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Gran-Occidentian News Service


Establishing Nation
Aug 2, 2020
La Tribuna
Providing the People of Gran-Occidentia with news from the Nation and across the world
Est 1916

El Caudillo Celebrates Seventy Fifth Birthday!

Crowd's numbering in their tens of thousands to the streets across Gran-Occidentia to celebrate our beloved Caudillo's birthday, street parties organised by local Sindicato Integralista Nacional members have sprung in every town and city as the people come to celebrate and give thanks to Presidente Ignacio Reyes-Carranza for his years of tireless service. The Caudillo visited several of this celebrations in Puerto Angleles before attended a military parade in his honour. A special concert starring some of Gran-Occidentia's finest musicians has also been organised and will take place outside the presidential palace, However the Caudillo will not be present for the concert, flying to his home town of Mérida in Tierra del Sol to spend time with family.

Gran-Occidentian's raise millons in aid to Ebria and abroad
In an heartwarming display of christian goodness and the Occidentian spirit the Sindicato Integralista Nacional and people of Gran-Occidentia have raised more than 30 million Escudos for the people of Ebria and Radilan-Himyar who are suffering immense hardship following the outbreak of war in their nations. Additional aid including medical personnel and equipment is also being arranged.