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The Al-Quds Crescent



Anti-Imperialist Decree signed in Parliament

Haifa, Haifa Province, Greater Palestine

The Parliament of the State of Greater Palestine today signed into law the decree written by President Abdullah which was handed down to Parliament for formal confirmation by the legislative earlier today. The decree will see a formal policy of Anti-Imperialism enacted by the State of Greater Palestine by formally and constitutionally banning Zionist organizations from regrouping in the liberated Palestinian state.

"It is a great and decisive moment for our nation that we also formally, legislatively spoken, put an end to Zionism in our country once and for all", said a Member of Parliament for the government's National Reconstruction and Socialism Party that currently holds a majority of seats in the legislative chamber. "Zionism was militarily crushed in 2008 by the destruction of the Imperialist state, but terrorist insurgency continues sporadically until even now. Up until now, we had no legal tools at our disposal to face enemy combatants in court, but with this decree, we will now be able to enact fair and swift justice on the enemies of freedom."

The decree was adopted unanimously by the chamber, with even the opposition consisting of the Social Democrats, the Islamic Reform Party and the Fatherland's Liberation Front giving their votes for this great step in our national history.


Anti-Zionist Armed Forces to receive increased budget

Haifa, Haifa Province, Greater Palestine

It has just been reported from parliament that the Anti-Zionist Armed Forces would get assigned a 5% larger budget in the following fiscal year in light of the recent findings of increased ziofascist insurgencies in the southern provinces. The Parliamentary research group for Armament and Fiscal Responsibility announced that the additional financial ressources would go into expanding upon the aerial counter-insurgency abilities of the Anti-Zionist Airforce, which has been used to great effect in rooting out the Zionist Terror Brigades (ZTB) and the Anti-Arab Clique (AAC) that have been mounting an insurgency in Hai and Fa provinces ever since the formal fall of the Zionist regime in 2008. Although the air raids have been a success, critics both from within the government and the opposition said that the reorganization of these gangsterist elements could be more efficiently combatted if the State of Greater Palestine would seek modern armament contracts with reliable contractors abroad to fight the Zionist insurgency, something that Parliament has now enabled the government to do.


New Anti-Zionist Containment Camp to be errected

Haifa, Haifa Province, Greater Palestine

The Ministry of Interior has unveiled plans for a new camp to be constructed in the Negrev desert designed for the purpose of holding hostile zionist combatants awaiting trial.

"Holding zionist elements in regular prisons would drastically increase the risk of terrorist attacks occuring within the cities, within the centers of civilian life. Out there, in the desert, protected by specialists, both society and these elements will be better saved", said a spokesperson for the ministry, who also assured that of course unlike the zionist oppressors, the State of Greater Palestine would make adherance to the human rights of the inmates the leitmotif of the imprisonment strategy.

The first detainees are to be moved to their new detention facilities at the end of the year.


President Abdullah advocates Anti-Doctrinal State

Haifa, Haifa Province, Greater Palestine

In a speech to journalists and students of Haifa University President Abdullah said that he thought the State of Greater Palestine ought to strive towards a policy of laicism and prevent the state from becoming a proponent of any religious or ideological creed.

"I think that it is harmful to mix politics with religion, I think we all can agree to that because of the actions by the zioterrorists in Greater Palestine, poisoning wells, eating babies, murdering innocents...Greater Palestine must emerge as a morally superior entity of the 21st century by adopting a strong commitment to religious and doctrinal neutrality into the consitution. I know what the opposition says - that I am selling out the country, our country's soul, but I am not. I want us to show to the world that we are a morally superior replacement for the zionist entity we crushed", he said.

The President said he would assemble a Constitutional Committee for the creation of a formal definition of Greater Palestine's Laicism within four weeks.
Aug 9, 2010
North Carolina
Ministry for External Affairs

The United Emirates of Cakistan requests the right to send observers to view the construction and operation of the anti-Zionist Containment Camps and to ensure human rights are observed.


Foreign Ministry: "We will not give in to hatred"

Haifa, Haifa Province, Greater Palestine

A spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry has said that the Palestine people would not be 'tricked' into retaliating with sanctions on their own in reply to recent measures by the Judean state that see trade and travel restricted between the two nations. The measures had been enacted as a response to the downfall of the Zionist regime in Greater Palestine.

"The State of Greater Palestine rejects actionist responses to political provocations and will instead seek to reach an understanding with regional acteurs that will bring about a lasting framework of cooperation, peace and justice in Himyar", he added.

"It is the sincere belief of President Abdullah's government that only understanding and problem solving within the boundaries defined by the international community, such as the Council of Nations, will advance the cause of common humanity.

President Abdullah also wishes to firmly reject allegations of anti-semitism leveled by the Judean President Levy. The Palestinian people are themselves semitic, and we have no intention of harming our own people or peoples anywhere for that matter. Our enemy is not Judaism, but the political cabal of international agitation that is the Zionist movement."

The government's stance was applauded by the Jewish Anti-Imperialist League, which said that it was commited to supporting the Palestinian state and work within its political framework.

"Like President Abdullah, the League rejects terrorism and the political abuse of our religion for imperialist motives. We reject violence and strive for a cooperation of all religious groups in the State of Greater Palestine under the vision of secular governance", Mr. Rosenstein of the Jewish Anti-Imperialist League said.


Parliament moves to ban Burka

Haifa, Haifa Province, Greater Palestine

The parliamentary faction of the governing National Reconstruction and Socialism Party has brought a bill before parliament that, if passed, will make the burka illegal in all public buildings and institutions and, after a transit time of 6 months, in all public places as well.

As the news about the bill hit the streets, there were spontaneous demonstrations in some suburbs of the capital Al-Quds against the proposed piece of legislature. Initial reports have it that 20 people have been hurt.

"This bill is a decisive move away from patriarchial structures and towards a more equal and progressive society here in this country. This country, founded on the principles of equality and secularism, must be a bright lightpost in the desert that is Himyar. Only by emancipating our female population can we as a people unite and work in unison", faction spokesman Umar al-Arif said.

Solidarity with Ratomkira

Haifa, Haifa Province, Greater Palestine

President Abdullah has urged his countrymen to show solidarity with the people of Ratomkira in their struggle for human rights and peace.

"We know all too well the terrible scars that conflict and war leave on the souls of the innocent, we know all too well how it feels to be subjected to arbitrary violence. Never again, I say! The war in Ratomkira is a war against all peoples everywhere, is a war against humanity. I call on the Council of Nation to take action, I call upon those in support of freedom everywhere to no longer silence themselves. Be heard and speak up, for this could be the war that could be at your doorstep tomorrow!"

The Office of the President said that President Abdullah had sent a formal letter to the leadership in South Ratomkira, urging the southern government to cease its bombing runs on the North and spare the lives of innocent men, women and children. Appealing to their compassion and remindinding the southern potentates about our common humanity regardless of ideology or creed, the letter urges the parties involved in the conflict to return to the discussion table and prevent further loss of innocent lives.
Aug 9, 2010
North Carolina
The United Emirates of Cakistan
Ministry of External Affairs

The United Emirates believes that while the wearing of burqas by women should not be required in any modern state, the act banning the burqa is an unmerited, unjustified, and indefensible attack on an entirely legitimate expression of proper Islamic religious devotion.

Binar Kirkuk
Deputy Minister for External Affairs


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The State of Greater Palestine does not maintain a policy about proper religious devotion as it is the firm belief of this government that spiritual matters are of private nature. Consequently, the state has no say in these matters. As a nation that harbors within its borders worshippers of more than one faith however, we feel that the public sphere is to be consequently kept free from religious influence as to allow the proper development of a democratic citizen culture.
Aug 9, 2010
North Carolina
United Emirates of Cakistan
Ministry of External Affairs

Banning legitimate expression in public is a policy on proper religious devotion. The public sphere should be open to all displays of religion that do not violate the rights of others.

Kadikistani Union

Established Nation
Nov 2, 2006
Revolutionary Office of External Affairs

We are extremely grateful for the show of solidarity by our comrades in Greater Palestine. In these dark times it is good to see real comradeship still exists.


President Abdullah 'disappointed' at RDT

Haifa, Haifa Province, Greater Palestine

President Abdullah said that he was "disappointed" by the decision of the Revolutionary Defense Treaty not to admit the State of Greater Palestine to the treaty that would have embedded the revolutionary movement of the Urudoah people of Palestine into a global context of united class struggle.

"Of course I am disappointed and so is everyone in the country", said the President during a business dinner with local community leaders today. "Quite frankly I cannot understand the decision that was taken, but there is no purpose in asking 'why?'. Instead we must look ahead and set new priorities to guide our nation on a path that will safeguard our revolution and advance our dialectic development towards the classless society."

Later during a meeting with representatives of the press, the President said that ambitious plans announced by the government two weeks ago that would have seen a commitment to reach a literacy rate of 80% within the nation within 2 years and guarantee free universal education for all children in classroom sizes not exceeding 20 pupils as well as the creation of an extensive academic network within the country would have to be 'downsized' or 'scrapped altogether' in light of the recent developments.

"Unfortunately it seems likely that our plans as far as education go will have to undergo some strict revisions. It was my hope that we could limit our defense spending in a framework of collective security to benefit our people, but in light of the security situation we are now presented with it will most probably be required to prioritize funding to the armed organs of the people to ensure that the very framework in which such reforms could even be realized - if funds were available - is maintained against outside threats in the region. The decision to refuse the socialist revolution of our people international solidarity with their proletarian brothers in arms in other countries is irresponsible and, if we want to be strict, counter-revolutionary, as it hinders the development of the working class in our country when the environment for the blossoming of the intellectual development of the working people could have been laid."