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Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
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The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Worship
The Kingdom of Arcadia
Lady Seraphina Underwood
Southern Constituent Republics
Elephant and Castle

Dear President Underwood:

The Kingdom of Arcadia, under the Hand and Seal of the Congress of Arcadia and the Royal Senate with the Blessings of His Majesty, King Joseph IV, completely and unequivocally condemns the passage of the Emergency Executive Security Powers Act. It shall stand, forever, as a stain on the governance of the Southern Constituent Republics and the entirety of the Engellexian Republic.
Its provisions to disband the constitutional normalcy of the nation and replace it with the exclusive power of the President is a display of the ever-constant descent of Republics into a dictatorship with the centralization of power to one individual under the false pretenses of security.
Additionally, the unique provision that allows the President to form militias can only be seen as a clear and present threat to the Kingdom of Arcadia and its sovereignty. This is a veiled threat that the Engellexian Republic will continue its archaic, jingoistic, and xenophobic attitude to ever expand its border and enforce its atheist law upon the God-fearing people of the Kingdom.
It is the sincere and unending hope of the Kingdom that President Underwood will commit herself to the peace that has existed between our two nations for centuries, but it is the unrelenting promise of the Kingdom to defend its sovereign, its people, freedom, and faith.

Lord Winston Wellington
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffelland

We consider the formation of militias in the So.C.R.E.R. an internal matter of the So.C.R.E.R. Apparently the So.C.R.E.R. fears that the Tiburan Faith is a threat to the Human Commodity System. Well, if the people from the So.C.R.E.R. are so devotedly attached to their system of slavery in disguise, go ahead. However, do it in such a way that the stability of the region is not jeopardized.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
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1st JANUARY 2018

Annual address during time of the Lord of Misrule

This day at 10 o'clock, in the presence of the Senate, and the Bare Commons of the Engellexian Republic Congress assembled, on invitation, at the Duke of Clarence Naval College of Hammersmith, and in the presence of a large concourse of citizens and strangers, the LORD PROTECTOR of the Engellexian Republic, delivered the annual Lord of Misrule Address.

As I stand at the gate of the year, it is a custom born from my few predecessors with humility, and fervently to beseech the kind citizens of the Engellexian Republic of your gracious wisdom that I may possess the light to tread safely into the unknown, to prolong our shared and affectionately cherished First Republic the blessings of our liberty; by extraordinary conditions we must, rather differently, with utmost reverence and resignation contemplate the dispensations of Misfortune in the alarming and destructive pestilence which several of our metropolises and towns have been visited so terribly, so much so, that I can not be moved to the sentiments of gratitude and extended congratulations, for the malady that has afflicted the most humble of Europe's capitals, our town of Dulwich, does not disappear, a condition quite serious that I have decreed the Council of the Republic to assemble, here, for our new seat of Government, so as to safely discharge our most important of duties, here - in Hammersmith, where I do address you all.

One must reflect, as many of you do quite regularly, on this disabling disorder that has for too long ravaged, rather fatally, a few of our most principal metropolises and towns, with increased malignancy; and when we do reflect, we must be considerate of the magnitude in which evils do arise from the unfortunate interruption of our public and private enterprise, whereby the Republic interests are deeply affected. The tradition and custom of our festival, the time of the Lord of Misrule, to address the conditions of our society, the Angelli-Lexen civilisation, and perceive it from the rank and class that we, ourselves do not possess, and be moved by the spirit of the Lord of Misrule to be forgiving and be generous, I have arrived at these sincere sentiments :- I believe it my duty to respectfully invite the Lords, Ladies, and the Gentlemen of the Engellexian Republic Parlament - Senate and Bare Commons - to examine the most patriotic of tasks, in forgiving the poor and the wretched - our fellow citizens - of the Misfortune that they not know they invite upon themselves and us all; and of examining the expediency of establishing suitable financial estimations for the progressive regulation of public health in the respective metropolises and towns of the Republic.

As we all become mindful and enlightened to the calamity and do find sympathy with the immediate, and unfortunate sufferers, I should remind you all that we do have abundant reason to present to one and another our annual expressions of gratitude for our most liberal, and progressive civilisation, a blessing and beacon for Europe, where too many remain unenlightened and shackled to hideous ideological constructs, of the grandest fiction, and to the cruelties of political barbarity. When one does consider the traditional subjects of gratitude, one can not omit to include that of the first importance to our well being and safety; I do mean to say that spirit, most splendid, seen to have quite arisen in our humble Republic against the mischief and unsporting character of foreign Powers. A thoroughly robust and jolly feeling - sentiment of national honour, dignity, and independent determination has been seen, which, by the surest encouragement and invigoration of your leader among equals, your Lord Protector, Myself, will we all be fortified with the confidence and purity of heart and mind to acknowledge, utterly undismayed, the corrupt and aggressive enterprises of any foreign Power, and to lay the deepest of foundations for a great prosperity and greatness of glory yet to be realised by our most humble Republic.

Most penetrated with this sentiment, I, the Viscount Walter Drake, Admiral-General of the Republic, and Lord Protector of the Engellexian Republic, do recommend to you all, citizens and strangers of the Republic, to observe these two weeks commenced, from the 25th day of December to the 7th day of January, as our time with the Lord of Misrule - where they may reign - and to partake with a possession of spirit that should see our Republic united, together in sincere and hearty gratitude for the manifold and signal mercies which distinguish our lot as a civilisation, particularly for our jealously guarded constitutions of Government, established in our moment of liberty, for our continued advancement and progression as a civilisation. Receive the greatest pleasures in your established festive habits of intoxicity, disorder, immorality, and impiety, and I do impart all the blessings I do, and we possess, to you, your family, the whole of the Angelli-Lexen civilisation.

The Lord Protector announced to the assembled Lords, Ladies, and the Gentlemen, following his televised address, that in the spirit and tradition of the Lord of Misrule time, the generosity of his person shall be seen to be set to the values of an additional 144 billion for public health services throughout the Republic, and an additional 64 billions for the men and women of the Republic Navy, Republic Air Force, and the Republic Armies.*

[[*The time of the Lord of Misrule is one of generosity, but above all - Misrule. The sums announced are one-off allocations for the year 2018, the next Lord of Misrule address shall be accompanied by different acts of generosity; the sums announced equate to a doubling of health spending, and a doubling of military personnel appropriations.]]


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Sovereignty of Chernovy
Суверенитет Чернова
Suverenitet Chernova

Официальная дипломатическая переписка

Office of the High Commissioner for [the] Chernomorskiy Extraterritorial Zakon in Hammersmith, Sovereignty of Chernovy;

On behalf of the Sovereignty - the Regency Council, Rada and the People - of Chernovy, it is my pleasure and duty-bound obligation to welcome this move, in the most literal sense, on the part of the Lord of Misrule, and further to extend my own most gratitude to His Excellency, the Viscount Walter Drake, Admiral-General of the Republic, and Lord Protector of the Engellexian Republic for the opportunity to be in personal attendance for this momentous occasion. Though it may be the merest of coincidences, this Office finds it most and particularly convenient and pleasing to know that the execution of my duties and obligations to the Sovereignty, League and Republic might be more easily and efficiently fulfilled by virtue of this development, given the proximity of [the] Chernomorskiy* within the bounds of greater Hammersmith. Beyond these meager words, I can say no more than that I hope my days in the Office will be long indeed, to enjoy the fruits of those labors over which we have for long labored in common. With these, and all my most sincere and warmest adoration and regards,

Граф Даврентий Афанасий Эпраксин
Graf Davrenty Afanasy Epraksin,
High Commissioner for [the] Chernomorskiy Extraterritorial Zakon in Hammersmith,
Sovereignty of Chernovy

*Black Borough, as is the acceptable translation of the term. Of note also, the term 'Zakon' is translatable as 'Legation.'

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
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Manifest does it appear to us that the greater portion of external influence will soon be lost to the Engellexian Republic, if the establishment on which she has hitherto maintained diplomatic relations be not completely reformed. We are strangely too much accustomed to hear from official persons, harangues upon the interests of Gallian-Germanian peace and prosperity, and the interests and rights of alliances foreign to the First Republic, as distinguished from those of the Republic and her citizens; and, unfortunately such language has been employed with most frequency in relation to those classes and portions of the Republic's citizens, who are from circumstances most prone to look with jealousy at the spirit in which the interests of Gallia-Germania are maintained - we mean the free inhabitants of the Engellexian Republic belonging to the working and middle classes.

There is another piece of nonsense often in fashion with those who have to take great care of our relations most foreign, and among them we do not hesitate to comprehend the members of both the Bare Commons and the Senate of the Engellexian Republic Parlement, as well as the public servants in various and much numerous departments and ministries, that phrase once so prevalent in respect to what is now considered First Republicanism - the interests of Europe. We have to say upon this subject, one and for all, that the interests of Gallian-Germanian peace may be very good, very noble things, and the interests of continental prosperity very precious interests indeed, and of Europe a prodigiously endearing epithet, but that if we go on to tell woman and man of our working and middle classes - Northern and Southern - that their interests are to be postponed on all occasions to those of Gallia-Germania, and its prosperity, and to Europe wholly - their complaints and particular interests disregarded, and their grievances abroad, whether real or imaginary, not redressed, the citizens will inevitably answer, if not in words at least by their actions - why then we must take the first opportunity of establishing for common selves a system of diplomatic engagement, under which our national interests will obtain as they ought, a preference over those of a distant and foreign power.

The First Republic's foreign relations have for some years past been overseen in a way which has provoked a great deal of that spirit of alienation and resentment. We are far from affirming that the intention of the Foreign Affairs Joint Committee, the Engellexian Republic Parlement, or her diplomatic officers and servants, was to oppress the common woman and man in what were considered to be their collective interest, or to retard the improvement of the Engellexian Republic and its prosperity in Europe. But we think it quite obvious that an unhappy mixture of legislative ignorance with the influence of haughtiness generally permitting in the upper classes, and a vulgar and excited determination of our diplomatic officers to indulge in their abundant measure of privilege afforded by office, have produced throughout the Northern and Southern Constituent Republics, the effects that would have arisen from systematic misgovernment, and have raised such a general feeling of disaffection towards foreign affairs, as nothing but the want of immediate opportunity prevents from showing itself in an undisguised revolt.

It was not by any means too soon that his Mightiness the Lord Protector, and the Council of the Republic, considered the integrity and position of our foreign affairs, and was moved to immediately de-establish the Engellexian Republic from diplomatic engagement throughout Europe pending a most serious report on the redress of Engell grievances abroad and the defence and promotion of such interests certainly Engellexic. The report appears to the Liberty Hammer, if acted upon by the Engellexian Republic Parlement, to have laid the grounds of such a system of concession towards First Republicanism, as will not fail to produce, eventually, the happiest consequences on the temper of woman and man, working and middle classes, Northern and Southern, and on the progress, comfort and prosperity of the First Republic.

The report has made it public that the kind of reform necessary in this department of the public service is terribly revolutionary in its approach to establishing and maintaining foreign relations, and a certainty in its application of being Republic first. It is partly personal, a majority matter of organisation. There are embassies whose removal is imperatively called for on account of their inefficiency or absence of sufficient Engell interest in that particular nation; a great number have had the rank and status of their mission questioned. In other areas the report stresses care ought to be taken for the future that none but competent persons are appointed to diplomatic offices. But even these considerations and precautions will be insufficient unless the Engellexian Republic Parlement codifies regulations on which foreign relations - their establishment maintenance - are weighed against and decided. The main object of such reforms recommended within the report would be to re-organise the continents of Gallia-Germania and Scania in a system fit for the interest and political and economic occupation of the Engellexian Republic in that quarter of Europe, and to sufficiently inform foreign governments a preferred method for proceeding in respect of diplomatic relations with the Engellexian Republic Parlement and his Mightiness the Lord Protector. By a judicious subordination of Consuls-General and Consuls to Lord Commissioners - a reformed and most senior diplomatic rank of the Engellexian Republic in place of, and due to abandonment of ambassador in particular regions of Europe - the department for this public service might to a limited extent be perceived approvingly with a view for economy, but also to the efficiency and spirit of its dedication to the interest of the First Republic abroad.

The re-organisation of Gallia-Germania and Scania is recommended as described :-

High Commission of the Engellexian Republic in Seaguard (Gunnland) (for Northern Germania and Scania)
Consulate-General of the Engellexian Republic in Dun Eidyn (Caledonia)
Consulate-General of the Engellexian Republic in Lumina (Warre)

Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Caladbolg (Ivernia)
Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Eschenbach (Elben)
Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Keararzhel (Montroulez)

High Commission of the Engellexian Republic in Tremere (Borovanger) (for Gallia)
Consulate-General of the Engellexian Republic in Chagny (Bourgogne)
Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Racow (Geotri)
Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Villesen (Serenierre)
Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Dinasanu (Gallega)
Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Marsilia (Occitania)

High Commission of the Engellexian Republic in Tyachiy (Ruthenia-Galicia) (for Southern Germania)
Consulate-General of the Engellexian Republic in Trier (Eiffelland)
Consulate-General of the Engellexian Republic in Altburg (Retalia)

Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Hallein (Carinthia-Harkany)
Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Banja Luka (Crotobaltislavonia)
Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Amstov (Trivodnia)
Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Midweis (Bergenheim)

High Commission of the Engellexian Republic in Lonbrig (Gedeland) (for Western Scania)
Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Nidaros (Jydermark-Ostveg)
Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Markstad (Gouw Marken)

Embassy of the Engellexian Republic in Rurikgrad (Kadikistan)

High Commission of the Engellexian Republic in Rouadi Unrecognised (Magna Riseberge) (for Northern Thaumantic Area)
Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Kirkdown Unrecognised (Arthalan)

High Commission of the Engellexian Republic in Maseru Unrecognised (Loago) (for Southern Thaumantic Area)
Consulate of the Engellexian Republic in Port Arcadia Unrecognised (Alexandras)

The diplomatic missions listed represents the highest status to be established in each nation or territory.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
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FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018



A session of Parlement must be barren indeed, which does not produce some measure, by which it may be distinguished from others. Of the acts of of this session, if a discrimination be made among several, that concerning the Thaumantic Navigation, as it is entitled, but which might be more appropriately called an act to countervail the selfish principles of Gallian-Germanic imperialist policy may be pronounced the most important.

It does not, it is true, interweave itself with the sensitivity of every quarter of the European community by its application to the immediate interest of the First Republic; but it is a decided experiment to raise from a feeling depression that interest of our Republic, which, so long as we remain a free, civilised nation of the Thaumantic, it is important to cherish and support. It is in vain to look for universal and enduring peace in Europe. Not the alliance of Gallian-Germanic nations of Trier can secure it; for they are too long sober and without ambition, their jealousies and rivalships, some mutual, could only inspire the mere redecoration of one's pantry in quiet contemplation at a stronger, more prosperous neighbour; their bonds in which they are now voluntarily united by would not sustain European peace, an object they themselves are too embarrassed to seek. Not the spreading of socialist principles and the Pact they are entangled to, because revolutions, which they engender, are rarely without blood and self-consuming violence of the lowest barbarity. Not the multiplication of peaceful civilisations; because the most just and peaceful have no true reliance for safety, but in the principle of self defence. The safest protection for a nation is its ability to repel aggression; and, where it is most vulnerable, it should be best guarded.

It is the policy of this nation, therefore to protect the navigation of the Thaumantic Ocean that, if the occasion unfortunately recur, it may find, in the seapeople reared in its nursery, the capable means of manning the ships of war we possess and will soon possess. In this view, abstracted from its anticipated beneficial effect on the commercial intercourse between the Engellexian Republic and Europe, the act concerning navigation of the Thaumantic, in connection with the recent existing acts of the same tendency, is of serious importance.

There are those, we know, who are conscientiously prejudiced against everything which looks to an increase of our military, but particularly the Republic Navy, as not only the means, but as a provocation for war. We are, with those who reason thus, unequivocally the friends of peace, with its train of comforts and of blessings; we are opposed to war with its cancerous pageants, patronage and horrors. Europe continues to be made and unmade without us, and we must adapt our measures, with an honest forecast, not to what we wish, or hope, but to what we cannot help, of which sooner or later occurring, not a moral certainty.

So liberal provision was then made, for a gradual increase of the Republic Navy:- a second schedule of aircraft carrier construction approved, furnishing the Navy with six Gogmagog- class warships on full completion; one additional amphibious assault ship; one additional amphibious command ship; two additional amphibious transport docks; one additional dock landing ship; nine additional attack submarines; two additional cruisers; twenty-three additional destroyers; seventeen additional frigates; one additional mine countermeasure vessel; and three-hundred-thirty-six additional strike fighter aircraft.

The appropriation bills previously made for the support of the military and its establishments, increasing defence estimates to $192 billions, for the present do contain many provisions for building additional and new facilities, for improving navy yards and shipbuilding yards, the repairs of the Republic's warships, which show, that the Engellexian Republic Parlement have the means and courage, to retire policy which dictated former austerity estimates for the Republic Navy.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
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Elephant & Castle's Principal Newspaper Since 1825

The First Republic always knows how to bide its time and wait for its chance to take its innings.

Ever since last year when Serenierre nearly succeeded in involving itself in a serious quarrel with the First Republic during the liberation of Andraca and the Seven Days War, the First Republic has been on the lookout for an opportunity to address its concerns with the Continental Power of Revolution and Fiction. The First Republic and the Engellosphere are not quite at the point of realizing difference on Post-Delegationism, if any be, but they are agreed as to Serenierre, and there is no telling how the matter will end.

It is not believed that the concern is of very serious import. It will, however, teach that Gallian State that a nation, even an arguably minor one, which takes liberties, assumes responsibilities. Serenierre has not been too kind, and before a measurement of its worth can be taken, Thaumanticans are asking each other just: why the sudden spasm of good feeling between Serenierre and Auraria - and the Two Kingdoms, and Friuli, and Neustria, and Gunnland, and Nicosia, and Azraq? Those proposals for trade, immigration, and politics, putting into operation between these nations the principle and equal quality of that moral tone that governs the Serazinist character.

At any other time what pangs of jealousy Aurarians would experience at the mere rumoured suggestion of their friends, the Sereniens fraternizing with wizard-fearing Fictionals in Gunnland. But now it seems to be in the air that Gallia-Germania and Scania have discovered themselves to be homogeneous - one family united against some distant foe. Where is that foe? Is it over where the Colours of the Republic float with a too protecting flutter over the Thaumantic, not alone and apart, but with and alongside those of the Engellosphere?

It is the test of the Engellosphere.

Thus may be expressed the thought which has been in all Thaumantican minds during the last week. Inspired by the unexpected voice of the Engellachian and Cussian Governments, while the Sereniens eye up the wealth across the Thaumantic and her leashed desperadoes grovel for an appointment on the Tour of the Regions (2019). There has been a distinct revival of spirits since the Long Sea Crisis, noting the feeling in the Southern Constituent Republics that Gallia-Germania, Scania and Himyar had gained no more than temporary support as a result of questionable diplomacy.

The Southern feeling is mainly engendered by the cordial attitude of Serenierre and Auraria toward each other on most matters prior, and certainly since. Officialdom is still uncommunicative, but the media echoes public sentiment when it now sees in the friendly overtures of Serenierre a disposition to have all of Gallia-Germania, Scania and Himyar join it in making use of the opportunity to see whether the Engellosphere will stake all in support of its contention that the Thaumantic Horizon is for Thaumantican nations only.

With characteristic imperiousness many Sereniens are already anticipating the additionally organized support of governments Aurarine, Friulian, Neustrian, Gunnish, and likely Jysk-Austwegian. Never before has the deep hatred of the Engellosphere, for its Thaumantic Horizon, by the mass of Revolutionary, Fictional, Monarchist tribes been so clearly illustrated.

Little else is talked about though, of course, in diplomatic circles there is an appearance of serene ignorance that anything unusual is going on.


Established Nation
Sep 8, 2018
A city rated more dangerous than Venezuela, MD
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Office of the Press Minister
Your nation continues to shoot itself in the foot. Yay though it doesn't have to remain this way. The Great Southern Kingdom of Justosia has been attempting friendship with your mainland for sometime now. We have literally been on the front lines as a vanguard against the Red Menance.

Yet you turn your proverbial nose up. Engellex must abandon its blind, sad bigotry & realize the truth. Faith, righteous, healing, divine Christian faith is the true Governor of Europe. We respectfully advise your government also to stop its dastardly discrimination against faithful in your own nation as well.

We look forward to the day we can be allies.

Felipe Alejandro
Royal Palace Press Minister


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Streng geheim — Segretissimo — Top secret

Kanzleramt — Ufficio di Cancelliere
Trier, Eiffelland-Retalien — Eiffellandia-Retalia

To: Northern President Anne Siward

Dear Mrs. President,

Not complete Gallo-Germania is willing to follow Serenierre. We would like to show you that we can be a good and reliable partner on the international stage, even if we are in our own way religious as well. Our constitutional freedom of religion also includes the freedom not to believe, by the way.

Roland Rheinfeld, Chancellor

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
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Office of the Press Minister
Your nation continues to shoot itself in the foot. Yay though it doesn't have to remain this way. The Great Southern Kingdom of Justosia has been attempting friendship with your mainland for sometime now. We have literally been on the front lines as a vanguard against the Red Menance.

Yet you turn your proverbial nose up. Engellex must abandon its blind, sad bigotry & realize the truth. Faith, righteous, healing, divine Christian faith is the true Governor of Europe. We respectfully advise your government also to stop its dastardly discrimination against faithful in your own nation as well.

We look forward to the day we can be allies.

Felipe Alejandro
Royal Palace Press Minister

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Much as I have been alarmed, and have had to regret the opinions avowed, and the conduct pursued by the Ministers of your country, particularly while headed by the inbreeding of False Princes who preside over the administration of government and people without genuine qualification, yet I confess that I have never felt an equal degree of alarm to that which the sentiments you have just uttered have excited in the minds of the First Republic.

I should hope that you did not speak seriously. If you did; if you really and deliberately hold such sentiments, I must say that I consider the Government of Justosia as maintaining principles the most alarming that has ever been heard, in modern times, promulgated in Europe, and such as I could scarcely suppose it possible that any woman or man who imagined the citizens of the First Republic, retained any degree of regard for their liberties, would venture to declare without suffering a mental injury.

If the doctrines which he has today avowed, be those upon which the Government of Justosia means to act in future, and if they should obtain authority sufficient to carry them into effect, melancholy indeed is the prospect for your country.

The First Republic cannot see less the necessity for the proposition of the Justosian Government, and it will always be stated again upon similar propositions in the course of our - the Thaumantic Civilization's existence, that there will not ever be seen an adequate necessity for toleration of Fiction.

It can only ever be reasonably and happily put, by the First Republic, the question which naturally suggests itself to our minds, and which the Justosian Government has very properly demanded today, namely of what consequence is the Fiction and Monarchy of Justosia, if the Rightist Civilizations of Europe be Atheist and Free? Certainly, the consequence is not such as to warrant the abandonment of liberty and independence in the First Republic; and I never imagined that any woman or man would have the courage to assert to us that it was.

But the Government of Justosia has exceeded our expectation. In the whole progress of your hostility to freedom, and the independence of the First Republic, never have you uttered anything so dangerous and alarming as it has been heard from you today. Never has the Government of Justosia attempted to take so great a stride before.

Last edited:


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Embassy of Serenierre in Hammersmith
The Republique Séraziniste is simply committed to improving communication between a broad spectrum of nations across the world. In an increasingly interconnected world, diplomatic engagement is important and necessary for all nations. To infer any other meaning to Serenien foreign policy initiatives is counterproductive.

The Villesen Government has always looked at the Thaumantic and the wider Engellosphere as an important global paradigm and has accorded it the due respect it deserves. The hyperbolic reporting in the news media is wholly disconnected from reality.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
Streng geheim — Segretissimo — Top secret

Kanzleramt — Ufficio di Cancelliere
Trier, Eiffelland-Retalien — Eiffellandia-Retalia

To: Northern President Anne Siward

Dear Mrs. President,

Not complete Gallo-Germania is willing to follow Serenierre. We would like to show you that we can be a good and reliable partner on the international stage, even if we are in our own way religious as well. Our constitutional freedom of religion also includes the freedom not to believe, by the way.

Roland Rheinfeld, Chancellor


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The Council of the Republic is agreed with you in negativing that impression, to suggest a unifying and whole spirit permeated the continent of Gallia-Germania per the political interest and design of the Serenien Government. Those considerations are reasonably and measurably out of the view of the First Republic in the present instance.

It has not been denied nor attempted to deny, that Engello-Eiffellander relations presented a favourable situation from which to assist and encourage, not exclusively, the efforts and interests of the Engellexian Republic, but also favourable and reasonable nations. Objections within the Republic to policies and measures for adoption by the Council of the Republic, had always been, that the proceeded engaging of Gallia-Germania with that view had been quickly departed from; that instead of keeping Engellexic policy in a concentrated state, in a preferable situation, and at all times applicable to considerations which might be undertaken with a good prospect of diplomatic achievement, the energies of the Republic had been divided, and diverted to unhelpful, or worse than unhelpful affairs upon the continent.

But it is not the intention on this occasion to enter into the consideration of the historical proceedings of the Republic upon the continent, as opportunities for the discussion of those matters would at other times present themselves. It might instead, undoubtedly, be the occasion for the question on whether it was desirable to re-evaluate the political presence of the Engellexian Republic within your respective capital, having been left without sufficient and appropriate authority and representation of the Republic, diplomatically, as consequence of prior events.

In the present situation of affairs in Gallia-Germania, it is an undeniably prudent policy of the Engellexian Republic to concentrate much of its concerned energies on the improvement of Engello-Eiffellander relations.



Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Streng geheim — Segretissimo — Top secret

Kanzleramt — Ufficio di Cancelliere
Trier, Eiffelland-Retalien — Treviri, Eiffellandia-Retalia

To: Lady Anne Siward, Countess Siward, President of the NoCRER

Dear Mrs. President,

We are very rejoiced at your wish and intention to establish a diplomatic representation in Trier. It is also our wish and intention to do so in Engellex. We think that our respective countries, as well as the world as a whole, can benefit from good relations between the First Republic and Eiffelland-Retalia. We look forward to intensify the relations between our respective countries.

Roland Rheinfeld, Chancellor

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
Foreign Ministry, Nicosia

It is a sad experience to watch individuals fail to understand what neutrality means.

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It must be said, that with respect to that part of the article belonging to the Camden Courier publication which regarded the relations, or so asserted neutrality, between Nicosia and Serenierre, it is felt entirely supportive of that author and their sources, for plainly and correctly expressing, kindly, the sentiments of the First Republic.

I sympathize with the Nicosian Government in their finding it was very difficult to acknowledge and concur with the subject of the article, seeing that very little would be approved other than a sweeping congratulation on the results, that may be counted, of the questionable and quite shallow policy pursued by Nicosia in every event of difficulty in the region.

It is thought, on the one hand, that the policy which your government professed to adopt towards all matters Serenierre - Gallia-Germania, was, from the outset, very little suited to the high and energetic tone which every other country ought to, and had to, assume for themselves in all matters; and on the other, it could not be helped thinking that the conduct of the Nicosian Government, in the manner of their proceeding to adhere to their intended policy, had been most insincere and unworthy of the definitions of neutrality to begin with.

It could not be persuaded otherwise, that the course taken by the Government of Nicosia has always been a hostility to the interests and policies of the First Republic. Your government is regularly exposed, in consequence, to the concerns of every friend of liberty, and to the monotonous applause of those powers who had, unfortunately, triumphed against the freedoms of Gallia-Germania. The result had been as injurious to the interests of the First Republic, as to those of Gallia-Germania; it could not but be deeply lamented, that Gallia-Germania had been allowed to fall without so much as a word from the Government of Nicosia.

Gallia-Germania was not ruined by the actual hostility of your country, of course, but by being, as the First Republic perceives it to have been, deceived by the hollow professions of neutrality which were held out by your Fictionalist government.


((The Southern Secretary is referencing the Order of St. Basil as an asserted neutral party; Nicosia welcoming Serenien Prime Minister to address common concerns; Nicosia dismissing the RSCO findings in favour of an investigation by the Order of St. Basil; anti-drug laws; the position of the Order of St. Basil within Nicosia.))

Holy Frankish Empire

Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Office of the Grandmaster

The flowery and objectively hostile tone of the Engellexian government is truly disappointing. The Order of St. Basil operates over 300 clinics and charitable hospitals worldwide. Additionally, the Order operates numerous schools, homeless shelters, and soup kitchens. The Order is committed to its mission in the service of Christ. Likewise, Nicosia remains committed to its mission of neutrality. As Lord Durant must be aware, neutrality requires the engagement of all parties and the exercise of diplomatic action. Lord Durant is welcome to visit Nicosia at his leisure and the Nicosian government would be happy to engage with him on common interests and goals.

Kind regards,
Grandmaster Philippe de Cassiere