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Janakantha - Vangala continues fight for gender equality

Oct 8, 2008
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Volga Republic

As Vangala supported the Volgan people in their struggle against oppression, the Volga Republic will support the Vangalans in their right to secure their borders against all that pose a threat to their sovereignty.

Maxim Litvinov
Foreign Affairs Minister
Volga Republic
Aug 3, 2008
Foreign Ministry

It is the hope of the Maharaja and the people of Khalistan that Ratomkira and Vangala will be able to settle their differences in a peaceful way.

Rasgun Singh Multani
Foreign Minister


Establishing Nation
Jan 12, 2008
Royal Office of External Affairs

Let it be known to all the nations of Europe that it is not the Kingdom of Ratomkira that wishes to push the regions into another violent war. It has been the Vangalan communist regime that has since its creation in the early 50's send uniformed and non-uniformed troops over the border and has kept the smuggling business alive only to provoke our peace-minded Kingdom. We have countered these attacks and attempted diplomacy, but now after almost 60 years of unofficial warfare our patience with the corrupt Vangalan leadership and its warmongering military is nearly gone.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Imperial Ministry of War and Foreign Affairs

The Empire will consider any aggression against Ratomkiran targets to be an aggression upon the League of Free States at large and will initiate appropriate security protocols in the event of any such attacks.

The Empire strongly advises foreign elements to desist from destabilizing the situation and will take the appropriate diplomatic steps should any such infringements occur.

We remain committed to the maintenance of peace and stability in Touyou and will continue to work with similarly minded governments towards achieving this goal.

Yours sincerely,
Kihara Itsuki
Imperial Minister of War and Foreign Affairs


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006

Vangala continues fight for gender equality

Days after the People's Republic celebrated International Women's Day, the Ministry for Women and Children has unveiled dozens of new proposals designed to win the battle for equal rights and opportunities for women in the Motherland. Speaking to Communist Party members at the People's Assembly, Minister Rupali Thakurta outlined her Ministry's plans while also praising the past heroic efforts of the Party to achieve gender equality, notably the successful educational campaigns aimed at removing reactionary thought, irrational religious superstitution and primitive cultural customs that oppressed women.

Seeking greater representation for women in politics and governance, Minister Thakurta suggested in all elections there should be several guaranteed female candidates. Under previous schemes, several women have been elected to the People's Assembly and many more to local bodies. Rupali Thakurta is hoping to increase the number. Furthermore, state-run organisations and companies will be encouraged to give women more high-profile and public positions. In co-operation with the Ministry for Public Health, family planning services will be extended, with free female contraception to be provided alongside male contraception.

Vangala is already one of Europe's most progressive states in the promotion of sexual equality. Controversial decisions, such as the legalisation and regulation of prostitution, once dismissed by critics are now being hailed for their achievements, with the Ministry of Public Health reporting a decrease in the number of cases of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). With abortion now widely available, the number of women dying from unsafe terminations has also fallen significantly. Many women serve in the Revolutionary Armed Forces, proudly defending Mother Vangala from all threats. To stop gendercidal practises, sex-selective infanticide will become a new separate crime, carrying a heavy sentence for offenders.

The Ministry for Women and Children has vowed not to stop there though. Funding will also be given to organisations across Europe who agitate for women's rights and Minister Rupali Thakurta hopes Vangala will soon host a conference to boost the global campaign for equality.