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Prosjektkodenavn: Skilpadde


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
D'er lettast aa laera av annan manns skade.
—"Wise men learn by other men's mistakes, fools by their own."

Mid to late September is a time of year in Østveg where the leaves start to fall and the wind starts to take a brisk autumn turn. Walking along the trail that followed the fjord outside of Trollshjem were three men, one of which commanded the army, another of which was a professor, and one last which was the current President of Østveg. They walked briskly in light jackets as joggers and bikers casually raced past them. They carefully paused their voices as passers by should not really understand what they spoke of. Although really, the professor himself almost never spoke.

"...we needn't fail where the Hanseatics themselves failed."

"Of course not, but if conflict wishes to come to us it shall. We hadn't a say in the matter."

"No, we have all the say in the world if we should not fail where the Hanseatics did."

"How do you mean?"

"They subscribed to the European Forum's warnings. Let themselves be vulnerable. Tarusa has taught us that the only defense is a credible one."

"The European Forum? You mean when they discontinued their biological and chemical weapons program?"

"Yes, naturally. So we do we learn from their mistake?"

"Was it their mistake or a mistake of the world's?"

"What difference does it make? Innocent Germans are dying."

"It makes a whole lot of difference I'd argue."

"It does not, as the mistake as regardless innocent Germans are dying."

"You aren't understanding me Oluf. The real mistake is the Hanseatic one. They should have never entrusted their defense to the world's nanny state. The Anti-State still proves a real force for thought in understanding that a super-state is wrong."

"They've joined the European Forum though."

"Yes, an error on their part, or an error on part of the European Forum... it is yet to be seen."

"So, you are trying to tell me to learn from their error and not to entrust our defense onto others?"


"How would you go about doing this?"

"By going about and doing precisely what the Hanseatics were told not to do. The only thing that truly scared the Tarusans."

"A biological and chemical weapons program?"

"Maybe... more?"

"You wish to see a nuclear project!?"

"How long do you think our proud Austwegian people would take to create one?"

There was a pause, but the professor would chime in, "I think we could achieve this with some of our best scientists in a matter six months in principle. We understand the theory of it. We understand the practicalities and problems for the most part... to be able to get the fissile material needed on the other hand might be harder."

The President Oluf Heyerdahl chimed in, "The obvious places to look are through Ostmark and Cantignia."

The Army Commander continued, "Soon, Østveg will have a new government. We must make sure this project is underway by the time the new government comes into power. Our way of post-delegationism is coming to an end, whether we like it or not. To now centralize our government to a great degree allows us to ability to tackle such an ambition immediately."

Heyerdahl nodded, "I'll put the idea into motion immediately."


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
News of the actions in the Ebrian Civil War spread quite quickly through the Jydsk-Austwegian ministries and camps. Prime Minister Ragnhild Bolt sat down across from a few men who had been working on Project Skilpadde (Turtle). The usage of chemical weapons was most alarming.

Bolt spoke first to the men sitting across from her. "So there are reports of chemical weapons usage in Ebria. I feel fairly certain that the Ebrians did not have their own program. So I have to conclude that the Alfonists had received this weapon from one of their three benefactors. I want to do know if we need to start a chemical weapons program, or keep the pace on this weapon you are developing?"

Oluf Heyerdahl spoke first, "Naturally we need to continue Project Skilpadde. We are not going to go about fighting wars where chemical weapons are necessary, right? Even then, a gas mask is functional, and we must make sure gas masks are given to all soldiers immediately instead." Chief of Defense Erlend Aksnes and long time friend of Heyerdahl spoke immediately after. "If we can get more fissile material, faster, we can test one of the devices we've made and nobody will care to invade us."

Bolt shook her head, "I don't want to risk the fact that we're building one of these to be public knowledge. As it is, I imagine the Federation is wondering why we're digging a rather large complex in Íslagen. I don't want them to think we're also going to blow up a nuclear device there as well. They'll protest so quickly, we'd potentially even risk their invasion with some of the hawks in their congress."

Heyerdahl retorted, "And what if the everything goes pear shaped too quickly? The entire world seemed primed to go to war. We need this bomb now. It will re-establish us as a power in the Gothic Sea."

Bolt sighed, "If the Federation gets bogged down in a war somewhere, they just might overlook our work. If that happens to be the case, then we can go hard on gathering the material we need to test the device. I still want a report on chemical weapons development and how long you think it will take for us to put something together, and if it is practical in the defense of the Fatherland."

Aksnes nodded, "I'll have it on your desk within a week."