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The National News Agency // Ulusal haber ajansı -- News from Barazi

Mar 2, 2010
Esad Shanazar: The Sultan's Official Successor

Kalpkala -- With Barazi focused on the upcoming election as well as the conflict errupting to the north-east of the nation, His Majesty The Sultan Ruslan Shanazar IV has officially announced his eldest son Esad Shanazar as successor to the Sultanate earlier this evening. Though the royal family has done its best to keep their personal lives a secret, the public is not surprised at the Sultan's pick. Esad, the esldest of the nine Princes of Barazi, is known to be very well-spoken and has basically been groomed to taking the Throne since birth. "I am confident that my son - my flesh and blood - will be able to carry the tasks of a Sultan with honour, grace and faith. I have watched him grow from a boy to a man, and today, I have seen him become a leader; a visionary for the great nation of Barazi."

The Sultan who is now 76 years old allowed only certain journalists to enter the Palace today to meet with the successor, himself and Esad's mother - the Sultan's eldest of four wives. With the announcement officially made, Esad will have to be weary on how he is to percieved publically. A Sultan-in-the-making is not as easy as it may seem. However, His Majesty though boastful and confident in his pick claims that he "still has many years left on his Throne."

Prime Minister Cosar on the "Dangers of a Reformist Government"

Buyukvadi -- The October stretch of Barazi's federal election season is ready to begin and it is expected to be an eventful month leading into the official election date on November 15th. Barazians will be faced with the task of either allowing Prime Minister Cosar to continue as the Head of Government of Barazi or if they would rather place the Reformists under Ismail Gocek in charge. The Prime Minister visited Barazi's oldest city today, Buyukvadi, where he spoke to a crowd of his supporters and warned the nation of the dangers of electing Ismail Gocek and the Reformist Union to form a government.

"It seems that the reality in this nation is that in November, we will either remain with a responsible and moral Bektashist government, or, we will see the Reformists come to power." he said with a sombre tone as he addressed the crowd. "Mark my words, Barazi. A vote for the Reformists and Mr. Gocek is a vote to destroy everything we as a people have built in this nation. He will take away out culture, he will take away our traditions and, if he has his way, he will remove Islam from the Constitution altogether. This, my friends, is not acceptable. Barazi has thrived as a nation with the principles of our faith guiding accross every obstacle that we have faced over the course of our history. I promise you here and now, that I will not allow it."

With the Prime Minister and Ismail Gocek going back and forth in the popularity polls, the Reformist leader will not allow himself to be slandered, as he has claimed today at a support rally in uptown Kalpkala. "Barazi certainly will not lose its culture under a Reformist government. I am not here to destroy faith, in fact, I am a religious man myself. However, I do believe that in order for we as a nation to be recognized on a global scale, then we mut make progressive changes. Barazi should no longer be viewed by our neighbours with suspicion, but rather with respect. We are a nation of artists, farmers, mothers, fathers, believers, non-believers - and most of all, a nation of free-thinkers. It is high time that we stop Prime Minister Cosar from making his friends richer and everyone else poorer. We simply can no longer afford it when thousands of our own people are out of work."
Mar 2, 2010
Brief Headline Updates

An update of recent news pieces making headlines in Barazi

:arrow: KALPKALA -- His Majesty the Sultan of Barazi Ruslan Shanazar IV has confirmed today that Barazi will not be declaring war or jihad on any nation involved within the ever-escalating conflict to the north-east of Barazi. The Sultan said that "Barazi has nothing to gain and too much to lose by sending our men to fight a war that we do not entirely support." This means that Barazi is officially neutral in this conflict. However, the debate on whether to send some sort of assistant personel northward will surely be a debate in the Ulusal Meclis (General Assembly). Despite the call for neutrality by His Majesty, he is also urging the government to boost military spending in order to keep our borders secured in case of a surprise and unjustified invasion. The Savunma bakanı (Defense Minister) under Prime Minister Cosar's Bektashist government said that he fully agrees with The Sultan and claims that military funding is "necessary" and "feasable at this time."

:arrow: YESILKARA -- Kemal Vizier, the leader of the Milli Birlik Blok (National Unity Bloc) - an extreme right-wing party in Barazi currently neck-in-neck with the Communist Party in popular support - has come under fire today in the city of Yesilkara. During one of his speeches where he declared that a National Unity victory in this upcoming election will mean that all Slavic-speaking Barazians will be forced out of the nation; a mob of Slavic-Barazians clashed with security personel where twenty-three were arrested and many more detained by police. Vizier has been known for his radical-fascist opinions but, most of all, his deep-rooted hatred for the Slavs and communists world-wide. What came to the nation as a surprise, however, was that some of the arrested and detained were ethnic Muslim Baraturks protesting alongside Slavic-Barazians. Ismail Gocek, the Reformist candidate for Prime Minister said, "Men like Kemal Vizier is why our country is suffering. We must embrace those who were born Barazian regardless of their colour, culture, language or religion - even if they are a minority."

:arrow: BUYUKVADI -- The 75th Yıllık royal bale (Royal Annual Ballet), which has been held in Buyukvadi - the nation's oldest city - for decades is currently being choreographed, decorated and thouroughly prepared to the very last detail in order to open its doors to the aristocracy of Barazi as well as speculated outside spectators. The ballet is to feature orchestras from all over Barazi, dancers such as the famous Whirling Dervishes, acrobatics, poetry and live animal acts. The ballet will be celebrating its 75th birthday at the Royal State Opera House in Buyukvadi, which is the largest venue in the nation. The celebration will be held on October 15th of this year. The Royal Family will be in attendance as will the Prime Minister and many of the "Somebodies" of Barazi from all across the nation.

Current election race standings:

The Bektashist Coalition (Ahmet Cosar) - 29.3%
The Reformist Union (Ismail Gocek) - 32.0%
The Social-Labor Party (Suleyman Burakgazi) - 19.8%
The Communist Party (Mehmed Cevdet) - 10.9%
The National Unity Bloc (Kemal Vizier) - 8.0%