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Room 101


Establishing Nation
Feb 12, 2016
Greater Manchester, UK
"Well, if I may just fetch my assistant in so she can read over the document just to be sure there is no hidden clause of some sought then I will sign" Said Kingsley. Some Time Later... "Right, it is done I have signed it I hope we can get a deal done" he said smiling. "Now, if I may ask you fine men can we please have some food, my hunger needs replenishing".


Establishing Nation
Feb 9, 2016
Little Poland
"We can't join you for dinner,Picton needs to check our Justinian friend didn't get lost on her way home and I got meeting with the President on other matters. I have one of the waiters take you to the dining hall if you don't mind eating alone since most people have left work for today. If you are staying or leaving tonight go to reception they will sort everything out." The P.M said presonally hoping they would leave tonight before the hardcore republics got wind of their presence.
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Establishing Nation
Feb 12, 2016
Greater Manchester, UK
"Well okay I suppose, I will go to get some food and see if I can get a hotel room sorted for the night and may I just say its obvious you want me to leave so I will once I have had food and some sleep" after saying that he finished what was left of his Vodka and walked off with his Security Detail and aides following him. But before he left he turned around and said "We might as well get this deal done early tomorrow morning before I must depart to return home and announce my retirement since the Justinian's complained about me to the PM he has asked me to retire to please our allies" he scoffed ad then left.


Establishing Nation
Feb 9, 2016
Little Poland
Enemy at the gates

Picton woken up from his hangover from the crowd shouting outside, he grap his dressing gown and a side arm. he left his room and went into the hotel corridor where most senior and junior ministers with no families lived. The home sentory was dressed and walking the corridor.

"You finally got up then?" the Home sentory said to Picton giving him a dirty look, in the public they would smile and play friends but behind close doors, they had the most poisonous hatred for each other.

"I was busy doing paperwork for the foreign guest we had last night Owen" Picton answered. He wasn't in the mood with dealing with anyone today, he had splitting headache which made worse by the sound of the crowd in the background

"So raiding the bar downstairs and drinking till three in the morning, was doing "paperwork" ?" Owen said
"I don't have time for this, I have to find Kingsley and-"
"Oh Kingsley, I took the liberty of sending him home when I got word of a crowd coming"- Owen put his hand over Picton's mouth- "Look before you bitch at me, have a shower and get changed you stink. Also read this when you're done" Owen handed him a copy of the Morning Star and went down the corridor.

Picton got dressed and went down stairs into the reception, he could see that a large crowd of 100 people or so had gathered at the front gate, a red line of troops was only thing stopping them entering the courtyard. Inside the reception six security agents had covered the front door with semi automatic machine gun.

Picton went up to head of security and talked to him.

"The Morning Star started this shit, the crowd most likely communist from the Cymraeg Goach call in a dozen or so vans of peacekeepers crack some skulls and drag them in say it's under the Good Friday Agreement, it will be over by lunch". Picton told him.

"We can't do that sir, they are not wearing anything or have flags associated with Cymraeg Goach we just have wait them out"

"Oh shit"
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Establishing Nation
Feb 12, 2016
Greater Manchester, UK
As He was flying thousand of miles in the air Kingsley was thinking about his rude awakening that night and how he was forced onto his jet with no explanation he decided to call Mr. Picton and question him over his forced departure and to check if this man was okay even though he was an alcoholic and rather paranoid he seemed like quite a genuine guy also the deal had never been signed. "Hello, hello is Mr. Picton there" H e said waiting for an answer.


Establishing Nation
Feb 9, 2016
Little Poland
"Yes I am here but am busy at the moment" Picton answered the phone in his room, he spent the morning trying to get rid of the protesters from the gate but the crowd was growing larger by the hour and they were stopping minsters living in the city coming in. They effectively had P.M house under siege.
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Establishing Nation
Feb 12, 2016
Greater Manchester, UK
"Ah, I see well if your busy I'll just end the call anything you need help is it those angry people I saw gathering as I was driven away rather quickly I must say, If so just send in riot police well that's what I recommend at least"


Establishing Nation
Feb 9, 2016
Little Poland
"We can't do anything at the moment, they're on public road so can't arrest them for trespassing on government property, they're not breaking the good friday agreement so can't arrest them under that, we have a few riot vans down the road stopping anymore coming in but a crowd gathered there, it's one hell of a shitstorm the media vultures are having a field day and the fucking commies know they can put the P.M under siege. The P.M himself doesn't like my idea of getting the troops from our barracks and showing them what true imperialism is like"Picton ranted on phone. He poured a glass of whisky to calm himself down.
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Establishing Nation
Feb 12, 2016
Greater Manchester, UK
"Ah, I see Mr. Picton well the best of luck to you maybe you could visit us next time when we can get the deal signed or I could return which I doubt you want but anyway have a um nice... day and if you need help just give us a call, bye or au revoir as they say in Bourgogne" He put down the phone and sipped his whiskey and said to his aide "Gosh those darn Liberal Media will make a banquet out of a picnic".

OOC: I'm guessing you can talk about the protest and we can continue the talks later in my country or I can come back it's up to you really.


Establishing Nation
Feb 9, 2016
Little Poland
He put the phone down and he saw something out the window that made his blood boil, he was so angry that he didn't notice he broke his whisky glass.

"ROBERT FUCKING GRIFFINS" Picton screamed.Robert Griffins is the leader of Cymraeg Goach and was at the bottom of the road on top of a riot van waving the communist flag. The security services have spent years trying to get Robert Griffins with links to arms smuggling and collaborating with foreign spies, "the bastard got so cocky that he's not afraid to stand 30 feet away from the establishment he was proud of fighting against" Picton thought to himself,he cleared up his wound and changed into his officer's uniform. He picked up the phone and called security

"Get the lazy buggers from the barrackers and tell them to bring their rifles with bayonets" Picton ordered and slammed the phone

"I am going to bring back the fear of god in his heart" Picton thought

20 Minutes
"What the hell are you doing?!" Owen said. He stop Picton and 50 other troops in full riot gear carry rifles with fixed bayonets
in reception.
"Out there Robert Griffins is gloating at us and if we let those people know that can siege the P.M's house, next they will be storming the assembly!" Picton shouted at Owen, he didn't care if half the party see him fighting with the Home secretary, he was sick of his bullshit already.

"If you go out there guns blazing into the crowd, they will definitely come back with more than protests signs. If you give it a few hours,half of them will get bored and go home" Owen said trying to stop him going off the rails

"They get bored?! Do you know where you are? this is the country tried to assassinate it's own Prince. If we let this carry on the crazies will take control and storm this building" Picton said

"Quiet both of you!" the P.M shouted from the reception's stairs, he spent the morning on full P.R damage control speaking to the various press outlets.

"Picton if you step out of this building like that I will kicked you out of this building, this party and this country. Don't fucking smile Owen, if you didn't let the crowd come this close we won't be in this mess" P.M told both of them, he was usually in a cheerful demeanor but he was losing patience.

"Picton and Owen stay inside,I will talk to you both after I clean this mess.-P.M turned to talk to the colour sergeant behind Picton-, Sergeant I want you to leave your rifles but have four armed men on the roof looking for trouble, finally get riot equipment then tell the crowd they have 3 minutes to leave before you clear the area."

The sergeant saluted the P.M and carried out his orders.

Half hour later

The crowd grow roughly up to 600 people with 40 riot control peacekeepers at the bottom of the road trying to stop anymore going up the road. The crowd had various slogans and protest signs.

"Down with the imperialist sympathies , "Working class united", "Evan is Ivernia's bitch" with various other ones

The troops originally holding the crowd had retreated behind the gate, now 60 riot troops had made three half circles with two lines one behind the circle ready to fire tear gas and one in front holding the gates. Even with the three minute warring very little of the crowd left.

"That's it you had your warning you will be moved by force" the Colour Sergeant told the coward with is megaphone .
They opened the gates and moved in.
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Establishing Nation
Feb 9, 2016
Little Poland

Caerdydd, Opposition HQ, P.R department

Thomas public commutations manger for Plaid Geidwadol Cyrmu had his work cut.Three straight loses in the debating chamber along with the whole fiasco with a few AMs seen supporting a preacher in a local town church who was telling the world about the dangerous plots planed by the Jews and communists. Now he had his hands full with another A.M referring all union members as “lazy ungrateful bastards” and that all strike workers on the picket line should be shot at if they refused let other workers through.

Most of his morning was spent phoning various press outlets trying his best to pass off the A.M comment as misquoted and told what he had actual said "if strike causes civil unrest Peacekeepers should be authorised to use fire arms." All that did was made matters worse.

He finished his seventh coffee when he noticed the time on the clock in his office.

“Dam it looks like I am eating lunch in today.” He thought to himself, he got on his intercom to his sectary.

“Linda could you get me lunch from town and bring back please.” He asked, it was fourth time this week. It wasn't end of the world but he liked to spend half hour in the local park it remind him of home.

“Sure sir would you like the same as yesterday?” She replied
“Yeah.” He said
“Um before I go, a man just come in to see.” She said. A man in grey suit walked in, he give her a smile of a used car sales man.
“What’s his name?” He asked but before she could answer, the man walked into his office

“Excuse me you need an appointment.” He was already stressed with trying to deal with the P.R nightmare that the older party members tended to create on the monthly basis when they used not so sophisticated words telling the press of their thoughts and feelings.

The man’s smile grown wider when they both met eye contract it gave him a creeps The man didn't give a threaten persona but he was uncanny everything about his body langue was controlled to show a positive and “I went to be your best friend” outlook.

“Oh I am so sorry, it’s just my name is Mr Smith and represent a client who very much like the current port situation to be resolved.” Smith said in a happy upbeat manner.

Thomas looked at him for a seconds, he remembered bumping in these type before they would scout around parties and dinners preying on A.Ms by promising older ones of an easy position like being adviser’s in the company they represent or let the younger more native ones have a go at a cheap hooker they tarted up for the party. In one word they were fishy one day they would act as best friend the next day they would blackmail with photos of the fun night you had with their lady friend, they did whatever suited their clients’ interests.

“I am sorry to tell you this, I am not A.M. I am just a manger in their P.R wing. Unless you’re client is a member of the press I can’t do nothing, I suggest you go down back to reception and see if they cab book an appointment to the appropriate A.M who can help you.” Thomas said by this time Smith sat down and started going through his briefcase.

“No you don’t understand my client requested me to speak to the P.R department and when I asked the reception they told me you were in charge, may I add you are doing a fine job running this department.” Smith said, he pulled a small box from his front jacket pocket and opened to offer Thomas a cigar.

“Okay what does this client of yours want of me?” Thomas asked declining the cigar. Smith pulled a brown envelop and pulled out a photo.
“Do you recognised this men?” Smith asked

“It’s Llywn Smith and Arthur Horner at airport so what’s your point it is no secret that The Workers Party and the trade unions are in bed together.” Thomas

“You’re not looking at the small details” Smith pointed to the airport sign in the picture
“The signs are in Kadikistani and there are in Kaikistan international airport, the photo was taken on 12[SUP]th[/SUP] of April.” Smith said with a glamour in his eyes.

Thomas eyes light up and the gears in his head . “This might be the god send that I need to wipe away the last few months of P.R cock ups” he thought to himself. will forgot about your mess to forces on the car crash on the other side.head started turning to thinking how to carry out the oldest trick in book of sorting out bad press deflect everything to a political rival and hope the press

“So let’s say hypothetically I went to the Bureau of Internal Affairs to put forth an idea that a party with seats in Assembly is travelling to another country to go to meeting held by a association which is well know that wants to influence other governments policy. Then I would suggest with all of this in mind it won’t be a far stretch that this association would use resource to fund said party.” Smith said like rehearse sales pitch.

Thomas paused for a moments, this could be a good opportunity to weaken the workers party who have been having voting packs with Plaid Cyrmu. Only problem he had was there was always a catch with these people.

"What do you get out of it?" he asked

Smith give a innocent look

"I get nothing out of it, just if the hypothetical situation were to happen we know that it would weaken the Plaid Party position in the Assembly, when there crutches is taken away for a bit. My client would simply benefit if the public saw the real T&C which shouldn't for someone in your positions."

Thomas give a nod of mutual understanding, Smith give a sly wink and got up to leave the office.

"Before you go,how did you get that photo." Thomas asked
"My client been keeping a close eye on people of interests,I didn't take myself but I can't say who did or how because that's a trade secret my good man."
Smith answered.

Thomas took a few moments to take in what he does agree do

"The press always chopping to get price of embarrassing stories on A.Ms, they would eventually found out the contention. I am simply speeding up the processes that's all." Thomas trying to justified himself but he didn't worry after all it was all part of the game of politics.

Caerdydd Company of Public Goods 20/04/1956

Llyn Smith spent an hour in a meeting with Bevan over the Port Dispute, the governments official stance it was a matter between the Unions and the Port Owners nothing to do with them. Not everyone in the government followed, Bevan was the most vocal supporter of the unions but today he was told by the Chief Whip to keep his mouth shut or risk his baby P.M.I to be defunded. Llyn Smith himself was threaten by the T&C union to lobby some support soon or they would cut all their funding to the party.

He walked out of the building after the failed meeting to only be greeted by rain. His shoes splash as he walked down the steps leading to the taxi loading bay, they were already waterlogged from the morning rain.

He heard a voice calling him

"Llyn I need to speak to you!" a male voice shouted.

He looked to see where the voice came from and then he found it was coming from a man wearing a bowler hat inside a black taxi who was waving at him. Then soundly two men in black suits with shoulders sizes of goal posts got hold of his arm at side and started to take him to the taxi.

"What the bloody hell are you doing get off me, if you don't let go of me this....." Llyn shouted but no one notice. The men forced him into the taxi and he had to sit down in the middle seat with each either side.The man wearing bowler hat sat across from him.

"Driver!" The man shouted knocking the taxi celling with his cane.The driver turned the engine on and sped off the loading bay.

"Kidnapping a member of the Assembly is a serious crime if you don't let me go," Llyn shouted trying to sound tough but inside he was having a mini panic attack, the way everything was going it reminded him of gang killings.

"I am with the Bureau of Internal Affairs we have reasonable suspension that you have accepted financial bribe from the International Association of Marxist-Leninovist Parties to change your party policies along with the way you have voted in the Assembly, this is not arrested but a verbal informant that you and your party are under investigation by this Bureau and that you have a court order to attend a public hearing at the 23th of April to answer any questions we have also to see if you face any criminal charges as a result of our investigation." The man spoke at 100 miles per hour and then handed Llyn a copy of the court order.

The whole time Llyn was dumbfounded but before he could have ask any questions the taxi halted and he was thrown off to the side of the road.
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