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Strike the Sun


Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Somewhere over the Northern Ocean

It was a place without a name, just another featureless point in the endless sea. In the cold and the dark you might think it was the last place on earth where history would be made. But you'd be wrong.

Kyiv's armies were on the march and now they had reached the ends of the earth. Four immense silver bombers glided through the air. For them it was the climax of a long journey, from the windswept steppes to the frozen waters top of the world, to strike a blow that would be felt around the world.

The remote nation of Boganhem had stood up and made it's voice heard. Kyiv's reclusive leaders saw it fit to remind them of their place in the world. The order had gone out: Boganhem's atomic ambitions would be crushed without remorse and with that Kyiv's titanic war machine had lurched into action. It's formidable intelligence assets had fixed themselves on Boganheim, dissecting and laying bear it's defenses.

A plan of attack was formulated. Four bombers would strike north armed with some of the best weapons in the arsenal, stealthy long range terrain-hugging cruise missiles. Their flight path had been planned with care, launched from the safety of the sea they would move in under cover of darkness and split up to chart snaking paths across Boganhem. Using the terrain to their advantage they would bypass the thickest of Boganhem's air defenses on the way to the target before converging for the kill.

The four bombers between them carried thirty two missiles. Overkill by any measure, but the public ultimatum had made absolutely clear what the Allied States objectives were and Boganhem's defenders were on high alert. The missiles would present a difficult target for even the best defenders, but it was a long flight over hostile ground. If even one or two missiles reached the target it would be a success. The facility would burn and Kyiv's power made clear.

Free Cities League

Establishing Nation
Mar 15, 2011
Brugge, Belgium/Lisbon, Portugal
Northern Command of the Royal Navy, Ëshafe, Boganhem

The Northern Command of the Royal Navy, as any military command at that time, was in intense agitation: the ascension of King Robert IV to power and the escape of Rikhard V brought a dramatic change to the Army. Older officers distrusted younger officers percieved to be communists or liberals, younger officers distrusted older ones, thinking they were Rikhardists, and son on. The enviornment was heavy and no one trusted no one.

Naval Ensign Bernhard Franksun, as any other ensign was working quitely in his computer, monitoring the Northern Seas with dillgence. But, when he looked again at his screen, he saw something he could not believe, reporting it immediately to his superior.

"Admiral fon Volven, could you come here for a second?"

The aristocratic and arrogant Admiral felt a bit annoyed, since he was reading the newspaper and he thought it to be something of little importance: "It better be important"

"My Admiral, there are a lot of vessels in quadrant 27 - it seems they are Kyivan. There's aircraft too"

"Shit - I though these guys had forgot about that 'ultimatum'. I have to contact the King..."

Admiral fon Volven picked up his phone, dialing the connection to the Royal Palace as fast as he could. He was visibly nervous and worried.

"Your Majesty. Here is Admiral fon Volven, from the Northern Command of the Royal Navy - we have sighted Kyivan vessels and aircraft north of Ëshafe."

"Send them a message saying I will diplomatically engage Kyiv."

Hunging up the phone, Robert was visibily nervous, as this was his first crisis management situation - in his second day as King. Nevertheless, he ordered his Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Frank fon Krakkenveld, to send a message in his name to the Kyivan Supreme Leader.

From: Robert IV, King of Boganhem Protector of the Free Cities' League, Duke of Lübeck and Margrave of Koldland
To: Generalissimo Vasyl Tarassenko

I was informed that Kyivan vessels and aircraft are stationed North of Boganhem - if this has anything to do with the ultimatum issued to our Kingdom a month ago, we ask you to understand that, due to the dramatic change of King and Government, the nuclear programme was the least of our preoccupations. As such, I have already ordered the suspension of the Grinveld Nuclear Programme, having in sight the cautious and gradual destruction it needs to avoid hazardous effects to public health.