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One Wing


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
Structural Safety Engineer Micheal Lynch

It was very late at night, and Micheal Lynch was sitting in his small office room. He took another drink from his awful coffee. He looked over the diagrams of the project. With the contruction of the first prototype to be completed tomorrow, he was furiously going over his math. Checking and double checking any inconsistances, any errors, anything.
Once that prototype is built they're going to see if it works. Even if the smallest number is off, people die and the Aodh-Mór Corporation loses hundreds and thousands of Ór.
Micheal took another swig from his coffee, and ran the equations once more. One of the most problematic things with this prototype was it's shape. How exactly would the wind go over the shell? Smaller versions were successfull - And Micheal has the papers from the AMX-096 right in front of him - but nothing of this size had been tested.

He checked the boundary layer under high speeds once more. Once again his numbers added up, but tonight Micheal is a perfectionist and a pessimist. He needed to check every speed, every weather condition. Any extreme turbulence at this point in development and he cannot 100% predict separation points. He has simply never seen this shape. The thin edge could exacerbate wake, or perhaps distill. He didn't know. Well, he would. Next week when it's tested.

''Micheal for Heaven's sake are you still in here?'' His boss, James Collins Head of Research and Development just stuck his head in the door.

''Err yes sir I'm just running the numbers for turbulence for more time''

''One more time? Micheal I've got your numbers in my office, they're perfect. You realise this is not on your head right?''


''Son, get home and get to bed, your wife Martha's probably waiting for you. And relax, the whole teams got this.''


Micheal cleared up some of his notes and hurredly shoved them into his tattered leather suitcase. He walked out of the office and gave a nod and a 'night sir' to Collins before he was on the stairs. Micheal hurried out of his department and headed down, and out of the building. Heading into the parking lot he felt cool air and felt calmer somehow. He got into his car. And looked into the front mirror at himself. He looked at his blood stained eyes and realised how mad he must have looked.

''It'll be fine. The numbers are right''.

Micheal drove out of the Aodh-Mór Corporation Complex and sped down the main streets, at this time of night Bán Dair Cathrach was almost completely empty, except for the main city centre, which he was avoiding. Driving on the ring road around the city he watched the orange glow from the street lamps speed by.
Micheal pulled of the highway into the Bán Dair Cathrach suburbs of Terenure. And pulled up to his house, to Martha. Tonight he was going to relax.


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
Test Pilot Captain Alexander Fox

Alex walked up the hallway of offices within the Research and Development Building. He stopped once he saw the placard on the door 'Dr. James Collins Chief of Operations YA-099.' Alex Fox had been the test pilot who put the prototype through it’s motions. Consulting with the Flight Engineers he had created a full report of the flight. It took many long nights but Alex was satisfied with the conclusion.
Alex knock on the door, He hears a ''Come in'' and opens the door to Dr. James Collins sitting by his desk. Out of all the engineers Alex has worked with James by far had the nicest office. Still no windows of course. No windows in the entire building.

''Captain Fox! Good to see you, are you here with the report? Is that it?'' James pointed to a large binder Alex was holding.
Alex affirmed James and handed it over. James briefly flipped through the pages, eventually looking up to ask ''Fox, in brief, should I be worried or not?''

''Doctor, I would call the flight a technical success. The main point of analysis for this flight was whether the shape was structurally sound. By consensus of me and my team we believe this part of the mission was a success. Turbulence on this shape was not experience as was expected and the carapace was sound throughout. This prototype in that regard is operational on a larger scale.''

''Well this is all very good, but what did you mean by a ‘technical success?'''

''I noticed that the while the engines maintained altitude and speed, they were underperforming, and I felt like they struggled to manage. I recommend that this project will need a more powerful engine, or if that is not possible every one engine will have to be replaced with two at 65-75% power. I am generalising however the details are all in the report.''

''Of course of course. I’l go over the report thoroughly before I make a decision, but at the moment I do not like the idea of adding more engines, adding unexpected weight this late into development would but us back weeks recalculating.''
Alex for one brief moment, considered asking whether another department was developing a new engine that we could use, but he pushed that idea away, he did not need James to simple remind him that engine design was one of the most classified departments of the Aodh-Mór Corporation.

Instead Alex said ''Dr. Collins I would concur, a more powerful engine would be the preferable option.''

''Thank you Captain Fox, I will get back to the Flight Test Engineers with my conclusions on the matter. You should head back to the barracks. We’ll be sending over the flight control designs for you to go over and remember you only have 4 hours to read them before we take them back.''

''Of course Doctor, Good day to you'' and with that Alex walked back into the hallway closing the door behind him.
It took a while for Alex to leave the building, at this stage of development security was very high and even trusted men like Alex were searched thoroughly in case of spy activities.
Alex walked across the large Aodh-Mór Campus-Complex to his barracks. He knew they were called 'barracks' but he considered them closer to a fancy hotel he once stayed at. His room had a large soft bed and an ensuite. A very comfortable place. Not like his barracks at the Air Force at all.
He did miss his fellow pilots though. He guessed that his years in the Ivernish Royal Air Force had made comfort – uncomfortable to him.
At least he knew he would be getting back to them soon. While there were many more tests and retests to make, the project was coming along swimmingly, and powers from above recently announced a speed up of development, with an increase of funding.
Alex Fox walked up to the barracks and prepared for another security check. No too long though, this was just a dormitory and important documents are brought in and out by security.
He finally made it to his room where he saw the menu for his dinner on the bedside table. He lay on the king size bed. He even had a television. There was a lot of money in aerospace.
''Maybe I can suffer comfort just a little while longer'' As Fox switched on the tv.


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
Rocket Test Engineer Fredrick Alder

Fredrick Alder was in the research complex of the Aodh-Mór Company Campus.

He had just given James Collins the good news: Yes he did have an engine that could fulfill his needs, yes he was filling to supply eight of them.
''My babies'' He thought to himself, ''All grown up and ready to fly''.

Alder headed out of the campus into the Jan Ericksson building. A large building that was half in the research campus and half in the construction plaza. It was here that engines were built for prototypes. The mass production factories were in outer Nemedia of course, location kept confidential. Fredrick walked through the security scanners and the search (which took some time) and entered through the hallway into the main production floor. He saw what many people call the 'Bee Hive'. Large machine fitting parts on parts along large rails, men walking carefully to and fro, ensuring every piece was correctly in position - and above, a long railing surrounding the busywork below where many engineers and scientists were all scurrying around in white lab coats overseeing and supervising their little projects.

The engines made here were standard. The same jet engines were made in many countries, sometimes better, sometimes worse. The current project he believed was being conducted here was improving the output of the commercial jets, allowing them to go farther and farther. Soon he expected them to overtake the Airship in their reach.

But none of this was for him - no, ''Greater than the Bee Hive, that I have achieved.'' Fredrick said with a spark of pride. He fumbled through the lower floor of the Beehive, avoiding grease and cooling fluid on the floor as he went until he came across a small elevator. The elevator was the same colour as the wall behind it and as unassuming as you like, nobody else seemed to heed any attention to it and if you weren't looking for it Fredrick swore you wouldn't even see it.
As he came up to the elevator Fredrick Alder pulled out several unmarked keys. Only by the shape of the teeth did he know them apart. It took a few moments to be sure however as he chose the correct key, and slid it into the slot next to the elevator. The was no button, no handle, only the keyhole, and when Alder turned the key he was relieved that the elevator then noiselessly slid open.
Placing the wrong key in the hole set off a silent alarm, and he didn't want hassle today. Or ever, really.
As Alder walked in the elevator closed behind him, he saw in the dim amber light six more holes. Only one of his keys worked here, on the third one from the top. He slid the next key in, turned, and the elevator rattled and moved down.

Down, down and down.

Alder did not like this part. The doors opened and a long dark hallway with black doors. His door was the only door on the left, he headed to it and hurried out of the hallway. He quickly used one more key to enter.
Cold wind hit his face. He was in a large underground bunker. Quite large, enough room for his many experiments. He was the head of this department, a department not even in the roster. His fellow engineers welcomed him.
''You were seeing James Collins yeah?,'' Said the tall man in a white lab coat closest to him, ''What did he want? Trouble with his wonky plane?''
''Trouble in the engines surprisingly. I admit I never thought it would fly, but it turns out all he needs are better engines. Actually..'' Alder rolled out the schematics ''An engine with this powerplant''.
''Only the finest for Dr. Collins'' Said another of the men, drawing his finger over the technical drawing, ''I wonder why his bird gets one of our engines?''

Alder brushed his subordinates hand off of the sheet. ''You've been living in the Cave too long Rotherford. War is coming. Not to Ivernia, sure. But nations are on the move. Aodh-Mór Corp wants all military projects completed ASAP. It's like the Northern War before. We'll scare 'em with our birds.''

''They'll be laughing at this bird''.

Alder ignored him. He had an engine that fitted this plane perfectly. He just had to make four more though. Looks like the beehive is closing down for a week. He smiled at that wondering how the bees and drones would cope.
''It'll take a week to fit them on too. But we can't hang about. Consider this the start of production, we're officially part of Dr. Collins team.''


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
Dr. James Collins Head of Research and Development

James breathed in the cool October air. It was cold, but thankfully dry. Normally it rains everyday this far north in Ivernia.

Today, in Highever Island he was to host the official first flight of his creation, his project. He has been working on it for years, giving it as much personal time as he could. He had had this dream of this plane since he left Dawn University, which was actually just south of here. Connecting Highever Island with the Ivernish Mainland with it's mighty bridges.

''It almost makes sense that the test should be here'', he thought to himself romantically. In truth all flight tests were done in Northern Highever Island. Safe, isolated and the whole island was essentially owned by House Aodh-Mór. Their ancestral home. Of course the Aodh-Mór corporation chose here.

Dr. Collins walked through the people moving to the stands wading through politicians, industrialists, engineers and more before he came to the podium. Standing at his place on the podium he could see directly in front of him the hanger where these people would get their first glimpse of the plane. When everyone was seated he would give his speech.

Almost everyone had taken their place. James spotted 2 Elector Princes in the stands, Vincentus Aodh-Mór, Prince of Science and Engineering and Evan McGrath, Prince of the Armed Forces. Chatting quietly amongst each other gave James butterflies in his stomach. He swallowed hard and pressed on:

''Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed investors and members of Senate, our Elector Princes, I welcome you all.'' James started. As he talked, the hanger doors slowly opened silently. ''Almost two years ago I saw most of you here before, where I showed you the fruits of the labours of not only Ivernia, but of Frescania, the Shimmering Eagle. Ivernia's first non prototype Jet Fighter, the most advanced vehicle we had ever produced. However, beyond the calls of praise, was a call for more. More advancement, more progression, more innovation.

It was our esteemed Elector Princes here'' James respectfully raised a hand in their direction, ''that were making these calls. Because they knew the Shimmering Eagle was but one of the many projects my department was working on. And their calls were from years ago as we developed the Jet Engine for Ivernia.''

By this time the Hanger doors were completely open and a large mass was being towed out. It was covered in a tarp to repel moisture and dirt, but even it's great size was causing awe. Two cars had driven up. Men with large cameras on top of the car hoods recording film. With many photograhpers preparing to take the first photos of the machine.

''Ladies and gentlemen these calls were for a Jet Bomber. A plane to supercede the AME Formoria. As you all know the AME Formoria is a fine bomber capable of defending our shores with great fortitude, but the days of the propeller engine are leaving us and Ivernia needs to develop more, to innovate more. Today I shall be presenting the first Ivernish Jet Bomber. A bomber that can truly strike at the hearts, the homelands at those nations who would invade us like never before. A plane that can truly compete with interception from foreign nations' jet fighters. Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you the AME-Banshee.''

The tarp had been thrown off.

The clean cool metallic silver shell of this plane exposed to the weak October sunlight gave off a calming shimmer. The sound of applause from the crowd was quick to follow as people even rose up out of their seats to get a better look at the huge silver wing.
Just a wing..
James felt that by now they would have noticed it's shape. ''Ladies and Gentlemen I draw your attention to the ''Flying Wing Design'' a design that I myself have pushed for for many years. Although the origins of the shape arise from the Mezhist Union I assure you our Banshee is one of a kind in size, speed and power.
Thus a plane of this size and style is truly a pioneer aircraft. The future of the aircraft technology is here today''
People seemed genuienly impressed, James thought to himself. He saw Dr. Fredrick Alder in the crowd give him a thumbs up.

''We will now prepare for the first maiden flight of the Banshee, which you will all have the honour of witnessing.''
James left the podium before the applause had ended, there was a scheduele to be kept now and they can't stand around all day applauding.

He met another familiar face, Captain Alex Fox was in full gear, he had been standing by the plane the whole time getting photos taken. ''Doctor, the winds are good and we are ready to go. Everythings ready. You should tell the audience and the press to stay back for this one.''

''Yes no problem. You get the bird flying.''

A ladder was offered to Alex and he got into his cockpit. James turned to the crowd and gave his warnings. He really didn't need to however, as the Ivernian military soldiers were also present to keep safety. They backed up the civilians fine without him.
James headed over to the two Elector Princes and sat in his seat while the Banshee team prepared. ''Quite a shiny little bird it turned out to be, eh Collins?'' quipped Prince Evan, ''With this and the Shimmering Eagle, are all of our birds to be so shiny? Maybe we should replace the eagle on our flag with a magpie, how the Ivernians lust for silver''. Evan grinned as he said it.

Vincentus moved over Evan to face Collins, ''Seriously though excellent work Doctor Collins. This plane is a masterpiece. I see the Aodh-Mór Corporation put it's faith in you wisely.''

Evan, eager to not seem too sharp, added to the appraise ''Yes James, the Banshee will be a significant boon to the Ivernish Air Corps. You've done a great job here.''
As James, Vincentus and Evan settled into more serious discussion, mostly pertaining to the fine details of the plane and where it's future lies. The Banshee slowly began to rumble after a time.
''Ah, the show begins'' Vincentus was the first to hear it.
''Tell me James, I am prone to wonder the origin of the name. Why would you choose Banshee?'' Said Evan as he then heard the low rumblings grow louder and louder.

''My Prince your timing is impeccable, you will find out in moments.''

The Banshee began to move and the roar from it's engines grew and grew. Eventually all eight engines had started and the Banshee's roar was close to a scream. The noise was incredible, even at this distance. Finally the Banshee vaulted into the air and a mighty final scream was heard as it chased higher and higher into the sky.

James watched as reckless journalists, positioned at the end of the runway were almost knocked back by the force of the lift, desperately trying to get the perfect shot.

The scream became a roar again and as it flew higher and higher until they could hear it no more. This time there was no applause, only shock and wonder.

Across the way James saw two Shimmering Eagles prepare to take off in order to not only take a photo of the Banshee in-flight, but also to protect the maiden as she caressed the sky for the first time.