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Breaking World News from the Republic of Phoenix

May 27, 2011
North Carolina
Today following last weeks assassination of Dictator Mohammad exciter and the overthrow of his 30 year reign of terror on the small Republic of Phoenix, The people elected, in their first ever free election, Nikōlasa Akbar from their capital city of Orissa to be their Prime Minister who hopes to bring prosperity through peaceful trade between his people and the countries boarding the republic.
May 27, 2011
North Carolina

Prime Minister Address the Republic of Phoenix
Orissa, Phoenix June 9, 20011-- Hours after being elected to his new position as Prime Minister, Nikōlasa Akbar is preparing to address the people of the republic.
In His speech he plans on Address rising concerns of how the new government plans to rebuild after the 30 year reign of Mohammad Exciter. He will address Economic goals, Political goals, and it is rumored that he will be calling for a new constitution convention to write up and propose a new constitution for the Republic. A call that will most likely sound like peaceful music to the citizens of the Republic of Phoenix, who just last week were dancing and partying in the streets as word spread of the death of Exciter, and with out a proper Heir to his seat his regime crumbled has it faced growing opposition from the locals all through out the republic.
About : Prime Minister Nikōlasa Akbar
A Local man who is now approaching 40, born in raised in the Republic's capital Orissa, says he remembers the day like it was yesterday when Exciter came to power, He says “The people were blinded by a hope that he would bring about peace and prosperity, once he took power, it was then that we realized we had made a mistake. He had already raised a massive army, so it was to late for us to stop his plans.”
Now with Exciter out of the power, A new beginning for this small republic, having only approximately 40 million people is on the horizon, As we all look forward to this new beginning with hopeful dreams, Waiting for this great man to bring his new direction to us.

Early next week we hope to have all of you the full transcripts of Minister Akbar's speech.
Stay tuned to us your one and only source for the news in the Republic of Pheonix

Xavier Laymon
Cheif Editor
RoP News

(source from the desk of the Prime Minster Press release)