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The Marsilian Shuffle [ATTN: Auraria]

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Friends across the Thaumantic,

I fondly recall the Aurarian hospitality and I also remember the opinions we shared on many matters of global security, peace and stability. It is with these memories in mind that I turn towards you once again, hoping we can cooperate to make the world a better place.

The World Republic has received the news of an election victory of the Tiburan Party in the Free City of Marsilia, one of your neighbours, with great concerns. We are not to question the democratic expression of a populace, nor do we want to pass judgement on accusations of election fraud being raised over this victory.

We however do understand that Marsilia is itself the unfortunate result of a violent political division of the nation of Occitania and that the Occitanian people were sacrificed on the altar of geopolitics to achieve peace with the nation of Serenierre. As such, the possible annexation of Marsilia by Lars is a prospect enabled only as the consequence of the destruction of the Occitan nation and mass displacement of minorities, such as the Tiburan, within the new political constructs arisen from its ashes.

And, more worryingly, this annexation would have a devastating influence on regional stability. Serenierre has already reacted aggressively to the possibility of any revisions to the borders created at Camp Hill. We fear the consequences of a Larsian expansion into the Long Sea, especially at such an inopportune time: Gallia and Germania need to make a united stand against the Thaumantic Domain, not further delve into territorial disputes such as the one in Burgundy. Those have only resulted in enabling the expansionist strategy of the Domain.

I hope that the Aurarian government as a regional power more directly affected by these events shares our concerns. We hope to establish a joint response that secures lasting peace in the Long Sea.

Donna Trumm