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Ecclesia hodie -Dominican Catholic Church News

Aug 27, 2009
Archbishopric of Southkeep-on-Sea
Cornavian Lutheran Church

In the interests of ecumenical cooperation and the underlying causes of all Christianity, I wish to convey the desires of the membership of my church for a long life for the freshly appointed Stephanus IV.

The Lutheran Church is also hopeful that the new pope would be mindful of the needs of modern Christians to embrace ecumenicism in trying times where Christians everywhere are at odds with militant atheists and marxists.

John Pembleton,
His Excellency the Archbishop of Southkeep-on-Sea
Aug 28, 2009
Stephanus IV calls Cardinal Tattiglia to the Holy See

The pope has informed Cardinal Tattiglia he is expected in Dominici has the Holy See has made clear he is needed in the centre of Catholicsm.
Since Stephanus was elected, the administration is being reformed. It is to be expected Tattiglia will receive the presidency in one of the Congregations.
Tattiglia, now the leading figure in the Church of Ascalon, is known for his conservative theology, and his great involvement in trying to keep the faith free of heretic thougts.
The pope praised the cardinal as 'a reliable man never resting when there is still work to be done'.
Dec 25, 2007
OOC- I don't really want to kill the Pope anymore... I dont have the time.

Tattiglia has excepted the job offering and will be flown over to the Papal States ASAP.
Aug 28, 2009
OOC I'm awaiting the future, I know nothing about what happens or not happens, and I will take it as it comes, as said.
Aug 28, 2009
Troubles for missionaries in Mindhao.

The Congregation for the Clergy has written a letter to the missionaries of the Catholic Church in Mindhao. The government in Mindhao is making more and more problems about their presence in the country.

As we know, it is hard to leave what you love and to abandon the work that needs to be done. Nevertheless, in this critical situation, we cannot guarantee your safety.
Those who wish can stay, others can return home or contact the bishops in Shinhai if there is a task waiting for them.

Most of the missionaries are members of the mission society 'Les missionaires d'Escutte' (short: les Escuttiens), a society founded in 1862 by Father Julien Ferbiste, for the evangelisation of couuntries with a buddhist or eastern population. Ferbiste was a great promotor of adaptation to the local culture, starting from learning the language to dressing in local robes.

The home of the society in Pervisse-lez-Escutte holds a large archive with unique documents and photographs, including Mindhao, Sinhai and Vangala. The missionaries wrote studies about the local population and their way of life. They send photographes home wich were mainly used in local magasines to promote their work abroad.

On the photagraph: drawing of Father Jules Delafaille (1877), from the collection of the 'Escuttiens'.
Aug 28, 2009
UCDP faculty of theology gains respect

The Capitollium Journal and Review of Books has issued of ranking of universities throughout the world. The UCPD of the Papal States, the only university, isn't mentioned, except in the comments about the Royal University of Bordéu, Aquitania
"Despite still having the best-regarded theology faculty in the world, Bordéu has lost the top spot along with many fine scholars to the Papal States after the elevation of Alexandre Renard to the chair of St. Peter".

The theological department of the Université Catholique Pontificale Dominiquaine is happy with this flattering comment.
"To be compared with the university of Bordéu is an honour, and to stand in the comparison is an achievement", dean Jean Devreux said;

It is true pope Stephanus has favourised the theological studies since the beginning of his pontificate.

He has approved the 'modernistic' approach of the Bible, and in doing so a new wave of interest has gone through the old tomistic biblical studies. Especially the historic situations in which the Bible was written has been a major focus point. The new biblical science has stepped down from 'hineininterpretieren', from searching solutions for actual problems in the old texts; even if the context doesn't support the use of bible citations.

The study of church history and theological history has seen a greater interest since the Holy See has opened more archives to academics. This evolution started during the pontificate of Marcus Clemens II. Pope Stephanus has employed more staff in the papal archive and libraries.

The dogmatic theology has always been the most important part of theology at the UCPD. It still remains important, but the conservative Congregation for the Faith, only a few streets away from the university, has always kept close eyes on the movements in the department. The same thing can be said about the ethical theology, though some new academici seem to be less conservative.

At last, the study of liturgy and sacraments has improved, due to the achievements of Biblical and historical sciences. Two new studies about baptism and confirmation are fine examples of co-joined projects in the theological field.

Personal letter of pope Stephanus to the Catholics of Eiffelland

Pope Stephanus has issued a letter, to be read in all services next sunday.

Brothers and sisters,

Maybe the news about Prince Ludwig shocked you, maybe it didn't.
In both cases We want to address you about the matter.

1. Homosexuality has during the ages been rejected. This rejection has to be seen in the light of the culture. In a society based on the principles of procreation, homosexuality was a danger. The further existence of the tribe, village, nation was at stake if the birth rate dropped to low. In these times, this cultural fact has changed. Homosexuality became a reality within your nation and is widely accepted.

2. Cultural changes are therefor not changes for the better. Catholics, amongst others, have to considerate the changes and have to test them. If these changes imply a life of sin, they have to be rejected. The culture cannot dictate the moral life of a Catholic.

3. Committing a sin means there has been a choice. There was an opportunity to do right, but one has chosen to do wrong. Without the free choice, no sin can be committed. Not chosing, nevertheless, remains sinfull. Avoiding the choice, is sinfull. But where no alternatives are given, the sin doesn't exist.

4. Man has not yet uncovered, and will not uncover, the meaning and design of creation. In earlier days homosexuality was seen as unnatural. Though recent studies on the subject have shown clearly that those people who are attrackted to the same gender, do not have a choice. They are, from the beginning of their life, destinated to be homosexual. Therefor, the sin isn't there. They follow the path of life that was given to them.

5. We are aware one can say, indeed homosexuality is given by birth. But one can still choose to live his life as a homosexual. Wouldn't it be better to surpress it, or to remain single? We must answer, in the first case, no. We are designed to live the life truely, as we were created. Surpressing homosexuality would be a sin. It makes man not honest towards his creator and the people arround him.

6. As for staying single, this state of life is indeed most recommended, as St-Paul writes: 'those who have a woman, do not reject her; those who haven't, do not seek one". St.-Paul writes of staying single, for the Lord and in His service. This recommandation counts fo all, homosexual and otherwise.

7. Some are vocated to life together, "two will be one". This connection makes love almost touchable. Where two people love each other deeply and care for each other, the love of the Lord becomes present. To reject the the free chosen committement between two people is as rejecting the love. And Our Saviour is love.

8. The sacramental confirmation for this love, however, is only for the committement between man and wife. This is holy Matrimony, and cannot be confused with any other relationship. Therefor, a homosexual relationship isn't the same as a matrimony. It is totally different. So is the modern approach of couples living together, but not being married. This cannot be seen as an other kind of married status. The homosexual relationship is different, but not less or not more.

9. The homosexual relationship still needs the ethics of a lifelong committement. Love can only be lived where mutual respect florishes.

10. The sam-sex relationship implies a different ethics on sexuality. Sexuality in these relationship can evolve to passion alone, since the aspect of fertility isn't there. Sexuality should be an expression of love, and must avoid acts not in accordance to the Bible.

Brothers and sisters, We hope to have clearified some questions that may have risen.
Remember not to judge quickly, not to focus on hatred; but on mutual understanding and respect.
Support those who are in need of it. Support those who struggle with what life brings to them.
Do not stop loving eachother and above all, do not stop praising the Lord. May he bless you all.

Given in Dominici

(sign.) Stephanus.


Establishing Nation
Mar 2, 2010
UBN Special Report
Anti-Catholic demonstrations in Ahrakor erupt after Popes call for acceptance of homosexuality in Eiffelland leaks onto Internet

Demonstrations against Dominican Catholics were today staged outside of Our Sacred Lady of the East Church in Ahrakor, igniting religious tensions already setting the Buddhist and Hindu communities at odds with Christian communities in the area. The demonstrations were held in defiance of the Pope's recent calls for acceptance of homosexuality as an expression of God's love incarnate; many Buddhists have called this idea an abomination.

While many Hindus and Buddhists acknowledge the Christian message of acceptance, Sinhai has a hard fought battle with itself over the stigma against homosexuality, often viewed as the cause of AIDS and a generally selfish act.

"Giving in to desire, to this love and passion, is simply giving into temptation. Life isn't about having what you think you want, it's about understanding what you can live without, and doing so," stated a Buddhist monk observing the protest. "Homosexuality is selfish and baseless. Most homosexuals do not truly understand themselves, they say they want a man - but all they really want is a woman with a penis. Homosexuals are nothing if not lost on the path of life, they don't even know what they want, much less what they can live without."

Authorities are monitoring the protest to ensure that the demonstration does not become violent, and that neither the property nor individuals are damaged. It is not clear whether or not similar demonstrations will be held within the capital.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
Bishop of Yungdrung Gutsak

[Open letter.]

Your Holiness,

I write to you first with the intention of saluting the UCDP and the Royal University of Bordéu, Aquitania and expressing my hope of promoting academic exchange between your universities and the Capitollium in my own city. I have heard it said that these three, along with Katholische Universität in Köln, Eiffelland, are doing the most important work in Catholic theology in our region. I would be honored if the same thing reached your ears.

Speaking of Eiffelland, I have read your pastoral letter. It was very wise, and I am sure a welcome contribution to the national conversation.

Finally, we would look forward to an apostolic visit to Olmolungring to see our university, the Capitollium, and the fine cathedral in Yundrung Gutsak. In the realm of ecclesiology, we ought to discuss the Ecclesia Septentrionis, which in many ways functions as an autocephalous national Church but has not had its status officially confirmed since the 1500s. A visit from you would help me greatly, not least to bring the still extant Fratres militiæ Christi Oelariae under episcopal control!

Your servant,

Zebulon of Karlljón


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Schloss Charlottenburg
Trier, Eiffelland

On behalf of the Royal Family of Eiffelland, I want to thank His Holiness Pope Stephanus for the Episcopal Letter to the Catholics of Eiffelland, in which he adresses homosexuality. Of course we ourselves thought about this subject as well. This letter clarifies a lot for us. We were thinking along the same lines as were outlined in the Episcopal Letter. We see that our stances regarding homosexuality are in accordance with our belief in God.

I also want to make clear that Prince Ludwig has proven to be a very valuable member of human society. He is a boy with a very well-developed sense for justice and much interest in the world he lives in. He organised several charity events for the school he attends, and often thinks about and prays for the people in need in this world.

Albrecht IV von Dietz-Hadamar, King of Eiffelland

Joint statement by the Bishops of Eiffelland

We thank His Holiness Pope Stephanus for his Episcopal Letter. It will be read in all regular services to be held this weekend. There was a need for guidance in this matter, and guidance has been given. This will strengthen us in our belief and our ecclesiastic and spiritual work in Eiffelland and abroad.

Rudolph Strelecki, Archbishop of Weissenfels, Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastic Province South-Eiffelland, Primate of Eiffelland
Thorsten von Aschenbach, Archbishop of Köln, Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastic Province North-Eiffelland
Dieter Purzmann, Bishop of Trier
Horst Faber, Bishop of Lübeck
Joseph Meyer, Bishop of Weimar
Ernst-Casimir zu Attersee, Bishop of Emden
Kurt Feldheim, Bishop of Kaprun
Horst Bächler, Bishop of Aachen
Helmut Seifert, Bishop of Ingelheim
Kurt Mahler, Bishop of Bremen

Trier, Eiffelland

Homosexuality is and remains a controversial matter. The recent events in Arakhor, Sinhai, show that as well. I have to add to that conclusion that the remarks by the monk quoted in the UBN Special Report are vulgar to an extent that is unworthy to a monk. The Eiffellandian Government recently took some decisions regarding homosexuality to make the Eiffellandian Law in accordance with life in Eiffelland. We thank His Holiness Pope Stephanus for his Episcopal Letter, because it confirms that our views regarding homosexuality are right.

I also want to comment on the marriage for same-sex couples. In Eiffelland, and probably in many other countries, people in fact usually marry twice: Once before the State (civil marriage) and once before the Church (ecclesiastic marriage). These marriages have many juridical implications in common: Married people have to take care of each other, and matters about fathership are clarified from a juridical point of view.
However, there is one aspect that is not covered by the ecclesiastic marriage. Two people living together without a civil marriage are not considered family members by the Eiffellandian Law. This has implications for many situations, most importantly for inheritance matters. With opening the civil marriage to same-sex couples, we reached two goals: Same-sex couples became equal to opposite-sex couples before the Eiffellandian Law, also equalling out legislation around inheritances, and we sent out the political message that the Eiffellandian Government treats homosexuals as equal to heterosexuals.
Civil marriage and ecclesiastic marriage are two distinct entities. What the Eiffellandian law stipulates concerning the civil marriage in Eiffelland, does not have consequences to the ecclesiastic marriage. The latter is decided upon in Dominici, not in Trier.

Also we would like to invite His Holiness Pope Stephanus for an apostolic visit to Eiffelland. That visit will also have the character of a state visit.

Matthias Graf von Seydewitz, Chancellor
Aug 28, 2009
Thoughts on the statement of the archbisshop of Paris

by Cardinal Tattigla, president of the Congregtion for the faith

Firstly, the letter is issued towards Eiffellandian Catholics. Though it is an apostolic letter it is clearly meant for a special part of the world. Not everywhere the guidelines of this letter are applicable.

Secondly, an apostolic letter has to be read carefull by the bishops of the world, so they can give comments. The Holy See is very interested about what is thought on the issue in their bishoprics. The archbishop has clearly done what is to be seen as his task.

Thirdly, what the Archbishop declares is a interest for clear distinction between canon law and 'secularist culture'. Well, the Pope thinks rejecting people is a catalysator for secularism. The Church has to guide and to welcome its children.

Fourthly, His Holiness states there is a difference between a holy matrimonium and a relationship. The first one is only a committement between man and wife. He also warns for a sexuality against biblical rules. In this matter he tells what the Church always has been teaching.

Lastly, the unity in the Church is a result of the committement of the Church to Dominici. The Archbishop does not dispute this committement. We know him as a responsable and hard working man.

Thoughts on the anti-catholic demonstrations

By Cardinal L'Evasseur, president of the Congregation for the Clergy

In some cities demonstrations against catholics occured. This is nothing more than blind hatred, inspired by anti-catholic sentiments of religious groups of even governments. If i was not this letter towards Eiffellandian Catholics, it would have been something else.

Pope Stephanus greets and blesses those persecuted catholics with the most of respect. They are the living example the message can be whiped out by thos who oppress the Divine Word. On this day we pray: Christus vincit, regnat et impereat!

Pope accept invitations for visits

The pope gladdly willl accept the invitation to visit Eiffelland ad the city of Olmolungring. The first one would be a state visit, the second one a working visit to the university of Capitollium. The pope is de jure dean of the university of dominici.

Stephanus IV has as well expressed intentions to visit his native country Aquitania and Gorno-Altai in the near future. Surprisingly, Vangala is on the list for a visit sometime, though the relationships between Vangala and the Papal States are still in the fridge.

After his letter to Eiffelandian Caholics, this intention to visit vangala makes it seem
pope Stephanus wants to open doors that were closed for decades now.
Aug 3, 2008
Personal Letter to the Pope

Your Eminence,

I wish to convey my admiration and support for the views and conviction you expressed in your letter to the the Catholic community of Eiffelland. Your words show a courage to address a subject which has been taboo for too long, a subject that many still are unconfortable even admitting of its existance of something that has become a fact of life, preferring the out of sight, out of mind, or the don't ask, don't tell, approach so they do not have to deal with the subject. Though there are those with small minds that will condemn you for your views, do not let it discourage you, as it is they who will one day be judged for their bigotry.

Ranjit Singh II
Maharajah of Khalistan