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Desperate Measures

Jan 9, 2019
Igor was seated behind the wheel of his little subcompact. It was the best those stingy MFs at the motor pool would give him. But for the mission, it would do. Once more Igor glanced up the street and into his rearview mirror. All was still clear as the dark shape of a woman moved up the sidewalk. And suddenly, the passenger-side door opened and a body climbed into the car from the dark night. It was Linoy.

"Report, operative."

"Comrade, I am getting closer. Today I actually worked with the Prime Minister for a good twenty minutes before she had to leave for a meeting with the Deputy."

"Worked with her? In her office? Were you alone? Did you get close enough?"

"Comrade, not just yet. But I will get closer. My supervisor says the Prime Minister likes having girls from the Tribe working around her."

Igor scoffed. "Operative, time is a factor."

"Do you have it with you?"

"Of course."

"Give it to me."

Igor reached into his jacket's inside pocket and withdrew a small bottle of clear liquid and gave it to Linoy. "What are you going to do, operative?"

"What must be done, comrade."