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Quadian Political History

Jun 21, 2015
Quadian City
Ahmadiyya Muslim Party:
Foundation: 1950

1. Chaudry Zafrullah Khan: Dr. Chaudry Zafrullah Khan was a trained lawyer with a PhD in linguistics. He was an Ahmadi Muslim, a sect of reformist Islam. Although Ahmadiyya Islam had a religious leader and was non political, Dr. Zafrullah Khan believed that having a political voice for Ahmadiyya was important to counter the extremists and injustice against the Ahmadiyya in Pakistan. He founded an official political group made of 50 Ahmadi Muslims in June of 1950. From the onset there was political resistance from the Pakistani government - multiple times the group was denied access to platforms and prevented from spreading their word through media manipulation ect. However, the group did persist and actually grew over the years, gaining prominence with the youth and minorities in Pakistan

2. The Lahore Law: A group of Mullahs convened in Lahore and decided that Ahmadiyya Islam was un-Islamic and that all Ahmadi were to be categorized as non Muslims and set as second class citizens in Pakistan. They also vowed to destory mosques and eliminate the political group Ahmadiyya Muslim Party.

3. The 5 Year War: On June 4th 1958 20 members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Party were murdered and an Ahmadi mosque was burned. This started a long slew of attacks which would finally end in June 1961. During these five years, Ahmadi shops, schools and politicians were either killed, imprisoned or denied services ect. The Pakistani government did not openly admit to it but numerous members were involved with the scandal and were actually paying Mullahs/were being paid by Mullahs to carry out attacks. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Party did not retaliate with violence, although there were altercations in a few cases. A truce was signed between the government of Pakistan and Ahmadiyya Muslim Party in June 1961 and lasted for 2 years.

4. The Covert Emigration: The post truce situation was much calmer for the Ahmadi's and little trouble was stirred up until an attempted murder was committed against the religious head of the Ahmadiyya community. This sparked sharp criticism of the Pakistani Government by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Party and several members actually did retaliatory attacks on Pakistani government buildings and vehicles. Thus tension were worse then ever before and the Pakistani government was contemplating destroying the organization completely via the ISI or the military. Even worse was the fact that the Pakistani President was a close relative and extremely pro Mullah. Thus the Ahmadiyya Party and the religious affiliates set up covert relations with the UK embassy and were able to get out of Pakistan.

5. The European Era: Up until 2012, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Party Grew massively in the UK and several thousands of more people joined the religion of Ahmadiyya Islam. With the British government behind the organization, the party set up international projects and for the first time expanded into Germany, France, Spain and the USA. Also, through rigorous negotiations, the Ahmadiyya Political party was able to obtain independence and began its own country in Europe named after the city where it began in Pakistan - Quadian.

Liberal People's Party:
Foundation: 2013

1. Mr. Steven Jesse: The newly formed state of Quadian in Europe was predominantly populated by Pakistani and Muslims, although there were a significant number of British and German citizens as well. Mr. Steven Jesse was a fond supporter of the Ahmadiyya party, especially on its view against radical Islam and fundamentalists. He was a Jew by origin and was a businessman in Quadian. He was keen on bringing liberal, almost communist ideals into Quadian and make it into a model communist nation in Europe. He set up an opposing political faction within Quadian to compete against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Party. Unfortunately, very few people caught on with the party because of its extreme views and almost communist ideals. To this day a meager 15% of Quadian support this party.

Welfare Party:
Foundation: 2014

1. Dr. Strauss Heinz: Dr. Heinz is a German born citizen of Quadian. He was drawn to the country because of its unique blend of Islamic values along with political, religious and economic freedoms. Although he agreed with many of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Party's values, he thought them to be too religous and Islamic oriented for the population. The reality is that after the first few years of Quadian's existance, many groves of Europeans have immigrated into Quadian, lured by its close ties to the UK and unique social/economic policies. Thus by 2014, there were actually more Europeans than traditional Pakistani Ahmadi's in Quadian. Dr. Heinz created the Welfare Party off the many Social democratic parties in Europe and gained an astounding 80% popular support including from many of the native Pakistani Ahmadi's. To this day the Welfare Party is the major power party, and the current President, Ali Ahmad is a member of this party.