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Secret Telegram [ATTN: Vasország, Wendziema, Auraria]


Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
Amarysian League - Commissariat of External Affairs


To: Commissariats of Foreign Affairs of the Vas People's Republic
, the People's Republic of Wendziema and the United Communes of the Aurarine State
From: Commissariat of External Affairs of the Amarysian League, 12 Demokratias Street, Sounio, Free State of Sounio, Amarysian League, Cyclopeian Triarchy
Subject: Secret Communications
Classification: Α1 - Top Secret, State Secret


We would like to clear up that while on the surface we might have appeared negative toward any aditional foreign help it is simply to avoid suspicion from the Duchy of Oenotria & Antikyra. In reality we are in need of all available help more than ever. The war has evolved into a race to Nauplio because both sides want to capture first for reasons of legitimacy. The Cyclopeian people still view any government that is seated Nauplio as the legitimate central government.

While we advance against the Junta on all fronts, in the West the Duchy moves unhindered in a blitz toward Nauplio, that has advanced so far Ducal forces are within 21 kilometers of Nauplio's western suburbs. For obvious reasons it would be unwelcome at best for the Alkimonid Crown to re-establish itself in the Megaro of Nauplio. However our forces in the east are facing a massive Junta force of more than twenty brigades and while we have cut it down by numerous brigades we are still dependent on the Antikyrans and their allies who are loyal to the Ducal Crown and thus have no interest in a rapid advance to Nauplio in the East which would mean a loss of lives for them at our interest. One could even say that our advancing toward Nauplio could be against their interest.

It is for that reason that I have for long believed that dispatching Aurarine troops in the northern front to aid in the siege of Pyrgos and any further Vasian and Wendzieman help in the east would be crucial in our success. Any statements I have made against it are because, sadly, the less decisive factions still hold much power within the Voule of Sounio and have blocked any attempts I have made at requesting more help. With these dire circumstances however I have finally been granted the necessary authority to request help with need to appease them.

Any help our Comrades from your three free nations could send to aid in our liberation from the Bourgeoisie
's shackles would be greatly appreciated. As for the trators of the revolution and Bourgeois appeasers who would oppose this to undermine the struggle of the workers and peasants of Cyclopeia, please let me deal with them.

Truthfully yours,
Κλεισθένης Ζορμπάς
Consul of Sounio & President of the Amarysian League

@Vasorszag @ @

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Establishing Nation
Feb 16, 2013

Népi Külügyminisztérium

To: Commissariat of External Affairs of the Amarysian League, 12 Demokratias Street, Sounio;
From: People's Ministry of External Affairs, Palace of the Republic,
Szocializmus Győzelmét Boulevard, Velesz;
Subject: Support;
Classification: Titkos; Top Secret;


The Vas People's Republic fully stands behind its friend from Cyclopeia. As it has been declared before, the Popular Front is open to cooperation with the socialists and communists of Cyclopeia. Even the current volunteers under the leadership of Endrefi Janos, fighting in the Petropyle Corridor are clearly sent by the Popular Front. Even if we are supportive and understand the geopolitics of the region, we believe that the way the Amarysian League has responded to the fascist attack and to the socialists volunteers have created many enemies for them, even from the left wingers.

At first many Vasians were very open to come and fight in Cyclopeia but now, we can be happy if we will manage to send just another brigade, rising the number to four. We are very sorry, but Vasorszag, being part of the free world will not oblige soldiers to fight in other lands, like the EIffellanders did with their 3rd Army. Its not even legal by the Vasian laws. If we are to send soldiers it will be only through volunteers and since the negative responses received from the Amarysian League, there aren't many people wishing to join the fighting.

Even so, we will continue the campaign and we will try to gather volunteers but don't expect more than a brigade in this new batch of soldiers.

Morosgovany Lorand,
People's Minister of External Affairs


Established Nation
Aug 9, 2012

Under the Authorization of the Chairman
Classification: TOP SECRET
24 March, 1955
To all whom it may concern,

It is the stance of the Aurarine Government that the cause of the Amarysian League is to be the cause of the Aurarine State. It is with a heavy heart that details of the capture of Nauplio come to light in our government. As is known, I have ordered the deployment of two divisions (20,000) soldiers to the northern border between Auraria and Cyclopeia. The Legislature has been hesitant to provide necessary supports for any extended campaign, for fear of another prolonged, expensive campaign.

With the capture of Nauplio by the Duchy and plans to restore the Monarchy in Cyclopeia, I am adamant and resolved that the Aurarine State will not stand by and watch as any human deems themselves a Monarch over the people. The restoration of a monarchy and failure to liberate the peoples who border the Aurarine State would be a stain on the struggles of the Workers worldwide. It is in the interest of our people – and all peoples – to avoid armed conflict. However, our stance on peace should not be confused with unwillingness to commit to what needs to be done in order to secure the liberation of all peoples.

It is with this in mind that I am authorizing the following: The Aurarine State will send diplomats to Nauplio and participate in the negotiations between the Amarysian League and the Duchy. It is there that we will declare publically that any restoration of the Monarchy will not be tolerated by the Aurarine State. As a show of our commitment, a third division will be ordered to the border, bringing our total commitment to 30,000.

Continued stalling by the Aurarine Government will lead to increased suffering amongst the Cyclopeian People, and it will no longer be tolerated.​


Aurelio Santana
Chairman of the People's Council of Commissars
The United Communes of the Aurarine State

This correspondence has received the blessings of the People's Council of Commissars