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LA JUSTA NOVELLA | Justinian national newspaper


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
jornale bilingue (italico-de-justiza et Albiònico) | bilingual newspaper (Italian of Justiza and English)

|Poscia la conquistata libertade dall'antica patria una nova et orgogliosa Justiza s'erge dall'oblio storico cui fummo, dall'altrui dominio, costretti. Deciso est lo governo: sia esso una respublica rispettosa del di noi popolo; decisa est anca la rappresentanza popolare in seno al giovine senato gratie alle prime pubbliche eletioni politiche et parimenti nelli consigli di regioni comuniQue. Lo senato de la respublica sarà ordunque in mano allo Gonfaloniere Illustrissimo Valerio Pietri (DEM), mentre lo magno titolo di presidente della nostra jovine natione, eletto a furor di popolo, spetta di diritto al Clarissimo Presidente Zordano Benedetti, che condusse la nostra terra natìa all'indipendenza tramite la piû nobile dell'armi: la favella!
Sia nota anca la notitia della fondazione della ''ERJ'' (Emittente Radiotelevisiva Justina) pello volere congiunto di Senato et Presidente Della Respublica allo scopo de organizzare in un sol corpo li piccoli settimanali et jornali et dare una voce univoca alla radio et non-di-meno dar vita ad una necessaria televisione nationale, vitale per fuggire il giogo culturale delli nostri antichi signori. Detto ciò si chiarisce ai lettori che codesto jornale di quei di Furzillo, or nostra cittâ capitale, come ogn'altro est acquisito dallo stato et integrato nelle proprietâ della ''ERJ'' con lo privilegiato status di primo jornale della natione.

fter gaining freedom from our former homeland a new and proud Justiza stands from the oblivion of history upon which we were forced by foreign domination. our new form of governament is decided: it shall be a republic, respectful of the people; has already been decided the popular representation through the first national, regional and municipal elections. The senate of the republic will from now on be in the hands of the illustrious Gonfaloniere Valerio Pietri (Democrats-DEM), while the grand title of President of our young republic, elected by popular acclaim, is rightfully of the Esteemed President Zordano Benedetti, whom led our native land to independence using the most noble of wepons: the speech!
there are also other news: by the will of the senate and the President Of The Republic has been founded the ''ERJ'' (
Emittente Radiotelevisiva Justina | justinian radio-television broadcast) for the purpose of uniting all justinian newspapers and radio stations and moreover creating a national television broadcast; so that our culture won't be under the yoke of our former overlords. That said we clarify that this old newspaper of Furzillo, now capital city, has been bought by the governament, as well as all the others, and integrated in the properties of the ''ERJ'' and awarded with the special status of main newspaper of our country.
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Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
Paritade dirittiQue | Equality and rights
|Ier fu una jornata gloriosa per lo collettivo justino pei diritti LGBT, al nascere dello dies una votatione nello senato ha decretato, poscia un breve confronto ove la piû che mai ristretta oppositione ha espresso il proprio disappunto civilmente et sine successo, la validità del matrimonio tra cittadini del istesso sesso.
La proposta di legge, junta allo senato da initiativa popolare appena l'altro ieri, est messa nello programma appena conclusi alcuni indispensabili interventi legislativi su materie burocratiche et ha potuto contare su di una maggioranza schiacciante: li 'DEMocratici', li 'NAzionalisti Justini' et puranco li 'NAtionalisti Restauratori' si dichiararono da subito favorevoli alla legge, mentre li 'REstauratori Monarchici' si posero a sfavore; ma allo voto li monarchici si ritrovaron discordi intra lor istessi, delli loro 54 senatori solo 31 votarono a sfavore mentre li altri si astennero o votaron a favore con quindi una maggioranza dello 88%.
Poscia, dallo postmeridio allo vespro, lo senato s'impegnô alla emanazione di leggi per favorire et proteggere la comunitade LGBT portando la nostra parva natione a nuovi traguardi di libertade et justitia.

\Yesterday was a glorious day for the justinian LGBT rights collective as in the morning a vote in the senate decreed the validity of same sex marriages after a short debate in which the opposition, small more than ever, expressed politely but unsuccessfully its disappointment.
The law (of popular initiative) came to the senate just the day before yesterday and has been put in the agenda just after some necessary legislative interventions on bureaucratic matters and has been able to rely on a vast majority: the democrats(DEM) the justinian nationalists(NaJ) and even the nationalists restorers(NaR) from the start declared themselves supporters of the law, while the restorers monarchists(ReM) declared themselves against it; but in the voting time the monarchists found themselves split, only 31 of their 54 senators voted against it while the others abstained or voted in favor, so the law passed with a majority of 88%.
Thereafter, from afternoon until evening, the senate undertook the enactment of laws to promote and protect the LGBT community, bringing our tiny nation to new heights of freedom and justice.

De economia et prosperitade
| About economy and prosperity
|Dallo dies d'indipendenza ad ora le grandi imprese della nazione cui eravamo assoggettati hanno iniziato un processo di delocalizzatione che ha portato a un improvviso impoverimento della economia justina che est ridotta ad attivitâ di sussistenza, la repubblica sopravvive grazie agli allevamenti et alle numerose ma piccole attivitâ dei privati oltre alcune piccole industrie di proprietâ statale, fin'ora lo stato s'est concentrato su materie civili et politiche, ma lo Gonfaloniere Valerio Pietri ha promesso un intervento sulla questione nelli prossimi mesi assicurando una ripresa significativa della economia in tempi ridotti ma il duce delli monarchici Tomazo Bartalotti attacca Pietri tacciandolo di inadeguatezza allo governo, e sfidandolo a dimettersi e chiedere nuove elezioni in caso di fallimento e accusando la attuale composizione dello senato di comprendere una maggioranza troppo estesa:
''lo incapacissimo Gonfalonier Pietri s'ha da dimetter qual'ora le promesse fatte fossero campate in lo caelo! urgon eletioni, li numeri dello attuale governo sunt estesi quanto lo mare et formare un'oppositione in codeste circostanze est inutile''
subito la replica di Pietri:
''lo Bartalotti doverebbe rimembrar seco ogne tanto che lo istato in cui noi-tutti ci troviamo est una democratia et non una monarchia com'egli vorrebbe!''

|From the day of independence till now the big business of our former overlords began to relocate away from here, a process that led to a sudden impoverishment that reduced Justiza's economy to subsistence activities, the republic survives thanks to farms, numerous but small businesses and some small state-owned industries, so far the state has been focused on political and civil matters, but the Gonfaloniere Valerio Pietri has promised action on the issue for the coming months and promised a significant recovery of the economy in the shortest time possible, but the leader of the monarchists (Tomazo Bartalotti) attacked Pietri labeling him as inadequate to govern, challenging him to step down and calling for new elections in case of failure and accusing the current composition of the senate to include a too wide majority:
''the 'Most Incapable' Gonfaloniere Pietri must resing if the promises made are lies! elections are needed, the numbers of the current majority are as wide as the sea and creating a real opposition in these circumstances is impossible''
Pietri immediately replied:
''Bartalotti should remind himself that the country in which we all are is a democracy and not a monarchy, as he would like''


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffelland

We are following the events in Justiza with interest. It is good to see that gays and lesbians can live according to their preferences in Justiza. Several Eiffellandian mulitnationals have indicated to us that they are looking for investment opportunities in Justiza.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor

OOC: My industries: and


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
Trier, Eiffelland

We are following the events in Justiza with interest. It is good to see that gays and lesbians can live according to their preferences in Justiza. Several Eiffellandian mulitnationals have indicated to us that they are looking for investment opportunities in Justiza.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor

OOC: My industries: and

We welcome any help with open arms as long as it respects the workers' rights of our citizens.

OOC: is there something I have to do now? sorry.. I'm new in this kind of stuff


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
OOC: What we could do, is organise a meeting between representatives of our governments. But there is a complicating factor I'm afraid. If your country is full-blown socialist or communist, my industries won't invest, i.e. build factories in your country. However, delivering agricultural machines or starting with a licence-production could be an option then.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
OOC: What we could do, is organise a meeting between representatives of our governments. But there is a complicating factor I'm afraid. If your country is full-blown socialist or communist, my industries won't invest, i.e. build factories in your country. However, delivering agricultural machines or starting with a licence-production could be an option then.

OOC: nothing than. my country is not communist, but I suppose that reasonableness and respect for citizens it's considered socialist.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
OOC: I have a Social Market Economy. This means that workers rights are also incorporated in my system. With that said, my captains of industry are familiar with workers rights. They are only a bit less familiar with the emphasis you put on workers rights ;) Anyway, my industries won't mind investigating in a centre-left country ;)


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
De victoria Monarchici | About the monarchists' victory
|La prima lex de initiativa de la oppositione votata con favore da li democratici a lo scopo de attenuare le dispute intra 'l senato ha ispirato alcune critiche da l' alleati Nationalisti Justini.
La lex sopra-citata riguarda l'assegnatione di alcuni titoli simbolici ma pur-sempre nobiliari a coloro che dessero un servitio od prestigio internationale alla respublica, tali titoli de diverso grado et riguardo si manterranno allo illustre, allo compagno od compagna di vita et alli suoi figli, sarà quindi una ereditade che si prolunga anche sulla successiva generatione ma non piû, codesto est lo accordo raggiunto dalli monarchici e democratici, tali titoli non garantiranno privilegi intra lo stato ma saranno solo et unicamente simbolici.
Li senatori di NaJ tuttavia si sono opposti considerando tali concessioni un pericolo alla democratia; tuttavia una volta allo voto essi si son decisi ad astenersi dallo voto di modo da non minare la stabilitade politica della natione. NaR ha votato a favore mantenendo saldi li legami con li monarchici concludendo quindi la votatione con una maggioranza di voti favorevoli e nessuno contrario.

\The first law of the opposition voted favorably by the Democrats in order to mitigate the internal disputes in the Senate has created some criticism from the allies of the government: the Justinian Nationalists(NaJ).
The abovementioned law concerns the granting of some noble titles to those who serve or give international prestige to the republic. These titles of different degree of importance will not
provide privileges, they are only symbolic and will be given to the person who gains them and to his/her partner and also transmitted to the next generation, but not beyond; This is the agreement reached between monarchists and democrats.
NaJ Senators opposed the proposal during the debate in the Senate, but at the vote they decided to abstain in order not to undermine the political stability of the nation. NaR has voted for maintaining his alliance with monarchists and thus leading to a large majority of votes in favor and none against.

'L tren de mill'uopi
| The thousand purposes train
|La decisione de puntare alla abolitione delle auto intra le principali cittâdes favorendo la creatione di uno fitto sistema de trasporti pubblici tra autobus, corriere et treni s'est dimostrano una mossa congeniale alli desideri et bisogni de li justini, in particolare lo tren ch'aggira 'l territorio tutto ogne dî la mattina, postmeridio et vespro s'est tramutato nello principale mezzo de movimento della natione; chi lo adopera per laboro, chi per turismo, chi per bisogni di salute chi per îre alla scola di sua scelta lungi dal villaggio natîo; tant-est che s'est dovuto aggiungere carrozze supplementari per sopperire al lo gran numero de viaggiatori che man-mano son incrementati semper-plus. Un tren de mill'uopi che ha fatto guadagnare allo governo il favore imperituro delli justini de le province più sperdute.
\The decision to abolish cars in the major cities and promoting a thick network of public transports such as buses and trains has proved a move congenial to the wishes and needs of the justinians, especially a train that moves through the whole country every morning, afternoon and evening has become the main means of transport in the nation; some use it for work, some for tourism, some for health needs and some to go to the school they have choosen, away from home. so that there has been the need to add more cars to remedy for the large number of travelers who gradually increased. a thousand purpouses train that earned the Pietri's government imperishable favor from citizens of the most isolated provinces.
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Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
De doma justini | About Justinians' home

(Con lo ingrandirsi delli impegni gobernativi, la apertura de uffici ministeriali et la istitutione delle commissioni senatorie lo spatio allo interno dello municipio de Furzillo est teriminato; lo senato ha dunque dovuto scegliere una nova sede ove trasferirsi; dopo lo esame di tutte le possibili alternative s'est scelto il castello che sovrasta 'l centro storico della cittâ fin'ora adibito a museo. 'L presidente Benedetti ha assicurato che 'l contenuto sarâ preservato et valorizzato spostandolo dove ora avea sede 'l senato, nel centro esatto della capitale.
|Due to the expansion of government tasks, the opening of ministerial offices and the establishment of Senate's committees the space in the former town hall of Furzillo has run out; for this reason the Senate had to choose a new building to move in; after an assessment work of all possible alternatives it was chosen the castle overlooking the city's historic center, a museum so far. President Benedetti assured that the content of the museum will be preserved, and even valued, by moving it where the senate was, in the exact center of the capital city.

De fidutia ' goberno
| About trust to the government

$u richiesta delli partiti de oppositione s'est eseguito un sondaggio per sondare li umori delli cittadini a seguito della svolta poco Democratica dello goberno Pietri, che a cavallo di una sentenza della corte costitutionale, ha messo in essere leggi ritenute poco valide ponendo la crescita economica sovra la sicurezza delli cittadini et lo benessere dello ambiente.
la sentenza di cui parliamo est colei c'ha'brogato la legge permettente, a seguito della raccolta de sufficienti firme, de accettare rifiutareQue ogne legge espressa dallo senato. secondo le motivationi della corte ciò est incostitutionale dacchè ''da luogo ad un paradosso nello potere legislativo, delegittimando lo senato dalla sua funzione'' et ''periclita la stabilitade dello istato''; ex-poscia codesta decisione lo gonfaloniere ha emanato leggi c'hanno portato la natione ad uno spostamento verso la destra, et, sebbene tale moto sembra essersi concluso o quantomeno attenuato ha lasciato sbigottiti in molti. A quanto pare la gente si dice molto confusa sulle decisioni de Petri, poichè lo suo partito, dichiaratamente de sinistra et possidente de una maggioranza schiacciante, non s'immaginava potesse agire in tal maniera. tanto che alcuni nello partito hanno ipotizzato di abbandonare pietri per dar vita ad uno partito novello piûQue saldamente di sinistra. ma tali preoccupationi et timide minacce non hanno impaurito lo Gonfalonier Pietri che ha dalla sua una miracolosa ripresa economica che ha zittito lo duce delli monarchici, Bartolotti. sicchè'gli, se 'l lettore rammenta, avea chiesto le sue dimissioni se l'economia fosse rimasta stagnante.
siddunque sia accettabile tradire gli ideali propri per 'l bene dello istato? ''ai posteri l'ardua sentenza'' (cit - A.M.)
/At the request of the opposition parties was performed a survey to look at the mood of the citizens after the unDEMocratic turning of Petri's government that, riding on the wave of a constitutional court's ruling, has put in place laws considered not convincing, that put economic growth above the safety of citizens and the environment.
The ruling we speak about is the one that repealed the law that allowed the citizens, after gathering a sufficient number of signatures, to accept or reject any law expressed by the Senate. As stated by the court's motivations ''(the law) creates a paradox in the legislature, delegitimizing the Senate and its role'' and ''threatening the stability of the state''; from this decision on the Gonfaloniere has enacted laws that led the nation to a shift to the right and, although this motion seems to have already concluded or at least mitigated, has left many stunned. it seems people are very confused about Petri's decisions, as his party is moderatly but openly leftist and holds an overwhelming majority. Some party members have threatened to abandon Pietri and create a new and more firmly leftist party. But these concerns and timid threats haven't frightened the Gonfaloniere Pietri that has a miraculous economic recovery on his side that has even hushed-up the leader of the monarchists, Bartolotti, who previously called for his resignation if the economy had remained stagnant.
So, is it acceptable to betray the ideals for the good of the state?
''the high doom must be pronounced by times to come''
(~cit - A.Manzoni)
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Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
De economia gobernoQue| About the economy and the governament
(Con 'l concludersi delle trattative intra goberno justino et le compagnie eiffellandiane le prime fabbriche hanno dato initio alla produtione et garantito un calo nella disoccupatione; in una conferenza stampa sulla situatione economica 'l Gonfaloniere ha ringratiato lo goberno di Eiffelland per la apertura delle trattative, e ha assicurato che gli aiuti ricevuti permetteranno la espansione della industria in loco annuntiando anca una ridutione della burocratia nella apertura di attivitâ economiche entro li confini nationali et un piano de incentivi per le piccole e medie imprese.
Allo concludersi della conferenza Pietri ha dichiarato che poscia 'l concludersi dello programma di goberno saranno indette eletioni novelle per favorire a nuove forze politiche e nuove necessità e problemi diversi da quelli initiali di mettere piede in senato ''le necessitades de ier son soddisfatte, et odie vi sono novi problemi da risolvere e di cui prendere coscienza, e 'l senato deve garantir a omnes de pronunciarsi al riguardo'' ha spiegato.

\With the conclusion of negotiations between the justinian government and the eiffellandian companies the first factories have started production ensuring a drop in the unemployed population, at a press conference on the state of the economy the Gonfaloniere Pietri thanked the government of Eiffellandfor the opening of negotiations, and he assured that the aid received will enable the expansion of local industry also thanks to a planned reduction of thebureaucracy required to open economic activities within national borders and a plan of incentives to small and medium-sized enterprises. at the closing of the conference Pietri announced that after the conclusion of the program justiza will go through new elections to allow new political forces and different needs from the initial ones to enter the Senate ''the needs of yesterday have already been met, there are today many other problems to be solved and of which to be aware, and the Senate must ensure all to express on the matter'' he explained.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
Justiza proxima alle eletioni| Justiza close to new elections
(Or che sono entrate in effetto le proclamate dimissioni dello goberno DEM lo presidente della respublica ha indetto novelle eletioni, spuntan or nella campagna elettorale nove forze politiche spesso in disaccordo con la passata maggioranza, sarâ quindi chesta la fin de la prima parte de nostra istoria repubblicana? secondo Nicomede Pertulli, rinomato politologo, si riferisce giâ a questo breve periodo come la ''respublica amministrativa'', con una maggiorantia assoluta allo comando e con obbiettivi quali la creatione della costitutione e dello sistema politico et amministrativo, in contrappositione a chella che sarà una novella ''respublica demokratica'' incentrata in la risolutione delli problemi plu pragmatici.
cos'l accadrâ? secondo Pertulli, in caso che lo previsto frationamento dello senato in multipli partiti deventi realtade, vi sarâ una scarsa se non assente stabilitade di goberno che costringerâ a cercar de contentare omnes et dialogare, et ciô raffortierâ la consuetudene vilupatesi con lo goberno Pietri de cercar de contentar tutti et evitar scontri tra la majorantia e la minorantia.
vediam dunque li partiti novelli che probabilmente supereranno la soglia de sbarramento:

-''Naturalmente'' [NAT] lo obietivo de codesto partito est la promotione de leggi favorevoli allo ambiente et defendere lo ambiente bistrattato fin-d'ora per favoreggiar lo sviluppo industriale.
con lo Gonfaloniere Pietri s'est visto uno declino de le traditionali attivitades economiche legate alla agricoltura et allevamento et un aument de attivitades economiche generali e industrie, c'han portato Justiza a sfuggir dallo giogo della crisi economica, ma tantanche enormemente danneggiato lo ecosistema uno tempo rioglioso.
NAT prende ad esemplio negativo la diga de Presciliacco; la diga abe ridotto la portata dello fiume Gulfìn danneggiando irreparabelmente la local flora et fauna.
lo partito prende supporto dalli tristi cittadini vicini allo loro territorio e vogliosi de vederlo splendido novamente.

-''Avanti'' [AVA], allo contrario, prendon voti dalli industriali et dalle piccole medieQue imprese et est stato creato par favorire la economia et proteggerla dalli possibili estremismi dello NAT, loro nemico giurato, et evitare uno eccessivo protetionismo che potrebbe, a dir dello fondatore, Achille Violetti, portare la natione a una nuova crisi economica.

-lo partito comunista justino [PCJ] unisce tutti li cittadini de sinistra che, scottati da alcune positioni dei DEM, si son decisi de dichiararsi chiaramente di sinistra; con la nascira del PCJ lo partito democratico ha perso i suoi voti di sinistra et est praticamente divenuto uno partito de centro-destra.
|The proclaimed resignation of the DEM governament have become effective and now new political forces are appearing, often in conflict with the former majority; so, will this be the end of this first part of our republican history? according to Nicomede Pertulli, renowed political expert, this first ''administrative republic'', with a wide majority concentrated in creating the constitution and develope a good political and administrative system, has come to an end and there will now be a ''democratic republic'' focused on more pragmatic issues.
what will happen? Pertulli says ''if the expected fractionation happens there will be a slight or even absent governament stability that will force to compromise and dialog, this will strengthen the consuetude of satisfy the minority and evoiding skirmishes, developed during Pietri's rule.
let's see the main candidates to pass the necessary percentage threshold to enter the senate:

-''Naturally'' [NAT] this party's objective is to promote environment-friendly laws and defend the envoirment, badly treated until now in favor of an industrial advancement.
with the Gonfaloniere Pietri it has been seen a decline of the traditional economic activities related to agricolture and breeding and a rise of enterprises and industries, which has led justiza to escape from the drak economic crisis, but also enormously damaged the ecosystem once luxuriant.
the NAT party takes the Presciliacco's dam as negative example; the dam reduced the water capacity of the 'Gulfìn' river damaging irreparably the local fauna and flora.
the party gathers supporters from the unhappy citizens close to their territory who want to see it splendid again.

-the ''Avanti'' [AVA] party, on the other hand, takes support from the big industrialists and small and medium-sized enterprises and has been created to favor the economy and protect the nation from a possible extremism from the NAT party, their declared enemy, and evoid an excessive environmental protectionism which could, according to the founder Achille Violetti, drive the nation to a new economic crisis.

-the justinian communist party [PCJ] unites all the left-leaning citizens that, upset about some DEM positions, decided to declare themselves clearly on the left; with the birth of the PCJ the Democratic party lost his left-leaning supporters becoming patically a center-right party


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
Risultati delle eletioni | Election results
unti sunt li rislutati definitivi delle eletioni allo senato della respublica,
de seguito li numeri:

acronimo - nome completo - percentuale de seggi - n° de senatori

AVA - Avanti - 27% - 81
NAT - Naturalmente - 25% - 75
DEM - Democratici - 21% - 63
ReM - Restauratori Monarchici - 14% - 42

PCJ - Partito Comunista Justino - 13% - 39
a seguito de una discussione unitaria delli eletti, li gruppi nello senato tali sunt:

NAT et PCJ salgono allo goberno uniti nella sî-chiamata alliantia ''polka'' con appoggio de ReM che si dichiara tuttavia independente da goberno et oppositione valuterâQue caso-per-caso.

AVA et DEM se dichiarano oppositione alla majiorantia

oppositione 48%

li Nationalisti Restauratori NaR non superano la soglia de sbarramento suntQue preclusi dallo senato com'anche li Nationalisti Justini NaJ

|The elecion results for the senate of the republic are now official,
here's the situation:

acronym - full name - percentage of seats - number of senators - translated name
AVA - Avanti - 27% - 81 - (forward)
NAT - Naturalmente - 25% - 75 - (Naturally)
DEM - Democratici - 21% - 63 - (Democrats)
ReM - Restauratori Monarchici - 14% - 42 - (Monarchy restorers)
PCJ - Partito Comunista Justino - 13% - 39 - (Justinian communist party)

After a discussion between the new elected senators the groups in the senate are these:
NAT and PCJ united in the so called ''Polka alliance'' have the governament with the support of the ReM which declare themselves independent from governament and opposition and will decide their vote on a case-by-case basis.

AVA and DEM declare themselves to be in the opposition.

opposition 48%

The Nationalists Restorers (NaR) and the Justinian Nationalists (NaJ) have not passed the percentage threshold to staymin the senate.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
------ooc: ok, the experiment is over, it takes too much time to write in english and in the other weird-old-italian-like language.------

A triumph for Alfredo Mia in Rocca Berlucci|Inside the evocative walls of the stronghold that names the nearby city and in the city itself took place the much awaited first edition of the national book festival of Rocca Berlucci, there were many writers and the streets were full of people, among the presentation of new books and lectures the participants were able to take a deep look in to the entire country's culture; in the last day was held the vote for the best book to which the ''Fulgere'' prize (which takes its name from the famous renaissance poet Luigi Fulgere first inhabitant of the island to get international interest) would have been awarded.
The titles proposed by the crowd were many but in the following outdoor discussion between the writers a book excelled, strongly supported by the public: ''S'est Marika'' by Alfredo Mia, which looks with an unusual point of view the historical and cultural evolution of the island, personifying it in the growth of a girl, Marika, named after Mia's daughter, passed away 6 years ago.
After the sunset began a spectacular fireworks display above the highest tower of the stronghold, even broadcasted by the television channels ERJ-1 and ERJnews, that stated the conclusion of the festival.
The major of Rocca Berlucci, Miclasio Bellomi, declared to be satisfied about the large participation at the event


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
It rains on Justiza|The vineyards of most of the island have been severely impacted by the prolonged period of heavy rains that hit the island in recent months, and with the approaching of the harvest there will be no way to recover.
''much of the grapes are rotten, and in some parts the grapes are still raw, it's a disaster'' says Bernardino Guglia, wine-making entrepreneur from the hill of Supramonte.

But the greatest damages occurred in the southern coast: in the town of Mezzanìa, which lies on a large triangular-shaped land delimited on the west by the Lake Mezza and for the rest from the two rivers that merge in the Maruzzi river, the rain has caused severe flooding and forced the mayor and his council to abandon the town hall to move temporarily in the museum of art ''Aristarco'', safe from water because elevated one meter from the ground. And in a village near Sergnano the river Fedele overflowed causing the death of an elder.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
About train safety
/After the train disaster happened in Eiffelland the justinian Senate started a debate over the safety of the rail transport, and following the details released by the eiffellandian authorities, the debate soon moved to the figure of the engine driver.
Senator Cioberto Ferrì of the party ''Avanti'' has proposed more strict quaifying examinations and psychological tests to avoid as much as possible a similar experience in our island. Besides that it was decided to establish a police corp that will check the readability of the signals and ensure safety of the rail lines of greater importance as the ''Mill'uopi'' and ''Buricco-Castel Zordano'' and the proper functioning of the locomotives.
There will also be an upgrade of the lines in the south coast to cope with the future possibility of a recurrence of this long rainy period, since now the service was suspended as a precaution
due to flooding and small landslides and replaced by the public transport company ''Berletta'' which offered to help the isolated municipalities.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
The GeNJ demands more funds
|The high commander of the ''Gendarmeria Nationale Justina'' (Justinian National Police) Bertrando Collavini has informed the Gonfaloniere Vilielmo Fiore and the press about an imminent national strike of the GeNJ corps, which demand an increase in the government funding.
The patience of the policemen run out after a ridiculous event that occurred a week ago in the suburbs of the capital city: a thief caught in action managed to escape the arrest by car, he was pursued for a kilometre but then the police car stopped working, leaving the policemen unable to capture the criminal.
Fiore at first has ironically said ''use the horses then'', but after a debate in parliament in which was scalded by the government allies he promised to consider the demands.
The misplaced joke of the Gonfaloniere even annoyed the President of the Republic that spoke about it as an unjust disrespect. This may just be the first crack in the fragile ''polka alliance''.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
Ubaldo Aureli considering to create overseas branches
|The entrepreneur Ubaldo Aureli is known everywhere in the country by now thanks to his successful publishing company and by his bookstore chain ''Librerie Aureli'' (Aureli Libraries).
His libraries are in every city of the island and small stores are easy to find also in the most important train stations and in the international airport of Furzillo, and now that the internal market is consolidated the company is considering to open brunches in other European countries; such a thing would give a great impetus to the national publishing industry.
According to Aureli the decision is imminent, meanwhile the whole country looks at him, hoping for the best.
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Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Ubaldo Aureli is of course welcome to open book stores in Eiffelland.

The Eiffellandian car industry is interested in helping out the Gendarmeria with respect to cars, VANs and trucks. We can also advice on the maintenance of the vehicles.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
Chaos in the senate
/After the passing of a law to reorganize and increase the funds to the army the stability of the senate started to tremble.
Tha law was made to help the international community in peacekeeping as justiza never had a real army to use on the ground, but to enforce it the Gonfaloniere had to ask support to the AVA party for his own party did not agree with his decision; now that NAT is shaken and divided, there's even the possibility of a dissolution while the AVA refuses to join the majority because of the communists of the PCJ. And while the instability grows the DEMs are getting back the public approval.
The situation is critical, at the moment the president of the republic is considering to start new elections.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
A dark night
|During the night half of Furzillo has been hit by a blakout that lasted for 4 hours. The autorities are still investigating but we have been informed that the cause was an incident in the south power substation.
Nothing happened in the city exept for a bit of anxiety.