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Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Entry 1
Sander Ilchester
November 2018

My Grandfather Felix the First kept a diary from the age of thirteen. For the first years he describes a repetitive regimen of being beaten by his contract owner every day, and laying awake at night freezing and hungry with a stray cat who he called Charlotte. The cat was a Kadiki Blue, bearing the namesake of a matriarch he and countless other indentured children yearned after as the mother of a freer and prouder Engellexian Empire.

His own father was a miner by trade but perennially failed to keep a position due to alcoholism, drug use, or outright brawling. When charged in court for one such altercation, his father sold Felix to a bondsman who in turn sold the boy to a machinist in need of cheap small hands to fetch items or reach inside of monstrous machines he not dare poke around in himself. He writes that by fourteen he could pass as sixteen year old if he grew out a dirty blonde mustache, the minimum age needed to enter the Cantigian Land Army - infamous for recycling runaway servant children into earned freedom citizens.

The rest is common Cannie legend, he rises to a royal guard post and falls in love with my Grandmother, culminating in a nearly successful communist uprising over the Rydel Monarchy. They survived and married as everyone knows, and next the pages take a methodical form. Felix I chronicles a rocky marriage with my Grandmother Alice, a sullen woman who’s spirit likely died with her family in the red uprising. Felix and Alice had only one child together, Felix II my father.

His diary is drier than the later years of his own father, reading like a documentary screenplay that describes details of boiled eggs and uniform deficiencies in officers more than the raw emotion and anguish of my Grandfather as a child servant. He has given me the last year of his diaries, along with a year of civil war from my Grandfather, to take with me in what I can only call exile.

Like my Grandfather I am being sent away after a fight my father cannot win, but instead of selling me to a bondsman, he is sending me to a Himyari country called Azraq. Muhammad worshiping people with dark skin and dark oil reserves that mark the only similarity between Cantignia and this strange land. For now I am accompanied by Daryl Masters, the CEO of Monarch Petroleum and probably the richest man north of Charleroi. He’s told me I have several billion pounds to pay for quite a long stay here, but all I have in my hands is my cat Charlie - a Kadiki Blue.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Entry 2
Felix Ilchester II
November 2018

After a breakfast I could only bring myself to poke at before scarfing down in haste, I ring a buzzer for a young officer to collect the dishes and I ask him to send in my guests. The Chief Foreign Officer is 90 years old, a contemporary of Ilchester I, as a nurse wheels him into my office I see his health is worse than been reported by his Deputy Chief. He’s not looking at me but rather through me with a frozen expression of fear on his face like he has seen his own death already. He’s suffered an irreversible stroke clearly, and is most unlucky to still be alive.

“Please retire the Chief Officer immediately,” I tell the nurse, who wipes drool from the man’s open craw before rolling him away. “As for you Deputy Anderson, could you please explain to me why the Engellexian & Cussian Navy’s are responding to your propaganda with gunboats and accusations that we are facilitating a communist agenda?”

Anderson begins to weave the same yarn he wrote under the name of his Chief Officer and I cut him off abruptly: “Your resignation or your head, sir!” I shout. The Deputy reaches for his pen and shakes that haughty head of his at me in a final show defiance. With the ink still wet I reach across the table to shake his hand, no one save him will ever know, and offer this advice: “Take a plane to Østveg while you still can, Anderson . . You’re not wrong, but you weren’t right for the time. If we both manage to survive the winter I’ll endorse you for a congressional seat, and perhaps some day you may head an Office legitimately instead of manipulating a dying old man?”

“I will preside at the head of Congress one day sir, thank you” Anderson replies with no hesitation. He is a fanatic and my Father would have loved him. I return a salute to the young man, and he leaves the door open for the Vesper Metropolitan Police Commissioner (VMPC) who is still wearing full winter gear, a radio attached to him chirping non stop with calls. He takes the seat I offer him and sighs, "This city is a damn dumpster fire sir, and not just the usual evening rapes or assaults - we're talking full on gang battles that lasted from dusk til dawn."

I douse a steaming cup of coffee with whiskey and shove it towards the man's chest, "It would seem the Engellexian Embassy is the only safe place in town besides here, eh?". The Police Commissioner snorts and slurps down the coffee, "You ordered us to stable the horses and kennel the bloodhounds, sir - this is what you get when the city thinks we'll be sacked and raped by damn Engell slave soldiers any hour now. The people are begging for the baton!"

VMPC Garthorpe has the scars and history to back his blood lust, and I trust his prognosis that the capital is due for a letting, but again the time is not right for harsh action. "Pull the men in as well, Garthorpe" I tell him, and he almost spits his coffee out at me, "I repeat Commissioner, pull everyone off the streets today and order the snow plowman to cease street operations until this evening."

"Christ in Cantignia sir, why?!" he shouts. "The Engells and Cussians want to put out your dumpster fire," I say with a grim chuckle, "warm the men, rest the horses, and starve those hounds of yours Commissioner . . either our communists or there's will try a revolt tonight, and I want our uniforms stained as red as my father's when he crushed the same."


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Entry 3
Felix Ilchester II
November 2018

I stare across the room at PC Garthorpe, holding out my cup for a toast, certain my rousing statement would be cause for standing and joining me. Garthorpe is shaking however, the same look of fear and dread pouring over his face as I had seen on CO Stokes not moments before. "Christ Garthorpe, not you too?" I ask, "Stand up man, just stand up!"

"I. . I" he mutters as his cup falls from his hand to the floor and his body shakes, fighting his hearty will to stand up,"There are two of you, Lord, I . . I shouldn't, why . . I shouldn't have shagged that cabaret girl last night!" Hairs rise on the back of my neck as I begin to consider my own transgressions yesterday evening, surely the Royal Brothel is better sourced than the Vesper Cabarets? I am almost certain our girls have been under lock down with most of the staff since the first word of this Engellpox mess. I frown at the convulsing mess before me, a sick dying animal where the bear of Vesper had just sat.

Nothing can be done for these people today, I remind myself, this disease seems to freeze people in place; the walking, shouting, and fighting virus of humanity will take to the streets this evening. The Vice Commissioner for Vesper Police could take charge this afternoon and evening I consider as I reach for the buzzer to call for help, but the VC is a desk jockey better suited for financial forensics than the riot control and command needed today.

"Grizzly-1, come in, Grizzly-1 please respond," a male officer on Garthorpe's police radio desperately demands, but I see the PC's eyes are closing as if shunning away a terrible headache and thick beads of sweat are gathering over the brow. "The Communists are forming up on Nag's Head Square, please respond Grizzly-1, they're setting to whatever they can!" After a deep sigh I walk back across the room and rip the radio microphone off the sick man's shoulder, "This is Whitefox, I repeat, this is Whitefox; Grizzly-1 is down, I will be responding to the Communists personally!"

A security response team kicks the door in unnecessarily as expected, and I merely point behind my shoulder as I run towards my snow gear and carport. "Fuck, Christ in heaven, fuck!" I shout in front of a team of maids as I realize the streets are still full of snow, waiting to be plowed per my own orders, "Go home while you still can, I apologize madams, tell the whole damn service staff to evacuate after being checked by the doctors!".

I gather the men that accompanied Garthorpe to the Royal Quarters, and they tell me they have come on horseback to the old stables left open solely for the Metropolitan Police. The horses are wearing jackets, standing and eating in place in the stables peacefully, and I notice their eyes are covered with some plastic shield screen as well. Standing away from the rest I immediately recognize Garthorpe's black stallion, shaking its tether from side to side with ire, and as I approach his flanks he begins angrily shuffling hay back as if to dig his hooves down in defiance. "What does Garthorpe call you?" I ask the steaming monster, he merely snorts and continues to shuffle, "Something mean and nasty surely? It doesn't matter, you're 'Pox' to me, now calm down so we can go trample some communists!"


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Entry 4
Johann Browne
November 2018

Car alarms, fire alarms, gunshots, and screams rang out from dusk til dawn in rapid succession. Last night I scarcely slept, shivering in bed with my two brothers. Gerard was first out of bed, he had not even changed out of his work clothes from the previous day and his eyes were as bloodshot as mine surely were. Jacob was still shivering and refused to get out of bed despite me shaking him and slapping his head, he was sweating and soaking up the bed somehow, moaning now a bit between grinding teeth.

"It's the Engellpox Johann, he has it and so do we now" Gerard tells me as a matter of fact. "Will he die?" I ask my old brother as he hands me my jacket and a cold and molding lump of oatbread. "We are all going to die if we do not take to the streets and revolt today!". Skeptical, I none the less take and chew on the bread, holding it with my teeth as I don jacket, boots, and gloves all tattered with holes and tear. "What's so special about today Gerry?"

"My cell-leader says it's Decapitation Day," Gerard tells me with more excitement than I have seen on his face since we were both still children, "If the Cussians and Engells don't take down the Covenant, we will, and if they do - we will shut the whole city, no, the whole island down in a bloody workers revolution!"

My jaw falls open and the bread with it and I barely catch the precious morsel in my hand, "So what you're telling me is that if the Pox doesn't kill us the Metro's will, or the Cussians, or the poxy Engell Atheists?". Gerry's exuberant smile turns in to an annoyed grimace, "Put on your hat and follow me, Johann. No more questions."

"What about Eleanor and Mother?" I protest, hoping he will stop and consider our family. "Mother is out whoring, and Eleanor can stay home and take care of herself - she's five now, I was cooking and cleaning the flat at her age alone - whiping your ass I might add, you cunt, I said no more questions!" he shouts, pulling me by the nose past holes in the wall our dead father punched and sideways hanging portraits of us as infants together.

Outside we find the streets have not been plowed, "Do the plowmen have the pox too, eh Gerry?" I ask. "No Johann, they want to make it hard for us!" he responds without turning back, crunching and sinking three feet deep with every frigid step. It takes us an hour to reach Nag's Head Square, a summer stroll that would take them half the time, and the park is already a scene of chaos. Smoke is rising from the center of the park as we approach, but when we finally do masked men and women are setting fire to rubbage bins, unlucky cars, and when I get close enough to see and smell - a Metropolitan Police Bloodhound has been nailed in crucifixion to a tree, and a maniacal gang is laughing as the hound squeals until giving itself to the fire.

"Grab some shovels, boys!" a mustached man with a red armband walks up and orders, "We need to create barriers around the park before the Metro's gather for suppression!". Gerard takes up a shovel without question, grinding down to the bricks to gather up snow, but all I can do is stare at the burning hound who's since been ignored and and abandoned to melt and char upon the tree. These workers and people's revolutionaries somehow trudge past this four legged worker, born and bred to a life of labor without a say in the manner.

Beyond the noise of chants and brick grinding metal shovels, I begin to hear stone and marble being broken apart with sledgehammers; the statues and monuments to our Engell ancestors being broken down into bits. "Johann, here!" Gerard shouts suddenly, "Start packing these stones into snowballs, quickly they're here!". And so I did, the barricades of snow were nearly finished and there was only one way out - plugged with hundreds of men, women, and wild children like me and horse mounted police on the other side, there was no way out now. "Why this isn't the King's decapitation day, it's ours" I whisper to myself as I pack what must have been part of a horse's ass monument chunk into a snowball.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Entry 5
Felix Ilchester

Pox's hooves trudge proudly through the snow under a symphony of police sirens and boots, calmer and confident above the smaller horses. I have merely to point at straggling communists to have them shot with rubber bullets or tackled by Metro Police on foot, but I am conscious now that I have never been more exposed to a snipers shot in my life than now. Hell, any yokel with a pistol could run out from a gangway and pop one in my flank from a revolver. With a wet thud the man mounted beside me first topples over with a muffled groan before slamming down on the hard pavement and ice. A snowball has hit him square in the nose, and from the blood soaked broken snow I see a chunk of granite roll away towards an earnest Vesper Bloodhound - sniffing each millimeter of the street with interest before finally finding what she has been looking for.

"FORMATIONS, SHIELDS - SHIELDS - SHIELDS!" I shout, ordering 200 men on foot before me into a tight wall from sidewalk to sidewalk. On our right and left are the leashed hounds, and with me in the center are some 50 mounted police. Two other smaller police contingents will join us from the east and west, surrounding Nag's Head Square so only the south towards Imperial Promenade is available to communist agitators for retreat.

Committed to her scent trail the bloodhound bitch begins to pull her leash and the officer on the other end closer and closer towards the downed man, sniffing deeply and sending thick clouds of steam into the air. "Bitch be damned," I curse, she is dragging a man three times her height with ease yet still taking careful inventory of each drop of blood , and scent on the ground until meeting the marooned horseman's face. "HALT!" I yell, and the police contingent does, most breaking discipline and sneaking eyes back at the inter-species encounter. Drawing my pistol, I wait until the hound digs her snout into the wound, takes a lick, and begins barking so violently and loud that I jolt and fail to shoot the beast. Finally the man responsible for the hound pulls her back, returning her to a chorus of incited hounds.

In sight already is a great wall of snow as high as I sit on horseback with one wide opening. In this single opening I see unwashed bands of grey and brown clad men wearing red armbands or hoisting red banners in defiance of our steady crawl of black or white uniformed authority. More snowballs filled with rocks begin plastering against shields or skulls as our front line reaches their throwing distance. "Return fire with rubber bullets and sandbags," I order over my radio now, "this is Whitefox, ready and fire the teargas behind their front line as well - we want them tearing at each other and breaking that precious solidarity . . What the fuck?”

All of us, both Covenant and dissidents can’t help but grab our hats or helmets and look up as Engellexic or Cussian attack helicopters come chopping through the sky making a beeline for Imperial Promenade where the Engellexian Embassy sits. “I repeat: fire away on all non lethal munitions!” I shout into my radio, bracing as another mounted man goes down beside me. Suddenly the thumps and streaming screams of our canisters and flares are dwarfed by an eruption of explosions from the direction of the Engellexian Embassy. Twenty meters ahead a Molotov cocktail engulfs our right flank and the men on this side break or go running; beyond fear the bloodhounds charge against their leashes or burst after being dropped directly at the dissident front line.

“Batons and bullets are hereby authorized . .” I grumble into the radio, whatever has just happened around the embassy will define the day - no longer my attempt at tactful deconstruction of this demonstration. A hundred officers and thrice as many dissidents will die, but the fate of those Engellexian merchants and their pride will be all that matters. I check my pistol for operation and holster it once more, the Metropolitan Police around me are doing the same or already charging in gangs against civilian gangs to fight.
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