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The Union of Broadcasting

Dec 25, 2007
You are listening to SNN-800 your source for new federation-wide! Now its time for our hourly news update from Terri Bernshaw.

Well if you are just tuning in, you missed the weather reports but they will be playing when I am done. Just a short small bit of news for you today fortunately. As they say, no news is good news right? *laughs*

As I am sure our listeners in Wadestone already know, naval operations against pirates in the Clarencian Sea continue today. However, today 1st fleet is returning, and tagging in 2nd Fleet! 2nd fleet has a little less firepower but should still preform adamantly. For the last six months pirate activity has been on a drastic rise. While at first only affecting a few neighboring foreign bourgeois trading companies, Admiral Zeyaad of 1st Fleet says that they crossed the line when attacking Sheridanian exports of Weapons. I had a chance to speak to Admiral Hatem of 2nd Fleet earlier today, and he confirms the concensus that we all had. We are kicking their asses back into the sea! I don't think anymore of those pathetic pirates will be hitting Sheridanian vessels any longer! Two dozen lives where lost during the attack on that export freighter! We stand in solidarity with our brothers in the Shipping Union. For the sake of the two dozen worker's that fell in the line of their duties, let us wish our brothers and sisters in the Navy much success! Okay listeners we will get back to the regularly scheduled reports, first up here will be the weather reports for each State. Starting of course with Wadestone Island.
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Dec 25, 2007
You are listening to SNN-800 your source for news federation-wide! Now its time for our hourly news update from Terri Bernshaw.

Listeners! I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas Eve! And that you will have a joyous Christmas. SNN-800 will be playing holiday music all day tomorrow, and there will not be anyone here to answer the phone. So don't bother calling and trying to make phone requests.

Other than the regular holiday cheer, we have something else to celebrate as well! Our brothers and sisters sailing the Clarencian are coming home today. They are due in port within the hour, and will be home with their families by Christmas morning. Admiral Hatem and the 2nd Fleet have extinguished the piracy threat for the time being. They come bringing over fifty captured pirates, who will be given a nice Christmas Dinner before judgement. Honestly though, who am I kidding? Of course they are going to be executed. Those pirates murdered two dozen of our brothers and sisters just to get their hands on our fine exports.

Speaking of those exports, Admiral Hatem and his men could not locate any of the stolen goods. Stating that they were likely sold in a pre-arranged deal right after the high seas heist. This is why these criminals are likely to be exterminated, and why I think they deserve it! There was likely close to 800 pounds of Gold in value. Robbed straight from the hands of our military and our workers.

Okay enough of that. You know me listeners! I just get excited. Well, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. And I will be back on air the 26th. Good tidings to all and to all a good night!
Dec 25, 2007
You are listening to SNN-800 your source for news federation-wide! Now its time for our hourly news update from Terri Bernshaw.

Hello listeners! For all of those in the Wadestone metropolitan area, I'm sure you heard this bit already. For those outside of beautiful Wadestone, it is my duty to inform you that we experienced a terrorist attack in the city here today. A small group of terrorists blew up a small guard post downtown, killing the two soldiers posted inside. The group apparently escaped before reinforcements could arrive. And military administrators have speculated that it may have been a group of Capitalists from the countryside. Regardless, if anyone has any information, they can make an anonymous toll free tip on the Military's very own Information Hotline. Call 1-888-749-5555 if you have any information please comrades. We must bring these terrorist thugs to justice, and show them that there is no room for this kind of hostility in our peaceful land!


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffelland

Our condolences to families and friends of the killed soldiers. We will monitor the situation closely.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor