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Viereskog/Non-Aligned Movement, Attn: Franken


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland

Foreign Ministry of the Oelarian Republic
Muspellheimr, Y. G., Tagzig Olmolungring

Robert Beaumont, Comes; Sir,

Along with this message I have forwarded you a communication between Prime Minister R. P. Viereskog and Prime Minister Hendricks of Akwesasne in which he outlines his plans for a so-called Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). The Oelarian Republic is exploring these options, but please be aware that the Foreign Ministry takes exception to the PM's rhetoric about Franconian imperialism. His views do not represent the considered opinion of the entire government, which as you know takes its strategic partnership with Franken as a serious obligation that may be met by an equal and sovereign nation. Furthermore, Prime Minister Viereskog deliberately circumvented me to announce these plans.

Neither myself nor Transport Minister F. J. Gutkind nor Education & Welfare Minister M. L. Eir were consulted. (I cannot speak for War Minister H. B. Eir.)

Should this personal initiative of the prime minister - really this conservative Sarkonist political stunt - materialize, the Götaköping Issue will kill any popular support even in conservative circles for a collaborative effort with Suionia. Suionia may be useful in the conservatives' eyes to counterbalance Franken, but they ought to know better than bring Prime Minister Lundqvist here to make a statement against imperialism. That will be particularly ironic in a nation that remembers long after the Franconians, Vistrasians and Batavians, and Arens have left our shores, Suionia is the last colonial occupier of Oelarian soil.

Therefore I expect the move is a bluff to force my hand on the currency issue, or cow Lord Protector Isleifur into allowing him to set up a semi-permanent residence in Yungdrung Gutsak, or some other matter that is on his mind down there in fair little Buxtehude, Eiffelland. The aspirations of Prime Minister Viereskog, Lord Provost Halvbefaren, and Lord Tjaldlungsgrave Perseifur are not tantamount to the policy of the Rigpa's government.


N. N. Roerich
Foreign Minister

rec. S. P. Gunn
Special Counsel
Aug 30, 2009
Free State of Bavaria
ErAn, Franken, ArEn
Das Auswärtige Amt
Die Regierung Seiner Majestät

To: N. N. Roerich, Minister of Foreign Affairs
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SUBJ RE: Viereskog/Non-Aligned Movement, Attn: Franken


Thank you for forwarding this communication to me. Our own Landesnachrichtendienst was able to retrieve some hints on the nature of Viereskog's scheming from its assets in Oelar and Eiffelland, but only courtesy to your contribution we will get the big picture. Complaints about Franconia indulging in neo-imperialism have been a constant part of my country's foreign policy since the establishment of the European Defence Federation.

Viereskog and his camarilla will be watched even more closely than before. In Eiffelland, I fear, things will progress a little more, as we have to secure our friends' support first. Without their tacit approval intelligence retrieval will be difficult and always verging on the grounds of a diplomatic spat.

My government will treat the prime minister's opinion as his private and individual one. We will continue to argue that any reform of the Council of Nation has to happen from within and not from outside.

On an unrelated note, please do tell the Lord Regent that His Royal Highness Prince Sebastian von Schlesnitz will start studying history at the Capitollium in Spring. According to His Royal Highness Prince Regent Jakob it will be best way to broaden his theoretic knowledge about the strenuous business of governance.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Comes
Graf Robert Beaumont von Miltenberg
Minister des Äußeren
Stellvertretender Ministerpräsident der Regierung Seiner Majestät


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland

Foreign Ministry of the Oelarian Republic
Muspellheimr, Y. G., Tagzig Olmolungring

Robert Beaumont, Comes; Sir,

I do not condone espionage against my government in any form. I have had my secretary Sváva Pallsdatter Gunn destroy all evidence of this exchange, and would appreciate if you would do the same as a courtesy.

However, as you know, Oelarian intelligence-gathering is collected extra-governmentally by Lord Provost Halvbefaren's university-based network. The Campanile shares information with the government on an entirely discretionary basis. There is simply no transparency or integration with any government ministries. Worse, our intelligence networks are absolutely controlled by the conservative faction that is extremely unlikely to get to me.

Should the LND gain more information regarding Prime Minister Viereskog that might be useful to Lord Protector Isleifur and myself, please communicate it personally to Sváva Pallsdatter and I. You may presume general diplomatic channels with the Foreign Ministry to be compromised. (For example, the chief of the Meridian Europe desk, Fergus Ulfsson Gunnr, did not forward the Akwesasne communique to me; it was only by accident I stumbled across it.)

Finally, it is because I believe the Viereskog NAM plan to be a rash political stunt that circumvents the duly appointed officers of the Republic, namely myself, that I have brought it to your attention. The Foreign Ministry does support CON reform, though we are committed to working out a solution in the context of our equal partnership with Franken and, as you say, within the CON. We hope to conclude negotiations with the Oikawans regarding Oelarian membership. You might put in a good word.


N. N. Roerich
Foreign Minister

rec. S. P. Gunn
Special Counsel
Aug 30, 2009
Free State of Bavaria
ErAn, Franken, ArEn
Das Auswärtige Amt
Die Regierung Seiner Majestät

To: N. N. Roerich, Minister of Foreign Affairs
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SUBJ RE: Viereskog/Non-Aligned Movement, Attn: Franken


The communication you forwarded to me will be dealt with, don't worry. Of course I will take care no comprising piece of information will be leaked.

Bilaterally Franken will always treat Oelar as an equal. The times of dominions and colonies are long gone and overcome in the Kingdom of Franken.

I can certainly put in a good word for you.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Comes
Graf Robert Beaumont von Miltenberg
Minister des Äußeren
Stellvertretender Ministerpräsident der Regierung Seiner Majestät