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Médias Nationale de la République Zouave (MNRZ)


Establishing Nation
Apr 16, 2007
Médias Nationale de la République Zouave

comme autorisé par le service national d'information

Jean Aduma murdered!
The influential Jean Aduma was shot and killed yesterday evening in his hometown of Zométe by a known member of the Sokhoto um Wize (Spear of the Nation) criminal group. Although he was rushed to the county hospital, Aduma did not survive the trip, and was pronounced dead when he arrived at Saint-Laurent's Public Hospital.

The shooter, a twenty-six year old by the name of Mnebe Durnabe, was quickly apprehended by the Zométe municipal police department and promptly turned over to the national investigation bureau. Durnabe is of the Sokhi tribe, one of the tribus barbares, and a registered member of the Sokhoto um Wize prior to its banning half a decade ago. A full criminal trial will be conducted following the conclusion of the formal NIB interrogation and investigation.

It is believed that Durnabe acted alone in this act, and was not inspired by his would-be compatriots in the SuW. As one of best-known tribus civilisées politicians and figureheads, Aduma was a natural target for a tribus barbares agitator like Durnabe.

As one of Zométe's and the Zuma tribe's most popular and influential politicians, Jean Aduma's death is untimely and quite surprising. The founder of numerous charity organizations and educational institutions, Aduma has done quite a bit to help improve living conditions for the Zuma and the various other tribus civilisées. In his time as governor of the Outreterre, the overall GDP of the province has seen a significant improvement, and many new businesses have begun to crop up of late. The city of Zométe witnessed a number of new construction and modernization projects, in an attempt to emulate the spectacular progress and prosperity of such other metropolitan areas as Rousseau or Port-Saint-Luc.

Aduma will be missed by a great many people, as he was well-loved by the lower and middle class for his innovative and creative social projects and reforms. President Lestrade has authorized a full state funeral for Jean Aduma, this being only the third time that such an honor be granted upon a member of the tribus civilisées. The funeral will take place in the Parc du colonel Martin Beaucois in downtown Zométe, with the 33e Régiment de la Garde presiding over the ceremonies.

Aduma's deputy-governor, Anbemarian Thole, has been sworn in earlier today and will continue to act as the governor of the Outreterre until the next election in the spring of 2013.



Establishing Nation
Apr 16, 2007
Médias Nationale de la République Zouave

comme autorisé par le service national d'information

Comeli County Gold Mine to shut down by 2012
The Hajr-based mining firm, the Al-Qaradh Extractions Group, has announced its intention to shut down the Comeli county gold-mine sometime during the beginning of the next year. The company had been releasing hints of the closure for some time, since the beginning of 2009, but this is the first time that Al-Qaradh has declared a firm desire to shut down the compound.

An old and historic gold-mine, the Comeli County Mine has experienced much change in its hundred year lifespan. Having started out as a simple quarry during the early 1900s, it became a proper and prosperous mine later on in the century when gold deposits were discovered there. The mine had been acquired by the Al-Qaradh Extractions Group in 1989, after it had purchased the property from the Comeli County Municipal Authority. The hard rock gold mine is one of the county's largest employers, with the mine itself and its various associated services employing about 12,000 people. The company has been responsible for training thousands of men and women in management, engineering, and industrial work – and has been a economic asset of the county for a great length of time.

According to a spokesperson for the Al-Qaradh group, the mine has ceased to be profitable, as it has become impossible for workmen to meet the yearly production quotas. Hired and neutral experts, both domestic and international, have agreed that the mine has reached its capacity, and has been drained of its largest and most profitable deposits.

“The mine has already been operating on a budget deficit for the last five years,” one expert said, “with no new deposits nearby, and all the available ones drained, the mine is simply no longer practical to maintain.”

In an effort to avoid mass lay-offs, the governor of the Rim province has entered into talks with the company so as to negotiate a gradual transfer of workers to other facilities, and a slow closure of the mine over a period of several years.
Other News:

  • Ministry of Civilization to review its annual budget later this quarter; several million Dinars allotted from Health and Education towards the MoC.
    [*]Two men arrested in the Outreterre earlier today, connection believed between the two and Mnebe Durnabe, the perpetrator of the murder of Jean Aduma.
    [*]EcoMas signs several new agreements with both Himyarite and Boreal contractors; expansion of numerous logging and mining facilities likely to follow.


Establishing Nation
Apr 16, 2007

Publié à Port-Saint-Luc depuis 1895, tous droits réservés

Car bombing in Rousseau; SuW believed responsible
The Sokhoto um Wize terrorist group is believed to be responsible for a car bombing in the nation's capital which took place last night, leaving four dead and fifteen grievously injured. The car, an imported Fukuzuki SUV, cruised down Church Avenue in the southern quarter of Rousseau, before detonating within several meters of the Notre Dame de la Victoire Eglise. All the casualties of the blast were innocent white men and women, all on their way to Sunday mass.

The perpetrator, Henri du Zumba, was identified several hours later via dental records by agents from the National Investigation Bureau. Zumba, having an extensive criminal record, was one of the few who was registered with the SuW since its creation in 1993. It is surprising that a senior member would act as a suicide bomber, with only a handful of the old membership having succeeded in evading arrest or death over the years.

A full investigation is now underway, to be conducted in coordination between the NIB and the Presidential Office of Inquiry, per the request of President Lestrade herself. This bombing is believed to a per-meditated act, according to interviewed officials, and so the investigation will primarily focus on Zumba's family, friends, and other associates, such as to ascertain who had involvement in the bombing.

Residents of Church Avenue and other citizens of Rousseau were severely shocked by last night's events, and public opinion has been unanimous in condemning Zumba and the SuW for this terrorist act. It is important to note, however, that this isn't the first time that the SuW has been suspected of committing a terrorist act within the nation. Both the Henri III Street bombing of 1997 and the Andabu School Riots were believed to be sponsored or even orchestrated by the SuW. This is, however, the first time that white citizens were the target for such an attack, rather than members of one of the civilized tribes. It is also the first instance of domestic terrorism and violence orchestrated by one of the tribus barbares outside of the Outreterre or any of the indigenous zones.

“Such heinous crimes will not be tolerated in our nation,” President Lestrade herself said in a press conference immediately following the bombing, “the culprits will be found, and will promptly be brought to justice.”

“The SuW has been allowed to act, under my predecessor, with only the most meager actions taken against them. My administration aims to crack-down on these types of rogue, illegal, and terrorist organizations.”

Members of the congregation at the Notre Dame de la Victoire Eglise will hold a public mass on Wednesday in remembrance of the victims of the bombing. State funerals have been offered to those killed in the attack.

Other News:​
  • Brettaine passes a bill allowing for marriage between two consenting male adults. The Capitoline State, the seat of the Holy Tiburan Church, denounces the legislation, claiming that it violates “ancient institution of marriage” and that the Brettish position is “holy sacrament of matrimony.”
    [*]Senate discusses the status of the Zométe and Andabu county municipal port authorities. Most national ports are under the supervision of the government itself, and from the Republican National Guard, with the exception of Zométe and Andabu, which function as autonomous entities under the 1977 Civilization Act.
    [*]Missionaries from Cantigny were welcomed into the Republic earlier this week, with a permit issued to them by the Ministry of Civilization and by the President, allowed them to operate in indigenous zones and in areas belonging to the various tribus barbares.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
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The Right Honourable The Secretary of State has received the Command of Her Engellexic Majesty The Queen to make known the following gracious Statement of Her Engellexic Majesty to the President, Government and People of the Zouave Republic.

Extension of The Queen's Statement in Council.


I am instructed to express on behalf of Her Engellexic Majesty;

It is a remarkable and a striking fact that after such an encouraging period, economically and politically, there remains much still to do. It is the firm opinion of her Majesty that no honour should be charged to the perpetrators of this dastardly act of murder. I am indeed fortunate by duty of office to convey the respect and admiration in which her Majesty and subjects hold for the victims of this terrible crime

It is not less true in this year than in former years that we can speak of these things as things which are increasing. This war of self-destruction in which yourself and people are unfortunately engaged has given to her Majesty many occasions for those thoughtful acts and words of kindness and sympathy which have so endeared your people to her Majesty’s subjects, and have increased, if it were possible, their love and regard to your people in their time of need and great struggle against this barbarity.

The Union of Great Engellex stands staunchly with your government to administer what aid is needed to fight back against this dark tide.

By the Grace of GOD, of the UNION of GREAT ENGELLEX, CHARLOTTE, the QUEEN, through the Right Honourable the SECRETARY of STATE, ANTHONY PELHAM-HOLLES​


Establishing Nation
Apr 16, 2007
Courrier Dimanche

Le plus beau Marc hebdomadaire! Publié depuis 1922, tous droits réservés.

Municipal Port privileges revoked!
In a recent bill passed by the Senate and approved by the Presidential Oversight Committee (with lobbyist support, no less!), the government aims to revoke certain privileges which were afforded to the outland territories and to the various civilized tribal provinces. Traditionally, the municipal port authorities, while generally acting under the supervision of the Republican National Guard, have been allowed to function as de facto autonomous entities since 1977, when the first Civilization Act was passed. The various provincial legislatures were invested with the power to set tariff rates on shipping in and out of the port at their own discretion, and were able to levy their own taxes on certain goods.

Zométe and Andabu serve as the most important port cities controlled by the civilized tribes. Zométe, with a rapidly growing population, and a strategic position near to the Thessieu Canal, has been gradually growing in importance over the last decade. Over the last decade alone, the demand for imported foodstuffs has grown by 33%, and it is continued to increase drastically in the following ten years. Charges of corruption have become especially commonplace in the municipal port authority, as grain and other foods are imported both from domestic sources and international ones – with the municipal authorities very blatantly favoring certain companies.

“A very specific degree of oversight is required,” said Counselor Gabriel Dumont, a member of the Presidential Oversight Committee. “Though the arrangement has suited the interests of the provinces and the Republic itself up to this point, there have been calls amongst lobbyists and certain other elements amongst the Senate for an arrangement which would be more profitable to the nation as a whole, rather than the interests of a few select individuals or even a single provincial government.”

He would go on to mention that “investigations will be conducted by the Oversight Committee in co-ordination with the NIB. All existent corruption charges will be investigated with the utmost scrutiny on the part of both organizations.”

As such, all privileges which the municipal port authorities had previously enjoyed will be revoked in their entirety at the beginning of next year. The Republican National Guard and the Naval Coast Guard will take the place of the local authorities in supervising the various port facilities and installations in both Zométe and Andabu, with national tariffs and taxes planned to be imposed on all shipping. A priority will be granted to domestic shipping, a policy which, surprisingly, was never before implemented in either of the two cities – and one which was vehemently opposed by the now deceased governor Jean Aduma.

“It is, after all, the white man's burden,” commented the Minister of Civilization, “to bring prosperity and civilization to such places.”

“The surest path to prosperity is through excellent administration.”



Establishing Nation
Apr 16, 2007

Le plus beau Marc hebdomadaire! Publié depuis 1922, tous droits réservés.

One dead, two missing in the Outreterre
The Anglysh missionary Thomas C. Kirk was found dead yesterday evening on the floor of the Saint George Anglycan mission in the southern Outreterre. Kirk had been stabbed several times in the lower abdomen, and had been left to bleed out from his numerous wounds. He was discovered by a local parishioner a few hours after his death, who immediately notified the appropriate municipal authorities. The chapel itself had been ransacked as well, with the pulpit having been smashed in and various pages of the Bible strewn about the chamber.

Worse yet, Kirk's fellow missionaries, George Cunningham and Ronald Lowery, have both been declared missing as of this morning. No individual interviewed by the municipal police department has yet been able to provide their whereabouts, or explain the situation. With no other explanation to account for their absence, it is believed that both individuals have been either killed or abducted by the same persons responsible for the death of Thomas Kirk. Neither of the men's possessions have been touched, and so it is therefore believed to be unlikely that they have both simply left the mission.

A provincial manhunt will soon be underway, conducted by the Outreterre Provincial Police and the Republican National Guard. Should this endeavor fail, there have been talks of expanding the search and making it a national effort. The loss of the three missionaries was a shock to the local tribesmen, who reportedly pleaded with the investigating policemen to aid in the search for the two men. Allegedly, the chieftain swore a blood-oath against the murderer of Thomas Kirk.

“At this time, the OPP is not currently able to announce the names of any suspects,” said commissioner Jacques Laftein, “the OPP is following up on certain leads, and a forensic investigation will soon be conducted.”

Some locals have implicated the SuW or other such rogue elements as involved in this attack, but so far all such claims have been dismissed for lack of evidence.

In the meantime, the Minister of Civilization has asked all foreign individuals in the Outreterre to be on the lookout for suspicious individuals in their local parishes and compounds. Those who would kill missionaries would likely have no reservations with harming others, and so the Minister urged all white men and women in the Outreterre to be “very wary”.

George Cunningham and Ronald Lowery will be in our prayers.

Other News:
  • 15 million Dinars have been appropriated by the Presidential Oversight Committee for the modernization and nationalization effort of the various black harbor facilities at Zométe and Andabu. The Appropriations Committee has promised a further increase of 25% over the following business quarter.
  • The Thessieu Canal will be temporarily closed down for a period of two days following an accident at the lower locks. A tug-boat hit one of the gates at a high velocity, causing some damage to the system. No traffic will be permitted to travel up or down the canal until the locks are fully repaired.
  • Abemarian Thole, the current governor of Zométe, made a speech criticizing the planned government takeover of the erstwhile black-controlled ports. He claims that this seizure is a violation of the 1977 Civilization Act, and even the 1961 Act of Abjuration.


Establishing Nation
Apr 16, 2007
Le Gardien

Governor Thole resigns!
Anbemarian Thole sent in his resignation letter earlier today to the Republic Senate, attached to which was a lengthy piece listing the reasons for his departure. His resignation comes in light of his recent appearance at the Senate, where he spoke with permission of the Senatorial chairman. In his speech earlier this week, Thole made an attempt to convince the Senate of the necessity of autonomous and unrestricted control of shipping and harbor facilities in the civilized territories. He cited the high growth rates in both GDP and population as representative of the efficiency of the local administration, and claimed these statistics as a portent to continued progress. The bill which would restrict the control of all ports and shipping facilities to the Republican National Guard and the Naval Coast Guard was passed a day prior, though it may still be repealed by a Senate majority or Presidential veto within a two-week window.

“It is a plain violation of old bills, laws which laid the foundation for the state,” Thole commented, referencing both the Civilization Act of 1977 and the Act of Abjuration in 1961. Though it is not clear due to lack of clarification, many have taken Thole's words seriously, as both acts did indeed establish the basis for the autonomy of the civilized tribes and their incorporation fully into the republic.

Public opinion in Zométe and Andabu in particular has been overwhelmingly against the newest measures, with the Indigenous Party of Zométe (IPZ) calling the bill “federalism and protectionism at its worst.” A member of the IPZ himself, Thole has spoken at numerous protests and political rallies already, attempting to muster public opinion against the bill. The IPZ, the Socialist Party, and the United Tribes organizations have all called for the bill to be “suspended indefinitely” or “repealed entirely.” In the event of the former, all the aforementioned groups have clamored for public referendums to take place, such as to allow the inhabitants of the cities to decide the status of their ports. As of yet, all protests have been restricted to the Zométe and Andabu provinces, with no demonstrations having yet taken place in the capital or within the Campagne.

Thole had reputedly resigned after the measure he had put forth in the senate had been turned down, sending in the letter mere hours afterwards. Having succeeded the deceased Jean Aduma as governor, Thole served for a total of five days before stepping down – setting a record for the shortest political term in the republic. He has not yet abandoned the world of politics, however, and he continues to attend and organize rallies in Zométe; having also expressed a desire to do the same in the Outreterre proper.

“His popularity won't last,” said political analyst Audric Josse when interviewed about the situation. “He's riding on the coattails of Jean Aduma, who was amazingly popular with members of practically every party in Zométe. Aduma is dead, though, and his coat's in a grave.”

Conversely, some analysts and commentators believe that this is a big step forward for the civilized tribes, particularly on the nation scene, as this is one of the rare occasions wherein all the major indigenous parties see eye-to-eye upon a single issue. A second hearing will be conducted in the senate later this week, with both Thole and several other officials from each of the three indigenous parties in attendance.

Other News:
Solaren has begun military operations against the EDF, starting what is expected to be a long and draining war against Lorraine with a shelling across the frontier. Chemicals munitions were reportedly used by the Solaren Armed Forces, to devastating effect. President Lestrade condemned this act, denouncing it as “cruel and barbaric” and “unfitting of a civilized European state.”
The Presidential Oversight Committee and the National Defense Board have announced their intention to hold a series of meetings over the next week, with certain foreign delegates represented within such as to discuss the republic's place in Europe during this latest international crisis. Allied nations will be in attendance, and security in Rousseau will be ramped up for the duration of the talks.
Cantigny deploys forces to Butuan in an effort to aid in the stabilization of the region. The latter country has been experiencing a great deal of instability and dissidence of late, and much of the nation's citizenry has urged Cantigny to step in and maintain order.
