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Destructive Interference

Aug 30, 2009
Free State of Bavaria
ErAn, Franken, ArEn
Franconian Camp Alpha

As the Kievans were headed by a military-dominated top brass, Franken and her allies had decided to go by the old saying “When in Tibur, do as Tiburians do.” Thus Fieldmarshal Teslenko and his staff were received by the commander of the Franconian contingent in the Anti-Solaris effort, who was also one of the two deputy commanders-in-chief of the mission. Of course Generalmajor Christian Teufelsberg was duly authorized by the EDF Council to engage in talks with the Fieldmarshal.

“Herr Feldmarschall, it’s a pleasure you could make it in time,” Teufelsberg saluted, “Please take a seat. My adjutant will brief you on the current situation. Then we can discuss how and where Kiev could come in to keep Carentania from gobbling up the south of Solaren at our cost. If, yes, if you have additional resources to assist us with getting back at Engellex, we can discuss this, too.” There was no doubt among the EDF Kiev would pursue their own agenda in the middle or long run, yet its vast military capacities were an asset neither Franken nor her allies wanted to reject nonchalantly.