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Le Moniteur Universel

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Le Moniteur Universel
Depuis 1796

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Le Moniteur Universel was founded in 1796, making it one of the oldest still-operating news sources in the Empire. Founded primarily as a way to track daily government news, Le Moniteur grew to cover general news from the Empire and around the world.

Today, Le Moniteur is printed in 3 languages. Online versions are available in several languages. LeMoniteurTV is a broadcast channel within the Empire and is available internationally through streaming.​

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
"Germanic will never be removed as an official language" says Emperor after bill fails.

A recent move to include Germanic on the Empire's currency has failed for the third time in the Imperial Assembly. Assembly members from the Duchy of Pillau, the Empire's Germanic constituent nation, tried in vain to push through a bill which would add Germanic to the national currency and more Germanic to documents such as passports and road signs. Detractors said that there was enough Germanic within documents and road signs within the Duchy were already bi-lingual. Further, those opposing the bill said that the currency system was adequate as it features both words and numbers. They also pointed out that the Ꞙ5 bill already featured Karl Wilhelm von Lindau and the c10 coin features the coat of arms of the Duchy. Supporters of the bill say that the Duchy's part of the Imperial System is being "diminished" and that there must be more visibility for the people and language. When asked today about the bill by reporters from Pillaublatt, the Emperor said that "Germanic will never be removed as an official language. We are wholeheartedly supportive of the Pillau identity". Supporters of the bill pledged to try again next year. Germanic was made an official imperial language in 1894. However, the Imperial Assembly has accepted Germanic in its chambers since at least 1812 and has issued official bills and documents in both Frankish and Germanic since 1797. The Duchy of Pillau joined the Empire in 1756 following a short conflict.

Emperor to visit Ostmark, attend Papal funeral.

In accordance with the Emperor's foreign policy responsibilities, the Emperor will visit @Ostmark sometime in the near future to discuss ongoing and future investments. It will be the first official visit of an Emperor to Ostmark in over 15 years. The Emperor's office declined to comment on official dates for the visit. The Emperor is expected to visit several nations in the coming months to push Frankish interests. According to a source, the Emperor is expected to visit both @Azilia and @Hanseatic Republics to discuss regional security and trade. The source stated that the Emperor's primary concerns are ranging and that the Emperor plans to initiate several undisclosed treaties. These trips are to be precluded by the Emperor's attendance at the funeral of Pope Callistus II. The Emperor is reported to have had a very standoffish but ultimately ongoing relationship with the Pope.
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Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
National Day of Mourning set for Monday
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A national day of mourning has been declared for Pope Callistus II on Monday by the Emperor. The day of mourning will see most schools and businesses closed as well as many Imperial institutions. A televised national memorial service will take place at the Monterfil Cathedral. With one of the largest Catholic populations in the world, the Holy Frankish Empire is expected to have several successive and concurrent memorial services. Further, it is rumored that Frankish cardinals will propose Callistus for beatification- a process that allows for veneration and for Callistus to be recognized as being in a state of ability to which they may intercede in life based on prayer. As the Catholic world joins together in grief, many are using the opportunity to celebrate the life of the Pope and his impact on the world. "Pope Callistus was a noble and wise leader of the church and and inspiration. His commitment to those suffering from poverty is something we all should aspire to" said the Emperor this morning when asked about his personal feelings towards Pope Callistus. Confidential sources have told Le Moniteur that the relationship between the Emperor and Pope Callistus were strained due to the Emperor's refusal to enforce some imperial laws regarding homosexuality, abortion, and the Imperial Assembly's refusal to implement universal parochial education.

Moineau Aviation, Imperial Defence Forces double down on new fighter aircraft despite cost

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The R-21 Grièche has been a point of contention as the program costs have skyrocketed. The 252 Billion Franc program has only produced 4 prototypes but has yet to create a product. Setbacks have continued as Moineau has failed to meet its deadlines. However, Moineau Aviation remains confident. "The R-21 is the aircraft of the future for the Imperial Air Force. It will fill numerous roles and will eventually totally replace most combat aircraft" said Moineau. The R-21 is to be purchased in three blocks of 75 aircraft each. The first block of 75 will be a "stealthy" variant said Moineau. The second block will be a more multirole focused aircraft. The third block will reportedly be a fully stealth version. Moineau says that it will also be creating specialized variants such as a naval version. Critics in the Imperial Assembly have argued that the project is not offering a good enough return on investment and is continually rewarding missed deadlines and failure to deliver on other promises. Imperial Defence Forces have stated that they fully support the development and are "looking forward to the capabilities and transformation that the R-21 platform offers".

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
A short interview with Premiere du Assembly Imperiale Claude Ricquet

Le Moniteur: Mr. Premier, thank you for taking the time to join us this morning. There are many around the globe that are still confused about our political system. How would you describe your job in the greater context of things?
Premier Ricquet: Well, my title is perhaps misleading. Rather than simply serving as the leader or arbiter of the Imperial Assembly, my job more closely resembles what some nations call a prime minister.

Le Moniteur: And what duties do you fill as Premier?
Premier Ricquet: Well, I act as the head of the domestic imperial government. I appoint ministers. The Emperor appoints the foreign minister and until recently, the defense minister. All other ministers are appointed by myself. It is my duty to work with the Imperial Assembly on domestic issues and to help create domestic laws. I must do this while working in the context of the imperial system. The Empire is made up off different countries, some of them with their own elected governments and their own laws. I help navigate the imperial system. I also must work with the Emperor to help guide our foreign policy and to make both foreign and domestic policy support each other.

Le Moniteur: How do you reconcile national interests with imperial interests?
Ricquet: Delicately. The imperial system is a modified federal system. We are required by the constitution to respect sovereign laws but they are equally required to respect imperial laws. It is all about maintaining a positive relationship and listening to the elected representatives from our constituent nations.

Le Moniteur: Your Conservative Party won a surprising victory last year over the incumbent Orange Party. Many were shocked. Where do you see the Conservative Party channeling its focus in the coming months?
Ricquet: Well, we had a wide platform. We agree with the Orange Party on some issues. Ultimately, we do not on most. Our focus will be on making it easier for businesses to thrive and for the working man or woman to get opportunities. Additionally, we need to remove barriers between the church and schools. Churches and schools is yet another important partnership.

Le Moniteur: What laws do you and your party wish to see introduced or changed?
Ricquet: We campaigned on restrictions on abortion being added into the imperial code and enforcing some aspects of our laws against homosexuality. Furthermore, we want to make it clear we will not recognize any homosexual marriage that takes place in another country.

Le Moniteur: Does your party realize the pushback that it will receive on these issues?
Ricquet: Our research shows the majority agree with us. Surely, there will be pushback and challenges. But we have a responsibility to the voters and the Empire. We must do what we are mandated to do. There needs to be clear and definitive lines.

Le Moniteur: Thank you for your time
Ricquet: You're welcome.

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Imperial Assembly mulls farm subsidies amid conservative push for spending cuts

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Small farm in the Kingdom of Guienne, 2021

With nearly 56 billion Francs going towards farm subsidies last year from the imperial coffers, the Conservative Party dominated Imperial Assembly is looking to slash agricultural subsidies starting in 2026. The Conservatives want to cut the imperial public assistance to 15 Billion with constituent nations of the Empire footing any remaining assistance. "It is time that our constituent nations within the Empire step-up with their domestic budgets to tackle their interests" said Conservative Assembly Member Brigitte Descaves. Detractors say that the cut is too massive and leaves vulnerable vintners and farmers in a far too difficult spot. "We need to be real. Removing the subsidies is going to hammer us on export costs and hurt the small farmer. The exports of wheat, flax, and maize is going to dip. Wine will rise is cost around the globe. If cuts happen, we need sensible cuts" said independent Assembly Member Francois Satie.

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Imperial Assembly tables vote to cut farm subsidies

Following an uproar and intensive debate, the Imperial Assembly narrowly voted to table a bill which would cut farm subsidies to medium and large farms. The bill would have made farm subsidies the responsibility of the constituent states of the Empire until 2028. Many pointed out that it would have been extremely burdensome to shift subsidies away from the Imperial treasury. Many voiced concerns about fairness and the potential impact on larger agribusinesses. Many rural communities expressed cautious optimism about the bill being tabled for a later debate and vote.

Surprise as Imperial Courts break up 4V Media

The film industry is in shock at news that mega-media conglomerate 4V will be broken up. The Empire's largest film-making studio and social media giant, 4V, will be forced to divest its some 16 companies no later than October 2026. This historic anti-trust decision aims to restore competitive balance in an industry that has been dominated by 4V "since at least 2006". 4V, with its broad portfolio, has been under accusation for years as acting a monopoly- something 4V passionately denied. 4V, founded in 1983, has grown from a small "indie film" distributor into a vast entity with a hand in virtually every aspect of the filmmaking process in the Empire. The Court's decision follows a lengthy investigation that revealed 4V's monopolistic tactics, which included tight and often exclusive distribution deals and what the court called "aggressive and predatory market consolidation". Under the new order, 4V Media will be split into four separate entities: 4V Productions, 4V Distribution, 4V Social Constructs, and 4V Cinemas.

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Woes continue for Imperial Navy

The Imperial Navy is facing growing scrutiny as new reports surface of widespread unprofessional behavior among its leadership. Recent incidents have highlighted a troubling trend of incompetence and inappropriate conduct during official operations from among its senior officers.
The situation came to light when a series of leaked internal communications revealed an environment of lax discipline and disregard for naval protocols. In one incident, a senior officer referred to sailors as "plebeian scum" while on the bridge of his destroyer. The Imperial Ministry of Defense has announced an immediate review of naval operations and is implementing new training programs aimed at building professionalism and bolstering policies already in place. An anonymous source stated that several senior officers are likely to be relieved and removed from service.

Imperial Assembly passes new vehicle safety laws

In a groundbreaking move, the Imperial Assembly has announced a sweeping set of new personal vehicle safety laws, aimed at reducing the number of traffic accidents andincreasing overall road safety. The new regulations represent the most sweeping overhaul of vehicle safety standards in recent times.
Under the new laws, all newly made personal vehicles, including rideshare vehicles, will be required to adhere to a stringent set of safety standards. Among the new policies is a new enhanced driver safety program which will be mandatory for all drivers starting in 2027. Those who receive multiple traffic violations within an 14 month period will also be required to attend the program starting in 2025. All new vehicles built after 2027 will be required to include anti-collision chimes, automatic braking systems, and blind spot monitoring. These features are designed to minimize the impact of accidents and enhance overall road safety. The laws will not immediately apply to vehicles built outside the Empire; with requirements for those vehicles starting in 2029.

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Founding of Catholic Defense League results in quick expansion of membership
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In a surprise move, Emperor Paul has founded the Catholic Defense League (CDL), a new international defensive alliance. Aimed at bringing together nations with shared values and fostering deeper collaboration among its member states, the CDL will operate as a defensive alliance rather than a general alliance. Within days, numerous nations applied to join the league. According to a palace spokesman, the CDL was formed in response to the current geopolitical landscape. Its primary mission is to create a defensive pact among nations with common Catholic values, including the promotion of social justice, family integrity, and religious freedom.
Some have voiced concern that the CDL will bolster populist movements and cause the suppression of other faiths within member countries. "This is not the intention, aim, or goal of the League. The Empire itself has numerous different religions and groups- all of which are protected. We are, however, a Catholic Empire. It is part of our imperial identity and the source of most of our morals. This alliance is not intended to be exclusionary but rather a means of fostering collaboration based on shared values. " said the Emperor in response to a question. The league will operate primarily through diplomatic means with the potential of mutual defense. Mechanisms in the charter prevent nations from unilaterally acting in the name of the League and will prevent member states from using the League as a shield for engaging in aggressive actions. "There is no mechanism in the Charter for the League to operate together in aggressive action. The CDL is a defensive alliance. It was built that way for a reason" said the Emperor.