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Pan-Oceania Mass Media


Establishing Nation
Mar 2, 2010
Pan-Oceania Mass Media
Media Publications from throughout Pan-Oceania

Media Outlets of Note:
Reisen Times - The oldest publication within Pan-Oceania, the Reisen Times largely represents the interests of the cosmopolitan society of Isazawa. Dominated by the Owashi family of media moguls, the Reisen Times dominates the mainstream. It is generally considered the most conservative and tempered news medium, with acceptable levels of bias. The Reisen Times focuses on major political, international, and economic matters as well as popular culture, entertainment, opinion, and weather.

Naakai Herald - The second oldest publican in Pan-Oceania, the Naakai Herald was created to provide an alternate viewpoint better representing the cultural appetite of the Maialoan natives. The Naakai Herald is often criticized for taking more bombastic stances on government policies, representing particularly confrontational opinions. The Naakai Herald focuses on political, international, and economic matters as well as hosting numerous opinion pieces.

New Perspective - A news media publication ostensibly representing the masses, New Perspective is owned and operating by Zaohua Inc., a Huaxia-based news media group which has strong connections with the Saiya political faction. New Perspective is often portrayed as populist, inciting fears of small folks throughout the Federation and criticizing the Federation's activities as those of a wealthy elite disconnected from the desires of the masses. The New Perspective publishes opinion pieces, political, international, and pop culture news in equal measure.

Federation Press Office - The Federation Press Office is not an official news agency but dispenses much important information via press releases to the general public. This is the most important medium for the government to disseminate information on its policies, emergencies, attitudes concerning international events, or other important information. The Federation Press Office directly represents the interests and beliefs of the Federation.