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The Twin Lions of Himyar


Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
Jugol, @Azraq

Every day, dozens of planes belonging to OPA Federal Pelasgian Airways, the flag carrier of the Pelasgian Union, touched down at Jugol International Airport, their white bodies with the pink and blue stripes beaconing under the light of the mighty Azraqi sun. Nonetheless, it was a rare sight to see such a flight escorted by a group of fighter jets, landing at the airport's VIP section to great fanfare and with a motorcade already waiting for it beside a reception party at the end of a red carpet.

It was from this flight that, to the sound of a military band blasting, the Pelasgian delegation to Azraq exited, finally making their way to the Azraqi capital for the much-anticipated summit between the leadership of Himyar's two major independent powers. Leading the summit was none other than the Pelasgian Prime Minister, Ioannes Laskarides, who had been serving in his duties for less than a month. While his presence certainly conveyed the importance of the occasion, it was his entourage that made the specifics of the meeting more evident: the Foreign Minister, Anastasios Doxaris, alongside the Minister of Energy, Tiverios Koressios, the Minister of Finance, Stavros Palaiologos, and the Minister of Defence, General Gregorios Artopoiopoulos of the Pelasgian Federal Army. Diplomatic cooperation, oil and natural gas supply, trade, and military cooperation, likely including materiel supply: these were to be the axes of the meeting.

"Good morning, dear colleague," Laskarides said as he took the hand of his Azraqi counterpart. "It's a great honour to be here, in Jugol, to meet the leadership of the only other truly free nation in Himyar."