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Remionese aggression against Serbovia


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Nevena Vladimirovic, Serbovian Representative to the European Forum

"Esteemed delegates of the European Forum,

I come before you to answer to the unwarranted threats of war that we have received from the government of Remion, and to make our case against the wanton aggression of President Roberta Colombo of Remion. Our innocent, peace-loving nation is now being threatened by war for no reason of our own, based on lies and propaganda invented by President Colombo and her lackeys who would attempt to defame our good name and paint us as an aggressor, even while they are sharpening their knives and making vile schemes against our peaceful country.

These threats and lies cannot go unanswered. However, as a demonstration of our commitment to diplomacy and the European system, our answer shall be in these halls and not on a field of battle. I call upon the European Forum to condemn the warmongering policies of President Colombo and her administration, and to take a stand against the course of military revanchism that her administration has taken during its short term.

President Colombo has started an assault against our country with the clear aim of isolating Serbovia from its friends, attempting to surround our country with our enemies and making us open to pressure or even open war. The former Remionese government already tried to meddle in Pannonian affairs, with the clear aim of territorial seizure, and President Colombo appears to continue on this course. Undoubtedly, if Remion will return to Pannonia it will do so with the aim of opening a wider front to threaten our country with.

The Remionese have decided to invent fiction and propaganda to attempt to paint us as an aggressor in Pannonia, even if we have always been open to diplomatic solutions and our main interest has always been to guarantee our security and the rights of our Serbovic kinsmen. The accusations that were recently levelled by President Colombo against us are completely without proof.

The Remionese campaign against our presence in Thrakia and even our membership in this very organization is another example of the ill will of Tibur. I have no doubt in my mind that a vacuum hypothetically left by Serbovia in that region would be filled by Remion, which would gladly seize the opportunity to threaten our country on two fronts. This they would accomplish at the cost of innocent Thrakian lives, and at the cost of erasing two decades of peace-building that has been successfully done by Serbovia and Tarusa. And once again, the arguments presented by the government of Remion are solely based on lies.

The Serbovian government is prepared to use all avenues at its disposal to check the Remionese aggression being targeted against us, and to prevent President Colombo from igniting another war. We would be well within our rights to put forward a reciprocal motion to expel Remion from these halls. However, we will not do so. We hold the moral high ground and their hateful lies will only serve to strengthen our cause. Where the Remionese would silence us and close their doors from diplomacy, we remain willing to engage in dialogue with them and all other parties for the sake of European peace. Accordingly, we are willing to participate in the search for a diplomatic solution to this current quaqmire.

Should the warmongering policies of President Colombo continue, I am prepared to propose international sanctions against the Remionese government. However, at this time I will refrain from doing so to demonstrate our will to de-escalate this crisis.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
Sir Alexander Bellamy, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Guienny to the European Forum

"Esteemed Representatives and Friends,

"I wish to make it clear that this is the very purpose of the European Forum! To ensure dialogue between the parties before any lives are lost in a pointless misunderstanding. His Majesty's Government wishes to assure the Serbove people that we stand with them in their continued membership in this civilised body.

"However, I must now insist on understanding what his happening here further, and offer to arbitrate between the parties to ensure nothing rash occurs. What is the basis for any complaints that might exist between Remion and Serbovia at this moment? I would hope my colleagues from Remion can help clarify what is happening."


Establishing Nation
Jun 18, 2019
Middle of Nowhere USA
Master Baron Boris Bakhmeteff, Tarusan Representative to EF

"I think it is quite clear of the disagreement between Serbovia and Remion, as Tarusa is attacked as often if not more so than our ally Serbovia. At every turn they seek to undermine peace and speak rashly and aggressively. We are accused of being the war mongers, of breaking international laws and general practices. There are for example still 196 prisoners of war, that Remion refuses to release and attempts to charge them in their own criminal courts, in a war that they started, an undeclared war that they attempt and use as justification claiming they were not combatants.

They were uniformed, they were in service of a country, and they surrendered expecting the treatment of a prisoner of war, and instead are treated like common criminals. The list of complaints that Tarusa alone can bring forth against the Republic of Remion would take hours to discuss and cover, and thats not even with the initial complaints by my counterpart from Serbovia included. You have yourself seen the revanchism the Republic brings even here into the forum as it attempts to bully with what it believes would be a majority against what it perceived would be the minority, and how silent they fall when they realize they cannot use the forum to bully their way around so as to have a "legal high ground" in their eyes.


Established Nation
Jul 23, 2017
Toscana - Italy
Arcangelo Udinese, Remion Representative to the European Forum:

"Remion would also like to know the accusations against Tibur, or at least their official formalization that goes beyond the usual incocnlusive cry of Serbovo and Taruso. For example, it would be useful for this forum to know where the Tarusa war declaration against Remion has ended, or for example and I quote: that the list of complain against Remion would take hours. Well, honorable colleague, you have all the time in the world to provide irrefutable evidence. For example as in the case of the middle-class Merchant ship Oyleric."

After saying it, Udinese got up from his seat and headed for the exit.

"Take your time, there is no fury." He said as he left the room


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Nevena Vladimirovic, Serbovian Representative to the European Forum

"As you can see, the Remionese delegate decided to run with his tail between his legs instead of properly confronting the arguments brought forward by myself and my Tarusan counterpart. President Colombo of Remion is keen on presenting her country as one that is surrounded by enemies and on the verge of war, and spreading fiction that the Serbovians and the Tarusans were planning assaults against Remion and Eugenia. Most recent of such assaults took place only recently before the Remionese Senate.

Their claims of peace ring hollow when they are accompanied by diplomatic assaults against Serbovia, such as their recent motion to have our country excluded from the European Forum for no valid reason. We present that campaign as another example of their hostility towards us.

Last but not least, we point out the illegal detention of two hundred Tarusan servicemen sentenced by a propaganda court on fictional charges, in flagrant contravention to the recognized laws of war and accepted standards on the treatment of prisoners of war. We are accustomed to seeing such frivolity from banana republics, not established states in the middle of our beautiful continent. Who can blame us for keeping such a regime at an arm's length?"