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EUFA European Football Championship 2012

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Establishing Nation
Jul 17, 2007
United Kingdom

Statement to EUFA Members

The European Union of Football Associations™ (EUFA) is seeking confirmation of associations that wish to take part in the 2012 European Football Championships and formally begin the process seeking a host for Euro2012™. The Championships will be the Seventh hosted in Europe and are due to take place between May-July in 2012.

In the current 16-team format, and because of the requirement that both final matches of a qualifying group be played at the same time, the practical minimum number of stadia is eight. At least one stadium must have a EUFA 5-star rating to host the closing ceremony and final, one other must have a 4-star rating or more to host the opening ceremony and first game. The rest need a capacity of at least 30,000. Also, concentrating more than two stadia in a single host city is likely to put severe strain on that city's transportation and lodging infrastructure. This means that host stadia must be located in at least four different cities - generally six to eight in practice, as few cities outside the capitals of most European countries have enough resident sports teams with attendances high enough to justify the existence of two large stadia. As a consequence, transport between venues for the teams and the large numbers of visiting fans is of crucial importance and often requires significant investment to improve road, rail, and air networks.

These demanding requirements make it increasingly difficult for small- and medium-sized countries to host a Euro alone. Joint hosting can offer a solution to this problem. With two co-hosts, each organising nation need only provide good transportation between three or four host cities and build or renovate four stadia, with a better chance of a positive return on investment. A large number of nations with smaller populations now have an opportunity to become hosts. An element of sporting fairness is also present, as co-hosting gives smaller countries with good national teams the same opportunity as their football equals with larger populations to earn a Euro berth without having to qualify.

Nations seeking to take part in Europe's largest sporting event can register their interest now, and must state their three-letter international sporting code. (ie, Polasciana - POL)

Nations seeking to host the tournament will be able to make a formal application from September 1st, but may register their interest now.

We look forward to your communication,

Andrei Yukaschenko
Acting-President, EUFA


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
North West Wales
[What, 2 months and no interest whatsoever?!? For shame, Europe, for shame...

Would obviously take part if I still RPed.]
Jun 21, 2007
Cakchiquel Football Association

The national Imperial Football Club (IFC) will represent Cakchiquel in the international cup.
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