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The White Dove and the Emerald Eagle

Holy Frankish Empire

Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury

The wind was almost as fierce as the shelling. Burgundian aircraft had done their best to provide support but low level precision bombing was expressly forbidden. The lines were holding despite the rebel howitzer which were turning the city into dust and rubble. Only a few buildings remained untouched. One of them, a protestant church, rang its bells to mark the hour. Gramelski had watched since noon as single boats, no bigger than 18 ft, brought in something of a relief force. 4000 marines from Sequoyah were slowling making their way from the ships offshore, protected by the some of the Burgundian fleet, to the twisted and torn docks of Lowport. Gramelski had watched silently as a thin line of Sequoyan marines traversed the heavily damaged quay. The port facilities had largely been destroyed by Gramelski's forces to prevent them from being captured. A few small ships were scuttled at the port entrance so that only small boats could enter it now. Only one dock truly survived the explosion, relegating these marines to small launches. General Gramelski had watched now for three hours and it would still be many more until they were ashore. Returning to his HQ, he had sent an aide to make contact with the Sequoyans and to advise them until Gramelski could meet with their commander. It was not until late that evening that all troops and equipment came ashore. Gramelski had watched closely and could already tell the troops were overwhelmingly green. Their demeanor and even equipment showed their freshness. Much of their webbing was newly issued and some of the rifles looked as if they had barely seen light outside the factory. It was barely 615 in the morning and the rebels had pobed the lines thoroughly, apparently unaware of reinforcements arriving. Gramelski had sent word for the Sequoyan Brigadier, Daniel Millard. Apparently the man had a reputation but Gramelski wanted to see for himself.

The headquarters was in a cellar beneath the ruins of a pub. It was kept light by generators but the bulbs flickered every few minutes. It was no bigger than a moderately sized cafe's kitchen and most of the staff were in a cellar across the rubble strewn street in the cellar of a flower shop. Brigadier Millard was shown is as Gramelski sucked on a pipe while leaning over a table which was draped with a hand drawn map of the city, complete with rubble piles and nicknamesfor streets and ruins. Gramelski was tapped on the shoulder by his orderly and was made aware of Millards appearance. He motioned for Millard to follow as he led him to a corner where a small writing desk, strewn with papers and bits of plaster from the ceiling, had been placed. Gramelski sat and extended a hand. There was a silence as Gramelski pulled on his pipe. Unsure if he could speak French and doubting that he spoke the Wendowie tongue, he waited. From across the street, a very thin and storkish looking young officer appeared at the entrance to the cellar. He spoke English as a second language but Gramelski's thick Wendowie accent often gave the young officer trouble.

"Now, we meet" said Gramelski, waiting for the interpreter to begin. "Your men will be on the lines in 4 hours. I will give you a briefing and my staff and Ivernish Imperial staff will brief your company commanders in their respective areas. About a quarter of your men will be going on the line tonight. Your men, will relieve some of my men for the next 48 hours and starting tomorrow your men will also relieve Imperial Ivernish positions. I apologize for being so blunt and impolite but time is finite. Rest assured your men will be on the line with ours so there is no need for worry on that note. What questions have you?"

Sep 15, 2015
"Please General you're bluntness is refreshing." Millard began, in French, and waived the interpreter away. He pulled a cigarette out of his coat, glad this man smoked as well, as he was unsure how to act in this far away land. After taking a drag he spoke again, "I have one question General, how may I help?"

He paused as the light flickered, and held back a grin as he realized that maybe this wouldn't be so bad. The barracks back home had barely been better then this. He was just eager to get home and finish this forsaken service. Being raised in Federal territory left little for this country boy to respect, but he knew him and his boys' could do some good here.

"I guess what I'm asking is where I fit into the strategy General Gramelski, the memos I've received from my end have been conflicting and confusing." He added as he ashed his smoke. "I am accepting of your command General sir, I just want to let you know that not all of my Green Horns are virgins." He was not sure if he had overstepped his boundaries. Having only learned French language not their military customs.
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Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
The Lodge
Close to Kivtfjell Ski Resort
Kingdom of @

Walder refused refreshments for the moment. While, like all Ivernish, he was an avid lover of tea, he felt it best to pursue his agenda while he still had the momentum. ''I am honoured that you would hear us out. It is very difficult for Milesia to speak internationally, so many nations have only been given the side of Caladbolg, and of Claíomh Solais.''

Walder motioned to Kristin with his hands, he always talked with his hands. ''What you called an 'ally' is no more. There is no High Kingdom of Ivernia anymore, not truly. Only in name does that state exists. The ideologies that brought it into the international eye and into the TAAO were the workings of the former government, the government of Daonlathaithe Críostaí, under the rule of the Taoiseach Silvio MacBrady. But these were idealistic statesmen who acted in prosperous times. Ivernia has changed a tremendous deal since then. Racked by insecurity, recession and by terrorism the people have voted out DC and instead elected what you see now. Claíomh Solais survives off of the fear of it's people. It convinces the Ivernish people that the enemy is all around them, and must be destroyed. That Ivernish gaelic-celtic culture is superior to all neighbouring cultures, and it is the treachery of groups, primarily socialist, within Ivernia which has held the nation back from glory.''

''It is a most sorry state'' Walder sighed. ''All nations have flights of nationalism, but it is the machinations of Nuada Airgetlám that have made the situation so dire. It is the working of that man that has wrapped the Ivernish into such a patriotic fervor. The man is an excellent statesman, and excellent orator. A very dangerous personality. I have seen people becoming indoctrinated into his cult, chanting Claíomh Solais over and over, it is a terrifying sight to behold.''

Walder sat back onto a chair, he leaned back for a moment staring into the fire. He did not let himself draw for too long, rather to tell these people all that he had planned to. ''Back in the days of Daonlathaithe Críostaí, around 1953, I was a military agent working in the Ivernish Himyari Commonwealth. Not soon after I was taken by the Ivernish Directorate of Intelligence, the ''G2'' and recruited by them, a Mr. Ogden is the leader of this organisation, and is the man who I worked for. I worked for them for a year as an operative until the Ivernish Crisis began. There was an Operation called Operation Hellfire, which Silvio MacBrady enacted in secret - unfortunately his greatest failure - in order to combat against terrorist attacks in light of major bombings across the High Kingdom and across the Commonwealth. He acted rashly, and certain members in the military capitalised on that. We at G2 believe that the military, in action with Colonel Nuada Airgetlám, organised and were directly involved in the execution of many if not all of the terrorist attacks that occurred from 1951-1954. We believe that this was, from the onset, a false flag campaign to inflate security and military forces, and to weaken the democracy of Ivernia and the democratic resolve of the Ivernish in their search for safety.''

Walder then did decide to ask for tea, if they had it. He hoped some sugar and caffeine might raise his mood. It was always a tough story to tell and he has had to tell it before. ''Silvio Mac Brady's mishandling of the whole situation, losing the Tripartite and attempting to unite with our non-gaelic neighbours only escalated these goals.'' Walder continued. ''Finding hard proof of the G2's opinion is hard to come by, in fact even harder to find given the civil war. Besides, with the Ivernish so drunk on patriotism I doubt they would believe the claims.''

''Kristin, you need to know - Nuada Airgetlám wanted a war with Milesia. He wanted everything that has happened here. He is insidious with his agents, who have infiltrated our Government. Milesia is suffering far worse than the rest of Ivernia. The province with the largest proportion of people who would have been against his rule in 1954 is now in shambles. The people are blaming the Republic for these failings. They fail to realise that we, the Republic, are the Ivernia that they lived in. We are their past. We are what they want; safety and freedom. It is Claíomh Solais that refuses to relent precisely because they want to break the Milesian People. So far they are succeeding. Many Republic ministers want President John Holt to surrender. There is a very long winter upon us Northerners after all.''

Walder sipped some tea. It was very refreshing. He hadn't drank such good tea in a very long while, he felt like he was back at G2. ''Right before I left I gained interesting news. Auraria are preparing to offer us military assistance. I believe John Holt is going to try and take them up on their offer, and attempt to fight a war through this winter. But Holt's armies can't fight without food, supplies.''

''At the moment, Nuada is pulling in every ally he has to help him wage this war. If John goes the same way many will feel that they are two sides of the same coin. What I recommend, if you would be so imposed, is to offer us aid. If you give us military assistance you could be playing right into Nuada Airgetlám's hands, after all, the entire conflict is to line up all of ''Ivernia's enemies'' in Milesia to secure his power in Caladbolg. I suppose though, asking for anything less than any and all assistance from your nation in such a dire hour of our nation would be doing a discredit to my position as Foreign Minister. All I am sure of is that we must work together to prolong the existence of the Milesian Republic for as long as possible, as is my duty and certainly your interest after all.''

Walder drank some more tea. Stirring it with a spoon round and round. He was always busy with his hands. He did love to stir.

''If Milesia falls, Ivernia will be reunited. Sure, it will be a state that has seen a bloody and crippling civil war - but it will be a nation fully and completely indoctrinated to the ideology of Claíomh Solais. It will be a nation which is chained to a war economy, to a war ideology. The 'Ivernish Imperial Federation' will rebuild and rise from those ashes, and when the years pass you will be dealing with a military state in Gunnlandia far more fearful that the High Kingdom and the civil war that stands before you now.''

Walder put his tea down on a table next to him, he was finished with it.

''The ultimate goal of Claíomh Solais is complete control of Gunnlandia under their Empire. If that takes them 5, or 10 years to rebuild their nation for war then so be it. Better we fight now while the Ivernish are still able to be stopped then a face a full Continental War in the 1960's.''
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Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
6 December 1955

The Eiffellandian Government had two passenger planes at its disposal: A long-range propeller plane and a medium‑range passenger jet plane. The jet plane could have reached Ivernia, but then it would have to refuel there. Because the Government didn’t want to use Ivernian fuel supplies so that Ivernia could use them for war efforts, it decided to send the delegation of Dassau Flugzeugwerke, Rathenau Militärausrüstung and Magirus-Deutz to Ivernia in the long‑range plane. It had been tanked full in Trier, and would be able to take off again from Ivernia without refueling.
Ivernia was an arms producer itself, but at this moment it lost its arms in a faster pace than it could produce new arms. Therefore, the Eiffellandian Government had offered the help from the Eiffellandian arms industry to resupply the Imperial armed forces. So now a delegation led by the State Secretary for Defence flew to Ivernia.

“So now we are going to sell our most advanced plane to our most important competitor,” Werner Rathenau said. He was the eldest son of Walther Rathenau, and future head of the family and leader of the Rathenau Gruppe. Now he was gaining experience for his future tasks. He was a close friend of the Crown-Prince.

“Indeed,” Reinhard Maas from Dassau Flugzeugwerke said.

“Isn’t that a bit tricky?” Rathenau asked. “What if the Ivernians take a Mysterium II apart to find out the underlying techniques?”

“Indeed, that can happen,” Maas said. “And indeed, the Mysterium II is our most advanced plane, and one of the most advanced planes in Europe. But you can count on it that the Ivernians are working on a plane like the Luftgeist as well. They are not interested in taking a Mysterium II apart.”

The Luftgeist was a future fighter plane Dassau was working on, together with Burgundian companies, which called it the Mirage. Actually, the Burgundians were first with giving the plane a name; when they chose for Mirage, the Eiffellandians were still thinking of a name. After they heard the name the Burgundians had taken, they decided to vary a bit on the Burgundian name and call it the Luftgeist (Air Ghost), because the German translation of “Mirage” (“Fata Morgana”) was too long.

The delegation noticed that it was approaching Ivernia when the plane started to descend.

Holy Frankish Empire

Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Gramelski scratched his forehead and shrugged. "Our task is to hold Lowport. Primarily our job is to hold on as long as possible so Imperial forces can smash the rebels elsewhere. The rebels have thrown a great deal at Lowport. They have brought in troops from all over their so called Republic to try and strangle us but we have held. My men are tired as are the Ivernish Imperial troops. Sadly there is little else for us to do here. Lowport must be held as long as possible. Your men will take up positions in the line. When ready, we will begin counterattacks to retake parts of the city" Gramelski said, pausing as an adjutant approached and handed him some papers. "I will have maps prepared for you and your staff. We were only made aware of you joining us a few days ago so we have not had sufficient time to build a welcome for you. The longer we hold out, the more Imperial forces can accomplish. That is our mission. Questions?"
Sep 15, 2015
"No questions General. I will go oversee my men as they settle in unless you have a command sir." Daniel Millard waited. He thought to himself about his men. Only a few dozen had even seen combat and even that combat was nothing like this. The faces on the men he had seen coming in confirmed what this Gramelski fellow was saying. These soldiers looked exhausted. Some even seemed to have had the happiness sucked out of them by warfare.

He knew his men did not belong here. But that was the whole point wasn't it? Get these men in proper combat and shock the green off these boys. But for what? What future could the Sequoyah possibly see in this? Oh well, he thought, it wasn't his job to care.

Holy Frankish Empire

Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
"Brigadier, you are the second highest ranking person here now. But I must ask that both you and your Ivernish counterpart agree to make yourselves temporary equals in the command structure" he said, moving to a corner and grasping a book. It was an obscure work- Observations on the Colonial War 1909. It had only been printed in Bourgogne and in extremely limited numbers. He offered it to Millard. "This book would benefit you" he said, handing it to the Brigadier. "Ensure it is returned". Gramelski slowly moved to his desk where he began to flick pieces of plaster and brick dust away which had fallen. He leaned back. "Millard, I have been told of your background a bit. I also watched your troops come in for a long time. A lot of your men are going to die. Be prepared for that feeling".
Sep 15, 2015
"Understood General." Millard wanted to thank him for the literature, but after the last comment this is all he could say. He knew this was true. He knew the undisciplined tribals he had fought were nothing like these Republican rebels. He was trying to exume and air of confidence, but perhaps this Gramelski knew this was futile. Millard was not excited for the trials ahead that much was certain.

As he left the bunker and hitched a ride to his position near the front he looked at the book he had received. Hoping that he would be able to read it now, but knowing his officers would soon be flocking to him demanding advice. Soon his officers, know more than ex-tribal nobility, or current government friends, would see why their ancestors had avoided such conflict for so long


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
Caladbolg Airport
Midhe, Nemedia
High Kingdom of Ivernia

The delegates of of Ivernia were waiting inside Caladbolg Airport for the Eiffellanders. The meeting was considered so important to the war effort the entire wing of the airport was closed off and guarded. A feat that has never been easier to accomplish these days as the number of arriving tourists to this airport has dropped significantly. As Ivernia enters a war economy non-essential jobs have been reduced and as such the airport is beginning to lose it's civilian abilities. The delegation in from Trier would be one of the few incoming planes today.

In the Ivernish delegation was lead by Mr. Duncan Loch, a man who is now the Minister for War and assisted by a Mr. Brendan Oraiste who is the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade. The men were new to their position, both proud members of the Claíomh Solais party. Joining them was a small group of aides and delegates. While German was the most popular second language learned by Ivernish people, due to it's position as the international language of Europe - the two men decided to bring along a high level translator with them, in case any specific words were used in the discussions.
Duncan Loch was looking over his notes before he looked over to his colleague. ''Minister Oraiste, what are the names of companies attending again? My German is good but sometimes I can lost on their company names.''

''The delegation of [MENTION=18]Eiffelland[/MENTION] will consist representatives from Dassau Flugzeugwerke, Rathenau Militärausrüstung and Magirus-Deutz I believe. As well as their State Secretary for Defence.''
Oraiste replied, without looking as the man was going over a large leather book of his own.

As the men went over their notes the Eiffellandian plane arrived in sight. Touching down on the tarmac the Ivernish men went to the gate to greet them. The Eiffellanders were brought in from the cold as quickly as they could, many Ivernish believe Germanics from down south couldn't tolerate cold like the Celtic peoples can and they did not want to frustrate such an important meeting unduly.

As the Eiffellanders came into view, Duncan Loch greeted them, shaking their hands as he met them.

''Secretary of State it is an honour to have you in the High Kingdom, you are welcome here. Delegates from Reinhard Maas from Dassau Flugzeugwerke, Rathenau Militärausrüstung and Magirus-Deutz, you are all welcome here. I am the Ivernish Minister for War, Duncan Loch, and to my left is the Minister for Trade and Foreign Affairs Brendan Oraiste.''

''My letters are traditionally signed and sealed by our upper house Prince-Elector of Foreign Affairs'' Oraiste said as he began shaking hands, ''but I shall be assisting the Minister for War in overseeing this important trade deal for both of our nations. We have assembled transport for your use as guests of our countries which will drive you to Royal City Caladbolg. I think you will enjoy the ride - it is an Eiffellandian motor after all. We will meet in the Ministry of Defence in more comfortable settings.''
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Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Until the formation of the Cabinet Von Seydewitz II last year, Ferdinand Jung was submarine captain. In May 2014, he was litterally taken from his submarine with a helicopter to become the new State Secretary for Defence. Upon his appointment, he said to the King: “Well, Your Majesty, now you see how somebody can get into low water.” He was a member of the CDV, and he was quite a laid-back person. He had black hair and black eyes. He was 48 years old, and he was one of the people who were mentioned as possible successors of the current Chancellor. As an ex-sailor, he was hardened enough to be able to stand the cold in Ivernia.

Despite the fact that German was an important language in Europe, foreign languages were an important part of the school curriculum in Eiffelland. As a result, most Eiffellandians spoke French and English well, and also knew the basic principles of Italian (which was spoken a.o. in parts of Nichtstein) and Wendzieman (which was spoken in large parts of the Collectivist Union). Most Eiffellandians didn’t speak Celtic, however. Therefore, they were happy that the Ivernians spoke German.

As a descendant of a rich Eiffellandian family, Werner Rathenau was used to going skiing in the mountainous areas of Eiffelland and Nichtstein. The cold in Ivernia, however, was a different type of cold than the cold on the Eiffellandian threethousanders. Reinhard Maas and Wolfgang Beck (who represented Magirus-Deutz) weren’t used to the Ivernian cold, either. However, all three realised that it would be cold in Ivernia, so they didn’t make a problem out of it.

How do you do, Your excellency?” Jung said to both Minister Loch and Minister Oraiste. “Thank you for your warm welcome. It is our intention to help you out in the current situation. Let me introduce you to Reinhard Maas, director of Dassau Flugzeugwerke, Werner Rathenau, director of Rathenau Militärausrüstung and Wolfgang Beck, director of Magirus Deutz. They will explain in more detail what we can do for you. In summary, we can deliver fighter planes to you, as well as tanks, artillery, radio systems, rockets, radar systems and imaging techniques.

Holy Frankish Empire

Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury

Granche sat with a Sergeant eating some peanuts and bread. In the distance a machine gun rattled and mortars thumped. The blown out house smelled like a bog thanks to the flooded and blown out green house which had stood in its backyard. "Ack" the sergeant began shaking his head. Granche breathed deep and inquired what the trouble was. "These Sequoyan soldiers" he said, nibbling on a peanut like a squirrel. "Some are ok but some shit themselves when that armored car opened up last night". The Sergeant took a swig from his canteen and twisted his face at the slightly brackish taste. Granche shrugged and leaned forward- "We were all shitting ourselves once Sergeant. Even I have pissed myself" he said. "They are new and getting accustomed to this kind of meat grinder warfare. They seem to be holding their own so far and their equipment is in fairly good order". Granche ignored that some of the Sequoyans had puttees and old boots. Some Burgundian reserve units were hardly better.

"Sergeant, we need these men here. We have lost half of our strength to wounds and death. Only a few more weeks and the Imperial army will press through to relieve us" he said, lying. Granche had no idea where the Imperial army might be. He paused to listen to a few Burgundian bombers flying overhead and the hard thumping noise their bombs made. Western Lowport was now nothing more than a dust filled bombing range. Though it was Lowport under siege, the rebels were under siege from Burgundian bombers who, despite flying far less missions than before, still managed to drop a lot of ordnance on enemy positions. Little did Granche know that the Burgundian was running out of ordnance. Despite a speedy and mass expansion of the military, Burgundian industry had failed in some ways to transform to equip the forces- mainly in the form of bombs for aircraft and artillery shells.
Sep 15, 2015
The fighting was indeed proving to be like nothing Millard had ever seen. The little fighting He had seen was no more than guerrilla style skirmishing. This had proven to be a whole new hell. Many of his officers were trying to get medical leave for minor anxiety issues and things of that nature. Although he indeed pitied these cowards, they had all been given a job to do. And he'd be damned before he let one of these officers avoid what they had called for all along.

As it happened now Millard was deep in reading the book he had received from his allied commander. He hadn't been able to read it as quickly as he wanted, but he was well past halfway when one of his communications officers walked into his tent.

"General Millard sir! I have been sent to bring you to the communications tent." the officer spat whilst giving a stiff salute. Millard put him at ease and asked who it was. "General Kelowna sir. It must be important."

Millard wasted no time in getting to the radio. Maybe he could convince the head of the whole army that this path was not righteous. He arrived in the tent and spoke into the receiver.

"This is Brigadier General Millard reporting sir."

"Ah Millard, how are our brave men doing across the pond?" General Kelowna was the commander of all military men in Sequoyah. His authority seemed to resonate in his voice. Talking to this man intimidated many, but not Millard.

"All is currently going as planned. General Gramelski's leadership is respectable." Millard said.

"Well that is reassuring to hear. Are our men holding their own out there Millard?" It was obvious that Kelowna didn't care about anything but the progress of the Sequoyah.

"Permission to speak freely sir?" Millard asked

"That bad huh?" Kelowna sighed.

"I am afraid so sir. Although I am optimistic. The officers seem to have a harder time adjusting. But I'm sure by spring when the first shift begins they will be... More experienced ." Millard avoided using the word hardened.

"I sure hope so Millard. Things aren't looking good back home. The Salishan are being slaughtered Millard. Those damn Nez Perce... I guess what I am saying is that after this mess is over... Don't look forward to a lot of R&R." Kelowna said.

"Understood sir." Millard said silently cursing himself.

"Make sure this Gramelski doesn't hold our men back Millard. I only want to hear about our men fighting on the frontlines, understood?"



Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
Department of War
Royal City Caladbolg
High Kingdom of Ivernia

The Department of War was situated in Oldtown of Royal City Caladbolg. In the days of the previous government it was called the Department of Defence, and was situated in outer Nemedia in a town called Brokenbridge. Under Nuada's leadership however the department has received a significant boost in spending, budget, and influence in the greater government. It was also the first Federal Department to be unified and created in Ivernia, signalling its prominence in the war economy atmosphere.

The Eiffellandian delegates had thankfully made it to Caladbolg without issue, and almost just as thankfully exited their cars and entered the department in a low point in the storms. Nemedia was having it's wettest day of the year yet. Rain was lashing against the windows so give an effect of a man pouring buckets of water down the panes. It was common for this time of year in the southern provinces. Either excessively heavy rain or heavy snow - whichever the winds brought to Gaeldom.

The men all sat in Minister Duncan Loch's office. A fire blazing and the lamp lights on the room lended some comfort to the delegates. It was the early afternoon and yet already pitch-black dark in the High Kingdom.

''I do hope the constant darkness, the rain the snow and the cold - do not affect your opinion of our lands too seriously gentlemen'', Duncan Loch commented to his Eiffellandian guests. ''I have been to [MENTION=18]Eiffelland[/MENTION] of course. I find southern Germania to be a warm and beautiful place. Yet I always returned to Gaeldom after my travels. There is also something beautiful in the harshness of Ivernia I assure you. The warmness of the people make up for the brutality of our winters.''

An aide threw more turf onto the fire. Due to Ivernia's tremendous precipitation, it boasts a great deal of bogland. Turf when burned, gives off a smokey, nostalgic scent.

''As were discussed briefly at the airport, Secretary Jung, you stated you can deliver...'' The Minister for Defence held up a notepad, ''Fighter planes - no doubt of the aerojet variety, as I have seen your nation develop very respectable models in this category - tanks, artillery, radio systems, rockets, radar systems and imaging techniques. This is all very interesting to us, and to our war effort of course.'' Minster Loch brought his glasses further up to the bridge of his nose as he looked at one offer in particular. ''Rocketry. I am particularly interested in this offer. As is well known, Bourgogne and the Southern Germans such as yourselves are working extensively on what we call in Ivernia ''space technology''. In competition, the Aodh-Mór Corporation is also trying to develop ''space rocketry'' - however our efforts to militarise the technology has been somewhat limited in the face of the effectiveness of standard bombing tactics. As far as I can see the only application the Aodh-Mór Corporation has found effective is in use of anti-air systems. However the project was put on hold.''

Duncan Loch had a dossier in his hand given to him from the Aodh-Mór Corporation to assist this trade talks. He needed to know the bare capabilities his home industries still maintained to hash out the most efficient deal. War Economy or no, he had to be prudent with his resources.

''Be that as it may, we shall already agree to the purchase of the Mysterium II. That purchase was on a project list budget since even before the war. Diversification of our air force. We are immensely proud of the performance of our AME-100 ''Shimmering Eagle'', but we wouldn't want a rival nation to develop a ''killer AME-100'' and put our forces to rout.''
Duncan laughed a little. To be honest the variety situation was still a hypothetical. Whatever the Republicans could do, they had no air force. It was all loyal to Caladbolg.

''Tanks and artillery are another matter. Before, many of our systems came in from the Continental Republic of Sylvania. They were of good quality and we were pleased with their effectiveness. However they were part of a Tripartite plan for harmonization of utility across the TAAO. As you and I know the TAAO is over. Defunct. A great deal of this Civil War's most brutal battles were fought with tremendous use of both heavy armour and artillery. I put it to you not a one-time purchase. We in Ivernia have decided that Eiffelland is a reliable, stable nation. One not quick to war - or judgement. We hope to make Eiffelland a steady supplier of heavy armour and arms for the forseeable future. To replace our previous contracts with Sylvania.''

Duncan Loch called to the aid for tea and coffee for the men. Early afternoon or no - the darkness would make a man feel tired, always tired. Duncan's tasks did nothing to alleviate.

''Heavy Snows and republican resistance in the townships have unfortunately slowed down the Imperial Army's march into eastward Milesia. This is a problem, as we hoped to attack the besieged Lowport with our full garrisons by Christmas, but now we are looking at meeting that goal in the new year. There are men and women in there, Secretary. Civilians and soldiers both battling republicans who act alike monsters at the walls. We need a reinvigorated airforce to continue air pressure on the republicans and we need more heavy armour to expedite our advance to the city by land.''


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Don’t worry about the weather conditions, Your Excellency,” Jung said while enjoying the coffee. “It is just a long lasting heavy thunderstorm to us, a weather condition that is associated with our warmer climate. Only the lightning is missing.” At that moment, the room was illuminated by a lightning, followed by a heavy thunder clap. “Ah, there it is,” Jung responded.
Then he continued. “Indeed, we try to avoid war as much as possible, for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, sometimes war is unavoidable, and then we have to be sure that we can fight it with the best possible equipment so that it will be as short as possible. Thank you for your compliments. Of course we will not disappoint your expectations.

Then Reinhard Maas took the floor. “Of course we can start delivering the Mysterium II right away. Regarding rocketry, indeed we are cooperating with Bourgogne regarding space flight. We are developing a rocket and a satellite together. Of course it is nice to be able to enter space, but then you also have to do something there. The satellite will collect data there and send them back to earth. We are also thinking of manned space travel, but that is something we have to thoroughly prepare.” Then he took a sip of his coffee.
I think that at this moment you mostly need rockets that can be fired from planes. We are able to deliver those, of course also fit for launching from your AME-100 Shimmering Eagles, which indeed is a very good plane. However, to make our rockets fit for launching from the AME-100, we need to know how the rocket pods and hard points on those planes look like. But that should be easy to solve. We are also working on anti-air missiles together with Rathenau Militärausrüstung, but those systems are not ready for use yet.

The Eiffellandians also had a ballistic rocket, from a design from the 1940s. A successor to that rocket was under development in parallel with the space program, but it was not ready yet. It looked like the Ivernian efforts with that respect hadn’t gone much further yet, either. In any case, Maas wanted to hide the fact that the Eiffellandians hadn’t progressed much regarding ballistic rockets yet, so he didn’t talk about that. Furthermore, he doubted if the Ivernians could use such missiles at this moment, and thought that the advanced equipment they planned to buy could be better of the type that could be used multiple times, like planes and armoured vehicles—then that money would be spent in a wiser way.

Wolfgang Beck continued after taking a sip from his coffee. “We can deliver you the Löwe universal tank. It is a tank with the manoeuvrability of the classic medium tank and the fire power of the classic heavy tank. We were the first with developing such a tank, probably not the only ones any more, but still the most experienced with this concept. However, this tank is still capable of meeting present-day needs.” He took another sip of his coffee, and then continued. “I don’t know if you can use an amphibious armoured vehicle. We are currently developing a new one, but if you acutely need such vehicles, we can still deliver the Wasserbüffel. We also have the non-amphibious armoured personnel carrier Luchs 2. That is a tracked vehicle that can carry 10 people excluding crew. Another option is the tank destroyer Höllenkatze. And of course we also deliver artillery.

Werner Rathenau also enjoyed his coffee. After Beck had stopped talking, he continued. “We can meet your needs regarding radio connections. We deliver field radio equipment and military radio installations. Actually, we also manufacture the radio systems of all planes from Dassau Flugzeugwerke. For radar surveillance, we prefer to investigate the local situation before delivering a radar surveillance system, so that we can set it up optimally, but maybe in your current situation it would be better if we deliver radar systems already now and do our investigations when the civil war is over. Then we will be able to optimise the use of the equipment you will buy now.

Then State Secretary Jung took the floor again. “And now I realise we should have taken representants from Karl Seiff GmbH and Agfas with us as well. Karl Seiff GmbH is a specialist in lens techniques, mostly known for its glasses and binoculars. Agfas is a camera manufacturer which uses lenses from Karl Seiff GmbH. Together they deliver the cameras for the reconnaissance planes of Dassau Flugzeugwerke. Sorry that we forgot about that.
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Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
Department of War
Royal City Caladbolg
High Kingdom of Ivernia

The storm continued throughout the discussions. The Ivernish men drank black tea with sugar and milk - as is the style in the High Kingdom. Duncan Loch leaned over in his armchair and took another dossier from the Aodh-Mór Corporation. More breakdowns of Ivernia's Airforce capacities were contained within, which the man found quite critical to the discussions. Unfortunately much of the dossier would require a trained engineer to understand. ''I am pleased to hear, Mr. Reinhard Mass, that the Mysterium II is ready for shipment. With any luck we can have pilots trained in it's capacities and the Mysterium in full operation in the Ivernish Imperial Air Force in 1955. We are hoping to end the Civil Conflict in the new year - it would be good to recompliment our most vital wing of the military during the rebuilding phase. We have reason to believe that our neighbours are watching our affairs with less than noble intentions - Ivernia will be the most fragile it's been in decades in the coming years.''

Loch and Oraiste both exchanged glances of concern. Brendan Oraiste continued the trail of thought. ''Yes it is a current concern of our government. We are not only thinking in the short term, of this conflict, but rather the continued protection of the state throughout the rest of the 50's.''

''Yes indeed,'' Loch concurred with his associate. ''Mr. Beck, I will be very interested in seeing this Löwe tank. Our current two classes, the Scorpion and the Paladin, are both in sharply reduced numbers. As I said before - many of the battles have seen very heavy compliments of heavy armour and artillery. A most destructive process which has depleted our numbers. We will need a heavy armour tank to at least keep our land forces strong.''

Loch gave some notes to Wolfgang Beck. On them were the basic schematics and capabilities for an Ivernish tank - the Paladin-class.

''I must ask though, Ivernia boasts heavy bog land, marshes and wetlands throughout the south and middenlands. One of the aspects of the Paladin-class was it's wide tracks, wide base and spread out weight to help assist it in traversing such terrain. A tank such as that would find itself with greater suitability in Ivernia. We will however use the Lowe tank in the short term.''

Duncan and Oraiste then brought up a map of Ivernia. It was clearly a pre-war map. It showed the RADAR field of Ivernia. A great deal of towers and stations lined the southern Milesian coast - clearly for detecting enemy invasion. Duncan Loch ran his finger along this RADAR wall to emphasize them.

''In terms of radio connections and field radio equipment all in the Province of Milesia has been greatly damaged and in need of repair or destroyed. It is difficult to maintain working fields of communication and in the heavy snows in central Milesia have made logistics and communication very difficult. It is something Ivernia will be looking for. In terms of RADAR surveillance and our national air defence systems.

We actually have a very advanced system as it is necessary for the airforce and the transponders we use. However the systems have been completely destroyed in Milesia. The Republicans knew it was a threat and have completely destroyed many RADAR towers. We do not have the resources of man power to rebuild the RADAR defence system in Milesia. In fact, it was so developed, the men and women who built it have fled the region - meaning we are unlikely to have that level of skill living and working in Milesia for sometime.

What I am trying to say is, it will be cheaper in the short term for us to procure a contract with your country in order to rebuild the RADAR defence system. However that is likely a project for 1955. Possibility even late 1955, we shall see.''

Duncan Loch ordered more tea and coffee for himself and his guests. It was almost dinnertime in Ivernia soon which he would arrange for his guests. Allow them to digest the information Loch is giving them - as well as look over the Aodh-Mór dossiers. Loch addressed the Eiffellandian State Secretary again.

''Please do not apologise Secretary Jung. We shall communique the companies in due time, in order to ascertain their capabilities and potential in Ivernia. Now, in terms of payment, we shall likely discuss that once we have worked out the full order and payment plan from the High Kingdom to your companies. The Bank of Ivernia, the Bank of Nemedia and the Aodh-Mór Corporation are all providing the necessary capital to continue our military acquisitions.''
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Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Coffee was more popular in Eiffelland than tea, but also tea was drunk quite a lot. However, never with milk. Eiffellandians considered it a bit funny idea to put milk in tea. However, Rathenau had the feeling that he understood why the Ivernians put milk in their tea and the Eiffellandians did not. Tea made in the Eiffellandian way was relatively weak, and then it was not a good idea to put milk in it. In any case, the Ivernian tea looked stronger to him than the Eiffellandian tea. Maybe tea with milk would be better to drink when the tea was made in the Ivernian way. But he would try that out at a different moment.

Diplomats as they were, Jung, Maas, Beck and Rathenau drank their coffee as they liked it (with or without milk, with or without sugar, each person did it differently, depending on taste and stomach strength) and ignored the fact that the Ivernians drank their tea with sugar and milk.

Don’t worry, Your Excellency, we will get the Ivernian Air Force back in shape soon,” Maas said.

We will send in trainers from the Eiffellandian Air Force to speed up the training of your pilots,“ Jung said.

Meanwhile, Beck studied the notes given to him by Loch. “Thank you, Your Excellency,” he said. “I completely understand what you are pointing at. A classic heavy tank like our Tiger would sink down in a bogland. Such tanks can only be used on sand, clay, löss and rock.
The language spoken during this meeting was German, but would it have been English, Beck would still have pronounced “Tiger” in the German way, so not like “Tiger” but like “Teeger”.
The advantage of the Löwe is that it is by far not as heavy as the Tiger. However, because of advancements in constructing composite materials, we managed to make the armour of the Löwe as strong as the armour of the Tiger while the tank is lighter. Therefore, the Löwe can also be used in boglands. However, I think it would be good to indeed make a version that is specialised in this kind of land. I think that one adaptation can be carried out fast: We can make the tracks wider. However, to be sure, I will discuss that with our engineers.

I completely understand the problem regarding a long-term solution to the radar surveillance problem. We will need calmness in the region to set that up,” Rathenau said. “The radio systems can indeed be rebuilt faster than the radar systems. It should be possible to rebuild previously existing permanent radio systems behind the front lines. Furthermore, the transistor technology makes it possible to make radio systems that are both lighter and smaller and stronger and more powerful than the classic vacuum tube radios. So with smaller, lighter and less vulnerable equipment, you have a longer range. The Eiffellandian army already uses transistor radio equipment in the field, and all new Dassau planes use this type of radio equipment as well.

Holy Frankish Empire

Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury

The fighting had been intense. All over, the rebels had made a push on the 21st which penetrated Burgundian positions. Only a counterattack with Burgundian commandos, Imperial Ivernish infantry, and Gramelski personally leading was able to stabilize the lines. The Sequoyans had mostly held their own but still were rather green. Granche had been impressed with some of their abilities. Now it was 2 days before Christmas and morale was plummeting. Little did anyone know that Gramelski had sent a message to Ivernish command, asking for them to renew their offensive. Even though Burgundian aircraft were hitting rebel positions day and night, Lowport was still in a precarious position. For the first time, the Burgundians were receiving mail, dropped in by aircraft. For some of Granche's men, they were receiving upwards of 20 letters. This was a morale boost but still was far from stopping the morale nose dive. Granche personally made an effort to help deliver mail from sacks upon sacks of mail. Crawling through trenches filled with icy water and crumbling houses, it took real effort to get all the mail out. Granche also accepted the responsibility of setting aside mail of the dead and evacuated. He hoped that soon the Imperial forces would make their push to relieve Lowport.

Holy Frankish Empire

Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury

Quiet had been the norm since December 20th. Only a few solitary shots would be exchanged daily. Granche could not tell if the enemy was sapped of strength or was preparing for a big push. The cold filtered through the blown out buildings and the men shivered. Only recently had the men began to build small fires despite warnings from leadership. Air support was shrinking as the weather turned sour. Political pressure was building in Bourgogne to bring the air crews home from Ivernia, not that men like Granche or even General Gramelski knew. Ammo and other supplies were now running low again but the troops were more pressed by the simple lack of information. There was little intelligence coming in on what the rebel forces were doing. Despite the influx of fresh troops, the defenders had been squeezed and ground down to fractions of their previous selves. Many men had blank stares and slight beards, displaying clear fatigue. Granche wondered how much longer they could hold on.

Holy Frankish Empire

Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
January 15th

Even Gramelski had been caught off guard. The bitter wind had hunkered the men into cellars and ruins to keep warm. Ivernish pressure had paused long enough for the rebels to turn on Lowport. On January 12th, the rebels launched a mass assault and broke through Sequoyan, Burgundian, and Imperial positions. Most of the Burgundian air contingent had returned to Bourgogne due to the political pressure. The rebels pushed the defenders back and the lines had become precarious. Ammunition was critical and Gramelski was back in personal command of units down to the squad. The defenders had stopped them temporarily by using the last of spare explosives. Only a handful of mines and grenades remained. Gramelski knew the fighting was about to become the most brutal. He knew from the beginning it would be a difficult assignment but the Imperial Ivernish troops were moving slow. The aid stations and field hospital was overflowing. Many simply died from the cold. Gramelski knew they were playing for time. Lowport would not hold much longer. Only a concerted push by the Imperials would save Lowport, at least for a little while.


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
Main Camp of the 1st Nemedian Central Brigade
Lowport City Western Hinterlands
High Kingdom of Ivernia

The soldiers looked on Lowport. The Ivernish Imperial Army had finally arrived. Artillery was being lined up by the thousands. Heavy armour rolling past the men. Base camp was situated a ways back from the front lines, but not too far back. The winter had been so harsh, communications have taken a severe hit.

Field Marshal Cid Aodh-Mór stood with General James Rothillan in a canvas tent. The canvas kept the rain out well but the pattering was quite loud, and the rain made their boots sink into the soil somewhat. It had rained all day. Never had the Ivernish been so pleased to see it. After the most bitter winter in recent years, rain came in on warmer winds and Ivernia had entered Springtime.

General Rothillan, an expert of logistics he had managed to pull troops, armour and artillery through an incredibly inhospitable frozen Milesia and had become a new General of the Milesian Army. He looked to Cid, his commanding officer; ''The siege has begun around the city. A man called Francis O'Harper, a former colonel in the Ivernish Army, is leading the Republicans in the city, and to the east of the city's hinterland also.'' Field Marshal Aodh-Mór looked on at the map laid out in front of the men.

''Major Seamus Logain, was the highest ranking member of the Ivernish Army in Lowport at the time of the siege,'' replied the Field Marshal. Lowport had been a warzone since the Battle of Dungarvin. The resistance effort had been one of the most destructive conflicts in the entire civil war.

''Bourgogne's efforts were instrumental in preserving Ivernish loyalist presence in the city at all. We do not have a recent update on whether Logain is alive or dead. It may be a Bourgogne senior commander leading the battle efforts at this time. One of our major problems here is communication. We need to get one of our intel officers into the city and reach the resistance.''

General Rothillan had someone in mind. ''We should gather some rangers with a member of G2 to get in to the city. I recommend we push a minor assault in an opposing part of the city, if you see... here'' Rothillan pointed to a north western section, ''We can draw interests further North while special forces infiltrate the city from the South.''

Field Marshal Cid concurred. It was important to establish talks with the Ivernish and Bourgognian soldiers within the city before any main assault. They needed to do it quickly too. ''Francis O'Harper and the Republicans will know we are in the western hinterlands. We have to expect a pre-emptive attack.''

The two officers wanted to end this quickly. Their soldiers morale had fallen enormously over the winter.

The 1st of February was one of the Four Festivals for the Gaelic people, Imbolc - a celebration of fertility. There were no celebrations in the army lines. Or in the farmlands, townships or cities across Ivernia. The people were in rations in many parts of the High Kingdom, especially in Milesia. Exhaustion, despair, death and hopelessness from the war had lost much of the support for it's continuation. People in camps wanted to return home to what was left of their towns and cities to rebuild. Anyone who was still able to do business wanted an end of the trade embargo, and trade to recommence across Ivernia.

''It is clear that the Milesian dream of independence is dead.''
Mused Cid Aodh-Mór. ''Whatever way the republicans could cut it they could not defeat the Ivernish Imperial Army forever, and the counter push, however prolonged, will be the end of the white dove movement. They have no support.''

''I hear the Republican Minister for War Seamus Brog defected from the Republic, and is in talks in Caladbolg right now.'' Rothillan replied. ''I hear they might work out a peace treaty, and that John Holt is barely a president anymore at all.''

''You can hear whatever you like General,''
retorted Aodh-Mór, ''If you want a peace-treaty in Milesia, we need to stop John Holt. To stop John Holt we need to defeat his Generals in Waesfjord.

And to do that we need to Colonel Francis O'Harper, here and now, and take Lowport.''

A young messenger entered the tent, beckoned by the two gentlemen. After saluting his superiors he informed the commanders that the Rangers had entered the encampment.

Aodh-Mór looked pleased. ''Send me Captain Frederick Mac Fergus.''

Aodh-Mór turned to Rothillan. ''All goes well and we can initiate the false swipe tomorrow.''