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Nievish Sea Warning :: Attn. All Seafarers


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Foreign Office of the Thaumantic Communal Order
with Consultation of the Thaumantic High Armed Command
Issues this public message to seafarers in the Nievish Sea

The Thaumantic Communal Order is assuming command of anti-piracy operations in the Nievish Sea utilizing Nievish Revolutionary elements. Following aerial combat exchanges from the Empire of Tarusa, the Westernesse Federation, and the Gutnish Marauder Regime we announced an immediate lockdown of the Nievish Sea that instructed all vessels, civilian or military, to return to port or vacate the Nievish Sea. We are content at this time with compliance to these security minded demands and thank our partners in the region for their cooperation. Going forward we are tapping a diverse group of maritime powers ranging from @Prydain to @Neustria to step up to the task of maintaining peace in the Nievish Sea and The Sound between the Nievish and Gothic Seas.

It will be our marked policy not to advance past The Sound with combat vessels, air sorties, or men of arms on foot where we are not directly invited by home-rule nations. As we deploy the Nievish navy to patrol this region we expect to coordinate with flagged naval groups to maintain the secure order we have proclaimed. We therefor lift our navigation restrictions levied against flagged navies bearing arms from all nations save Gutarike, indeed, we encourage all armed groups to steer clear of what remains of the unflagged and dangerous Gutnish Navy and the piratical ports from which they specter. The core purpose of this mission and our entry to the conflict has been and will continue to be opening safe pathways for trading vessels devoid of randomly sprung sea mines or roaming reavers. We trust our partners in Central and Western Europe to re-enter the Nievish Sea at this time to assist in anti-piracy operations and to accompany trading vessels as they see fit to secure essential trade missions.

We are not calling for an invasion of the Gutarike, and we will only join in one in a limited basis if the Gutnish Marauder Regime does not heed the Federation's calls to negotiate an end to their raiding parties. The Cantignian Navy, Army, and Air Force will remain fully in the South Thaumantic to maintain its own security bubble. The Engwahlian Navy, Army, and Air Force will remain on the Thaumantican island to maintain a defensive footing towards whatever conflict is on the horizon. The Catholic Revolutionary Navy, Army, and Air Force of Nieveland alone will conduct expeditionary operations in the aforementioned Nievish Sea and Sound corridor where it is assumed at this hour that the Gutnish Piratical entity is out for war, and that an imperial entity from the east guarantees their survival.

Our Foreign Office locations are now opened to 24 hour staffing in the region and the Nievish Revolutionary Flotilla is hailing every private vessel on publicly recorded channels for the review of the European Forum. We will, with the aid of other powers, restore order to this sea, to the sound, and to the wider region one hour, day or evening, and week at a time.