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Le Petit Journal - Political Magazine of Petits Pays

Saxe-Friesken and Polaben

Establishing Nation
Apr 17, 2007
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This Issue:
• Cover Story – The Last Defense: War Navy holds onto Nzadiland by a Thread

• Interview — With Montagne PM Jean-Pierre Lemieux: Centralize Petits Pays!

• Peace in Justosia: Oil Industry Breathes Relief

• The Politics of Alliance: New World Blocs Cause Chaos and Concern

• Communist Authoritarianism: The Marxist Hoax Spreads in Regions Where Wealth is Based

• Long Sea Blues: Claret Sea Council Highlights Power Politics at its Fullest and Achieves Neither Peace Nor Order From the Chaos

• The End of Colonialism?: Strife in Himyar Suggests New Rules, Same Paradigms

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The Last Defense
War Navy holds onto Nzadiland by a Thread

What began with an assassination also began a Himyar defining conflict. As Imperial and Royal forces have been sidelined to the edges of the map, the coastline has become safe haven from the rebels. An attempted «mini surge» outside of Louisville that occurred last week proved successful, but was unsuccessful in achieving any of the long term tactical goals of the campaign. Now the Army lay scattered and slowly retreating back to their original positions. This has only left observers wondering what was it even for and if that was the last gasp of air for a campaign that has been under funded and irrelevant from the start. The problem for the loss of Nzadiland is the factionalism and rise of communist forces. However, the communists apparently continue to lose funding and this has left gaps in the structure of the conflict. Meanwhile this has pitted Pelasgian nationalist undertones that had been as of previous successfully resisted for over 100 years against anti-colonialist forces usually sponsored from central and western Himyar. So where does this leave the Dual Monarchy and has the question of peace talks finally reached critical mass?

Nzadiland is a relatively new construct. Arriving in a colonial manner during the age of sail and exploration in the 16th century, it was named for a particular tribe of Nethians which called themselves that and ultimately found themselves as enslaved to a new economy of resource exploitation. It was discovered by the seafaring explorers of Petits Pays, and thus the settlement of Louisville being named after Captain Louis Bouchard who unceremoniously met his demise in the region to a bout of malaria. Petits Pays would eventually fall under the modern Dual Monachy’s structure and as such the stage was set for Tyskonian led resource exploitation with plantations and slave trading becoming common as these unchristian peoples could become slaves by the morals of the era. Unfortunately their skin color and slave trade has also created a sense of superiority over the Nethian peoples that is pervasive in Gallo-Germania, Westernesse, and Touyou to this day. As time moved on and the Dual Monarchy’s hold on the region faltered, others were often given monopolies to work in certain trades so long as they paid their taxes. It was in this environment that genocide, abuse, and other atrocities occurred throughout the early 20th century and only formally ended in practice by the 1920s after news of the event became common knowledge after the publishing of several underground newspaper articles as state media censorship was particularly active in the era. While this had all resulted in supplying a great deal of the world’s rubber, diamonds, coffee, and exotic fruits, the sheer scale of human exploitation has never been forgotten despite attempts to liberalize the region by successive Imperial Diets.

While tragic, the regicide that took place was an expression of the movement to liberate and free Nzadiland from colonial rule. That it took place in the name of socialism and communism was no accident. The desire to seize the assets of the old colonial state and redistribute it to the Nethian peoples of Nzadiland is real. Joseph Bolongo’s vision while murky and largely uncontrollable by even Mr. Bolongo himself has taken root. While it can be assumed that communist forces from Gallo-Germania sponsor the Nzadi movement, it is not well supported due to the nature of the Status Quo Treaties that bind Kadikistan to leaving Himyar to the whims of the despots which dominate Himyar already. This has seen a backlash against the Marxist-Leninovist communist world in even socialist circles in Petits Pays. Low Gallian Communists which are barred from political life in Tyskonia (in fact this article would be censored in Tyskonia) are still allowed to contend in elections in most of Petits Pays and they plan to run behind Marc-Andre Perreault’s Gallia Libre movement which plans to contend in the next elections demanding an end to the war in Nzadiland and the empowerment of Nethians in what is a structurally racist socialist movement. Perreault’s ideas have put him in the cross-hair’s of the Crown Government in Hertha, and his efforts to donate to Joseph Bolongo has seen him detained several times by police.

Perreault’s vision preaches a return to the spread of the revolution and the empowerment of all people in a Marxist system. Acknowledging that even in a direct democracy, communism could never flourish he has advocated for for the «Community of Communists» in which communism cannot be dogmatic and instead be bent to the needs of each society. He argues that Low Gallian communism must be held in reflection to the struggles of colonialism and must focus on the casting away of racial chains and a past of sin. The individual is at the heart of Gallia when considering how advances in LGBTQ+ individual practices in Auraria are held over the communitarian views of most societies. Thus communism must break through via the power of the individual in Gallia. Direct democracy is a must and perhaps this can be shaped via a more democratic communism where parties must only fit under the socialist demands of the system. A communism brought forth by individual actions and collective ownership of those individual actions. So individuals must be free to build free enterprise as they please, but all ownership must be with the people and community. As such a corporation based in Orléans-sur-Mer is also owned by the people of Orléans-sur-Mer. So while the creator may dictate the direction of a company, the workers must own the company with the creator. Joseph Bolongo is not deaf, and has advocated for similar ideas in a post-war Nzadiland. The traditional hammer and sickle may be dead in Low Gallia.

Joseph Bolongo is also willing to come to the table with the Dual Monarchy. To be able to institute this dream of «Marxist-Perreaultism» he needs to end the front against what ultimately comes down to the War Navy. Freeing himself of the southern ocean front Bolongo could reclaim his revolution against the northeast and northwest. Thus the difficulty of having an external power decide to remove the War Navy from the region. Removing this secondary front from Bolongo would allow him to focus his efforts on regions that would be in direct conflict with Natalian and Pelasgian desires. Peace talks are something that Chancellor von Lütke is reportedly now open to and something may be agreed to assuming von Lütke can somehow claim some kind of victory.

If anything the war has proven the effective nature of the War Navy and its ability to maintain effective combat readiness at great distance from its home ports in Gallo-Germania. Its role in maintaining equity of forces when the Army is heavily outnumbered has shown that years of investment in order to compete with Gallo-Germanian neighbors and especially the Engellexic Republics is proving to be a worthwhile investment. It cannot be ignored that the War Navy has now conducted two major operations this year as it escorted Mompra commerce vessels through the Silk Seas during the Justosia Crisis.

What becomes clear is that a peaceful future for Nzadiland is tied to ending the Dual Monarchy’s involvement in the war and allowing the people in Nzadiland to establish a foundation for a functional republic. Continued involvement from Gallo-Germania will only delay the ability of a secure and functional leadership to evolve from the chaos and may forever scar the region and condemn it to endless chaos. Of course it is also possible that the rubicon has already been crossed and Nzadiland can only be condemned to civil war and chaos for the foreseeable future. Thus any role played by the Dual Monarchy must be done with the health of those citizens under the Crown, including those still loyal that reside in Nzadiland. Failure to do so would place doubt on the value of loyalty to the Crown.

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Jean-Pierre Lemieux: Centralize Petits Pays!
An Interview with Montagne’s PM

Over the last month there has overwhelming drive to centralize Petits Pays. The topic has become trendy at university campuses and on the internet. The new Prime Minister of Montagne Jean-Pierre Lemieux is an old man, but believes that centralizing the age old collection of Duchies with one central government will help Petits Pays get out of the shadow of Tyskonia. We speak with him on the issue one on one.

Le Petit Journal: Welcome PM Lemieux, you have stated that Petits Pays should centralize itself with a federal government. Is this a drive towards independence, or something more?

PM Lemieux: Thank you for having me. It is my opinion that this is not an independence bid. It is something still tied to the Crown, and we hope will be endorsed by the Crown. Our hope is that if Petits Pays can have a federal government, it would be better able to manage its resources, economy, and impact in foreign affairs.

Le Petit Journal: Why is this important though?

PM Lemieux: If you consider the Dual Monarchy it is so exclusively managed by Tyskonia that nations find Tyskonia as synonymous with the Dual Monarchy. Petits Pays when put together is larger than Tyskonia in terms of all basic economic raw figures. We are ignored internationally. I think this means that everything we have achieved is despite the hurdles in our way.

Le Petit Journal: Does this not have an end game where Petits Pays is independent?

PM Lemieux: No. I cannot offer you a future news story where this happens in my mind.

Le Petit Journal: But you cannot deny that independence movements often happen from these kinds of settings.

PM Lemieux: Of course someone that wants independence might see this as an advantage to them, but I think in reality a person in the mind to take Petits Pays independent of Tyskonia would find any excuse to be able to execute such a plot. That shall not be the goal here.

Le Petit Journal: How can you guarantee that?

PM Lemieux: I can say that in any constitutional document, the Crown will be front and center.

Le Petit Journal: Are you not worried that this interrupts the Duchy system in place?

PM Lemieux: Not especially. I think more conservative elements of society might worry about this but there is nothing to suggest our Duchies will not be able to continue to function mostly as is. Federalism will give them their own powers, but also give our new Federal or perhaps more Confederate government its own powers as well.

Le Petit Journal: Do you have a preference for a Federal system or Confederation?

PM Lemieux: Well I think a Confederation really already exists. Loosely anyway. A Federal system I think is the real direction we should take Low Gallia and really establish ourselves as a legitimate country. Equals amongst the Tyskonians in this Dual Monarchy.

Le Petit Journal: Are there any obstacles that you know of from Tyskonia?

PM Lemieux: Not immediately. The Crown has indicated that they would like to see what we come up with before they pass judgment. Of course I have some red lines that should not be crossed that have been presented to me.

Le Petit Journal: Are you able to share those red lines?

PM Lemieux: No. I think it is safe to in summary that we are not supposed to overrule any existing conventions though.

Le Petit Journal: Thank you so much for your time.

PM Lemieux: Thank you.

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