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Forever lies Wieserreich's fate in the throne of the Thießens

Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Kaisertum Wieserreich. The Empire of Wiese - country so unique, so peculiar, with its own path to do things. Foreigners didn't understand. It was not a matter of nationalities or political ideologies, or whatever. It was clearly a matter of cultures. A Franconian would have nearly as much trouble understanding Wiese as a Kyivan or as an Oikawan would.

But what is the so-called Kaisertum? An "Emperordom." An Empire in the Wieserreich, the realm of plains and meadows between the Alps in the south and the various hilly territories on the border with Ascheburg and Franken to the north, spanning from Lusitania to the West to Sarmatia in the east. The name wasn't random - it was a geographic descriptor paired with a governing descriptor. The Empire was an Empire in the literal sense - a realm ruled by an Emperor, situated in the Wieserreich, or Wiese as English speakers called it.

A cluster of five electoral states and an underprivileged counterpart of theirs that had survived the collapse of the 725-year-old Holy Germanic Empire in 1644. There were one Kingdom, one Archduchy, and four Duchies. Overall, there were five sovereign monarchs in the country, with a total of seven sovereign monarchies if you counted the Empire itself. There was the King of Swabia for starters. Who was also the Archduke of Saxony since 1809, when the Saxon archdukes inherited the nominally superior Swabian throne. And then you had the junior monarchs, the Prince-Electors and Dukes of Schaumburg, of Braunschweig, of Mecklenburg and of Thuringia.

And then you had the Imperial Cabinet with the Reichsrat or Imperial Council, and the Reichstag or Imperial Diet. The government and two houses of parliament of this country. Each of the six Imperial States also had its very own government and diet too. And on top of that you had the military, the police corps, and several very powerful corporations in the hands of the powerful nobility of the country.

And yet... an Emperor. A truly superior, absolute force. The junior monarchs were virtually powerless before him, or so people thought. In truth they had power they never exercised. Was it out of fear? Was it out of profit? How come the coups of the past were almost never against him? Why did this seemingly diverse society work together? What could possibly be the glue in between the many different parts of this state? As you were raised by the remnants of the once-totalitarian successor of the most chaotic state Germania ever came up with, you would immediately be confused if you compared it to anything.

This place often gave the semblance of a democracy, but it certainly was not one: the Emperor was absolute. The Emperor was Wiese. Nobody wanted to argue against that - out of their own free will, none the less. The answer was simple: education. Like totalitarian communist and fascist states, Wiese had traditionally streamlined its education to make a terrifyingly fit and uniform education system, spreading the basic values of what it called "stratocracy" - a state ran by a military. Which it wasn't yet was, but this is another story.

There were three traditional values in this otherwise surprisingly... liberal-minded education system. They were coded well into the conscience of almost every child getting out of it. Unyielding loyalty to the Empire and your superiors, endless honour above everything else for both one's person and one's family, and lastly, and courage in life and death as well as war and peace.

Loyalty was often the most stressed - to some, it meant to the Empire as an entity, while to others it meant to the Empire as an idea. The communist KPW valued Loyalty as much as the nationalist DNF or the centrist KVP and the centre-right CDU. Each entity had very different political ideas, but at least nominally, everything stemmed from their loyalty to the Empire, whether that meant the land, its people, or the Emperor. Overall, education worked wonders. On first sight, it ended up showing Wiese as your archetypal disciplined, loyalist, German country that was ruled with the good principles of Dominican Catholicism, had a homogeneous population and virtually no social problems of any kind. Again, the impression you got is wrong, for you do not think like a Wieser likes to think. Wiese's daily culture was peculiar.

It was a culture that had its age of consent at 14 for both homosexual and heterosexual couples, its age of marriage at 16, and its age for both pornography and prostitution at 17. It was the country that allowed marijuana for medical purposes yet furiously cracked down on any illegal use of abused legal application of it. It was the country with the five political parties in the lower house of its parliament, the Reichsrat, which was democratically elected, that due to election laws they either had to work together or had to accept rule from the unelected, appointed upper house, the Reichstag. It was the country where you worked to produce, produced to enjoy, and enjoyed to work.

It was the country where 86 million Germans lived with 3.5 million Jews, 1.8 million Slavs, 900.000 Portuguese, just as many Oikawans, and yet just as many others from various other groups. Wiese was the country where men and women had to serve for 42 to 56 months of their lives, as soon as they turned 18, the Reichswehr or military, or its Landwehr reserves via a semi-voluntary conscription method, and then spent their lives until their 40th birthday or later as members of a paramilitary force, the Landsturm. For these masses that didn't -because around half the recruits ended up not to- there was the Volkswehr, or Civil Defence, which oddly enough was also a compulsory thing to do for several weekends or weekdays or whatever of your entire life, and which included the Landsturm.

In heart Wiese was a military with its own country. The term "civilian" didn't exist in the Wieser vocabulary - it was "citizen-soldier", as opposed to normal soldiers or "active-duty soldiers" and reservists or "reserve-duty soldier." For the Landsturm, the term "reservist soldier" was preferred. The military include the politicians, who often held military ranks, and so forth and so forth; the military essentially included all four previously mentioned bodies, it included the police, it included the tanks of the Imperial Army as much as it included the car of the prime minister and the Crown Jewels.

And at the top of it, the Reichswehr and the Landwehr. The professional, career military and its year-long manned reserve. The Emperor acted as its commander-in-chief, with no special rank - he was the Emperor, with the very constitution saying his word was law. Then there was the Generalissimo, a wartime rank for that Emperor who chose to not put his academic military knowledge in action; and so forth and so forth. And to make matters more certain for the Emperor, practically every high-ranking officer was a noble too, and if he or she wasn't born a noble she was ennobled upon promotion at a certain point of their careers. In the end, the entire ruling elite of the country, the entire business elite, and the entire population was, institutionally, member of two castes - the warrior caste, with the Emperor at its top, and the people's caste, with the Emperor at its top.

Nobles were a third caste, with the Emperor yet again at its top. Theoretically, he could rule like an absolute dictator; and definitely fail despite the assurances. Simply put, a bad Emperor without charisma would definitely be removed by the Prince-Electors and the army, if not the people out-right. One of the fundamental principles of this society was the Communist "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." A social state that could kick out its Emperor and his divine mandate, and elect a new one with the Prince-Electors. But this was very rare, for nobles above all else, were raised with the idea that they had as much social responsibility as they had wealth and power. And they should use it accordingly. Young monarchs-to-be and nobles are indoctrinated from an early age, to work for society one way or another. Most join the military and also do business.

This trend began in the 19th Century around the time after the Napoleonic Wars ended, and has culminated to a noble-controlled economy that effectively doubles as a state-controlled economy. Why? Remember: the nobles are the state and the military elite. And they have responsibilities to the society, such as charity and public gifts, as well as responsibilities to their commander-in-chief, the omnipresent Emperor. In the end, the Emperor is an inflated position. It's third to God, for the Pope is a tolerated second. The Emperor is elected by the five Prince-Electors even though succession is near-dynastic, to ensure that the Emperor is always a good, indoctrinated individual. An Emperor eventually obtains a cult of personality, if completely unwillingly.

The present one, Friedrich Wilhelm II or "Fred Willy" is a tolerant figure, a model of a lurking emperor who will seemingly never die -he turns 100 this year- and who uses his superpowers only when the theoretically perfect system malfunctions. Wiese is a well-oiled machine, where tradition and military practicality meld together to define society. It runs so silently, that many forget it is a machine; but when it malfunctions and makes a noise, the Emperor is there to fix that problem with his infinite wisdom. Infinite, because that is what the people believe; wisdom, because of the indoctrination he's had since his childhood.

The system has been efficiently evolving and changing for 1080 years and counting, with its problems showing up, plaguing the system, and eventually being assimilated or corrected one way or another. The Divine Mandate given by the Pope a thousand and a hundred years ago persists to this day. And if you think that this federal and constitutional monarchy with the autocratic functions side-by-side with equality and democracy looks as much of a fascist state as it does with a communist, you might be correct. For the Empire watches, and the Empire evolves like an unspeakable, lurking aberration that exists solely for the purpose of existing, its original purpose now long-forgotten.

Coming next: Excerpts from the Empire.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Strelitz, Mecklenburg
Otto, aged 24, was a classical example of unconventional Wieser youth. A member of the Communist Youth League of the KPW since he turned 16, he had been politically active for many years now. Even so he was at the top of his class with his grades ranking twelfth in the school, and a model student with good physical condition.

Otto's political activity had deeply upset his homeroom teacher back in High School, Mr. Ährenthal. For the nobleman-turned-schoolteacher, Otto was on a dangerous path - he was picking sides in a conflict that was not meant to be won and that could only hurt the Fatherland in unimaginable ways. Even so, young Otto did not seem to mind. His daily schedule of school-league-study-sleep was offering him enough excitement to speak of.

It was his time in the League that Otto enjoyed the most. Whether they were giving away flyers, collecting donations for the KPW or taking part in protests, Otto had the company of his friends Michi and Elise, his girlfriend Tina, and various other politicised acquaintances. When they weren't busy doing chores for the League, they would discuss politics and debate the future of their country.

"Did you hear the news?" asked Otto as he sat down in a cafeteria of Strelitz, the kind that attracted police investigations due to the amount of communists and anarchists that dwelled there. Mecklenburg had always had an authority problem in Strelitz.

"The Council of Nations is enveloped in debates on how to form some sort of... international bank, or something. Danzig wants an independent one, while the Talemantrines want one controlled by the CoN. Josef stated Wiese would opt out, apparently" continued Otto.

His company, consisting of his girlfriend Tina and their childhood friends Michi and Elisa, looked at him. Elisa spoke excitedly.

"Yes! Finally, they are doing something that makes sense. The last thing we need is to be sold out to those... bankers. Such a small state with so much purchasing power. Danzig unnerves me."

"Oh, I think Danzig unnerves many people. It's the best example of capitalism out there. Free market, yadda yadda... and, what, a day after Talemantros proceeded to do amendments to Danzig's IMA proposal, speculators start attacking it. Now, I am not good with macroeconomics, but I am certain that there is a political link here" commented Michi.

Tina, the most economics-oriented of them all, nodded. "There probably is. But this IMA is a dangerous prospect. I am sure the capitalist ruling elite will use it in order to gain economic control of whichever country tries to borrow from it" she stressed.

"Ah-ha, think that Josef was right then?" Otto grinned, pinching his girlfriend's side. "I wouldn't think you would agree with a royal. You of all people."

"Hey! I didn't say that!" Tina protested loudly. "It's just that the sovereignty of states is, indeed, threatened. If other countries opt out as well, but still see sense in the IMA's concept, they're going to form something smaller and tighter just in case. Just wait and see. It will probably be the AGE or the Sarmatians. Maybe even the EDF. You guys all know how all these alliances work, and they most certainly don't work with barter or socialist welfare in mind."

"Ah, and then they engineer a financial crisis and bail someone out. How typical" said Elise boredly.

"Precisely. Then they will go "deinflate, deinflate" and start buying whoever was unluckly enough to get caught by their scheme even more cheaply" nodded Michi.

"I think we should move to do something about this" proposed Otto triumphantly. The rest looked at him with wonder.

"I mean, why not a protest? We all went to last week's peace protest. Why not speak to the secretariat and see if we can arrange something over this IMA? Make sure that our government stays out of it, or anything else-- you know."

"It's too early for a protest" replied Elise. "But it's not too early for some extra flyers. I'll call Marianne, see what I can arrange."

"Aw, great, more flyers" Michi joked. Tina and Otto laughed, but he got just a smile from Elise.

"Then bring some music. Or your guitar. Let's see if your singing can attract some extra attention" she teased.

"Michi's singing? Now that's going to attract some attention. I can see it in Wieserreichische Welle now... "Sonic-bomb terror in downtown Strelitz, anarcho-communists responsible." And then we have the police in our tails" grinned Otto.

"Hey! My singing isn't that bad! And besides, we already have police in our tails, I bet we do!" Michi protested.

The rest grinned. Elise would also nod, if she didn't want to give her relation with the police away.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
(East) Elbebruck, Saxony
The Free and Imperial City of Elbebruck, once among the gems of the Holy Germanic Empire, had once been the richest Free City on the River Elbe, all the way until you reached the rich port-cities of the West Germanic Federation all the way to the West.

For centuries the city lied strategically right on the border between the Archduchy of Saxony and the Margraviate of Saxe-Sargans, the Free and Imperial City of Einsiedeln, and the Price-Abbacy of Einsiedeln. Even after Saxe-Sargans and Einsiedeln became Saxon fiefs, Elbebruck prospered independently, directly below the Emperor, until the 1782 reforms.

By controlling the best land passage from Saxony to Wendmark, as well as a fine spot on the Elbe towards the sea, this powerful Imperial city-state had once been the envy of the western parts of the Empire.

From 1848, however, troubles were brewing. The city, torn asunder by the river, had two main populations; Protestants and reformist Catholics at its west side, and loyalist Catholics in the east. Eventually, in 1858, the city was divided in East and West, with West Elbebruck going to the newly independent Wendmark and East Elbebruck remaining on Saxony.

Since 1848, the population of the city had been divided between republicans and monarchists. Since then, republicans and monarchists met every year, the same day, right at the central bridge of the city that connected East and West, and exchanged curses and provocations. In 2010 the habit persisted, though by now it was only a good excuse to get drunk in an annual holiday and festivity.

It was not as light-hearted for every Elbebrucker, however. The 54-year-old Stanislaw Dalitz, a Saxon of Wendic background in East Elbebruck, was a ripe example. He was a low-level civil servant, targeting for attaining hereditary low-level nobility even if it was a mere von before his surname; not necessarily Edler von or Ritter von or whatever.

Dalitz and his family were pious Catholics, loyal monarchists, and strongly considered themselves "Wendic Germans". Their ideals, best represented by the right-wing DNF -the German National Front- were shared by many of the more conservative Elbebruckers.

The DNF enjoyed a stunning 25% support rating in Elbebruck; the highest in Saxony and Wiese alike, for any single Imperial City or other county-level administrative division. Although third to KVP and CSU in Saxony, in places such as Elbebruck, Saxe-Nichtstein and other counties formerly belonging to Saxe-Sargans and Saxe-Ensiedeln until 1858 saw DNF reaching popularity levels that made it even second. Some border villages even saw it as the first and most popular party.

The reason for all this lied on the other side of the river. Many conservative and nationalist locals, strongly monarchist in their politics, opposed the very notion of the Protestant-majority "free Saxony" on the other side beyond them. The daily provocations by "free Saxon" media were intolerable.

These secessionist rebels had no right to call themselves Saxons: Saxony was an Imperial Archduchy, and their state was called Wendmark. They were Wendmarkers, many of them Wends, and the vast majority of them heretical.

It was not a matter of language, dialect or religion in the end. It was a matter of national identity. For people like Stanislaw Dalitz, cultural Saxons were strictly the Catholics of Saxony, Mecklenburg, and Wendmark. The Protestant Wendmarkers were a dangerous threat to their city's independence. 1848 would not be forgotten.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
For over a thousand years, this Council had stood as one of the most powerful entities in Europe. With a simple, yet amazingly strong function, the Council of the Prince-Electors of the Holy Germanic Empire had survived peace, war, destruction, reform, and lived on like a hulking undead beast well into the 21st Century, almost 11 centuries after the Empire was founded.

Its single real purpose was to elect the Holy Germanic Emperor ever since the 10th Century AD. And although this council was holding a formal meeting most likely once or twice in a lifetime -the last one had been held in 1941- it was regularly convening informally, its members turning it in some sort of secret society from where they could rule the world.

Five people still held the title of the [wiki]Prince-Elector[/wiki]. Originally seven, with three Princes of the Church and three worldly Princes, since 1782 it had been fully secularised with only five worldly, hereditary Princes remaining. That was the Prince-Electors of Braunschweig, Mecklenburg, Schaumburg, Swabia and Thuringia, also monarchs of these petty states.

Somewhere in mountainous Mecklenburg, Wiese
The château of the Duke of Mecklenburg held several special guests today, and unusually ultra-high security for the old, ageing building in the Meckleburg Alps. It was not of the grand kind of châteaus, but the indisputably old ones instead.

The five Prince-Electors sat around the round table with their teas; here were Friedrich Wilhelm, Emperor of Wiese, King and Prince-Elector of Swabia and Archduke of Saxony; Elisabeth Marianne, Duchess and Princess-Elector of Braunschweig; Franz Ferdinand, Duke and Prince-Elector of Mecklenburg and host of this privy meeting; Gustav, Duke and Prince-Elector of Schaumburg; and Joseph Ferdinand, Duke and Prince-Elector of Thuringia.

The majority of the attending were rather old. In fact, the Swabian and Saxon monarch would turn 100 very soon; two others were well past their years of prime as well, with one yet to reach 45. They sipped their tea calmly, discussing matters of Imperial interest and making recommendations to their optimus, the Emperor, King and Archduke.

At least until the old matter of Imperial succession was brought up.

"What about Imperial succession and continuity?" asked the Duchess of Braunschweig, the youngest of all here. She was turning 42 this year. Her words got her the uneasy gaze of the four elder people of the table.

"What about it?" asked Gustav. "Karl Maximilian of Thießen is King. The succession line is guaranteed" he muttered. The Emperor stayed silent.

"The thing with Archduke Karl is that he is turning very old. No offence your Majesty; it is just that your heir-apparent is already 78" argued Elisabeth.

Friedrich Wilhelm nodded silently as Gustav protested. "Even so" he argued, "there has never been a removal of Kingship ever since the 18th Century! Resignations is another thing, but we all know Karl will never resign his succession rights!"

agreed the Emperor.

"What I am trying to say, is that we should prepare for the future nevertheless" argued back the Duchess. "The Imperial line is guaranteed. Certainly. Nobody disputes that, and nobody would vote for another candidate to be elected King or Emperor at any time in the future" she said passionately. Everyone but the Emperor nodded silently.

"What are you saying then, Elisabeth?" asked Franz, the second-youngest of the group. Gustav looked at her with the impatience the Weilburgs were known to have.

"I am saying that we have some business long overdue. This Council was formed under Papal mandate to elect the Emperors in the 900's. Years before that, our predecessors were still electing something we have not elected in over four centuries" she said with a dark gaze.

The Emperor smiled as Gustav arched his eyebrows.

"A King of the Germans!" the monarch of Schaumburg exclaimed. "A King of the Germans that will be crowned Holy Germanic Emperor! But there hasn't been one in almost 400 years!"

Uneasy silence followed as Elisabeth nodded with a smile.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Somewhere in mountainous Mecklenburg, Wiese
The unofficial summit of the five Prince-Electors continued in the Duke of Mecklenburg's château, though matters had been gradually moving from the typical matters of financial, social, military or diplomatic interest to something rather unusual: tradition. The matter at hand had not been discussed in these circles for decades, if not centuries in the least.

Franz Ferdinand of Mecklenburg shook his head negatively at the conclusion of Elisabeth Marianne's suggestion. Likewise, Joseph Ferdinand of Thuringia did the same, speaking first after the unusual proposal.

"There is no reason to disturb the dead. The Kings of the Germans and the Holy Germanic Emperors are a thing of the past. The only thing that could achieve today is to probably piss off the independent monarchies and republics that exist in the last official borders of the Empire" argued Joseph Ferdinand.

Franz Ferdinand, the host of the meeting, shook his head in agreement, though his words appeared oddly supporting of the Princess-Elector's argument. "...An unofficial independence. Nobody formally acknowledged the formation of Eiffelland and Danmark as independent countries after the War of the Roses. And both are pretty important to our foreign policy, no?"

"Vital, even" added Joseph Ferdinand.

Elisabeth Marianne did not reply immediately. She had a few things she could say, but none would qualify as a serious and thus valid argument at this time. Before she could react otherwise, the Emperor broke his silence.

"No matter how you put it, there can be only one Emperor at a time" spoke Friedrich Wilhelm. "If a King of the Germans is crowned, either we will have two Emperors-elect in line to succeed me, or a second person with the exact same powers as I that should be crowned immediately."

"We need to clarify these technicalities whether we proceed with Elisa's proposal or not" suggested Gustav of Schaumburg.

"It is true that Eiffelland and Danmark might be alienated, as these two are the only remaining countries in Germania to never have formally acquired independence from the Empire, but if we do not make explicit claims, there should not be trouble. Same would go to any unfinished businesses we might have with the Protestant secessionists" argued Elisabeth.

"A valid argument..." the Emperor agreed.

"Crowning a Holy Germanic Emperor should only provoke tensions with Oltremare. It is the only country that might have explicit issues with a reborn title, if only out of the spite and malice they choke on"
spoke Gustav. "So... should we commission a more formal study of the proposal?"

Most shrugged. Only the Emperor remained completely idle and observant, and Elisabeth Marianne spoke in favour of her suggestion.

"A study would never hurt. I personally find that it will be a bold prestige-raising move, Your Majesty" the woman spoke.

"That, or a mark that this land is turning desperate for attention" Gustav argued.

Friedrich Wilhelm of Saxony and Swabia chuckled. "Elisabeth, you may proceed with the study, but only as a private venture. Gustav, if you wish to prove her wrong, just commission a study of your own. Let this Council no longer be bothered by the old ghosts" he demanded with a smile.

Both of the two lesser monarchs frowned and nodded respectfully, glaring at each other. "Your command is the law, Your Majesty" spoke Elisabeth, with Gustav staying shorter in his words. "Yes, Sir" he replied.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Schönbrunn Palace, Augsburg
The majestic palace and traditional summer residence of the Wieser Emperors was buzzing with life this day in the middle of September 2010. Not because of the princes and princesses that were usually visiting - in fact, Eleonore was still in Makai, her cousins in Mecklenburg, and her brother in Saxony. Instead, the visitors were royalty of another kind, in an unofficial visit.

Again did the Prince-Electors meet together in the Grand Ballroom of the Palace. The soft music of Vivaldi was dominating the air, as the five high lords of the Empire discussed their matters at hand. Today, the dominant subjects were classical music, war games, ballistic missile tests, Tyskreich, and the side-project of Duchess Elisabeth and Duke Gustav.

"...Your Majesty, if you allow us a brief moment" spoke Elisabeth in a diplomatic tone, standing up with her glass of champagne at hand. The century-old Emperor watched with unchanged facial features, as everyone turned their attention towards the youngest of the five.

"Gustav and I decided to jointly proceed with the study regarding the old Imperial titles that you allowed us to commission, and, in unison with Franz and Joseph, we decided to present you with a united, singular approach to the matter" spoke the Duchess and Electress of Braunschweig. The first-name basis of the five people attending here was astonishing.

The Emperor sat still, his walking stick at hand, and listened patiently, with an almost grandfather-like look.

"This is still unofficial, however, in light of your centennial birthday anniversary, we wish to present you with the utmost honour and respect that can be bestowed upon someone in the Empire" said Elisabeth. "We wish to elect you King of the Germans."

Everyone looked at Friedrich Wilhelm with anticipation. This meant that there would be a formal Electoral Council, if he chose to assemble it; the first since 1941. In it, they would have to elect not one, but two Kings, and subsequently make not one, not two, but three proper coronations. Nevertheless, this was not without political ramifications.

After a few long seconds, Friedrich Wilhelm smiled. "My Lady, Gentlemen, your cunning never ceases to astonish me" he said in a deliberately silly-sounding manner. The Dukes smiled uneasily, understanding this idea had probably crossed the non-senile old man's mind before it had crossed theirs. "However, there are political concerns to consider, no?"

This was right; electing a King of the Germans, and crowning a Holy Germanic Emperor was bound to cause concern. Pretty much every single neighbour of the Kaisertum would have something to say about this, and the pesky German National Front might even use this for propaganda purposes. Those populist fascistoids annoyed the higher class of the Empire almost in perfect harmony.

Elisabeth Marianne nodded at her Lord's words. "It is a birthday present, your Majesty, and the restoration of a historical title we have exclusive rights to. You shall be the last Wieser Emperor to reign, and the only Emperor to bear both Imperial titles in your lifetime" she said courageously.

Friedrich Wilhelm looked at his glass of wine, thinking. "Perhaps we could..." he mused, and frowned before shutting his eyes. Ever since he was a child, he had the ambition of being crowned a Holy Germanic Emperor; but there were many technicalities left unresolved. Most importantly, the Holy Germanic Emperor and the Wieser Emperor were not two distinct positions and titles, but one.

"...Perhaps... Perhaps we could pull this off, softly and calmly" Friedrich Wilhelm concluded out loud. "There is no need to waste money on costly and meaningless ceremonies, as if we resurrect a long lost title. No, my friends; the title is already in use, but simply not exercised as such. All we need is a Decree of the Council of the Prince-Electors; some renaming, in effect, for past, present, and future."

Gustav then stood up as well, raising his champagne high. "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Kaiser!" he proposed. "Long live the Empire!" spoke Elisabeth Marianne straight afterwards, and everyone was raising their glasses. This was an important meeting for this group of people, a secret society hiding in plain sight before everyone and everything else in existence. It might seem meaningless, but it served in order to immortalise their goal, and bring it one step closer to completion.

And amusingly, this was coinciding with the Germanischer Bund. Such an idealistic project, such a powerful one; Wiese was one of the main backers of the proposal, and had the initial idea as well. But this was no thinly disguised attempt to proclaim a new, third Heiliges Germanisches Reich. It was simply coinciding, even though the Bund and the Reich were in the same page in the enlightened's book of ideas.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Schönbrunn Palace, Augsburg

It was just a few hours since Friedrich Wilhlem II had returned from his mini-vacation in his Wendmarkish property. The visit had been planned without advance warning, and took place totally incognito; it was just a way for the ailing Emperor to relax a little. He deserved it. All these traditions, expectations and necessities coming with his position were leaving him less time than he would like for himself.

Ever since the 1980's he had been formally "on retirement". Tradition didn't permit him to resign his commission; that would have been a terrible, unheard-of precedent. Almost all Emperors that ruled this country since it was formed had died in office. Those few who had not were either usurpers, or had fallen to usurpers and failed to defend their honour with their lives. Friedrich Wilhelm could be no different; his people expected that much.

And yet, as the Emperor, even though he had made his son an effective Co-Emperor for two or three decades now, he still had a mountain of duties. He still had the final say in just about everything, and him being a control freak as he were, he wanted to know everything he was about to sign. This bureaucracy, this chaos... he had hated it since his childhood, but had found himself powerless before it.

Now, the man who would soon turn 102 years old was sitting at his desk, half-asleep and half-awake as he was thinking over the more recent troubles. In this country, it was always domestic politics. Few cared what happened beyond the Empire's borders; KVP wanted to be ahead of CSU, CSU wanted to be ahead of KVP, and just about every foreigner bothered with colonies. Or so it seemed.

And you also had the Catholic clergy raising support against homosexuality and the associated civil unions, a controversial issue that had taken years of hard debates and even demonstrations to resolve. The progressives wanted it, the conservatives hated it, and the communists considered it a capitalist vice. To make matters worse, the army had traditionally rooted for the conservatives on this issue.

In the end, the issue had been resolved by Imperial decree; almost unheard of, the Emperor nowadays to dictate whether it was legal to be gay or not! Although in power since 1930, Friedrich Wilhelm had not used his decrees to any great extent, instead building a reliable tradition on political governance of the country, eventually from usually elected representatives.

The old man's eyes scanned the world map under the glass of his desktop. He eyed Germania, then Gallia, then Sarmatia. He considered the relations with the EDF, the East, the enemies of the EDF who were on less-than-hostile terms with Wiese. He sighed unhappily. He was too old for this, nowadays. Decades too old for this. A sad truth he could not get this country to comprehend.

The door opened without a knock, making the Emperor look at it with interest. It could only mean one person in the world: the very same person who was saying "Grandpa!" with this delighted, honest, genuine voice. Eleonore, who would someday succeed him or his immediate successors. He smiled back at her, stood up, and hugged her as he admired how much she had grown up.

"Grandfather! I did not know you had returned" spoke the young Princess. Clad in the military uniform of the Imperial Army Academy, she had probably arrived in Augsburg for some break time. Her hair was shorter than when he had last seen her; it was also undyed, but still blonde. Rare, and a nice match with the black and gold military uniform of the Academy.

"...Eleonore. I did not know you were in Augsburg. How are your studies in Magdeburg?" asked Friedrich Wilhlem. "...Look at you. For a girl, this officer uniform really suits you" he smiled with pride, then recalling how this little devil had always failed her grandfather's -his son's- expectations and turned out to be as feisty as he himself had been.

"...Oh, I arrived yesterday. I was hoping to surprise the family and all" Eleonore smiled. "Magdeburg is interesting and all. This semester we finished the theory-heavy subjects and started our field training as well. And, summer vacation is coming soon. I might get a week or two" she explained, though she clearly hoped for more time off than this.

And if she wanted it, she could claim it. Friedrich knew Eleonore was impulsive. They were 83 years apart, and yet their personalities were a nice match. However, this girl had a sense of self-control Friedrich lacked at her age. Last summer she would be complaining about her own choice to attend the Army Academy; now, she was reducing her own holiday to get extra points and what not.

"Such a hard worker, such a hard worker" smiled the Emperor. "Don't overwork yourself, my dear. You have a lifetime of difficulties ahead of you. After all, even if you are somehow not elected Empress, you will inherit Swabia and Saxony" he lectured. "I know it is difficult, but it is the sacred duty of--" he continue, but got interrupted.

"--the sacred duty of our House to lead the Empire as a light in the dark. I know, grandfather" Eleonore smiled politely at her great-grandfather. She was a covert atheist and a progressive, but her royal blood gave her duties. "When the time comes, I'll have a plate full of trouble and nonsense. I know, I know" she added with a melancholic smile.

Friedrich Wilhelm smiled back with reluctance. "...well, bullshit aside... it is a sacred duty. There need not be a God for it to be sacred. A hundred million trust us with this country. To fail them, would be to repeat the errors of Maximilian the Weak" he said encouragingly. History was always one of his and Eleonore's favourite subjects, and Maximilian, a distant ancestor of theirs, was among their dislikes.

Eleonore grinned back. "Grandfather, if I wanted to recite the causes of the War of the Roses, I'd be staying in Magdeburg now" she scolded playfully. "I am here to offer you a cup of tea, a game of chess, and maybe some whiskey while Karl is not paying attention" she winked. Her gaze was sufficient to make the ancient monarch look at her like a child for a moment.

Friedrich Wilhelm coughed. "Eleonore, you should not call your grandfather by his first name" he smirked. "But a glass of whiskey on the rocks would be nice, while he's away. That boy is so tense" he then chuckled. Standing up, he patted his great-granddaughter's shoulder and smiled at her. "Lead the way, Princess."
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Schönbrunn Palace, Augsburg

"Seriously now..."

The Emperor finished his cup of tea and sighed at the sight of his desktop. Underneath the glass lied a world map, one he had not replaced for decades now. The up-to-date map was on the wall, of course; this dated back from when he last changed this desk, back in the 1970's or 1980's. His eyes resting on Lorraine, he sighed again.

His favourite Eleonore was in Lorraine. The great-grandchild he selfishly came to love the most was serving her military service as an Imperial Army Academy cadet; and by her own request, she had been taken to Lorraine in an under-the-table deal between Trier and Augsburg, to ensure that the otherwise peaceful militaristic empire remained up-to-date with warfare.

Several hundreds of cadets and professional military officers had been sent in this exchange programme. Political necessities meant they had to wear Eiffelland's uniforms, but their accents and looks were unmistakeably... Swabian, Saxon, Franconian. Wieser. Not Gothic, like of Eiffelland. A different brand of the same old Germans. Subtle differences you would see if you lived all your life pointing them out, like Wiesers often did.

He was risking a lot with this, and Friedrich knew it. Wiese was supposed to be completely neutral, not neutral with favourites. But how could he convince anyone to turn a blind eye on their beloved co-inhabitants of Germania? Although pan-Germanism was banned, the Germanian nations were seen extremely favourable by many Wiesers.

Yes. Even these "Wendish hillbillies" and "corny Eiffellanders" and "cocky protestants" in Franken. Even the Danes, who were all but German. There were bonds, bonds of hundreds of years. For all their differences, the German countries had their similarities as well.

As his father had once told him, "for a true German, the only one who has the right to beat a German up is another German". In other words, it was bad if, say, Franken was attacked; unless it was, say, Wiese attacking. That was forgiveable, by Wiese's old ways of thinking. "Germanian affairs; not for the rest of the selfish, cruel, dastardly world."

Picking up the phone, he dialled a number for his routine Imperial jobs. But Friedrich Wilhelm had his old mind elsewhere; he had it with his family, scattered across Germania as it was, and with the member in the greatest danger right now. Eleonore. Really, when would she return? She was one of the last who visited him frequently anymore.

"Ja? Herr von Baden?"
the Emperor spoke as the other person picked up.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
CEO's Office, KIW Headquarters
Preßburg, Saxony, Wiese

Archduke Franz Ferdinand, first-born son of King Karl and eldest grandson of the reigning Wieser Emperor Friedrich Wilhelm, sat at the chair of his desk, scribbling his notes quietly. KIW was a busy, massive corporation with vast international holdings; and the most recent European war made it -and him- even richer and busier.

He was often characterised to be "Wiese's busiest man" and "the Empire's most aligned royal" by merit of his position as CEO of the Kaiserliche Investitiongruppe, open support for the Imperial People's Party, and second place in the line of succession to the throne; right behind his father.

The phone ringing prompted him to quickly and busily leave his pen and answer. "Hier spricht Thießen" he answered, the familiar voice of his Arnen wife Lena on the other side of the line.

"Franz!" spoke Lena on the other side of the line. "I am sorry to call you this early at work, however I wanted- no, needed to speak to you about Eli" said the merry, accented voice on the other end. Franz looked at the time; it was not even lunch break yet.

The middle-aged German man smiled. "Certainly. I can always spare a moment if it comes down to my lovely daughter. What has she done this time?" Franz asked. He pushed away the papers and wore an even bigger smile; for Lena to call him like this, it must have grown completely out of hand.

Lena cleared her throat worriedly. "Eli..." she said, her voice suddenly growing darker. "She is not in Magdeburg apparently. Not in the Academy, not in any of her estates. She has simply vanished from the face of earth!" The concerned mother frowned on the other side, as did her husband. They sighed simultaneously.

Franz remained speechless for a few moments, covering his face with his palm. "...I thought she was quite serious about her studies. What does the Academy have to say? Did you call?" he asked Lena, who was quick and ready to reply.

"...Oh, I have. I have. The head simply stated that 'Cadet Eleonore von Thießen is currently unavailable'. Unavailable! And all her friends simply refused explaining where she has been!" Lena cried on the other side.

Franz sighed loudly. "...Alright, do not worry. Eli has always been running away from home. If she did it this time it will be nothing bad, she is old eno--"

"This is not about her being old enough! Franz, consider the risk! And the irresponsibility! If she has ran away this time--" said Lena, as the two were interrupted by Franz Ferdinand's secretary Olivia.

"Hang on a moment, Lena. Yes, Olivia?" replied Franz.

As the young lady walked in after knocking, she carried a white envelope with military stamps all over. "Your Highness?" she asked. "A letter just arrived via military courier, personally addressed to you. The sender is an 'Immanuelle Nareath'" she said, handing over the envelope.

Lena grunted on the other side of the phone line, not appreciating the interruption; she could barely hear Olivia anyhow.

The Archduke blinked, nodding at Olivia appreciatively. "Thank you, you may go" he replied emptily. As the secretary left, Franz stared at the envelope before asking his wife about this.

"Lena... Do you know any Immanuelle in your House?" he asked curiously. He slowly cut the envelope open as his wife shrugged as well. "Immanuelle... Just Eli. But a Nareath? None comes to mind just now" Lena replied.

Franz opened the letter, skimming over it quickly before he sighed worriedly. "I... I think I just found where your daughter is this time" he grunted begrudgingly, and sighed again. As the Arnen princess was filled with question marks, he gave her no chance to ask why or how.

"...I just got a letter by military courier. The stamps outside include Eiffelland Army and our own. Apparently she is with the EDF forces in Lorraine" Franz snarled. "Wait, what? Lor-- EDF? LORRAINE?" Lena yelled at the other end of the phone. "But she was supposed to have taken a month off to spend in Trier! She called and said so! She even said she was returning when we spoke last weekend!"

Franz sighed. "Apparently this is top-secret army stuff. I'll... I will make a few phone calls. I'll try to pull some rank" he tried to calm Lena down. As the woman remained silent, he continued. "...If that doesn't work I am calling father, alright?"

"...Please do. I love you" replied Lena with a hopeless sigh.

"I love you too" Franz answered before hanging up, and continuing with dialling another number. "Seriously... That girl has taken after her great-grandfather" he sighed.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Building No. 16, Operational Headquarters
Eiffelland Armed Forces, Lorraine - 3 September 2011

Kadett Eleonore von Thießen closed the door of her room shut. She glared at it with anger, annoyance, pride. She hated it with a fiery passion. She was at an active military base, observing actual war operations along with the finest students of the Imperial Army Academy of Mecklenburg and certain Reichswehr officers, aqnd yet she -only she!- had been unfairly given her own room.

Granted, this room used to be a stockhouse a few weeks back. It was barely bigger than a prison cell, barely accommodating her stuff and bed, comfortably close to the showers an with improvised heating and cooling. Hardly a luxury: but still, the future Empress of Wiese demanded to be with the rest of her comrades. The fact she was the only female cadet sent to this base by the Ministry of War did not help at all.

She took off her overcoat, undoing the belts and putting them tidily on her bed. She looked nothing like she did a year ago, when she enrolled in the Imperial Army Academy of Magdeburg to conduct her three-and-a-half-year military service. Now she was dressed almost like a boy; the only out-of-place thing was the fat her hair was still dyed, albeit not as vividly as it would have been a year back.

Eleonore kicked the wall with a frown. So far behind the lines; she recognised that here was where war was being committed from but she also wanted hands-on field experience. Her presence here was a state secret, although she was not hiding her name within the compound. Everything was so complex, she could see favouritism everywhere: favouritism because she, a princess, was learning the art of war.

"Scheiße!" she proclaimed with a sigh. It was late, she needed to rest as much as she could. She knew she was over-reacting anyway, but the lion within her was simply too proud to not react when she had some privacy. Sighing one last time, she started gathering her stuff to go take a shower in the officer quarter. After this she would sleep, and hope this eight-week tour she was enjoying here would never end.

Building No. 16, Operational Headquarters
Eiffelland Armed Forces, Lorraine - 19 October 2011

Building No. 16 housed pretty much most of Wiese's "observers" in Southern Lorraine for a couple of months now; many of them cadets of the Imperial Army Academy, of both the army and the air force. Most of the arrivals from the initial wave that had arrived with the outbreak of hostilities had returned to the academy in Magdeburg, except for a select few "good students" who were staying along with the actual officers present, still observing the operations.

Kadett Eleonore von Thießen was not among these to have left. About five weeks back she was expecting her tour here to be over, in order to get a precious little time off and visit her Hadamar relatives in Trier, particularly a specific cousin she was getting more and more interested into... And after the short vacation she would get herself posted back here instead of Magdeburg's hallways and classrooms, where she learned both theory and practice in live combat conditions.

The princess knew these probably were her last days or weeks as a cadet. Very soon it would be customary to get a promotion as an ensign or Fähnrich and, from there on, perhaps by early 2012 if she could prove herself, she would become a Lieutenant. This was when her real duties would begin. Enlisted in the ranks of the Imperial Air Service, it would mean she would have vital tasks at hand.

Nevertheless it was now, present. Her cell-sized, otherwise tidy stockhouse-turned-bedroom had its semblance of a desk full of letters from her parents. Eleonore did not answer or return any phone calls, and had even spoken to her superiors about ignoring whatever strings her influential family members -short of her grandfather and great-grandfather, of course- were pulling.

She did reply to their letters, however. It made her feel like she was on the actual front, and not hundreds of miles away from it, at the centre of the Eiffellandic operations, the execution of which she and her comrades had been allowed to observe, assist, and learn from. However, word of mouth from among the cadets implied that they might be closer to direct involvement than they realised.

Regardless of that... It was pretty late by now. The lights went off as the blue-blooded woman turned on a small torch for illumination. She simply sat on her bed with a thoughtful frown, re-evaluating everything she had gone through in her life up to now: her timid childhood, rebellious adolescence, her last vacations before being conscripted. Her thoughts then shifted to her Eiffellandic cousins: Johann, Wolfgang, Karl, Ludwig...

Johann, Karl, Ludwig... The latter, "Luigi" as she called him, was always subject to her teasing. Karl was an eternal flirt, Johann was the pilot-prince she had seen even in this building here. Her thoughts rested on Karl, the fourth son of the family, and flickered between him and his brother Johann at times. She had messed things up badly.

Eleonore looked at her shut door, as if wishing to confirm she was alone in the room, and sighed very unhappily. It was a rare admission, even in this format. "You fucked up" she told herself in her native tongue, repeating the sentence once more in her mother's. Her free hand found her stomach, and she grasped it tightly. She could feel it hurting - the mere idea of how she had messed things up with Karl and Johann was revolting.

Choosing to lie down did not help her much. She left the torchlight next to her and stared at the shadowy ceiling, thinking still. Her thoughts were with Karl; her worries were Johann's. No, she was not having second thoughts about anything - she, who would someday (probably) lead an entire empire of a kingdom, an archduchy, four duchies and a principality. She, who would become an Empress, Queen and Archduchess.

She smirked as some newfound hope and determination reached her occasionally thick head. If the rumours were true, and hardware from home found their way here, it would mean she would have a chance to shine. She was thirteen months into her military service, with twenty-nine months left ahead of her. By then, she'd be leaving the air force as a reservist Oberleutnant or Hauptmann, unless she truly managed to shine or someone tried to get her promoted based on blood alone.

Before then she'd definitely get out of Lorraine. Even if it would be for two short, sweet weeks between express tours, or even if she was to be posted back to Wiese, she would definitely get some time off. And she was bound to use that time to visit Trier, to visit Karl and Ludwig. She missed them both, after all. "Fuck Johann" she smirked, sitting up and taking the torchlight at hand. She went to her desk, took paper and a pen, and prepared to write a letter as she uttered a few last words for the night.

"Screw Johann. I'm mailing Karl."
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Building No. 16, Theatre Headquarters
Imperial Air Service, Lorraine - 31 October 2011

It had been three days since the air bridge linked Saxony and Lorraine, and the VIII. and X. military regions of the Western Military District had dispatched their respective air divisions to Southern Lorraine. Building 16 was now buzzing with activity, right next to the operational headquarters of Eiffelland as the two divisions scattered in a number of bases upholding Wieser standards of not constituting large, easy targets.

The divisions were to be operational by 1 November at 0200hrs, or so it had been intended. The opening of such a massive operation had come with problems Wieser logistic units, no matter how dedicated, were unable to easily address. The chains of supply had to respect the Germanian League treaty and transit through Danmark, into Eiffelland, before they were shipped here. The divisions would not be 100 percent combat-worthy before November 3 or November 4.

The cadets themselves had been displaced. Orders wanted them to withdraw by the end of the week, on the 6th latest, and all return to Wiese. It was time for the "real officers" to take over; none of the cadets enjoyed any of this. Not that they now slept in rooms adjacent and opposite to Eleonore's storage-bedroom, not that they were being sent back, not that they would lose a chance to shine. But none disagreed with the ruling.


Early in the morning as it were, half an hour too early even, Eleonore entered the building's public showers section. From tonight at 2359hrs it would have different times it would be available to men and women, given the arrival of two divisions' worth of command structure in Lorraine. Until then it was still a men-only zone women had to tread at their own risk. Nevertheless, it seemed that none was up as early as Eleonore, not today.

She took off her pyjamas casually, dumping them in a small pile next to her clothes, and leaving her toothbrush and toothpaste there. Entering the showers, the princess could enjoy some morning privacy in some manner she was lacking since she left Wiese last June or July. Or so she had incorrectly assumed; before long she heard the familiar voices of other cadets, their heavy footsteps implying they were here.


Karl Schwarzkopf was among the older cadets to have arrived here. When he returned to Magdeburg, he was expected to receive his promotion to Ensign, and by 1 December, to Second Lieutenant or Leutnant. Nevertheless he lacked the authority a senior like him might have; standing at a measly 155 cm, he was shorter than most Wiesers had ever imagined. If the Princess got some weird looks at times, which she did even by Schwarzkopf, he was the equivalent to the academy mascot.

He was the first to enter. Karl always woke up early, always tried to avoid the hustle in the showers. Certain others would bully him outright; make stupid prison shower jokes and references, humour him to Breotonia and back with un-funny jokes worse than the English's, and so forth. The sight of a small pile of clothes and items outside Eleonore's locker, along with feminine panties and all the assorted stuff made him blush openly.

For a moment he stared. A military uniform waiting to be worn; frilly pink pajamas waiting to be washed; and... was that a teddy-bear? Inexperienced and a firm Catholic, albeit one who disliked the Church clergy, he thought this was too much for him. Before long he turned to escape - only to see the three-person gang that tormented him enter.

Friedrich Eriksson, Hermann Braun and Wenzel Bauer. He shook his head as the three greeted him with their annoying voices and grins, blocking his way.

"Well well, if it isn't Schwarzkopf!" proclaimed Bauer, wrapping his arm around the small man's neck and pulling. He grinned. "Always up early, are we not? Good God, Schwarzkopf, rest a little!"

Braun simply moved further inside, before he noticed Eleonore's clothes; he lifted the panties stretching them unfolded, and staring. "...Is that women's undies, Schwarzkopf?" he asked. "New kinks? Not what I would expect from a God's man!" he grinned. "Hey Friedrich, look at this! Teddy-bear!"

The last of the three arrivals grinned, as Karl protested vehemently. "...They are not mine!" Schwarzkopf cried, trying to get out of the muscular Bauer's deathgrip. "I do not own women's panties!"

"...Who said you owned them, Totenkopf?" asked Friedrich Eriksson. "No doubt you're here to just peek at their owner. Maybe sniff them. Am I wrong?" he grinned. "Unless you did plan on wearing them..."

"Do Communists like wearing Imperial underwear now?" laughed Bauer, tugging Karl back and forth. "Good God Schwarzkopf, you get better and better! I wonder what would your fiancé say if she heard... Or is she letting you wear her undies, hrmm? Do you call her 'meine Prinzessin' still, Karoly?"

Karl Schwarzkopf frowned uncomfortably as the others tugged him towards the showers. "Just let go of me guys, you do not want trouble with me when I receive my commission--"

"Trouble? Totenkopf, are you doubting our friendly feelings and intentions?" asked Eriksson with fake surprise. "Here, here. We do not mind the fact you're a peeping tom. You're our... friend, yes! Why don't you go take a peek while we watch for anyone else coming? We do not want your secret out, right guys?"

The other two laughed out loud, and as Bauer held Schwarzkopf, Braun took his legs. Karl flailed as the other two transported him closer and closer to the showers, throwing the panties off and on the ground. The sound of running water was approaching fast... and a moment later, Schwarzkopf could feel both the hot water running in the shower all over his pyjamas, as well as the soft feeling of a body pressing against his. Dizzy as he were, he could feel his nose bleeding as he tried to re-orientate.

The others laughed, pacing off casually.


"Gott verdammt!" cried Eleonore as, to her surprise, those idiots were not forcing poor Schwarzkopf to watch, but were literally throwing him on her instead. The curtain opened too fast. These idiots had crossed every line she could imagine, and she--


The pathetic sight of Schwarzkopf all over her, ready to cry, shaking his head frantically as if it was not his own fault; his pyjamas wet and all over, and Eleonore's glaring eyes giving the poor man the Eye of Sauron. He tried to stand up, Eleonore curling up in a ball at first and just glaring upwards.

"BY SAINT ADRIAN'S FIERY LONGSWORD, GET THE FUCK OUT!" she yelled, the other three laughing out loud from nearby. She had to both put up the play of the good Catholic here, as well as deal with the fact she was naked under such circumstances. Normally, under the military's conventions it would be less of a hassle, but still... too much even by Wieser standards. Too much.

"What is it Totenkopf? Did you forget of your Princess?" laughed Eiriksson from nearby.

Schwarzkopf blinked, blushing, waving his hands hysterically as he crawled backwards. "I would never look at you naked, Pri--- I mean, it is not like you are ugly or anything but--- It is, eh, immo--- I am engaged!" he whimpered as he tried to run. The last thing he saw of Eleonore was her face red as the flag of the Communist Party, a glare not unlike God's before the Cataclysm, and her sta--

Oh God, dear God, why is she standing up!?

Then, everything turned dizzy, as he saw a foot reaching his face. Before he completely lost consciousness, he could hear what sounded like the whimpering you expected from three bulky men. Sounds of pain... The feeling of pain... Dizzy... then everything went black.


It was oddly cold, and his ribs were aching like some were bruised or broken. Schwarzkopf opened his eyes and looked, noticing he was under some sort of tree. He was dressed in his uniform, it was around dawn by now, and a bunch of cadets enjoying their coffee a few dozen meters away from him... looking at him.

"Crap!" he exclaimed. "Did I sleep during patrol? It will be morning drill soon!" He blinked, looking around, and noticing Eleonore -or rather, first her curvy backside and then the rest of her- with her back against him, not one meter away. He blinked uneasily, not sure what to say or what to expect. He just blushed as his memory was refreshed.

Eleonore turned, glaring down at him. He could hear the distant snicker of the other cadets, discussing something he could not make out. Something about showers, Eriksson, and other such... Then his name... It was no dream, was it?

"I... uh..." he looked up pleading for mercy. "Look, what happened in there was not my intention... I am engaged, I would never do that to El---" Eleonore's glare made him stop and swallow.

"Seriously, it is your fault" she frowned, pointing towards the small man. Heck - even she was bigger than him! The other cadet swallowed uncomfortably. "That being said, they took their lesson about fucking with me, but this leaves you not dealt with, Schwarzkopf." She broke her knuckles, glaring down.

Was the demoness Schwarzkopf was seeing now really Archduchess Eleonore? He remembered her less... fierce on the media. Then again, defiling a maiden's purity like that...

"...Your H-- H--- Highness, accept my humblest apologies!" Schwarzkopf cried, his political and manly pride stinging. "I never meant to defile your purity, especially not in such a man-- manner!"

Eleonore kept glaring silently.

"...I mean, it is not like you are ugly or anything! You are very beautiful, Your Highness! But this was not something you deserved as a human or as a woman! I would never do it willingly! Never with consent!" continued Schwarzkopf, who was turning red and uncomfortable very past.

The distant laughter and the glare continued.

"...I do not mean I would force myself on you by the way! I am not like that! I am a good Christian! I am going to marry Elise next year!" he continued, trying to crawl away.

Then, as he saw her moving, he shut his eyes and crawled into a ball, expecting a punch or kick... and what he got was a sigh. He could feel her glare still. Opening his eyes, the small man saw the princess-cadet still glaring down, albeit as if hopeless, and offering him a hand to stand up. He took it, but not without blushing and feeling deeply uncomfortable.

"Seriously Schwarzkopf, you're an idiot" Eli hissed as she helped him stand up. She was visibly bothered still. "But at least you are not as big a jerk as the other three are."

The distant giggling turned into whistling. She glared that way, and the small crowd of five dispersed without a word. And with that, she just turned and walked off, mumbling some curses in Arnen.

Schwarzkopf looked at her. Could it be she was... understanding? Was it the big heart of a princess fated to become emperor? No, royalty was supposed to be jerks... He expected law suits soon. The dispersed crowd slowly approached him, nudging him as Eleonore went inside Building No. 16.


"...I was just waking up when I heard her yelling something Saint Adrian's fiery longsword or something. Seriously now, what kind of perverted cry was that?" commented a cadet. "And then the sound of fighting. We all went to see what was happening, and saw her beating the shit out of Eriksson, Braun and Bauer. Then she just glared at us, got dressed, and dragged you from your feet to the bunkers."

The others nodded with a laugh.

"And there she just tossed you next to your bed, pointed at Mazowski, and ordered him to get you changed. He did not though, so she started undressing you herself, cursing about unmanliness" laughed another.

Mazowski shrugged with a grin. "Not my job to pamper Schwarzkopf now, is it?"

"Anyway, Mazowski eventually did get you changed. Schwarzkopf, you lucky bastard. You're the unit's lucky charm" laughed the first one, and then the rest with him. "Not every day do we get to see Eleonore's royal butt naked. Shame we had no means of taking pictures.

Schwarzkopf turned red. Very red. The other men laughed, continuing to praise their unit's woman's proportions as he just stared at the direction she had left to.

"...Seriously guys" he eventually shrugged. "Do not be mean to her. I imagine it must be difficult to put up with all this shit" muttered Schwarzkopf. The rest stared at him with shock.

"...Schwarzkopf? Hello?" asked Mazowski. "Earth to Schwarzkopf, is that really you? Did you just praise her, you dirty communist?" Everyone laughed, and Karl blushed. He went to protest.

"Could it be... love? Poor Elise, being cheated on with a real princess!" joked another. They kept teasing the helpless poor cadet for over half an hour, before the jokes finally died out. He had a lot of explaining to do, poor Schwarzkopf.


In Eleonore's small confines, she was pressing her back against the door and thinking. This was near scandalous. Not the first time she got such looks and annoying praise face-on, this was a bunch of jerks and the army after all. But to actually beat them up? It felt... good. Perhaps this was how the Emperor had felt when he had beaten up his own assassins, twice.

She smiled, moving to the small desk and opening her laptop. She would write all this to her cousin Karl, wait for a reaction. And of course she would exaggerate a bit. In the meanwhile, she also had to mail Johann about seeing him during lunch, see what he had to say. It felt that Johann was the only friend and confidant she had here.

And hopefully, Eriksson, Bauer and Braun would not hold a grudge against her. Not that she cared, but officers would no doubt investigate this mess, and heads would fall.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Building No. 16, Theatre Headquarters
Imperial Air Service, Lorraine - 1 November 2011

The news of what happened the previous day had spurred a scandal among the commanding officers of the Wieser expeditionary force in Southern Lorraine. Although immediate investigations were inconclusive, as the three beaten-up cadets had simply said they "fell off the stairs" and Schwarzkopf had adamantly denied being bullied by them, later questioning had raised interesting points.

Karl's e-mail had made Eleonore smirk. If this happening was enough to send the four men to court-martial in Eiffelland, in Wiese it was enough to send all five of them to court-martial, guarantee charges related to bad discipline, fighting, sexual harassment and violation of conduct. At the very least, all five of them -including Eleonore- could expect being dishonourably discharged from the military and the academy, and losing all post-service benefits they would otherwise have gotten.

Just before 5 pm in 1 November, Eleonore visited the commander's office in Building 16. She knocked the door before walking inside, saluting properly in her neat uniform and waiting for orders.

"At ease, cadet" ordered the commander, Generalmajor Hermann Brotmacher. He was a sober, rising star in the Imperial Air Service's hierarchy, and his division's dispatch here was promising.

Eleonore followed her orders silently and with discipline.

"...I am aware of certain happenings revolving around you, Eleonore" spoke the Major General and stood up, referring to the cadet by the name on her uniform. "You are very well aware of what is going to happen if the... rumours about yesterday prove true, are you not?"

Like other royalty, Eli had no formal surname in the military. She was Kadett Eleonore, her House's name only occasionally following, and that being in official documents. "Sir, yes sir" she said plainly.

"We are in Lorraine. And this exposes us to the mess even more than it would back home. Tell me, what do you expect me to do about Eriksson, Bauer and Braun? They are beaten up and all but will not say a word. I was... told you might have a few leads, Eleonore" demanded the commander as he circled around her.

"...It is customary for gentlemen to protect their honour through silence, sir" replied Eleonore without looking. "I suspect they do not speak because they wish to protect each other and whoever did it to them, sir."

The Major General nodded plainly. "And your suspicions aside... do you know what happened, Cadet?"

Eleonore did not answer right away. It was expected to say a no. She knew her commander wanted her to say no. But her upbringing was not exactly allowing her to.

"...Officially speaking or unofficially speaking, sir?" she asked a moment later.

Brotmacher frowned, trying to appear strict, but barely hiding how much he liked this diplomatic response. "Well, I wish to know what you have to say, Eleonore. And the Major-General wishes to know as well." He walked towards his office's window, looking down at the airport outside.

"...Sir, officially speaking I will admit the truth, sir" said Eleonore soberly and with a frown.

Generalmajor Brotmacher frowned and looked at her. "And that is, Cadet? Be careful, for you might throw away several careers" he warned her scruffily.

"...The truth is, sir, I was bullying Schwarzkopf. Eriksson, Braun and Bauer tried to stop me, and I beat them up. The rest of the unit noticed, so I dragged Schwarzkopf away before being forced to let him be, sir" lied Eleonore. And though she was skilled at lying, today she sounded pretty lousy.

Her superior arched his eyebrows. "You beat up three... no, four people by yourself, Eleonore?" The princess nodded silently. "And the rumours of sexual harassment were false?"

"...False as counterfeit currency sir. Nobody would dare peeping at me, let alone harassing me" Eleonore said firmly, still not looking at her officer.

Brotmacher sighed unhappily. "...If that is what you want, Archduchess, so be it" he frowned and returned to his window. "You will receive a commendation for handling the situation, and a five-day arrest. Outside drills and duties, you may not leave the building."

Eleonore tried to not frown, without much success. It was upon her shoulders because she was hiding the incident behind her, though. Brotmacher fell silent for a few moments, before turning around with dissatisfaction.

"Dismissed" he ordered.

Eleonore saluted, and turned to leave as the Major General coughed. She turned around inquisitively. "Sir?" she asked.

"And unofficially, Eleonore?" asked Brotmacher.

Eleonore frowned and swallowed before she sighed. "Unofficially... I had to teach them a lesson sir. I do not think they will bother Schwarzkopf or me any longer" she admitted without much thought.

Brotmacher nodded. "You may go" he nodded informally. As the door behind her was shut, he sighed with a smile, thinking things to himself.


Later that day, Eleonore mailed Karl. It was unusually short for her, but not lacking her usual attitude.

Griaß di, Karl.

The situation was formally resolved today. I am going to be a little busy this week, but it is going to be fine otherwise. Do not worry, they are not going to bother me.

Watch out with those Solaris pirates, alright? Shame you could not tell me up close, I would have a few stereotypical Reichswehr jokes to reply with! Bring me an eyepatch next time we meet!

- Eli

PS: Who is your neighbourhood, you runt? Next time I visit, I'm going to punch you in the face!
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece

Reichsministerium für Krieg
Imperial Ministry for War


has issued new directive. All boy scouts and little explorers are to prepare for discovering wildlife in the savannah. JOHANN has a big hirsute. BEAR is expected to follow suit. Following is detailed information on the safari.

TIGER is to lurk and wait. If DEER appears, eat it.
EAGLE is to fly high and spot. If SNAKE appears, eat it.
ELEPHANT is to continue grazing. Expect LION at nest.
MAMMOTH is to continue grazing. Expect HYENA near nest.
LEOPARD is to hide in the snow and await for RABBIT.

ELISE mailed me today. She says the children are fine. I sent them chocolates, but she asked for beer and sauerkraut. Arrange package for ELISE, she will be unhappy without beer. Send enough for an alcoholic.

HANSEL and GRETTEL said they will visit soon. HANSEL and GRETTEL like candy, so prepare candy for them. Do not prepare too much, because they do not wash their teeth enough. RED RIDING HOOD will also come with mushrooms for GRANDMOTHER. BIG BAD WOLF will be waiting anxiously.

Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Building No. 16, Theatre Headquarters
Imperial Air Service, Lorraine - 6 November 2011

"...Kadett Eriksson!" yelled Generamajor Hermann Brotmacher. Schwarzkopf stepped forward from the line of cadet officers from the Imperial Army Academy of Magdeburg.

"Jawohl Herr Generalmajor!" he yelled affirmatively, saluting. The Hauptmann gave the Generamajor a stash of papers.

"Kadett Eriksson, you are to do the announcements of the promotions" ordered the Major-General.

"Zu Befehl!" he yelled again, once again saluting before he picked up the papers. Looking at the superior officers once, he received a simple nod. Not waiting, he began reading the list of names out loud.

"Abt! Aehrenthal! Akhmatowski! Amsel! Dreibergen! Eleonore! Friedmann! Fuchs! Fuhrmann! Junker! Keller! Kleinstein! Kohl! Kunze! Maurer! Meister! Naumann! Schäfer Schultz! Schwarzkopf! Seiler! Urner! Vogt! Weber! Wechsel! Werfel! Ziegler! Zweig!" yelled the cadet officer at a steady pace. One by one, as they were called, the other cadets stepped forward.

The Major-General toured them one by one as they were called, handing over a certificate and a small box.

"Kadetten! From tomorrow morning, each and every one of you will have formally completed the first leg of their training in the Imperial Army Academy!" barked Brotmacher. "You leave the life of the Kadett behind, and enter the one of a Fähnrich!"

Each and every one of those who stepped forward, and especially Eleonore, swelled with pride. They had all worked hard to be formally promoted to ensigns, which was the last step of their careers as cadets. If all went well, in one to two years' time they should be be receiving the rank of Leutnant instead, and become proper officers. Of course, by then, their normal conscription might be over, and some might face Landwehr or Landsturm service instead.

Brotmacher had finished handing over the items, but continued to walk nevertheless.

"It is the life goal of each and every officer of the Reichswehr to serve God, the Kaiser and the Reich! It is the life purpose of each and every officer of the Reichswehr to live with pride, loyalty, honour and courage!" barked Brotmacher, stopping before Eleonore. He glared at her angrily, the cadets and the officers all wondering what was the Major-General up to.

"Even if you are women! Is this clear, Schwammkopfen?" he barked in Eleonore's face.

"Jawohl Herr Generalmajor!" yelled the entire attending force, both those being promoted to ensigns and the cadets alike. Eleonore slightly louder than the others, granting her another firm glare.

"The rank of the Fähnrich is an important one! Certain folks among you must now forget of their magical friendship ponies" barked the Major-General again, glaring at Eleonore as he moved, "their frilly dresses" he glared at Schwarzkopf, "and your hesitation! This is your chance for life-long service in the name of Gott, Kaiser und Vaterland!"

The cadets gave the Major-General a bizarre look before yelling again.


"...As such, today is your last lousy day as Kadetten! And this means, we are going to celebrate your promotion like the Reichswehr celebrates such an important event!" barked the Major-General one last time. "Each and every one of you has one-and-a-half times the duties today, and double the ration of beer and sausages for lunch and dinner! And if you finish early, you get extra duties!" he frowned.

In military jargon, it meant the ensigns would have to finish their duties as quickly as possible, hopefully before lunch, and then disappear. Their officers would not actively look for them, on the formal assumption they were still dealing with their tasks. If found, of course, the "bonus" held true; but the point is, they would not be found.

"And before you are all dismissed... Congratulations, Schwammkopfen!" said Brotmacher begrudgingly. He stepped back with the officers, as the cadets returned to their positions.

"Hurrah!" yelled all the cadets. "Hurrah! Hurrah!" From a distance, the soldiers transferred here from Saxony not long ago were looking with interest.

The military band began playing the Imperial anthem, with the officers beginning to sing first, and the cadets following suit. Whichever soldier was close enough to hear it stopped their tasks and sang along while standing in attention.

"Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze, unsern Kaiser, unser Land! Mächtig durch des Glaubens Stütze, führt er uns mit weiser Hand! Laßt uns seiner Väter Krone, schirmen wider jeden Feind! Innig bleibt mit Thießens Throne, Wieserreichs Geschick vereint! Innig bleibt mit Thießens Throne, Wieserreichs Geschick vereint!"

As the military base was filled with the tune of [wiki]Franz Joseph Haydn[/wiki]'s Kaiser, Eleonore's eyes were shining with pride. At long last, she thought; at long last, she had gotten her first promotion, and without pulling any strings or rank at that. Her father would be proud; no, even her scornful grandfather would be proud.

On the negative side of things, it also meant that her tour in Lorraine would soon be over. Before long she and the other ensigns would be flying back to Magdeburg and receive an honorary week or two off. She had to let the others know; mother, father, great-grandfather, grandfather, and even Karl and Johann. Especially Johann. He had been a close friend and confidant during her stay here, after all, and other than the pleasure he had offered, he had also offered a shoulder she could rely on. As of Karl...

As the hymn was finished and the ceremony dissipated, Eleonore paced off to find Johann with a big smile on her face.


OOC: Below is a list of the German words used in the text, along with their intended meaning.

Kadett: Cadet (lower cadet officer rank).
Generalmajor: Major-General.
Herr: Sir.
Jawohl: Yes, affirmative.
zu Befehl: At your command.
Fähnrich: Ensign (upper cadet officer rank).
Leutnant: Lieutenant (Second Lieutenant officer rank).
Reichswehr: Imperial Defence Forces (the official name for Wiese's military).
Kaiser: Emperor.
Reich: Empire, realm, state.
Schwammkopfen: "Swim-heads", an insult in the (landlocked) Wiese. Compare to "maggots" in this context. In real life it is part of the German name for Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Schwammkopf).
Gott, Kaiser und Vaterland: God, Emperor and Fatherland. It is unusual for the world "fatherland" to be used in official context in Wiese, as the term Reich is almost always preferred.
Gott erhalte...: The lyrics are of the Wieser Kaiserhymne, [wiki]Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze[/wiki]. It is a modified version of the Austrian Kaiserhymne. An appropriate instrumental version can be found .
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Female Dormitories, Imperial Army Academy
Magdeburg, Swabia, Wiese - 11 November 2011

The electronic alarm clock on the stand next to the single bed read 11/11/11, 07:27. It was 87 minutes since it rang. This was Eleonore's fourth consecutive day as a Fähnrich, the fifth day since her promotion had been announced back in Lorraine. And this cold Swabian morning she was finally arriving back in Magdeburg, the military flight that carried her and the other new ensigns from Lorraine having landed about half an hour ago.

Turning on the lights quietly, Eleonore let her large sack next to the bed and patiently returned its contents to her drawers and closet. Her dorm mate Sophia was already out. The walls of their dorm revealed a sharp difference between the personalities of the two young women: one-half was tidied up and calm, and the other half had come straight out of a commoner's adolescence. Eleonore looked around, left and right. She looked at Sophia's side and smirked.

"Sophia, Sophia... you will never change, will you?" she wondered out loud.

As one enters, he would see the left-hand side neat, devastatingly precise and clean. Everything was in such order and symmetry with themselves, that you would be ashamed to step there. On the right-hand side, the neatness was only shared by the personal items however, for the walls were covered with large posters. Customisation of your personal space was still allowed in the Imperial Army Academy, despite the heavy regulations elsewhere. It was a military university after all, where young officers learned more than just the art of war.

Eleonore eventually folded the empty military sack neatly and put it away in her closet. That was on the left-hand side of the room as you entered; ironically, even though she held the highest social rank in the entire academy, she was among the messier, more individualistic students here. Not that she broke any rules, no. She broke no rules that left any evidence behind her.

The door behind her opened, and Sophia entered the room. She was clad in a simple duty uniform, both practical and casual, with her black hair caught in a bun at the back of her head. Sophia was not of aristocratic or even middle-class origins, and had come purely out of her merit. It had been difficult for her to adjust at first, especially when Eli came over, but things had relaxed for the commoner quite a bit.

"Ah, Eli" spoke Sophia with a smile. "Congratulations on your promotion, ensign" she said in a friendly, if formal tone. In her voice clang a hint of relief and hope that Eleonore had returned, but the young lady was far too proper and regimented to admit something like that out loud. It had taken Eleonore considerable effort to make her drop the titles and styles anyway.

She did not plan to let Eli know that she had been anxiously waiting for her return. Having heard another bunch had returned from the outside, Sophia was quick to look for Eleonore once more. As much as she tried to keep things proper and formal with her, it was too quiet without her dorm mate around.

Eleonore offered Sophia a broad smile. "Sophie!" she exclaimed happily in a mock-Lorrainese accent, proceeding to violate the other girl's personal space and hug her tightly without asking. "I missed your nagging. How was Magdeburg in my absence?" she grinned as she let go of the person she considered her friend.

Sophia had blushed softly and coughed as she re-established her personal space clumsily. "O- Oh, nothing eventful really. But I was very surprised your tour was... this long. Was it not for just two months?" she asked curiously. Changing subjects subtly was something she did often with Eleonore, lest she maintained her moral integrity around the cuddle-happy princess.

The princess shrugged casually. "I asked for a second tour just before it ended, really. I wanted to stay away from the R..." she said, biting her lip quickly before correcting herself mid-sentence. "...from Magdeburg for a while" she concluded with a nod. "But I admit I have returned and I am as unhappy as I could get when I got here."

The commoner arched her eyebrows inquisitively at the princess. She was not sure whether she wanted to know.

"...I mean come on! Your half of the room is still as neat as a newly bought house. Not even a stray sock, nothing!" Eleonore objected with a smile. "I bet you didn't even utilise my absence to bring a friend over" she added with a teasing grin. "You know. From the men's dorms?"

Sophia blushed profusely. "W- What!? You know regulations about that!" she protested. "Fresh air from the outside still did not kick some ladylike elegance into you" she objected critically. Ever since Eleonore went through her initial reservations when she arrived, she had become so... well, so unlike the stereotypical Wieser princess, that Sophia had a real culture shock. The scion of a conservative royal family had turned out less conservative than herself! Sometimes Sophia wondered how the Thießens looked from the inside.

Definitely more human than she would have guessed before she met Eleonore, she thought.

Eleonore shrugged indifferently, before she smiled. "I've told you before, the only one who can kick some elegance into me is you darling" she smiled flirtatiously. "Preferably with high heels, clad in leather, and while holding a bullwhip." Sophia blushed and frowned again; these sort of jokes always got the best reactions from her. "...I kid of course" she then shrugged with a more melancholic smirk. Turning towards her desk, Eli began examining the envelopes and folders there.

Looking at Eli up and down, Sophia stood thoughtfully for a moment. Such sudden mood swings... Eleonore was no doubt troubled. Her behaviour had to match her rank, her life might have already been determined for her for all Sophia knew. And yet the Eleonore she had gotten to know was someone she would never expect to be a royal. She was very surprised to find out that this Eleonore here was "the" Eleonore, and that was months after they first met.

"...This is your mail, while you were away" Sophia observed softly. "A lady also called once, asking for you. She sounded surprised you were out of the academy on a long-term task."

Eleonore snickered. "...Probably my mother" she observed. "I didn't tell them I was going out of town or anything" she muttered. The letters were mostly unimportant themselves. One was from her twin cousins, Sophia and Gloria; probably the only interesting thing. The rest were just her grade report, the mandatory monthly letter of advice from her stuck-up grandfather, and a large folder straight from the archducal palace in Saxony. She picked it up, opening it, too find an envelope.

Sophia smiled softly. "...She sounded very worried you know. You should call her later" she observed.

Eleonore checked the envelope on both sides. She knew the style of the text very well; in fact, a smile escaped her lips. Quickly, she put it back in the folder and turned at Sophia with a smile. "I will, I will" Eleonore said casually.

"...No. Seriously. Call her" commanded Sophia strictly.

"...Yes mother" Eleonore rolled her eyes. "Until then, how about we go catch the breakfast and take some pictures?" she added quickly. Sophie rolled her eyes, pretending some disinterest, before finally conceding.

"And you'll call your parents afterwards. Before the morning shifts" Sophia demanded nevertheless. Smiling at each other, the two young student officers turned off the lights and set off. "...So, two weeks off I hear? Are you going to Trier again?"

On Eleonore's desk, the envelope with the foreign stamps in the oversimplified folder waited.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Academy Courtyard, Imperial Army Academy
Magdeburg, Swabia, Wiese - 25 December 2011, 8:55 am

The morning mass had finished for the students of the famous Imperial Army Academy of Magdeburg. Many had left for Christmas, the university-level military academy allowing them to spend time with family, but others -such as Eleonore and Sophia- remained there. It felt a little odd; it was Christmas so they had the benefit of waking up at seven o'clock instead of six, and they had to go to the morning mass before anything else, even eating. But for most of them the rest of the day would be with little to no duties whatsoever, and these select two, perhaps because of one's blood ties to certain people, were among the lucky ones.

Eleonore stretched out. At this time the televisions were broadcasting the great masses of Augsburg. She wondered where her great-grandfather, the Emperor, would attend; probably in Saxony just as usual, she thought with a smile. Her family never spent Christmas together, and after last September's attack it was completely unthinkable for the entire royal family of Saxony, Swabia and Wiese to be one large, lucrative target for terrorist bombings. Sophia was realising this rather quietly; when she heard that Eleonore would not leave Magdeburg until after lunch, she had frowned and mused about the situation.

"So. We've got a few hours before my train leaves" Eleonore mused out loud, walking in the courtyards of the academy with her room-mate. The scenery was white from the winter snowfall, the cold was astounding. Much less wet than Augsburg's, she realised, but this made it too unfamiliar for her still. "Anything you'd like to do? Perhaps we could go out in town and do some gaming or something" she proposed absent-mindedly, smiling at the overall situation.
Sophia arched her eyebrows. "...Eli, am I going to be reminding you of your responsibilities all the time? You--" she went to say, only to be dismissed by the young princess with a wave. "I do not need to call them. We'll be seeing each other in a few hours. A few decades back communication was not so instant" Eleonore frowned. Sophia smirked mechanically, and continued her sentence nevertheless.

"...It is Christmas. You have friends and family abroad who will be missing you if you don't wish or at least say hi" Sophia protested politely. "...Your cousins, that Ella person you kept mentioning lately..."

"...Sophia, I have more cousins than you can count. If I sit and send wishes to everyone I'll be dead before I hit 30" Eleonore joked with a grin. "...On the other hand, some are serving in the military. I'll drop those bozos a line later" she mused a moment later. In her mind she had her Eiffelland cousins, the whole lot of them, but especially Karl and Ludwig. She eventually just shrugged.

Christmas for Wiese was a time for the family. It was a time for reunion, catching up, sitting and taking a breather if possible. This Christmas was even more symbolic; the unity of Wiese would be put at a test for many, the wounds of Augsburg still fresh. Ultimately, although a strongly religious moment, Christmas was still a valuable opportunity for all religions and denominations to do some much-needed catching up. No wonder this pissed off Sophia greatly.

"...Seriously, Eleonore. You will call them, this is an order" Sophia growled menacingly. This provoked a momentary stare by the princess, before she followed up with an out-loud laugh. "Gott verdammt Sophia, that was a good one. You'll make a fine officer" she grinned, patting her friend's back casually as they continued their way. Needless to say, Sophia growled again; for real this time.

Eleonore's attitude often annoyed the low-born officer aspirant. Sophia came from a low-class family, and her admission in the Imperial Army Academy had seemed like a miracle; it soon became apparent that it was up to her to keep up with all the haughty, rich bastards who were being turned into soldiers here. She was disciplined from a tough childhood and adolescence, but this moron here...

"Seriously, Eleonore. You will call your overseas family and friends, all of them" Sophia started ranting. "God has blessed you with all you've got, and even during this world war you're having fun and riches while others starve. I won't be seeing my family this holiday either because I cannot afford a two-way ticket to--"

The princess rolled her eyes with a polite smile. "You also rejected my offer for a two-way ticket" she observed. Sophia's glare meant it was a good moment to shut up, however. But this was an innocent, genuine offer; rail tickets could get rather expensive this time of the year, at least for the low and lower-middle class. Sophia happened to belong to the former; Eleonore was so filthy rich she could wipe her ass with money for all she knew. Why did it piss her off so much in the first place? Eli only wanted to help. Again.

"Seriously! I don't want your money! We're friends for being friends, not for you to show off how many reichsmarks you can afford throwing around me just because I come from a family of two!" Sophia protested. Eleonore sighed, hanging her head before patting her friend encouragingly. "I know dear. I... You know me though, right? Chill out. It's Christmas. I'll be back before you know it too" she nodded firmly.

Sophia maintained her frown and a little quiet for a bit as they walked. It was true... she would be a bit lonely these few days. The last of these who would leave the academy for Christmas were leaving today, and this included all of her friends, Eli being one of them. At the same time she would be unable to visit her mother, who would be working her ass off regardless of the season. That old man just had to shove those extra responsibilities on her too... Keeping an eye on a special someone for a handful of money and not losing her position here.

"...I don't get paid well enough to keep watching your ass, princess" Sophia sighed and softened up. Eleonore smiled in an odd, appreciative manner. "I know" she boasted, "which is why I keep offering you tickets. But you keep refusing them" the highborn lady continued, grinning as she earned a fist against her ribcage. A moment later, both laughed out loud.

The pair found themselves in the buildings. Apparently these staying back today had enough liberty to throw a makeshift party the Schaumburger way; more beer than your average Wieser would ever dare drinking, a lots of yummy food, dancing, singing, and not being told off by the officers and academy staff. Just for today. Schwarzkopf would be loving this no doubt; but he was probably swimming in beer, bread and sausage back home, his girlfriend cuddling up against him in a manner making all those who stayed back wanting to beat him up as soon as he returned.

A long distance from there in a country far, far away...

The card should have arrived on time. It should have, at least, if there were no queer censors or bollocks blocking it. The sender -written as Anna Maria Mannheim- hoped it would arrive safely, along with the Christmas presents it was attached to.

Dear Elle,

It is another Christmas already. My second Christmas far from home. Magdeburg is not a bad place however; it is colder in winters but much merrier with all the queer folks in the academy. Spending another Christmas in military uniforms feels a little funny, in a good way. I have sent you photographs of me and my friend, along with the new badges I got with my promotion!

I trust that everything is all right on your end? The news are worrisome. War keeps erupting seemingly everywhere. It pains me greatly that thousands have lost their lives all across Gallia and elsewhere and thousands more continue to be martyred. If only I... no, we could do something! World might then be a better place. I hope that you and your family are not suffering hardships over the imperialistic wars of others.

By the way, remember that incident with the bullies I had written you about? That poor short fellow from then was visited by his girlfriend here in the academy a few days back. Such a sweet girl, all the guys were jealous. Even I was a little envious I will admit. The girl made savings just to come and pick up her boyfriend in time to return to their home town in Schaumburg. It was very romantic. It makes me want a boyfriend as well!

How are you doing? How has your life been as of late? Anything worthy of mention? What do you think of the Christmas presents I sent for you and your family? Give your parents my humble greetings! I will try calling when I can if you don't mind. I look forward to hearing from you again!

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year with lots of joy, health and everything you might wish for.

Your friend,

Anna Maria

PS: The CD without a title is just me playing some old German carols on the piano. I hope you'll enjoy it. If not, just use it as a frisbee or something.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Operational Meeting, Bunker No. 2, RSA Headquarters
Augsburg, Swabia, Wieserreich - 21 January 2012, 3:43 am

The RSA operational meeting was a looked-to event taking place on a monthly basis among Chief Director Ernst Graf von Enzenbern and the directors of the nine Divisions of the Office for State Security of Wieserreich. It was usually taking place in the fortified bunkers below the headquarters in the capital city Augsburg, with the utmost secrecy and care. This was not always the case because of its contents but more often because of the inherent paranoia in Wieserreich's native intelligence community.

Division 1 of the RSA, responsible for foreign espionage and other such operations, had dominated tonight's meeting alongside with objectives for Divisions 2 and 3 - the civil and military counter-intelligence departments. As the latter two stepped up on their efforts to root out foreign spies wherever possible, the former stepped up on three simultaneous operations. Not every single one seemed realistic; not every single one seemed of high priority; in fact, they seemed rather preventive at this stage. The operations were nicknamed "Wild Goose", "Barbarossa" and "Blackbeard".

While the 'Wild Goose' barely involved leaving a headquarters -and it was this that worried some- the other two included... browsing the Internet and studying tourist reports through it. Significant portions of Divisions 5 and 6 were dedicated to this operation to make sure it was not tracked back to the RSA or fail in its purposes. In Division 5, the surveillance department, it was clear this was a project of specific international scale as well, as it took up resources in foreign nations in particular. Lastly, Division 1 presented its detailed operation schema to the Chief Director and the Directors.

In the words of the Director of Division 1 of the RSA, "This project has been going on for too long and is too important to discard."
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Bunker No. 1353, Operational Headquarters, Alpine Line
Somewhere in the Northern Alps, Mecklenburg, Wieserreich -21 January 2012, 8.30 pm
Activity in the Alpine Line, the fortifications further fortifying the natural barrier between Danmark and Wiese, had grown unusual as of late. The Alpine Line was still an officially commissioned portion of Wiese's national fortifications network, but it had seen increasingly less traditional attention since Danmark's entry in the Germanic League, and especially after the militarisation of the former economic compact. As of recent, facilities seeing little use as of late were being converted to new uses - such as Bunker No. 1353.

It was clear to the workers that the bunker was being converted to some sort of secret operational headquarters. It was a spacy location, already networked with the entire Alpine Line and by extension the entire military, but Bunker No. 1353 had only seen partial use in the 1990s and 2000s. It seemed that in the 2000s the government in Augsburg had finally found a new application for the spare bunker, which was being refurnished, modernised, reinforced, and generally prepared for an influx of military and civil personnel.

The exact use of the bunker would remain unclear for the time being - but before long, the hoisting of a flag would mean a new era for the entire territory.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Catholic Easter Celebrations
Wieserreich - Midnight, April 8, 2012

It was midnight sharp, and the church bells were ringing with joy to mark the rise of Jesus the Christ from the dead. Millions of devout Catholic Wieserreichers throughout the realm, throughout all seven states of the Empire from Ascheburg to Swabia, were at the churches and town squares for the customary celebrations. It was the so-called 'Wieser rites' or 'Wieserreicher rites' of Dominican Catholicism, reflecting the historical influences of pre-Christian pagan traditions and nearby Orthodox Christian populations: candles lit with the Holy Light (the variant of the Orthodox Holy Fire found particularly in the eastern and south-eastern portions of the empire), fireworks and firecrackers, idols (supposedly of Judas Iscariot, or of the Pharisee Jews who sentenced the Son of God to death, or of the gypsy who provided the nails for the cross of the Christ, or other such traditions; again varying on location, though Judas seemed by far the most prominent) being set ablaze, and later the customary midnight feast where the devout would eat oil and meat for the first time after the fasting of the Holy Week.

The following morning would be Easter, and everything would have returned to the normal Catholic ways; if not for the unusual decision to hold the Reichsrat election on that day. Some had speculated the decision was motivated by the likelihood of demotivating voters and discourage voting for some obscure reasons; others blamed bad planning; and others suggested it was practical thinking, to not have too many holidays in a single month or something of that sort. Whatever the reason, Wieserreichers would be voting for their elected representatives the following morning, and it would finally be the judgement day for the Baden cabinet which had presided the Augsburg bombing and failed to deliver the blood that the Wieserreicher populace still demanded, some seven months later.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece
Imperial Army Academy, Magdeburg
Swabia, Wieserreich - 5 May 2012, 7:30 pm

Sophia hung up the phone, frowning as she stared at it for several long moments. It was an old-fashioned credit phone at the Academy, the one she always used when she needed to make calls; this was an admittedly rare occurrence, barring the mandatory weekly call to her mother and the mandatory mysterious call once a month. It had been time for this second case, and just like always after such calls, she did not seem happy at all.

"Seriously" she hissed to herself, "you do not get paid well enough for this..."

Sophia shut her eyes with an even bolder frown and massaged her temple firmly. So many obligations, so many requests as of late... This blackmailing was slowly eating up her confidence and soul. Her conscience did not allow her to go on any more, and yet she had no choice as to whether she could do otherwise. If only things were a little bit simpler, if only she could make up for what ills she had no doubt caused and would continue causing...


Sophia's train of thoughts was interrupted by a single sound and a form poke up her bum. She turned around in shock just after the mandatory yelp, moving to instinctively slap whoever did this; she swung her hand along with her turn, and not even half a second later the otherwise busy corridor was momentarily filled by the sound of slapping. She frowned, then stared, then blinked; and blushed profusely as she comprehended whatever had just happened.

"...Ouch. That's new" murmured Eleonore, who was now rubbing a bright red and admittedly very stinging cheek. Arching her eyebrow's, Sophia's dorm mate looked at her friend silently for a moment or two before she grinned. The commoner was embarrassed and shocked, people were staring, and in general Eli had received every reaction and form of attention she had been hoping for, if not outright more. Before she could speak, however, Sophia did.

"...W- Would you bloody mind, Eleonore!?" Sophia protested loudly and with embarrassment, obviously conscious and mindful of all the attention, let alone the gesture. She paused very briefly before she continued. "I have already told you to s- stop p- poking me you per--" Sophia almost yelled before she coughed loudly and fell silent. She looked at the grinning archduchess and then blinked, blushing even further before she whispered something in a very timid manner.

"...I wholly apologise for the slap. I did not intend to hit you" Sophia spoke with a very self-conscious and guilty tone, even bowing slightly as she frowned with her own words. It was Eleonore's turn to be surprised, further surprised in fact. For her room mate to show such a mood swing so suddenly, and to even slap her... this had seemed more serious than she anticipated. She rubbed her cheek a little further before she proceeded to offer a smile and a word of reassurance.

"Oh don't be so gloomy" Eli nodded. "Whatever is bugging you will be alright" she said with certainty, prompting the commoner to look up with a frown and silence.

"...How about a snack while we talk? My treat" offered Eleonore, pointing at the direction of the campus cantine.

[wiki]Schloß Schönbrunn[/wiki], [wiki]Augsburg[/wiki]
Swabia, Wieserreich - 5 May 2012, 8:20 pm

The Emperor coughed. He coughed more often as of late, as if years were finally weighing on his shoulders. But as he did so, he stared down at the great map of the continent with Wieserreich at its centre, and all the chess pieces situated on it.

It was a large, carefully defined geographical map with political boundaries of many levels, and chess pieces of many types and colours. Wiese's was a Queen made of beautiful black marble, Franken's a King of a grey stone set, and Eiffelland's also a King, this time from black-coloured expensive wood. Wendmark and Danmark, by comparison, while matching the colour scheme, seemed to be represented by an oversized pawn (one the size of a King) and a Tower respectively.

Beyond, you had all sorts of other colour schemes; a crimson queen for Engellex, a white tower for Kiev, a crimson pawn for Montelimar, and a white bishop for Polasciana. The map went on and on, with every visible country being represented by a chess piece, and by its side lied the remaining pieces of the complete sets.

Friedrich Wilhelm silently lifted a black and a white tower, one from the map and one from the side, and carefully compared and weighted both. He eyed the country he had removed the piece of, then looked at the pieces, and finally put the white tower to rest. He held the black tower still, while also lifting a black Queen as well now.

"There is no permanent friends in politics and diplomacy" muttered the Emperor as he placed the Queen on the map and the Tower to the side. "There is no permanent enemies either, nor is there permanent allies..." he continued softly, only to be interrupted by a cough. He then picked a crimson pawn from the map and replaced it with a knight of the same set while gazing at the end result.

"This looks much better" he reassured himself. "Much closer to how things are, and soon will be" he nodded with certainty, and spent a few more quiet moments gazing on his weird map. "It has been too long. It is time for change..." he mused as he turned to leave the room contently, and withdraw to another part of his private chambers.

The chambers felt empty and lonely nowadays, however. The chambers felt cold. He decided to head down to the common areas, where he could find some of his loyal staff. They made the palace less hollow in his eyes.

Bunker No. 1353, High Command, Alpine Line
Somewhere in the Northern Alps, Mecklenburg, Wieserreich - 6 May 2012, 1:55 am

The combined banners of Wieserreich and the Germanian League adorned the exterior of the command bunker somewhere in the Alps, with uniformed personnel of more than one country seeming busy within and outside of it alike. It was no longer as quiet as when it was a reserve facility, long considered obsolete for immediate use by the Reichswehr.

It had been a while since the workers had left. With them left the quiet and serenity of the place; cadre military personnel was replaced by full-timers, guards, high security, and even significant civilian staff. Inside, officers and technical personnel were busy laying down the plans for crucial things and objects, and even connecting some things already in place into one another.

It was a new era for the Alpine bunker. Not one of direct military use or disuse, but a totally different one altogether.