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Hirosaki Conference on International Maritime Security [ATTN: All interested parties]


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
"Maybe I used the wrong word, but with 'history' I wanted to refer to the past up to now, Mr. Hood. Furthermore, I have the impression that you didn't completely understand what I propose. Herewith I repeat myself: My aim, and Minister Westerveld's aim, was never to turn the international waters into spheres of influence or even territorial waters. The international waters should remain what they are — international waters. But I think it will be more efficient if the countries bordering a certain part of international waters take responsibility for that certain part of international waters. If a country considers it needed to control other parts of the international waters as well, I don't have a problem with that. But we must prevent that everybody waits for everybody. Furthermore, if there is a problem at a certain part of the seas, it is more efficient to let the bordering countries discuss about it and solve it than to discuss each and every local problem within the international community. If a problem cannot be handled locally, the international community should of course step in, but it is not needed to discuss everything with the international community. If you would have listened carefully, you would have noted that I left room for countries to intervene in other parts of the international waters than the ones they border. I will clarify: That means that the Breotish navy can continue to play the role it currently plays. Could you please indicate if there is anything else that you did not understand?" Kögler asked.

He took a sip of his water. And took a decision. If the Engellexic wanted to insult the Germanian League, fine. But now it was his turn.

"Mon cher Baron Grocett, je vous donnerai un exemple de la Générosité Germanique. Si Augsbourg est tellement un problème pour vous, je consentirai avec établir une organisation europeènne pour la modération des affaires maritimes dans une autre ville, ou un autre pays. Madame Udén Johannson de la Götarique a proposé un très beau pays: La Frescanie. Quell' est votre opinion de cette possibilité?" Kögler asked the Engellexic baron Grocett. When he saw the baron's baffled face, he continued: "Mais mon cher baron, votre pays veut gouverner un peuple francophone. Dans ce cas-là, il est vraiment nécessaire de parler français."

OOC: Translation of the French parts:

Mon cher Baron Grocett, je vous donnerai un exemple de la Générosité Germanique. Si Augsbourg est tellement un problème pour vous, je consentirai avec établir une organisation europeènne pour la modération des affaires maritimes dans une autre ville, ou un autre pays. Madame Udén Johannson de la Götarique a proposé un très beau pays: La Frescanie. Quell' est votre opinion de cette possibilité? = My dear Baron Grocett, I will give you an example of the Germanic generosity. If Augsburg is such a problem to you, I will agree with setting up an European organisation for moderating maritime affairs in another city, or in another country. Mrs. Udén Johannson from Götarike proposed a very beautiful country: Frescania. What is your opinion about that possibility?

Mais mon cher baron, votre pays veut gouverner un peuple francophone. Dans ce cas-là, il est vraiment nécessaire de parler français = But my dear baron, your country wants to govern francophone people. In that case, it is really necessary to speak French.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
Hirosaki, Constitutional State of Touzen

Baron Grocett raised an eyebrow to both the Danish declaration and the Eiffellandian lip, but was quite sure not to be undone in this quickening slide into a loosened demeanour, usually only observed during cards. He had raised that the motion he had made should almost certainly be considered as a natural sequence to the discussion which had already progressed to-day. Representatives had quite rightly remarked that it was impossible to enforce the freedoms and liberties of Europe’s seas with a great expansion of equality on the matter. The reason for my conclusion on the matter I believe is so far applicable to the present times and circumstances, and that it would not in any logical way reduce the burdens of such enforcement, and consequently relieve naval powers of the difficult issue of taxation upon their people.

Before I enter on the subject keenly introduced by my friend, Westerveld, I wish to be clearly understood, and not misrepresented as to what is the real scope, purport, and extent of this current intention. I do not wish to discuss or entertain the numbers of the navies maintained in Europe right now. When I spoke of my support for a continuation of the present system – with minor alteration – I alluded to the greater naval capabilities of some nations over others. It was well known that the Royal Engellexic Navy bore no reference to the navy of Breotonia or even Touzen. There could be no comparison between them yet. I am anxious that this should be distinctly understood; because, in speaking of the enormous navies which were the standing force of liberty on our high seas at present, a question had arisen which was complicated by the retreat of representatives here into their bunkers of nationalistic pride – the question being of spheres of influence. I should like to ask how can governments represented here be persuaded not to withdraw from the important issues that convened this great assembly, seeing that the discussion on navies here was not about the necessity to protect ones borders or any others, but to maintain order on our seas. That is, to say, the European, not national, interest and issue.

The Baron quietly read a few lines put before him by another of the Engellexic delegation, then introduced what it was he was just informed of. I should also wish to have understood, as a clear indication of the practicalities of my motion, that his Highness the First Lord of the Admiralty has addressed the House of Lords on the intention of the Admiralty to enter into negotiations with Breotonia, Danmark and Belmont on the matter of the Great Sea, and that I hope this may serve as an example for Europe as a whole to follow. It is the sincere intent of the Admiralty to establish a good sense at those negotiations to determine the amount of force to be kept in the waters of the Great Sea. And what may result from such discussions? It may hopefully act to reduce the forces within the Great to a reasonable number stipulated, and of abolishing altogether the tolerance toward belligerent states who abuse the indulgence of neighbours by arming international waters without care or justification. The Baron had alluded to the Europalandian Escalation, which was an Engellexic security concern.

I do believe this progress to be natural for Europe. He paused, then orientated a focus upon the Eiffellandian delegate, and I am certainly pleased you understand my concern, however, I may nominate a more suitable candidate – by the Engellexic definition.


"Jeesh, does everyone in that country talk like that?!", grumped an exasperated Westerveld to himself at the Dickensian-like wordiness in the Engellexian reply and becoming drained by the fruitless hargey-bargey with little sign of movement in the talks. Nonetheless, the Foreign Minister saw a chink of light, or so he hoped, and seized it.

"That has been our policy all along and we have called for an amicable solution to the Great Sea problem, so discussions with our friends Breotonia and with Engellex would be agreeable"

Even if it was only about his own back yard, it was worth a try.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
Annika observed the back and forth and became lost in the French she observed. She did hear Augsburg, her name and Frescania. She assumed it was something against her idea, but really it wasn't of her concern. Furthermore the Engellexic seemed to have another idea of where such an organization be held. She might be okay with their idea, as she favored anything outside of Augsburg. Augsburg was a bureaucratic mess. Nothing was ever achieved there that could not be achieved in a playground full of six year old children. However she did not like what she saw in regards to the Great Sea and this is where again she felt the need to speak again.

Grasping her microphone she breathed out on the receiver slightly to show that she wished to speak, "My dearest friends, the Great Sea is of great concern to the Karlskrona Accord. Naturally this is can be seen as the Autobahn of Western Civilization. That said, this is a traffic way in which Karlskrona uses perhaps second to none in terms of Europe's great alliances. Karlskrona military bases dot the area surrounding the Great Sea. We would highly encourage my own Kingdom and the Frescanians in any Great Sea organization of security else this house of cards will quickly collapse. You wouldn't even need to open a window."
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
To say that he had been active in the meeting would have been a lied, and Admiral Marquez was not about to pretend to be. The had liked many of the ideas proposed, but had allowed his Karlskrona counterpart to do most of the talking, although he was beginning to regret that decision. Suionians tend to have a number of complicated diplomats, thought the former Admiral.

Now, the Republic had been mentioned as a possible location for am maritime organization. This was his chance.

"Delegates, I have sat here and listen to your proposals, and I admire some of them. It seems we cannot agree on a location for this proposed organization. I can assure you all that if chosen, Frescania will do everything within her power that the organization's location is secured and not threat to all nations of the body. The Republic is fortunate to have amiable relations with all nations involved, and representatives from non-amiable states will be welcomed if they are given membership within the organization."


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Minister Kögler looked around the table, and said: "Mon cher baron Grocett, I see confirmed what I already expected. You try to arrange everything with the countries you deem the international maritime superpowers, but our valued colleague from Götarike already indicates that she wants to take part in the discussions you want to organise with the countries you deem the international maritime superpowers. Apparently the regional superpowers want to be heard as well. And maybe our valued colleague of Europaland will indicate a similar wish."

He took a sip of his water, and then continued: "Admiral Marquez already indicated that Frescania will do everything within its possibilities to make an organisation for the safety of the international waters a succes. I think, Mon cher baron Grocett, that Frescania indeed will be the perfect location for this organisation. You don't need to look further."

At that moment, Kögler got a note from on of his assistants. He read it, exclaimed "waaas? Sind die noch zu retten?", and then said: "Ladies, gentlemen, please excuse me for a moment. There is an emergency situation. I need to deliberate with my assistants for a moment."

He left the table, and came back with one of his assistants.

"Ladies, gentlemen, there is a crisis situation because of which I myself have to leave the conference and return to Trier. Please accept my apologies for that. The reason why I attended this conference as the third most important political person in Eiffelland was to stress the importance of safety at the international waters. The fact that I myself leave the conference does not indicate a change in perception of the importance of this conference. The remainder of the Eiffellandian delegation will stay. My role as leader of the Eiffellandian delegation will be taken over by my assistant Roland Hörschelmann."

After that, Minister Kögler left the conference. The reason for his departure was the bombing of the Wieser Legation in Kyiv. He did not want to tell that, because he didn't know if the Wieser delegation already knew. If not, they would have to be informed by the Wieser government and not by him.

OOC: Translation: Waaas? Sind die noch zu retten? = Whaaat? Are they out of their minds?


Holger Bengtsson quickly fluttered through a pile of documents trying to master his brief with very little time to spare. The deputy Udenriksminister of the Danes had been left in the lurch as his senior, Henrik Westerveld, had shuttled off in an urgent piece of Germanian League business in Kyiv. So now the business of representing his country fell to him. He felt like he had butterflies in his stomach and had to quickly moisten his mouth with that all-to-familiar but life giving source - water.

He rose to speak scanning the room as he did so. He caught the eye of the Suionian representative. He'd chucked like the rest of the Danes at her earlier when Westerveld, not to pussy-foot around, lost his rag with her for her blonde 'bimbo' attitude to international affairs. But he had to act as the statesman in front of the congregated audience drawn from far afield and from many realms.

He'd been hurriedly consulting the Danish Foreign Ministry advisors that sat behind him like a phalanx of condescending and officious latter-day Vikings. He had to strike the tone just right.

"Our position is this", quickly clearing his throat and attempting to drown his guttural Danish accent - "Like juggling hot potatoes in your mouth and speaking at the same time" some foreign observers had mocked his mother tongue.

"Frescania has exemplified itself on the world stage and has demonstrated a clear commitment to moderacy and even handedness in its dealings with many nations throughout the world. It also has the advantage of being an actual maritime state, so has a natural affinity to concerns of the ocean-going kind".

He again cleared his throat.

"The Danish government would have no significant issues if the headquarters of an international maritime security establishment were located in Frescania. I do believe...". He had to check himself a moment, "'I do believe?' isn't that a rather old fashioned way of speaking?!", before continuing and attempting to correct his contrived pomposity. It was all nerves.

"I am of the firm view that the Republic of Frescania will do the whole of Europe proud in hosting the site and will lead us all by example"

He wondered if he'd overdone it a little in appearing to be obsequious to the Republic, but of all the options offered - apart from the possibility of it being established in his own country which he somehow considered would be rejected by the 'dumb blonde' Suionian, it was the only realistic option. Afterall he had to strike a consensus.

He paused yet again before addressing another issue, this time what appeared to be the favourite target of Danish barbs - Ms. Annika Udén Johansson - who he had considered privately to be a rather imperious but air-headed bitch and probably going through premenstrual tension, as some of the Danish delegation had privately wondered to themselves. He and Westerveld shared the same view on that at least.

"I think we've made our position clear. No one is talking of objecting to Gotarike's involvment in maritime security, so I'm rather bemused by the, if I may so, peculiar display of hysterics on the international stage. We all work together so in the northern Great Sea - Danmark will work with Gotarike".

He sat down and sniffed in a rather arrogant but at the same time self-conscious manner. Wondering who would be the next representative to speak.