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Colonial Reminiscing


Establishing Nation
Jan 5, 2010
Nuovo Porto
Nutty's better half
Lunette DeGinghs International Airport, Nouveau Port

This was largely overdue. It had been a few years since the last state visit. Many felt that, with the recent re-entry of Radilo into the EDF, it was appropriate to reaffirm the special relationship between the Third Republic and its mother country.

On the tarmac waiting for the Montemilan royal family were President Auguste, Prime Minister D’Anise, and their spouses.

This would not be the first Royal visit for Auguste… but it would likely be his last. He was pushing 90, and had been in public life for 70 of those years. He was likely to be the last Great War veteran to hold high office, and he was the last of the founders of the Third Republic to still be alive.

D’Anise, however, would likely see many more. She had grown up in the cradle of turmoil that marked the end of the Apartheid Regime, and the re-birth of democracy in Radilo.

They both though would feel old, though, next to the King and Queen…
Nov 1, 2006
Santa Clarita, Ca
Lunette DeGinghs International Airport, Nouveau Port

The Royal jet, a specially modified Be.2047, taxied to a stop. On board, Their Catholic Majesties, King Armand I and Queen Katerina of Montelimar. The Royal couple were making their first state visit to Montelimar's former colony, in fact it is the first royal visit since the birth of the Third Republic when King Francis IV came to show his support for the fledgling government and the final end of aparthied in Radilo.

Stepping, for the first time on Radilian soil, the the young King and Queen is greeted by the senior most elected officials of the the government.


Establishing Nation
Jan 5, 2010
Nuovo Porto
Nutty's better half
Lunette DeGinghs International Airport, Nouveau Port

“Bienvenue à Nouveau Port, Your Majesties,” said the Prime Minister, as she and the President bowed slightly.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Madame Prime Minister,” said the King. “And it is an honour to meet you President Auguste; my father had told me about what a great man you are.”

“Thank you your Majesty. When I met your father and grandfather, though, I was much younger… it’s a shame that Jacques* is no longer with us,” said the elder statesmen. Then turning to the Queen, “you are most beautiful your highness.” He bowed and kissed her ring, an old custom.

“If your Majesties would follow us we have a state dinner to prepare for,” said the smiling D’Anise.

Before the entered the heavily armoured Bugatti limousine, the six stood for a photo in front of the jet.

(OOC: Jacques Naljean was the founder of the Anti-Aparthied movement and the first democratically elected Prime Minister... he is going to be my Nelson Mandela stand in.)


Establishing Nation
Jan 5, 2010
Nuovo Porto
Nutty's better half
En route to the Capitol, Nouveau Port

“So, Monsieur President,” the young Queen Katarina started, “my husband told me you are a hero.”

The President smiled, “well, some would call me that, yes.”

“Well, I read about you in text books when I was growing up,” commented the Prime Minister.

“The Right Honourable Gentlewoman flatters me,” said the President looking at the Prime Minister. He turned to face the young Queen, “I did serve in the Great War, and I was a leader in the Himyan National Congress.”

50 years earlier

Jean took a swig of Hennessey for courage, lit the Molotov cocktail, and through it at the guards near the gate. The guards were reluctant to retaliate; the mob was more numerous than their bullets… and was ethnically mixed. To them, shooting whites would not have been good karma, so they just ran. The mob broke through the gate and stormed the Capitol.

They would be hold up in it for three days, and despite the Apartheid’s best efforts the whole world saw the ordeal. When it was finally over, Jean was lead out in handcuffs to a cheering crowd. He would serve only two years for starting the riot. He did not mind though, because he would join his friends and wife, the other revolutionaries, in prison.


Now he approaches the same Capitol in a limousine, but still to cheering crowds.
Nov 1, 2006
Santa Clarita, Ca
While Katerina made polite conversation, King Armand is quiet during most of the trip from the airport to the capita. Not that he was being rude to the Radilians, it was only had much on his mind. It is only when the Queen gently nudges him does he seem to return to the matters at hand.

"Forgive me, Madame Prime Minister, Monsieur President, my mind has been preoccupied as of late. With the troubles first in Aquitania, then with the problems developing in the Council of Nations concerning the Jurzan question, it has been difficult to relax. I did though promise my lovely Queen that I would enjoy my visit to Radilo, and I am determined to keep that promise."


Establishing Nation
Jan 5, 2010
Nuovo Porto
Nutty's better half
“It’s quite alright, your majesty. And I am sure you two will enjoy yourselves in Nouveau Port,” said the PM.

“Indeed, the nightlife of the capital will surely relax your majesties,” said the President with a grin, “The white tie banquette tomorrow evening should also be enjoyable, though the pomp may prevent such shanagans you might enjoy tonight.”

With that they arrived at the Presidential Palace, where the royals were to stay during their trip.


Establishing Nation
Jan 5, 2010
Nuovo Porto
Nutty's better half
Presidential Palace, Nouveau Port

"This is where your Majesties will be staying," said the young maid with a thick Surian accent, "If you need anything do not be afraid to ring me." The young lass bowed and walked out of the room.

"Not too bad," said the King, looking out the window, "what do you think dear... dear?"

"I'm changing." said Katerina from the boudoir.

"For what?"

"You promised me a wonderful night out," said the Queen, walking out of the closet, in a stunning evening dress.

"I did, didn't I," said Armand, smiling. He buzzed for the maid.

"Yes sir," she said over the intercom.

"I'll need a limousine."

"Yes sir. The President wanted me to tell you that he had made special arrangements for your Majesties."
