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La République l English Language News from the Republic of Matoury

Jun 29, 2011
President Bouthillier begins nationwide PR campaign
President Bouthillier began her nationwide PR campaign to improve her image today as she visited the town of Pekalongan in the Semarang forests, taking part in a local celebration of the long standing constitutional protection of the forests. The celebration, known as Semarang Day, includes native dishes, arts, and music. It was led this year by Pekalongan mayor Try Wirahadikusumah, who kicked off the celebration with a speech outlining the importance of President Bouthillier's visit, and the celebration itself.

"Our people appreciate President Bouthillier's sign of solidarity with the constitutional protection of our forests. We need to value or natural beauty over economic gains, despite what it might mean for our country. We value our forests like a mother values her child, and that is why we hold this festival, because it is like celebrating our child's birthday to us."

President Bouthillier recieved the response she wanted from her visit, support. As a growing Matourian middle class becomes disillusioned with the Parti socialiste as they continue to pursue control over the markets, preventing economic growth that threatens the unstable infrastructure of the country. Meanwhile, the Solidarité et la Démocratie parti wishes to remove constitutional protection of the Semarang forests, which a growing number of Matourians support. However, the rural native population still remains firmly against it.
Jun 29, 2011

La République Local Edition is a collection of articles from local news publications from all around Matoury.

Unusual Winter Chills strike Monterrey l La Tribune

In an unusual streak of winter weather, locals in Monterrey reported temperatures down to 5°C yesterday. Average temperatures for this time of year usually sit at around 16°-18°, allowing for light sweaters and jackets, but people were forced to bundle up yesterday in what is recorded as the coldest temperatures in the city in 20 years. In some neighbourhoods frost was seen gracing the front lawns of people's houses, but some residents were displeased with the frost. We spoke with Claude Belanger of the Orléans suburb of Monterrey:
"We usually leave some plants out in the winter as it doesn't usually harm them, but with the frost this morning and the cold weather some of them died. We had to bring in our new Kei Apple tree, even though they can live in colder weather, they don't grow as well in the cold."

New report shows local roads need immediate attention l Bekasi Daily News

A new report done by the Provincial Government shows that the roads around Bekasi are in poor shape, and are in desperate need of repair. One road in particular, Temple Street, is in such bad shape that it caused a reported $7400 in damage to vehicles last year. The Ministry of Transport based in Saint-Etienne is responsible for repairs and paying for damage to vehicles caused by poor infrastructure, and the report showed that poor infrastructure will cost the country an estimated $110000 this year, and will grow each year. Rochelle Henri, a Bekasi resident, told us about her incident on Sainte Marie Avenue last month:
"A large pothole was filled with water on Sainte Marie Avenue, which means I couldn't see it. When I hit it, It tore the bumper off my car and it was so deep that my tire became lodged in it. It cost the government $1000 to repair my car. At least I didn't have to pay for it, but I would prefer it if the government was able to spend its money on actually repairing the roads."