutz: Nobody remains unpunished when he kills or tries to kill a Staatsschutz agent, when not through legal means then through illegal means. Directly and indirectly, MacLeish was responsible for the death of several Staatsschutz agents. In such cases, the Staatsschutz became as pertinacious as Eiffelland’s strongest and potentially most dangerous dog: The Rottweiler. This code of honour was not known to the government though. It was only known to the Staatsschutz people doing or having done fieldwork, or having been working for the Staatsschutz for a longer period of time.

As a result, the operation to kill MacLeish had not been approved by the government. The new government would certainly not have approved it; the governments under Von Seydewitz tended to give the Staatsschutz the reins to a large extent, but even then it was uncertain if it would have approved this operation because of the possible political consequences.

The answer that was given to the FSD was:

There were ASdS assets present in the Polesian Sea area, on a mission against a high member of a criminal organisation who was planned to be liquidated. Unfortunately, our assets made a horrible mistake. The wrong person was liquidated. After that, the mission was aborted. We are investigating how this could happen. The victim was an HVT, but the action was not planned as an HPL HVT, despite the fact that it turned out this way. The name of the victim of our mistake was Duncan MacLeish.


Establishing Nation
Aug 4, 2007
The Swissman

The Staatsschutz response was well received by the FSD and, after a good deal of metaphorical sighing, head shaking and facepalming, the information was immediately placed under the most strict of embargoes and kept strictly internal to a select committee within the FSD.

Information on Duncan MacLeish then was not disclosed to the Ministry of Defence. Instead, a scripted answer was provided with no further comments attached.

A mere 3-4 hours after the Trivodnian query to the Retalian liaison in Amstov, the following answer was provided from the Retalian Ministry of Defence.

The answer did not take long, after all, it was a rather common "back office" check and escalation. The Trivodnians did not provide any proof or evidence other than hearsay, so no physical investigation was performed. Until anything concrete was provided, the case would end at that.

* - * - *

to the


To whom it may concern,

Pursuant to your query on the presence of Retalian Reconaissance, Observation and Combat Control assets within the area specified by the Ministry of National Defence of Trivodnia on the shores of the Polesian Sea at the location of a vehicle accident and loss of life with a high likelihood of criminal nature, the Ministry of Defence of the Grand Duchy of Retalia has conducted an internal review and advises the following:
  1. All Retalian ROCC teams are accounted for and within their area of operational responsibility. The Retalian ROCC elements continue their daily work to strengthen and improve the readiness of the Retalian and Trivodnian states in the face of unchecked agression by the Kadikistani Union.
  2. Our preliminary inquiry suggests that no ROCC teams were present on the Polesian Sea shores within the exact area specified by the Ministry of National Defence of Trivodnia. Closest teams operate toward the KU and CBS borders where such borders are in relative geographic vicinity of the Polesian Sea.
  3. Claimed presence of Retalian personnel in the area can be due to three factors:
    1. Units going AWOL. This is judged as highly unlikely given the patterns of communications and reports which are conducted regularly by the ROCC teams to the relevant superior hierarchy. Should additional Retalian investigation into this be required, Retalia would dispatch an investigative unit of the Military Criminal Investigations Service to perform such a task. Before this, the Grand Duchy of Retalia would appreciate to receive any information or evidence collected so far by the Free State of Trivodnia into the matter.
    2. Unaffiliated personnel or physical persons pretending to be Retalian without cause or without proof. In which case the Retalian Ministry of Defence would be happy to contribute to an investigation, but cannot be held accountable for the actions of persons free to make any pretensions as they deem fit with such pretensions not backed by any proof or fact.
    3. Unaffiliated personnel pretending to be Retalian without due cause, but with proof. This means that the perpetrators were in possession of stolen or lost Retalian military IDs. Unfortunately, Retalian military personnel sometimes lose their IDs (neglect, loss, pick pocketing while out in civilian areas). Such IDs are cancelled by the Retalian MoD, but as they are "internal" documents, such information would not be automatically shared with Trivodnian authorities. Should the Trivodnian law enforcement come upon perpetrators with stolen Retalian military IDs, then the Grand Duchy of Retalia would be grateful for the Free State's assistance in questioning and investigating such individuals to source the origin of such IDs and terminate this channel within Retalia. We can only surmise that elements hostile to the relationship between Retalia and Trivodnia could attempt to use such a path to undermine our cooperation, something the Parties are well above of.
The Grand Duchy of Retalia views the strategic relationship with the Free State of Trivodnia as a cornerstone of our commitment to the free world in the face of communist aggression. As such, should Retalia's name be tainted by impersonators and hostile actors seek to undermine our relationship with Trivodnia, then we have a direct stake in assisting that this matter is brought to resolution.
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Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006

Yury Bogdanov smiled as he waved goodbye to the inhabitants of the Prince Jury III estate. From their crumbling balconies and smashed windows, the few people who had bothered answering the door when he rang waved back to him.

This decaying grey monolith was both a hotbed of Krasnislavian nationalism - and apathy. All too often the two collided, manifesting themselves as an aimless violence that achieved no purpose other to articulate a deep rage against the status quo. Few considered the ballot box, which Yury was most interested in, as a useful means of expressing protest.

Yet the quieter apathy - the absence of votes rather than the throwing of firebombs - could prove useful for Yury. The Krasnislavian politician was fighting to save his seat after being expelled from the Social Democratic Alliance for defying the leadership and entering clandestine talks with the rival Krasnislavian National Party. His constituency, which had long been in the hands of the Krasnislavian Social Democratic People's Assembly, one half of the SDA, would prove a tough battleground. For many, the idea of voting anything other than Social Democrat was incomprehensible.

Yet turnout in Trivodnian elections was abysmally low. By-elections were usually even lower. If Yury could mobilise enough supporters, and ensure enough Social Democratic voters stayed at home, he could maybe, just maybe, secure a victory. The veteran politician had a strong enough personal brand and national profile to be recognised to those even just vaguely interested in politics, which explained why he got a better reception than most who visited the estate.

Ministry of National Defence

The reply from the Retalians was hardly surprising. Few in the Trivodnian government or military believed that Altburg was interested or involved in the murder of Duncan MacLeish, and even if they were, even fewer believed they would admit any part.

Yet the fact trained killers were roaming the Free State pretending to be Retalian ROCC teams was deeply concerning. For one it suggested a knowledge of covert military deployments by the Trier Concord to Trivodnia - a hugely sensitive issue diplomatically and geopolitically, given Trivodnia's supposed constitutional neutrality.

Among some quarters, there was a suspicion Ivar was behind the attack. The murder was a not so subtle demonstration of Kadikistan's reach and power. They could act without impunity on Trivodnian soil, and more than knew there were guests they disapproved of right here.

For others, the obvious candidate was Eiffelland. It was the only government Trivodnia had told Duncan MacLeish was hiding in his villa along the Polesian coast. Trier had made clear it would not tolerate his continued presence. Besides, why would the Kadikistanis want MacLeish dead? Was Ivar really so deep in the pockets of Windhaven?

Yet Trier was not an ally Trivodnia could afford to lose, and so those who were suspicious would have to keep quiet.

The Ministry of National Defence shared with Retalia would share what had been given to local police: not much at all. Duncan MacLeish's identity was kept secret. In fact nothing about the victim was shared, just the alleged perpetrators. But the testimony of a few drunken cops was not a lot to offer.
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Kadikistani Union

Established Nation
Nov 2, 2006

The meeting wasn't going very well for Asurov as his counterpart did not seem very willing to budge even an inch. The Kadiko-Krasnislavian frowned deeply as Zmitser continued his statements. Luckely Asurov had the time to finish eating his delicious local snack just when the Krasnislavian in front of him stopped speaking. After quickly wiping his mouth and swallowing his food he decided it was time to share his conclusions so far. "Correct me if I'm wrong, mister Zmitser. The KNP wants the Union to be her financial donor, offering a steady lifeline and a war-chest for a possible prolonged political conflict." Asurov paused for a second, guiding his hand for yet another cigarette, giving him some time to think through his words. "While this prospect is definitely a possibility, I am struggling to see what you're offering in return. We respect and endorse your Party choosing the path of parliamentary democracy. It is not our intention or wish to influence you into taking up arms against Amstov. But what is to stop the KNP from abandoning the Union once their coffers are filled? What assurances do we have that the KNP will not continue the anti-Kadikistani discourse?"

Funding non-socialist movements or parties had become a part of the foreign policy in the recent times, but Ivar still drew the line if those movements were too critical for the Union. If Asurov would pledge a heavy investment by the Kadikistani Federation into the KNP only for the latter to continue sustaining the aversion for Kadikistan among Southern Krasnislavians he wouldn't make it until Winter. Taking the democratic path also meant that the destabilisation abilities of the KNP remained limited, which in turn limited the investment that Ivar was willing to make. The reformists knew that a lot could change in these democracies within a relatively small amount of time, even the strongmen tending to disappear over time. For all anyone could predict, however unlikely, the KNP could be a ruling party in a few years, strengthened by their coalition and turning their backs on their robbed benefactors. Even if Kadikistan would always have the blackmail option, the costs were still on the verge of being too great.

"Perhaps we could agree that there is no more need for polarization between Northern and Southern Krasnislavians?"


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006

Zmister sat there slightly bewildered. He felt he had been quite clear: the Krasnislavian National Party was not interested in conflict with either Amstov or Ivar. Providing what what was left of Trivodnia agreed not to try and retake the Krasnislavian territories it had not lost and Kadikistan promised to genuinely respect a newly independent Krasnislavia's integrity, Zmitser could not see why Krasnislavians could be friends to both nations.

"Mikhail why would there be any polarisation? If southern and northern Krasnislavians were once more united and living in the same homeland, they would be acting as one - as Krasnislavians, not Trivodnians or Kadikistanis."

Having once had the feeling of being on the cusp of achieving something historic, Zmitser was increasingly concerned Kadikistani intransigence would scupper any chance of cooperation.