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Seneca Post

Oct 11, 2007
News Briefs

:arrow: Civilian agencies prepare for strong Tropical storm expected to impact the country in the next 36 hours
:arrow: Economists forecast lower levels of growth of the national economy then previously forecast.
Oct 11, 2007
Damage Extensive Reported

After a devastating tropical storm that ravaged the nation and flooded rural as well as major metropolitan areas with accompanying sustained winds of over a hundred miles per hour an initial assessment and report has been released by the Department of Interior.

In the report it is estimated roughly that nearly one third of the tobacco crop planted could have been destroyed by this single storm and that total damages across the islands are estimated into the millions. Currently the report is only an initial assessment and total damages and the effects on the tobacco industry and other crops are yet to be determined and what repercussions upon the gross economic outlook over the year. Government officials on a federal level as well as municipal level continue to work towards a final report on the total damages caused by the storm and it is said that all areas of the country that had lost power and other basic services had those restored within thirty-six to forty-eight hour of disruption.

Included in the report was the actions of municipal coast guards and that of the navy which state that they responded combined to a total of thirteen calls of distress and saved some twenty-two people from ships caught in the swells of the storm.