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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs :: Press Briefings


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Thomas Vavasseur: In today's briefing I would like to announce that the Government of Belmont has decided to augment our military deployment in the Republic of Abruzicstan by 18,000 extra troops to 30,000. Yes, these numbers are large but the situation on the ground has deteriorated to levels we could not have imagined before. The Government has been in contact with our Zivotun allies and have formulated a plan to carry out a string of stabilization operations. The decision also has the support of the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Rebinaud, and it is our full intention to be there for the Abruzzi people... it is impossible to leave them alone at this hour.

Secondly, the Armed Forces of Belmont will be carrying out a number of missile tests, some of which will be ICBMs and SLBMs and will be part of Belmont's Strategic Forces. The tests are planned for next week and it is hoped that they go without any untoward incident. This is the first phase of a long planned modernization and expansion programme of the military. The armed forces have also announced that they plan on expanding our national air defense grid and to augment our national missile defense grid over the course of this decade.

Next, I move on to our treaties with the Republic of Frescania and with the Empire of Greater Sarmatia. These treaties were in the works since 2008 and have been realized after several sessions between delegations from both countries and ours and stand as a foreign policy victory for the Government. In our alliance with these two great nations, we have found the sort of friends we were originally looking for in a particular alliance but it is now government policy to form strong bilateral friendships and not to focus on multilateral alliances.

Fourth matter on the agenda, the Government of Belmont announces a ₣15 billion aid package for the Government of Sinhai to rebuild the war ravaged North. It is our hope that the aid package will ease the burden on the Government for reconstruction finances. Furthermore, the Chambre des Communes has allocated an additional ₣10 billion in loans, which will be available for the Government of Sinhai if they request it.

I'll take a few questions.