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Propontine-Ivernish Meeting


Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
Great Palace of Propontis, Propontis, Theme of Phryxaea, Propontine Empire

The Great Palace of Propontis was the very heart of the nation. Built in 330 AD by Tiberius the Great himself, the Palace was one of the greatst jewels of the Reigning City, second only to the Haghia Pronoia, the Imperial Cathedral built by Sabbatius the Great, being located next to it. The Palace was unique in the world; the entirety of Propontis' historic city centre was built in a mix of Imperial Tiburan styles and older Pelasgian architecture, on such a grand scale that it served as a reminder of Propontine wealth, but the Imperial Palace stood out even from those buildings. Massive Corinthian pillars, with detailed patterns of climbing plants carved into them, Tyrian purple curtains, crystal windows and chandeliers and plentiful gold were among the most obvious displays of Imperial affluence, while the whole building was made from the finest of marbles. The surfaces of the palace were decorated with detailed geometric patterns, statues and mosaics, whose pieces were so small and well made from affar they could be mistaken for paintings. Almost no surface was left in the natural white of marble, being covered with vivid colours. Frescos with scenes from Imperial history and Orthodox religion, as well as Pelasgian history and mythology, made with the umatched mastery of the Empire's classical and neoclassical artists filled the Palace's ceilings and walls, while countless survants and guards executed their duties to near perfetion, each and every one of them carrying centuries of tradition with them.

It was within one of the Palace's most elegant rooms, the Hall of the Ambassadors, that the meeting would take place. Three rows of Corinthian pillars surrounded the room, while its dome was made from glass, letting in plentiful sunlight. Twelve large, crystal and golden chandeliers hanged from the ceiling, for times when sunlight was not enough to light the room. Splendid mosaics of Tiberius' victories against the other claimants to Tiburan Imperialdom decorated the walls behind the pillars, while at the centre a large, ornate wooden table, made of oak lumber, served as the focal point for the meetings between Imperial officials and foreign delegates. It was in this room that Emperor Andronikos III Megas Komnenos, the Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ioannis Argyropoulos, the Prime Minister, Eustratios Kantakouzenos, the Imperial Minister of Commerce, Gemistos Logothetou, the Minister of Defence, Iraklis Velissariou, and Marshals Theodoros Tzimiskis and Irakleios Artopoiopoulos, the two men who practically run the Empire, waited for the Ivernish delegation.

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Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
For Lord Adelbert Denhald, this was to be, certainly, one of the most important diplomatic missions of his career so far. He and his team were chosen due to their excellence not just in diplomacy, but also in speaking the Tibur language. While not common to know Tibur as a second language in Ivernia, these men, dedicated to furthering their knowledge of ancient Tiberium, had placed themselves perfectly into Nuada Airgetlám's plan, who had tactfully decided to choose higher ups with perfect Tibur, as a sign of respect. The best they could do, when Nuada could barely pull himself away from the civil war, or would have certainly gone to Tibur himself. As is well known Nuada Airgetlám is a great lover of Tiburan Imperial History.

Lord Adelbert was well placed for these negotiations none the less. An old friend of Nuada, from back in their service in the Armies of the Ivernish Himyari Commonwealth. He had a great deal more authority than was usual for a man of his station, as a member of the House of Nobles.

The notable members of Abelberts' included Hugo Joensson, a Norse-Gael much like Adelbert, while a man not of noble blood, he was a prominent and dedicated diplomat all the same. He was to be Lord Denhald's 'Number 2' in these proceedings. His entourage was further fitted out by a Mr. Benhart, a Mr. Mac Arthur and a Mr. Wilde. These men, accompanied by diplomatic aides, were to be the Ivernish Delegacy, who were flying to a landing in the Propontine Empire.

The Ivernish Delegacy always enjoyed flying, even more so when the destination was the warm sunny Imperium of Ancient Tibur. As the men stepped off the plane that carried them to this golden land, the warmth rushed to meet them. It filled their face and their bodies, sunlight pouring over them like honey. It was a beautiful feeling, after leaving a land that was renowned for bitter cold and lashing rain. The Celts were made hard by the land they had came from, and yet, no Empire was quite like Tibur.

It was truly where ''Empire'' began, and all Imperial States wished to emulate the glories that are encased the the History of this Land, the land of eternal Empires. If the Ivernish were to create a nation, an empire, then they would need to rally the world to swing back, for ideology to return to it's conservative roots, in order to counteract the anarchy and madness that was seeping in not only from the Kadikistani East, but also from the New World, and the SWR. Two titan threats that Ivernia, even with it's vast colonial empire, could not dare to stand up against without allies, in like of mind, state and outlook.

And so, a campaign to rally the Imperium of Europe was formed in Ivernia, and where else to begin this grant attempt, then in the heart of all Empires, Tibur. It was this that these delegates came for. Not the sun or the warmth, but rather the resolve, ambition and force of the men and women of Tibur. ''To Unite and to Resist,'' was the theme of the Ivernish mens' mission. This was their first step.

What a first step this was to be. The Great Palace of Propontis had claimed and earned it's grand name, and it's position in the history books all Ivernish children read in school. But it was far more grand and glorious in person for these men.

''Joensson, you have been to the Propontine Empire before yes? When you were learning to speak Tibur? Is the palace as you remember it?'' Aldbert Denhald asked his college, as the delegates made their towards the enormous building adorned with incredible frescos. As the sunlight hit the marble it struck out again, forming almost a radiance around the palace.

''No Ald, unfortunately I could never get away from my quarter to see it, much to my regret. I am grateful to be a part of this mission, to see it in person.'' His colleague replied merrily.

''And rather still, we would enter it!'' Adelbert laughed, as the Imperial Guards led the Ivernish delegates into the Palace and to their meeting place.

It was in the Hall of Ambassadors that the Ivernish men would meet the delegates of the Propontine Empire. For the Ivernish men, the only thing that would out-do the architecture and design of the room that this meeting was to unfold, was the members of the delegate who they would meet. The Propontine team was truly well fitted. Their Emperor Androniks III, their Minister for Foreign Affairs, their Prime Minister, as well as many other powerful ministers were to meet the Ivernish Delegacy. This is a very good sign, Aldbert thought to himself. The Tiburians would not bother with this if they were not serious about their offer. Adelbert also noted that Marshals Theodoros Tzimiskis and Irakleios Artopoiopoulos were also in attendance. According to the notes Walder had made for Adelbert, those two men were major power players in this Empire, and needed to be convinced if anything was to progress.

As the men entered Adelbert quickly made to express due honours upon the Propontine Emperor. ''Your Imperial Majesty, Androniks III, I am most humbled by your attendance today. Truly we Ivernish are honoured by your presence here, and all of Ivernia is honoured that you have lend your ear to our noble cause today.'' The Ivernish men bowed to the leader of the Propontine State, before meeting and introducing themselves to the other members of the Porpontine Delegacy.

As they sat down many of the aids began to assort their notes, as the meeting was quick to start.


Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
The Imperial officials were impressed by the Ivernish delegation's eccelent knowledge of Tiburan, the Empire's old official language. While it had been replaced by Pelasgian centuries ago, Tiburan was still taught in schools and considered a sign of a complete classical education, the main distinguishing factor between 'barbarians' and 'Tiburans' in the eyes of the Empire's citizens. Marshal Theodoros Tzimiskis was the first of the Propontines to speak.

"If Your Excellencies have no objections, I would like to discuss the subject of defence and intelligence cooperation between our nations, since it seems to be the most pressing issue at this most precarious time. It is the general concensus of our government that a defence agreement as well as joint exercises between our militaries would strengthen both of our positions in our respective regions, while dettering nations such as Kadikistan, who would seek to harm us. An intelligence sharing agreement would also allow us to know of possible threats in advance. What do Your Excellencies think?"



Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
Lord Adelbert motioned to his colleagues to bring out a map as the man replied to the Propontine Delegacy. ''Yes well, I believe we are both aware of the elephant in the room. The threat to both of us, even considering the great distance between our two Imperial Homelands. Kadikistan. The great aggressor of our realms. Like a terrifying Dark Horde of old, the Kadikistani and their atrocious attempts at diplomacy of late have created conflict, misery and despair across the planet. From Vaalbara to Germania to Himyar, like a drunken bear they stumble to and fro - knocking the stability of the concert of nations about in a half-skilled attempt to convince the world of that their ideology is legitimate.'' Lord Adelbert laughed, ''And what better way to show the world the greatness of their ideology than stoking the fires of war with every nation in their periphery, and funding terrorism across the planet! A scourge that they consider themselves intellectuals. I have read robots of mechanical men, with more intellect and self reflection than a Kadikistani. Truly, Marshal Theodoros Tzimiskis, we are both dealing with an enemy immune to reason, debate and thought, and have come to the same conclusion.''

The Ivernish Delegates unfurled a map of Europe for the Propontinian Delegacy, ''As you can see in this map of Europe, Kadikistan has delusions of power projection. If Imperialism is to continue to prosper in Europe, Kadikistan must acquiesce, and relinquish it's forces so as to respect the stability of our nations and the current balance of power. For any anti-intellectual nation to respect power, it must have such power thrust upon them.''

Delegate Joensson pointed at the Long Sea, ''A chain of islands separate the Long Sea and the Kalahari Sea, Kadikistan already controls four. The Long Sea needs collect themselves, unite, and to push back against the Communist encroach on their borders. Otherwise, slowly, ever slowly you will see terrorism and piracy hit the Long Sea, your trade and the trade of your neighbourly allies. Look no further than the mad machinations of Ivar if you wish to see who will be sponsoring such despicable action.''

''Ivernia as such, does not reject the Propontine Offer of mutual assistance. Ivernia and Propontine must further co-ordinate our defence and intelligence agencies so that we may understand each others local power sphere's more closely, and approach the defence of such, in a co-ordinated manner. We believe that a consistent parallel resistance must be delivered to Kadikistan. In both the North Gothic Sea and the South Long Sea, Kadikistan must find itself in troubled waters. With Our Imperial Allies in Germania posing resistance across the land, Kadikistan will be forced to reconsider it's hawkish ways, and end the spread of it's vile ideology of anarchy and terrorism.''

As Delegates Mr. Wilde and Mr. Mac Arthur furled back up the map, to be replaced by another, Delegate Joensson continued, ''Ivernia and Propontine must work ever more closely together. That much we are completely in agreement, however Ivernia cannot commit to a hard-bound Mutual Defence Agreement. We have been a participant in such an agreement beforem with the Global Hegemon that was the TAAO. While it was a success in it's day, it's eventual collapse did a great deal of damage to the World Balance of Power - most notably as you can see, the uprising of Communism and Socialism to fill the power vacuum. As Ivernia grows stronger, we intend to create a Gothic Sphere of Influence with Celtic Nations. Claíomh Solais is a proponent of ''one people - one nation.'' We seek to unite the Celts in such a manner. It is then that we can work with - but not bound to - our most gracious Propontine Allies, and our other Imperial Allies, for a stable and secure future.''


Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
Ioannis Argyropoulos, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, was the first to reply.
"Indeed, it is imperative that the rogue nation of Kadikistan finds itself internationally isolated and with a noose tightening around its neck, if that barbarity, which it dares call an ideology, is to be contained. Just recently this Empire saw the very real effects of Kadikistan's poison, as your nation has for quite some time. With that in mind is certain that we will have all the support we need to act against Communism."

His remarks were followed by the comments of Marshal Irakleios Artopoiopoulos.
"We understand that a close, yet secret, cooepration between our intelligence services would be a great help for both of us, in this cause and others. Thus we are delighted at your acceptance."

Marshal Theodoros Tzimiskis followed up.
"While we are saddened, we respect your choice for not wishing to establish a Mutual Defence Agreement. We understand that you have very important reasons for this choice, especially considering the sensitivity of this subject for a nation directly on Kadikistan's borders and so far away from ours. That being said, do you have any additional proposals you would like to discuss in the subject of defence or should we move on to some other topic, of your choice?"