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Predstavleniye-Annäherung: The Rapprochement. [ATTN: Tarusa]


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Nov 18, 2018
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As Prime Minister Bakhmeteff's plane touched down at Wien's "Walter Eidman" International Airport, the air was laden with anticipation. The aircraft taxied to a halt, and the boarding staircase descended, signaling the beginning of a diplomatic event of significant importance. The newly appointed Tarusan Prime Minister, accompanied by a delegation of officials, descended the stairs, greeted by the crisp Ostmarkian air. A motorcade, adorned with both Tarusan and Ostmarkian flags, awaited at the tarmac's edge. Officers of the Staatspolizei lined the path, ensuring a smooth transition from air to ground. The motorcade, with its dignified procession, embarked towards the heart of Wien, symbolizing the journey towards strengthened relations between the two nations.

Winding through the historic streets, the motorcade approached the Palace of the Republic. The busy streets of Wien unfolded around them, a city steeped in history and culture, bearing witness to the changing tides of time. The grand edifice, once the headquarter of the National-Syndicalist People's Party and the infamous State Security Service, stood as a testament to Ostmark's transition from a tumultuous past to a beacon of democracy.

Upon reaching the palace, Bakhmeteff was greeted by a parade performed by the Honor Guard of the Landwehr, Ostmark's Territorial Defense Force. Impeccably uniformed soldiers stood at attention after performing their distinctive goose-step march, a display of an ancient and traditional germanian discipline and respect, of which the Ostmarkian Landwehr is one of the last living examples. The Ostmarklied, Ostmark's national anthem, echoed through the air, a poignant reminder of the unity sought in this diplomatic endeavor, followed by the Imperial Anthem of the Tarusan Tsardom.

Chancellor Karina Berger, standing at the entrance of the Palace, awaited the esteemed guest. As the Tarusan Prime Minister approached, a genuine smile played on her lips, a gesture reflecting the hopes of a new chapter in bilateral relations. The Chancellor extended a hand in a gesture of friendship, and the two leaders exchanged firm handshakes. "Prime Minister Bakhmeteff," Chancellor Berger began with warmth in her voice, "Welcome to Ostmark. Today marks not just a meeting between two leaders but an opportunity to forge a path towards understanding and cooperation between our two nations. May our discussions be fruitful, finally fostering a new era of collaboration between the Republic of Ostmark and the Empire of @Tarusa ."

As they proceeded into the Palace, the cameras clicked, capturing a moment that held the promise of diplomatic amity. The meeting between the Tarusan Prime Minister and Ostmarkian Chancellor had commenced, a pivotal juncture where dialogue and diplomacy would shape the future relationship between their nations.


Establishing Nation
Jun 18, 2019
Middle of Nowhere USA
Bakhmeteff and Chancellor Berger sat next to each other for a few more opportune photos of this moment of changing relations from the old to the new. After a few more photographs were taken security removed them from the room and they could begin talking business. He looked over at his staff, many whom had been with him since his days in the European Forum signaling for one of them to bring him over his folder and reading glasses.

"Chancellor Berger, It is nice to be here in Wien. I had always imagined I would come here some day, but under past leadership one could have assumed it would have been under Imperial occupation versus reaching a friendly hand out. The Republic of Ostmark has done a very fine job of walking the tightrope of international politics involving the Empire under both Ivan and his father Yuri. Konstantin does not wish for Ostmark to walk a tightrope under his leadership of the Empire, but instead have a path leading to the door with an open hand extended out, Ivan looks to make Ostmark a close friend, and the type of neighbor you invite over to your home for dinners on Friday nights.

He does not wish to open the floodgates and let the waters free flow, drowning some while floating others. That is just bad for business on both sides of the border. That is why I am here, my Emperor seeks to begin healing and normalizing our relations, making it easier to do business, making it easier to travel between the two states, fostering a friendship where Ostmark does not fear its larger neighbor, but feels comfort from it.

It is within my authority, granted by Konstantin, that I am here to negotiate and find some agreeable terms for both our nations to start this relationship fresh.


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Staff member
Nov 18, 2018

Chancellor Karina Berger sat across from Prime Minister Bakhmeteff in the ornate meeting room of the Palast der Republik. The atmosphere was charged with the weight of anticipation, the hope for a new beginning between the Republic and the Empire. She listened intently to the Prime Minister's words, his vision for a future where Ostmark and Tarusa could coexist as friends and partners. As Bakhmeteff spoke of Konstantin's desire for a more open and cooperative relationship, Chancellor Berger nodded thoughtfully. She knew that cautious optimism was warranted, and yet, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope.

"Prime Minister Bakhmeteff," she began, her tone measured yet open, "I appreciate the sincerity with which you approach this conversation. It is indeed time for a fresh start between our nations. We have lived as neighbors for centuries and we, too, seek a relationship based on mutual respect and benefit." As she spoke, Chancellor Berger signaled to one of her aides to bring in a folder. With a quick glance, she reviewed the proposals she had in mind, each step carefully crafted to ensure a balance that served the interests of both Ostmark and Tarusa.

"Firstly," she continued, "in the spirit of economic cooperation, we propose the gradual removal of tariffs on certain goods. Tarusan goods would gain better access to the recently inaugurated new Port of Wien, which is equipped with state of the art equipment and technologies. This can serve as an initial step towards fostering a more robust trade environment. Additionally, we suggest streamlining border procedures to facilitate the movement of good and also workers between our nations, promoting a smoother exchange of skills and expertise." As Chancellor Berger spoke, she observed the reactions in the room, gauging the Prime Minister's response. The air was thick with the potential for change, and she was keenly aware of the delicate nature of these negotiations.

"Moreover," she added, "we believe that cultural exchange can play a pivotal role in building understanding between our peoples. Establishing joint initiatives and programs in sciences and the arts can be a bridge to strengthen the bonds between Ostmark and Tarusa." Chancellor Berger leaned back, her gaze steady yet inviting. "These proposals are a starting point, Prime Minister. I trust that our discussions will pave the way for a future where Ostmark and Tarusa can forge a relationship that benefits both our nations and, more importantly, our citizens. A relationship based on neighborliness and a reality in which i fail to see any real reasons for the Republic and the Empire to not do that." The room fell into a momentary silence, the weight of the possibilities hanging in the air, waiting to be shaped by the decisions of those seated at the table.


Establishing Nation
Jun 18, 2019
Middle of Nowhere USA
Bakhmeteff had sat there listening to the Chancellors proposals, it was not too far off from what the Emperor and he himself had thought of, finding himself nodding in agreement with Chancellor Berger on her points.

"Those are precisely the reasons I am here Chancellor. The Empire looks to reduce the tariff rate that we have with all non-Pressburg Pact nations with the Republic of Ostmark. The Empire proposal is that of a gradual reduction in the tariffs and will begin phasing out the import quotas on manufactured goods coming from Ostmark. In an initial leap of faith and helping foster, but not completely shock our economies I propose that we cut the tariff rates between our nations in half, for most goods coming into Tarusa that would be a reduction from 25% to 12.5%, there obviously are some that are higher and lower than others, but this is just for a generalization of our most common rate. From there, after some significant time we can either revisit this rate or have an automatic drop once more halving our rates against each other.

Your other points are agreeable as well, we seek to make investment opportunities easier across the border easier as well. Lianozov, our state owned petroleum and gas company that have lines already into Ostmark to provide these resources is interested in building in either Wien or another port city in Ostmark another facility for the loading of tankers to alleviate the crisis at home, as currently the Empire has an overabundance of oil, diesel, and petrol from world events. So much so that even some has been burned as storage capacity was stretched dangerously during the civil war. Given that Ostmark was one of the few places where the taps remained open given the hardship of transporting with how the civil war progressed, perhaps Ostmark would be interested in getting a better rate than what the global market will be for the foreseeable future as we begin resuming the selling and transportation of as much as we feasibly can onto the global market."


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Staff member
Nov 18, 2018

Chancellor Karina Berger absorbed the details of Prime Minister Bakhmeteff's response, his willingness to align the Empire's economic policies more closely with Ostmark's proposals. A sense of cautious optimism filled the room as the leaders considered the potential benefits of this emerging partnership. "Prime Minister Bakhmeteff," Chancellor Berger replied, her tone reflecting a measured optimism, "I'm pleased to see such a positive response to our proposals. The reduction in tariff rates is a significant step forward, and I believe it will pave the way for increased trade and economic cooperation between our nations."

She gestured towards the open folder on the table, her fingers lightly tapping on some notes as she continued, "Regarding Lianozov's interest in expanding its facilities in Ostmark, we welcome such initiatives. Wien, as our capital and economic hub, presents a prime location for such endeavors. Ostmark recognizes the value of stable and cooperative economic relations, especially in the energy and oil sector. I'm sure our experts will engage in detailed discussions to ensure that any agreement is mutually beneficial."

Chancellor Berger's gaze shifted from the notes to meet the eyes of Prime Minister Bakhmeteff.
"Additionally, as a gesture of our commitment to peace and stability, we have completed the demobilization of the Landwehr and the reserves after the peaceful resolution to the latest political crisis in the Empire. Would you consider possible a non-aggression treaty between our nations to further stabilize our relations and guarantee a prosperous and peaceful economic environment for our countries? Past hostilities and attritions on the geopolitical stage have more than onces strained not only our relations, but also damaged our economies. Such an agreement would provide a solid foundation for trust and cooperation, ensuring that our focus remains on mutual prosperity and understanding." she took a brief pause "The Republic of Ostmark will pursue economic initiatives around the world, but we have always refrained from interfering directly into other countries' internal affairs. Ostmark is still a member of the European Forum, for we believe that diplomatic solutions should always be given a chance.. but we have also refused to join any geopolitical bloc, because we are not willing to tie our future foreign policies to those of the great powers. Ostmark needs to follow its own path, which we in Ostmark envision to be a path of economic progress, prosperity and peace with our neighbors".


Establishing Nation
Jun 18, 2019
Middle of Nowhere USA
Bakhmeteff took a moment and then stood adjusting his suite and extending his hand towards Chancellor Berger.

"The Imperial Government would no doubt have no hesitation about signing into an agreement that ensures that our smaller neighbor has nothing to fear from us now or into the future of his reign. It is not something I am fully capable of authorizing as it wasn't a certainty of our planned discussions but given what the intention of this meeting was, and how well it has gone, I have no doubts the Emperor will agree to such a gesture of goodwill.

I will say that I believe we have broken down the proverbial wall between our nations towards a fostering neighborly friendship that shall hopefully use these first steps to grow and only strengthen both of our nations"


Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 18, 2018

Chancellor Karina Berger observed Prime Minister Bakhmeteff's movement with a diplomatic grace that mirrored the unfolding camaraderie. The adjustment of his suit and the extending of a hand were symbolic gestures, perhaps reflecting the mutual understanding reached during this pivotal meeting. As Prime Minister Bakhmeteff spoke of the Imperial Government's inclination to sign an agreement ensuring Ostmark's security, Chancellor Berger's expression softened, embodying a subtle relief. The willingness expressed was not only a diplomatic victory but also a step towards a more stable regional relationship.

"Prime Minister," Chancellor Berger responded, her tone carrying a genuine note of appreciation, "I'm heartened by the positive spirit that has defined our discussions today. Your commitment to ensuring Ostmark's security is a gesture of goodwill that will undoubtedly be recognized and reciprocated." She extended her hand aswell, a gesture of finality and camaraderie. "We've indeed broken down barriers today, laying the groundwork for a neighborly friendship. Let this meeting be the catalyst for a future marked by cooperation, understanding, and shared prosperity. May the bonds we've forged today continue to grow, fostering a relationship that benefits both the Republic and the Empire."

The room, for a moment, lingered in the echoes of diplomatic discourse, the weight of decisions made and the promise of a brighter future hanging in the air. As Chancellor Berger and Prime Minister Bakhmeteff exchanged a final handshake, the diplomatic dance concluded, leaving behind a sense of optimism and the promise of a new chapter in the Ostmark-Tarusa relations.