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Casa Rosada

Hanseatic Republics

Establishing Nation
May 16, 2012
Uuslossa & Hammaborg
A pinkish salmon colored building stands among others in the district. A teacher standing in front of the building with her students explaining to them the various aspects of the building. How the building used to be a fortress. How the building was burned down and rebuilt by the King of Frescania while he waited for the National Palace to be finished. How the house was used as the guest house for the President of Frescania every time he came to Monterrey. A man in a suit then jogs up to the group and rudely interrupted her.

Adrián Fernandez: "You're blocking the entrance, I'm running late!"
Teacher: "I'm sorry, this is an authorized tour."
Adrián Fernandez: "Well, have fun."

Fernandez pushes his way through the group of children who slowly open up a pathway for him as he opens the door and rushes inside.

Teacher: "You see children, that man works for the Prime Minister!"

Fernandez walks quickly through security, which nods as they see his security clearance badge. Walking through the hallways and through several rooms he winds his way into his own office. Opening the door and closing his behind him, he is started has another man is sitting at his desk in his chair.

Luis Gutiérrez: "You're late."
Adrián Fernandez: "Why are you in my chair?"
Luis Gutiérrez: "Because you're late."
Adrián Fernandez: "Is the Prime Minister back?"
Luis Gutiérrez: "No, he's due back from the ranch any minute."
Adrián Fernandez: "Good, that was a close call."
Luis Gutiérrez: "Just because the boss doesn't see you doesn't mean, that I don't."
Adrián Fernandez: "So, what did you want?"
Luis Gutiérrez: "Well if you were on time, we could've talked about this Cantigny crisis."
Adrián Fernandez: "What crisis?"
Luis Gutiérrez: "You read the news this morning?"
Adrián Fernandez: "Luis, I'm hungover and my eyes feel like bricks, what do you think?"
Luis Gutiérrez: "Oh you should take this seat then."
Adrián Fernandez: (Agitated tone) "Thank you."

Gutiérrez stands up and walks towards the door. He motions his hands towards the office chair. Fernandez walks over and sits down.

Luis Gutiérrez: "So you have no idea what the Free Press did this morning?"
Adrián Fernandez: "Will you just tell me?"
Luis Gutiérrez: "The Cannies are pissed we've got our nationals ignoring their religion and smuggling tequila all over Oceania."
Adrián Fernandez: "Wait, how is this our problem?"
Luis Gutiérrez: "We can't just ignore it."
Adrián Fernandez: "Just tell them to take their case to Frescania."
Luis Gutiérrez: "We just opened a damned embassy there."
Adrián Fernandez: "Do we have a foreign minister, yet?"
Luis Gutiérrez: "No."
Adrián Fernandez: "So what's the problem?"
Luis Gutiérrez: "You're no help. We'll see what the Prime Minister has to say."

Gutiérrez opens the door and walks out.

Adrián Fernandez: (Shouts as Gutiérrez walks out and away) "It's not that I'm not helpful, just realistic! Could you close the door...?" (mumbles) "I don't want to get up..."