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  1. Meigaustronia

    April 2020 Update

    You've haven't redecorated, you?
  2. Meigaustronia

    International Football Cup 1956

    [OOC: Looks like the only competition to use penalty shootouts IRL in 1956 was the Yugoslavian Cup.]
  3. Meigaustronia

    The 1953 European Music Association Contest (EMAC) [RESULTS]

    I seem to remember that it was the latter song. :)
  4. Meigaustronia

    New? Introduce yourself here: Christmas / Hanukkah miracle edition!

    'Bienvenu de retour', or something like that. Never expected LPR to end up in London!
  5. Meigaustronia

    EUFA club competitions sign-ups and final venue bids 2012-13

    [OOC: Due to the recent change, this will not be going ahead. As a guideline, 1952 is two years before the RL UEFA competitions started. It's also cancelled due to lack of interest beyond the initial spate of entries when it was announced. Even the people who did sign up only submitted the...
  6. Meigaustronia

    EUFA club competitions sign-ups and final venue bids 2012-13

    The association football supranational governing body known as the European United Football Associations (EUFA), which last communicated on the seventeenth day of the month of July in the year Two Thousand and Eleven, is hereby refounded. EUFA Champions League and Europa League - declarations...
  7. Meigaustronia

    EUFA European Football Championship 2012

    [What, 2 months and no interest whatsoever?!? For shame, Europe, for shame... Would obviously take part if I still RPed.]
  8. Meigaustronia

    Admin To-Do List :: Name Changes :: Forum Requests (2006-2020)

    The Arnhem Pact's still there?!? :o :shock: If so, get rid double quick.
  9. Meigaustronia

    Images return

    Wow, so even loyal stooges like Wazi were pestering Xen? :o I noticed the [img2] tag a while ago, but wondered what it was for. So now we know. :) Praise be to your boundless wit. :lol:
  10. Meigaustronia

    Admin To-Do List :: Name Changes :: Forum Requests (2006-2020)

    It is. Unless, if by 'not working', you mean you think the figures are wrong, I can assure you they're not.
  11. Meigaustronia

    Admin To-Do List :: Name Changes :: Forum Requests (2006-2020)

    Epiphany today, so about time to take 'Christmas Edition' off the logo in the top-left of every page. :)) <--- And take the hats off these please.
  12. Meigaustronia

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas to all on the forums.
  13. Meigaustronia

    Admin To-Do List :: Name Changes :: Forum Requests (2006-2020)

    Have there been more pressing matters for the admins, or do they really think Unitiania will come back one day?
  14. Meigaustronia

    Admin To-Do List :: Name Changes :: Forum Requests (2006-2020)

    Regrettably, I think it's about time to remove Unitiania as a sports mod. I really did trust he'd come back, ideally to return to RPing, or if not that, at least to explain himself. If he needs a replacement, I'd recommend St Thomas or Lovisa.
  15. Meigaustronia

    PM box

    I judge this to be a good thing. (Psst... still waiting on Embassy tickbox. ;))
  16. Meigaustronia

    Admin To-Do List :: Name Changes :: Forum Requests (2006-2020)

    Yes, but it was also the name of a federal political party in Canada until 2003, and is still the name of a major party in 7 Provinces. My guess is Finnigen's sympathies lie slightly more with them than the other parties. *recalls story on his old Wiki of Liberal dictator having simultaneous...
  17. Meigaustronia

    Whatever was wrong

    As I just pointed out, it seems Unitiania has been deleted. I noticed Maxxenburg's gone as well. Spot anyone else's account missing? :shock:
  18. Meigaustronia

    Admin To-Do List :: Name Changes :: Forum Requests (2006-2020)

    Which language group are you talking about? I was a member of 4 on the old forum, and as I have previously said, none had enough genuine RPing to justify its existence. Please use the thread in Talking Point if you want to mess about in a language other than English.
  19. Meigaustronia

    Country flags!

    No Portuguese monarchist flag? And the Venezuelan one is (fortunately) not the Chavista version.
  20. Meigaustronia

    Admin To-Do List :: Name Changes :: Forum Requests (2006-2020)

    Not very likely, unless you have a very good idea for an RP that would require a language group forum. If you have, then inform an admin via PM. If not, then my guess is you can forget about it.