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The War that never ends



January 20, 1961

Dante Lenco sat from the balcony of the Capitol, watching as President Benito Valentini was sworn into office. Dante Lenco was the Minister of the Interior, responsible for the maintenance and protection of the homeland. Lenco was something more though, much more. He was the leader of the mafia’s espionage team to keep the Federal Government in the dark. Lenco had held the office for nearly 12 years, his name was well known across the nation. President Valentini, however, didn’t like Lenco, wanted to replace him, the people wouldn’t hear any of it. Lenco knew that dealing with the new President will be difficult.

More so now, considering the newbie wanted to fight the mafia, Lenco was in the perfect position to deal with the Government. However, Lenco feared the newbie, he seemed powerful, and the Assembly followed him around like a sick puppy. If he ordered them to jump, they jumped. Many mafia operatives were booted out in 1960, it was damaging, but it didn’t matter, the Ministry of the Interior was still filled with mafia members.

The new President finished his inauguration speech and began to take part in the inaugural parade. Lenco departed and was asked to participate, he said he must attend to his work, but really, he needed to speak with the higher ups.


Silvio Jaffri was wearing a long coat, walking down the streets of Napoli. The sea breeze was refreshing. Jaffri was walking in the slums of Napoli, perhaps the most disgusting part of the country. Newspapers used as blinds for windows, soaked paper, cups, and other things lay on the ground, cracked sidewalks with moss dominated the cracks. Basically, anything you can consider a city slum to have, Napoli’s slums had and more.

Jaffri picked up speed as he stepped onto a house’s stairs. He walked up them and knocked on the door. A man opened the door; he was fat, greasy, wearing a muscle shirt and torn and worn jeans. He looked angry to see Jaffri there.

“I didn’t know you were coming today,” he said in a smug way.
“My apologies, my employers wanted the deal done today,” Jaffri said as he stepped in without an invite.
“We’re you followed?” the man asked.
“Of course not, where is it?” Jaffri asked.
“There,” the man said, pointing to a brief case.

Jaffri walked over to the brief case, opened it, and saw it was loaded with cocaine. Jaffi smiled and closed it, picked up and turned to the man.

“Our business is done, I’m going to cover my tracks,” Jaffri said, pulling out a silenced pistol and shooting the man. The man fell, dead. Jaffri walked out the back door and eventually came back onto the streets, where a car was waiting for him, Jaffri got in and the car drove off.

“Go it?” the passenger asked.
“Yes,” Jaffri answered.
“Good job kid, we’re going to send it to Lazio to sell to clients. With how much we got there and not having to pay for it, it’ll bring us in some hefty amounts of money,” the passenger said.
“I’m glad you’re happy,” Jaffri answered.