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National News Eiffelland (OOC: Defunct)


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
«Fragment from an Eiffellandfunk interview, in French»

After the agreement on Bourdignie between Eiffelland and the Holy Frankish Empire was announced, the battle for the Bourdignian voters broke loose. Twatter is filled with twats for and against Francophone Bourdignie becoming part of the Empire. But in the last two days two articles appeared in the Tarusan and Imperial media. We asked Prof. Dr. Louis Nazare to comment on this.

Professor Nazare, good evening.

Good evening Mrs. Dupont.

As you know, the Tarusan media and the Imperial Moniteur Universel published articles with harsh accusations against Eiffelland. Meanwhile, we know the contents of those articles. Could you please comment on it?

Yes, I can. To be very honest, I don't recognise myself in the accusations put forward by the Tarusan and Imperial media. In the case of Bourdignie, they did not mention a couple of facts. Eiffelland's presence in Bourdignie is the result of a request from the Bourdigniens to protect them against Prime-Minister Kovács. That is a fact. The Bourdignians asked Eiffelland, and The Federation of Westernesse, to help them out, and so we did. That is a fact.
In parallel, Georg von Heidemar-Fulda was asked by the people of Bécs-Altstadt to become their Duke. Also that is a fact. The only thing the Eiffellandian government did, was giving Georg von Heidemar-Fulda permission to say "yes" to that request.
The accusations against Eiffelland regarding Bourdignie are based on an incomplete image of the truth. We did not simply march in because we wanted to, we were asked to march in. We were asked by the bourdignians to march in and help them with establishing a nation where all persons can be what their feelings say what they are, a nation that takes the interests of its citizens into account. The Bourdignians were working towards that, and in a fast pace. We were helping them with that.

But still the Emperor decided to march in, according to him to liberate the Patois from our oppression.

I don't know where he bases his perception on that we were oppressing the Patois. That is simply not true. Maybe some developments didn't go as fast as everybody wanted, but Tibur wasn't built in a day, either.
On the other hand, Bourdignie is not in the bad shape the Emperor indicates it to be. Pannonia was a modern country before the political situation went out of hand. Much of that is still in place in Bourdignie. Indeed, the country needs investments, but we were already working on that, and what we were doing, was certainly good enough to bring education and healthcare back up to speed. What the Emperor did with his offer to triplicate the educational budget and invest in the healthcare system, was just scoring an easy goal. He just pointed at the things that hadn't been improved yet and ignored what had already been improved.

Unfortunately, quite a lot of people consider the Emperor's and the Tsar's version of the events in Bourdignie more trustworthy than what you just described. How should we convince those people?

The problem is, that Tarusa has a lot of experience with steering the opinion of its population towards its desires. They know how to present lies in such a way that they seem more trustworthy than the truth. And now they are passing this knowledge on to the Imperials. But we all have to understand that the truth is often complicated and can not always be captured in an easy story.

I would also like to discuss the referendum in Al-Magrab.

Basically, what the government of Al-Magrab is doing, is following the EF-resolution. This resolution stipulates that the mandates should get a referendum within six months about their future. It also stipulates what the options in this resolution should be: Becoming a colony of the mandate-holding country, becoming a colony of another country, or independence. Thirdly, the EF-resolution stipulates that, if the mandate chooses independence, the mandate-holding country gets a year to withdraw its troops. The option "full independence without occupation" that Le Moniteur Universel suggests is simply not doable. It is impossible to withdraw thousands of troops within a day. But also here the accusations against Eiffelland have no ground: The Magrabbines are free to choose what they want. Yes, the options "colony" and "temporarily colony and after that independence with a defensive pact" are on the form, but the Magrabbines are free to choose for independence without a defensive pact.
I also have to mention that it is a wish of a lot of the Magrabbines to not be left at their own devices from a military point of view. No matter how realistic the fear is, the Magrabbines fear the Noksians. That is the reason why the option "temporarily colony and after that independence with a defensive pact" is on the ballot form.
But let me say something about the referenda both in Bourdignie and in Al-Magrab. However you interpret Eiffelland's role in both countries, when you vote, ask youself the question: In what kind of country do I want to live? Do I want to live in a country where I can be what I feel to be, or do I accept it that the government tells me what to be? Do I want to be Catholic because I feel that Catholicism is the way to worship God, or do I accept that the government tells me to be Catholic? Do I want to live in a country where the government respects my rights and interests, or do I accept it that the government can do whatever it wants without being held accountable? Eiffelland's intention in Bourdignie and Al-Magrab is to create a country where you can be what you feel to be, a country where you can worship God in the way that you feel is right, a country where the government respects your rights and interests. And that is the kind of place we created in Al-Magrab and Bourdignie.

Professor Nazare, I thank you for this interview.

You are welcome.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
The hassle of the public holidays

Eiffelland is a mixed country. Its population consists of Germanophones and Francophones. But also from a religious point of view, Eiffelland is a mixture. Lutherans, Tiburan Catholics, Calvinists in all kinds of forms, Muslims, Jews, Orthodox-Christians, even atheists. Then how to handle the religious holidays? The most important Christian ones are the same: Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, Ascension Day and Whitsuntide. But Corpus Christi? Assumption Day? All Saints Day? Only Tiburan Catholic holidays. Reformation Day? No way that the Tiburan Catholic Church will celebrate that. But a country with a majority of Protestants cannot leave Reformation Day uncelebrated. And then there is also Islam and Judaism.
In Eiffelland, it is a matter of the provinces to decide about the public holidays. New Years Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day are public holidays all over Eiffelland. Staunchly Catholic provinces like Sauerland, Tirol, Rhön and Heilbronn also celebrate Corpus Christi, Assumption Day and All Saints Day. Staunchly Protestant provinces celebrate Reformation Day. But what about the mixed provinces like Rheinland, Ruppertswald, Badenau and Westerpfalz? Rheinland made it luxurious: Both the Catholic holidays and Reformation Day are celebrated. Westerpfalz keeps All Saints Day and Reformation Day, Badenau and Ruppertswald drop Corpus Christi.
But it doesn’t end there. Eid-Ul-Fitr and Yom Kipur are public holidays all over Eiffelland, as well as Labour Day (1 May), Kingdom Day (29 July) and War Memorial Day (1 October). On top of that, each province has a couple of public holidays to determine, so that the total of public holidays in each province is 20. Rheinland and Badenau spend some of those holidays for Carnival and Ash Wednesday, and Heilbronn only for Ash Wednesday.
But today it is 1 November, the day on which the Tiburan Catholics go to the graves of their deceased beloveds, to clean and maintain them, and put fresh flowers on the graves. In some provinces, this is also the week of the Autumn Break.

Christiandemocrats, Market Liberals, Social-Liberals and Environmentalists close coalition agreement

The coalition negotiations have ended. Successfully. The Christiandemocrats, Market Liberals, Social Liberals and Environmentalists will form a coalition. The first four-party coalition of Eiffeland has been born. And what was unthinkable until recently, has happened: The Environmentalists and Market Liberals will govern together. This already happened at municipal level, but up to now not at national level, and not at provincial level, either.
The most important dispute between the Christiandemocrats, Market Liberals and Social-Liberals on the one hand and the Environmentalists on the other hand has been solved with an exchange: The Environmentalists agree with an extension of the armed forces, and get the fulfilment of a couple of their wishes in return. Eiffelland’s cities get the possibility to ban diesel cars with environment class ELAN-5 or lower from 1 January 2025 onwards, the ban on the sale of new cars and trucks with combustion engines will be expedited from 1 January 2035 to 1 January 2030, extra funds will go into the development of environment-friendly production methods of Hydrogen and of all kinds of batteries (a.o. solid state batteries), more efforts will go into making the economy circular (e.g. winning back of rare materials from old mobile phones and old computers), and coal and natural gas power plants will be phased out in exchange of more solar, wind and water force power plants. But in order to make Eiffelland less fossil-fuel-dependent, the Environmentalists had to agree with the construction of two new nuclear power plants on Uranium and Plutonium, and further research in Thorium power plants.
The King has appointed Roland Rheinfeld as Kabinettsformer. This also means that he will become Chancellor again. It is not known yet who the new Ministers will be, although it is highly probable that Jeacques de Chambéry, Andreas Fritschler and Dr. Norbert Schmelzer will continue as Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs respectively. Furthermore, political leader of the Environmentalists Franziska Trittin will join the Cabinet, although it is not clear yet on which position. It is also clear which party will get how many Ministers: Five go to the Christiandemocrats, four to the Market Liberals, and three each to the Social Liberals and the Environmentalists.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
First time in Eiffelland: King appoints new Cabinet on Sunday

The cabinet forming has ended. Eiffelland has a new cabinet, and closes the constitutionally most turbulent period in its recent history. Six months of de-facto and official demissionary cabinets and the short-living emergency cabinet Rheinfeld-III has ended. But it looks like the King and the Chancellor still consider the situation so pressing that they decided not to wait with appointing the new cabinet until after the weekend. So for the first time in history, the new Cabinet starts its activities on a Sunday.
And the new Cabinet is also a first-timer in a different aspect: It is the first Eiffellandian cabinet with a transgender minister. Nova Winkler from Grün-Vert takes office as Minister for Scientific Research Stimulation.

The Cabinet Rheinfeld-IV consists of the following ministers:
Chancellor: Roland Rheinfeld (CDP-PDC).
Minister of Internal Affairs and Vice-Chancellor: Jeacqes de Chambéry (UFD-UDL).
Minister of Finance and Vice-Chancellor: Andreas Fritschler (LDP-PLD).
Minister of Environment, Housing and Country Planning, as well as Vice-Canchellor: Franziska Trittin (Grün-Vert).
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Dr. Norbert Schmelzer (CDP-PDC).
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries: Laurent Rouby (CDP-PDC).
Minister of Education and Culture: Magda Rädermacher (CDP-PDC).
Minister of Labour and Social Affairs: Angèle Moulin (CDP-PDC).
Minister of Defence: Ralf Clausewitz (UFD-UDL).
Minister of Transport and Public Works: Marc Villeneuve (UFD-UDL).
Minister for Developmental Cooperation and International Aid: Julie Garnier (UFD-UDL).
Minister of Public Health and Welfare: Erwin Waagemann (LDP-PLD).
Minister of Economic Affairs: Monika Bergmann (LDP-PLD).
Minister of Justice: Léonie Lavigne (Grün-Vert).
Minister for Scientific Research Stimulation: Nova Winkler (Grün-Vert).

Dr. Habil. Ariel Rubinstein has accepted a professorate at the Unversität der Bremer Bürgerschaft; therefore, he won't return as Minister of Economic Affairs. Markus Möller indicated that he didn't want to return as Minister. Prof. Dr. Julia Böttcher already resigned in September due to health reasons; her successor Peter Steinhauer won't return, either. Also Robert Lauda won't return; like Peter Steinhauer, he only returned from retirement to temporarily help out in an emergency situation.

Eiffellandian companies take up former employees of Imperial companies

Imperial companies are leaving the country, but Eiffellandian companies are hiring. The drop in demand for Imperial products resulted in an increase in demand for Eiffellandian products, so the Eiffellandian companies are looking for people. Like an anonymous Eiffellandian employer said: "The Imperials shouldn't believe that their products are unique. Everything that they produce, we produce as well, and often we do it better."


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Francophone Bourdignie votes for unification; Germanophone Bourdignie votes for Eiffelland's withdrawal

The results of the referenda in Bourdignie are in. 64% of the Francophone Bourdignians voted for unification with the HFE, while 59% of the Germanophone Bourdignians voted against Eiffelland's military presence in Bourdignie. A vote on whether the Eiffellandian troops should be replaced with Imperial troops reached 15% approval, suggesting that neutrality is the way the Germanophone Bourdignians want to go.
Chancellor Rheinfeld announced in a press-conference that Eiffelland will respect the results of the referenda: "Orders to withdraw from Bourdignie have been given to the Eiffellandian armed forces, effective immediately. I have also adviced Grand-Duke Georg von Heidemar-Fulda to abdicate as Grand-Duke of Bécs-Altstadt. The Bourdignians have chosen; we accept that choice. However, Eiffelland remains open for economic cooperation, or an economic deal, with Germanophone Bourdignie, and remains open for dialogue and cooperation with the still existing Francophone Bourdignie and the Holy Frankish Empire, if these countries are open for that as well."
The situation in Bourdignie is currently calm. However, the winning of the Frankish emperor is not as striking as he would have desired. Thrity-three percent of the Patois voted against unification with Bourdignie; that is a fraction of the people that is large enough to destabilise the situation, especially given the fact that the topic voted upon is comprehensive and pervaded with emotion. There will be a lot to do in Francophone Bourdignie for the emperor.
Also Germanophone Bourdignie is in a delicate situation, with two large groups of people wanting to go into different directions. Given the internal political situation, the best thing to do for the Germanophone Bourdignians is going for neutrality. Fourty-one percent of the people favoured Eiffelland's military presence; even if that is a minority, the future government of Germanophone Bourdignie cannot simply cut the ties with Eiffelland and turn the country into a vassal of Csengia and Tarusa.
Meanwhile, it is unclear whether Minister Dr. Schmelzer will continue as Minister or not. This is quite a political defeat for him. Sources within the coalition parties indicate that he still has the support of the coalition, but would he himself want to continue? He is currently unavailable for comments. Meanwhile, the SPE/PSE, the PSDP/PPSD and the Volksunion/Union du Peuple have requested an emergency debate. The political leaders from the Volksunion/Union du Peuple and the PSDP/PPSD, Günther Ziesche and Manuela Hagemann-Faber, have already indicated that they will file a motion of distrust against Minister Dr. Schmelzer.