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The People's News Network

Dec 25, 2007
The People's News Network is the pinnacle in modern informative broadcasting. The programs are hand selected to ensure that you the viewer, are as informed and enlightened as possible. A international survey concluded that consumers of PNN programming were more informed on the important issues. That's intelligent data you can count on. PNN was founded in the year 1949 by the Ministry of Cooperation itself!

At the beginning of this new year, we conducted a survey. Asking the Citizens of Sheridan what their favorite televised news station was. We thought surely we must be the favorite, but boy did we underestimate our viewers love of these programs. A full 100% of all 1,500 people asked answered that The People's news Network was their favorite! Wow! Let us just say viewers, that the respect is most certainly mutual. When we told this to Minister Worthington, he awarded PNN and its employees with a Medal of Service to the homeland. This is of course, just one of dozens of internationally recognized awards that The People's News Network has won. We thank you for tuning into our programming, and trust you will learn all the more for having watched it!
Dec 25, 2007
The Fifth of May, 1957

Why The Will of All isn't Called the Will of Me

With the lack of news around the country, we figured we would spend some of your daily suggested media consumption learning more about our Great Land. To the greediest and more selfish of our Citizenry it is possible, albeit not very likely, that things seem a little unfair. Hopefully, this front page news article can help to explain to those who would dare question our fairness, that we are a just and fair society. The driving force behind all legislation in Sheridan is the Will of its People. Not just one citizen, or even a group of like minded people. The Will of All takes into account the needs and wants of all citizens. Lets take for example a more recent Proclamation of Will (OOC; read as more recent Law).

I'm sure we all remember Brian Stafford's books. His literary works spread throughout the citizenry like wild fire. That was until the hidden messages within the works were revealed. Our fellow Citizens hard at work in The Academy deduced that these books were hypnotizing citizens to dissent. Against their own free will many Citizens of this fine nation found themselves re-creating many of the terrible terrorist actions depicted in many of the novels. Claiming that these books awoken them to the "evil ways of their ideology". It was then, despite the widespread love for the books, they were banned. Because the Will of All trumps the will of one or even many. These books were a threat to everything we hold dear, and because of that they are now to be destroyed.

This is a reminder that should you still be holding onto any of these books, it is considered Treason... a Class A criminal offence. If the books are worth being eventually executed over that is fine. But as for ALL of us, it is simply better to commit them to the Fires. At the end of this month, you will no longer be able to turn them in without it being a criminal offence.
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