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Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Office of the Interim Government

RIGHTFUL GOVERNMENT OVERTHROWN, with the erstwhile reigning Duke of Bourgogne returning to his homeland at the head of an army

Duke Maximilien has returned with no army. The Duke arrived in Bourgogne with 8 people and traveled to the capital with 9. Hardly an army. Furthermore, the Duke has returned at the request of a majority of the people's representatives.

Mayor Brodeur
Acting Prime Minister


Establishing Nation
Apr 16, 2007
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Scucato ad Etnae
7 Mnai (ღ) — Línua i Satíua — Argoculc et Taorcsos — Oít Etnaea
Marsaín 17u, 1954

KORISACULC METALWORKER'S UNION DROPS CAP ENDORSEMENT, with the closing of the Korisaculc Taorha foundry, the oldest and among the largest smelting and refining compounds in the country, leaving thousands unemployed. Citing supposed promises made by local CAP representatives to keep the plant open, the Metalworker's Union has banded together with several other local labor organizations to abandon the party. "We could have accepted if they'd tried and failed," said a Union spokesperson, "but neither Volca nor Celtiga even bothered to try and deliver. We can't live with that." Indeed, during recent Congusaxa's Scucosaxa (defense committee) hearings regarding self-sufficiency and domestic industry, neither senator was in attendance despite being scheduled to testify on the behalf of the Taorha foundry. Though no official confirmation has been given, it's expected that the endorsement will now likely go to either the PIP or the LIV, both of whom have previously expressed interest in providing subsidies to local industries. Either way, the loss of funding and votes from the Metalworker's Union and assorted other labor groups in Korisaculc is expected to be a heavy blow to the CAP, which had previously prided itself upon maintaining a very good relationship with unions and in maintaining steady employment rates.

TYTHEAN LEADERS VISIT ISARMORGA, with the heads of several Tythean political groups meeting with the leadership of Isarmorga. Allegedly, the purpose of the voyage was to ascertain the viability of the status of "free association", one of the options which will exist on the referendums (as yet unscheduled) which will take place in both Littoral and and Interior Dumnusiga. With Isarmorga already considered part of the Etnaean Kingdom in such a capacity, it serves as the best model by which Tythis and her leadership might evaluate their options. The political scene in Tythis has lacked significant direction and drive even after the announcement of referendum, with the few efforts that'd been made to rouse enthusiasm falling flat; it's hoped by several pro-union advocates that providing Tytheans with tangible evidence of the "benefits and advantages" of free-association with Etnaea will turn them around and make them all the more involved.

NO TROOPS TO ETNAEA, it's been announced, with the Catubísaxa making it clear that not all the troops scheduled to withdraw from the Eastern Cape will be actually going home. While all will indeed be pulled out from the fledgeling Republic, with military estimates hoping that the necessary movements will be concluded by the end of the month, any troops which had been deployed from the Etnaean mainland will instead be redeployed to Isarmorga until further notice. Though this has incurred some small amount of protest, none have seen fit to seriously dispute the deployment change. With the country having been moved to alert condition three earlier in the month, most furloughs suspended, and reservists called up in the northern territories, the Catubísaxa's actions have been defended at length by the Scucosaxa.



Establishing Nation
Apr 16, 2007
Radio Oít Etnae

[transcript from the PDC-PBN, 2222-2237, 22 Mar. 1954]

The voting stations have now been closed for over an hour, and the ballots are still coming in, but the results are nevertheless quite clear. For the most part, I wouldn't really call them especially surprising—and I think that many of us had predicted something along these lines from the very moment that the líx made his disbandment decision, if not even before then, when the Christian left and center split.

Well, from the results that have been released so far—of course, we're still waiting to receive a few final ballots from Isarmorga—it would seem that such a decision was a touch foolhardy. Though demographic polling isn't yet available, I'd be quite curious to see just how opinion has shifted in the last month! Surely with a loss of nearly ten percent—not quite, not quite!—would surely indicate some sort of deep rooted failure in policy? Of course, the Chrisdhertu Auicclupaxum hasn't been the most active party during this makeshift campaigning season, and we all predicted a dip in their fortunes, but certainly not something this substantial!

At any rate, the results are as follows, give or take perhaps another one or two percentage points and seats which are still being contested:

The Chrisdhertu Auicclupaxum, formerly holding 112 seats in the Congusaxa, has dipped to an astonishing 56!

The Líxu et Icenum Verupaxum, formerly holding 64 seats in the Congusaxa, now controls 79.

The Pennolu Iudícagnupaxum and the Auícclusculganupaxum, competing for the same voters, has seen the latter gain more heavily: they having previously held 40 and 32 seats respectively, both have now jumped up to 44 each.

The Breniccuipaxum's 28 seats have become 38, and the Voicalíxu Vacaium's 28 have—amazingly—doubled into a full 56. Incredibly, this puts the former majority party of the previous season on the same footing at present as, formerly, a fringe party.

Finally, the Icenarisorcgupaxum's 20 seats have become 24.

This leaves 19 seats still contested, with a handful of local elections running into delays or other issues. These are expected to be resolved shortly by the voting commission. However, that means that 81 seats will remain held by unaffiliated senators. Uh, this is actually a historic number! The smallest one so far, actually, of unaffiliated senators. Before the turn of the century, it actually was fairly customary for even up to half the Congusaxa to be officially unaligned with any particular party—sort of a mark of their integrity, if you will.

At any rate, the party system seems to be entrenched now! Of course, we can see that more than a handful of uh, previously unaffiliated Elects have now—heh—chosen to partake and actively seek out membership of several such political parties. Now, this new Congusaxa will convene sometime tomorrow, and formally appoint the next Cígenos—which is actually the question that's still on everyone's minds at the moment! From just looking at the numbers, you know, some amount of cooperation will be required between some of the parties to ensure a single candidate is chosen. None has the ability to do what the WFP did ten years ago, and push their candidate through despite objection—no one has the votes.

Now, the big players have changed, but not by much. Some might disagree, but I think that Anibalos Craissos Guiscaga still has a pretty good shot here. He's a moderate, centrist candidate, and when compared to someone like Caios Commodus Suros or even Ancogenos Marccios Loccudos, must look a lot more appealing to both of their opponents both in rival left and right organizations. Frankly, I'm not seeing it as especially likely that Agricos Iaccax Selioax will be chosen, for both he and the LIV have cultivated too many enemies of late within the CAP and the socialist parties . .

Um, of course—there's the concern that Craissos Guiscaga doesn't actually represent any significant change from Duicagga. I'll grant that they're both traditionalists, but I couldn't disagree any more with that sentiment! Now, Guiscaga has proven himself time and time again to be—while a traditional, yes—a liberal who is true to his conscience, promises, and true to the Congusaxa and Elect.

I suppose that, technically, Suros is also viable, but I can't see Molcagga and Loccudos together agreeing to sponser him. Even then, there's no guarantee he'd be voted in, especially seeing as beyond the leftist bloc, there's no one else who'd conceivably vote him into office.
Anyhow, Etnaea, we'll be getting back to your scheduled evening programming. The soothing tunes of Jerian Dacoiga, for the next half hour.

[end transcript]
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Establishing Nation
Apr 16, 2007
221 Mnai (ღ) — 392 Ippo Av. — Vacaium diu oít Pennolu!
With the final ballots coming in at 11:21 yesterday evening, all current sitting senators were sworn in by midnight in preparation for the Congusaxa session today regarding the appointment of the Císenos. Convening close to noon, the majority of the day was spent in what has been described as “fierce, hotly contested” debate and discussion, with numerous candidates being put forward and subsequently denied. Among those suggested rank such individuals as Anibalos Craissos Guiscaga, Modecos Dansiga Líto, and Ancogenos Marccios Loccudos, to name just a few. Of those, much to the surprise of many analysts, it was Guiscaga who came closest to being appointed; the Chrisdhertu Auicclupaxum head managing to secure the votes of the Breniccuipaxum and Icenarisorcgupaxum. Even so, the ultimate winner of the contest was Agricos Iaccax Selioax, who managed to secure the votes of all but the left-leaning parties (namely the AUP, PIP, and VV), and a majority of the unaffiliated Elect.

Thus, the Líxu et Icenum Verupaxum has succeeded in finally supplanting the Chrisdhertu Auicclupaxum, something it has been striving to do for the last decade now. Espousing conservative, typically traditional ideals, the LIV and Selioax's election results are believed by some to represent a reaction by the voting population against what's perceived as a failing left. With the CAP having become so woefully ineffective following the WFP split and the state church's disbandment, and the AUP, PIP, and VV at odds, the left half of the political spectrum in Etnaea and the Congusaxa is woefully divided.

“We're blessed here,” commented one anonymous LIV voter, “and, you know, I used to be a WFP voter—but I don't think I'll be casting my lot for the CAP. Europe's in a rough place right now, we need solid heads to keep us above the mire.”

Another said the following: “I couldn't believe when I heard what the líx had done, but then I listened to a recording to his speech. 'By god,' I said to myself, 'now here's a man who's altogether more Christian than any Pope.'”

Interestingly, it was those parties which actively partook in the various rallies and demonstrations which followed the state church's disbandment who benefited the most in this election cycle. With general public political consciousness greatly raised by the protests, it should perhaps be no surprise that the involved participants would also be those to come out in vast numbers for the emergency elections, and so shift the balance within the Congusaxa so. Most notable is the loss of seats by the CAP—down to 59 from 112—which was never expected to occur to such an immense degree. Though the CAP refused to take part in the protests nor engage participants actively in favor of a more traditional campaign, it still remains rather unclear as to whether or not that actually influenced the final results significantly; certainly, plenty cited the CAP's recent inactivity and general failure to live up to the WFP stripe as a reason for not voting for it.

Selioax's inauguration is scheduled to take place on the 27th, within the Anduiga Theatre. The entirety of the Cursignaxa family will be present, as well as many other notable families of the Elect, Genosaxa, and Tírnusaxa. It's expected that the líx himself will be in attendance, in addition to the previous Cígenos, several notable members of the Catubísaxa, and a handful of ministry chiefs. Congratulations have already been extended to Selioax by the líx and by Cígenos Duiccaga, the latter of whom stated that he is “confident” that Selioax is “more than suited” to the job. The líx himself did not make himself available for comment, refraining from speaking on the topic despite dispatching an official letter of congratulation to the new Cígenos.

“I am most honored,” Selioax said himself, giving his confirmation address before the Congusaxa. “I am deeply touched to be entrusted with this sacred task by all of you. I feel confident in promising now that I will follow a path intended to provide all the best for our people, crown, and country.” Thereafter, Selioax called upon the parties who'd voted for him to operate “as if in coalition”, to secure “political unity” in the face of “external threat” and “internal adversity”. Whether or not they will adhere to his request is another matter entirely, and one whose results will likely have to wait until Selioax formally assumes office. However, his announcement (in the same speech) that he would be more than willing to retain many if not all the appointments made to various Crown Offices and Ministries by the previous administration has doubtless soothed some; Modecos Dansiga Líto, a cousin of the Lord-Examiner of the Crown Office for External Affairs, Agricos Tanisga Líto, having cast his lot in with Selioax during the Cígenos elections.

Though Ancogenos Marccios Loccudos swallowed his pride and sent a congratulatory letter to Selioax, Molcagga only railed against both Loccudos and Caios Commodus Suros when confronted by reporters. According to him, the “failure” of the left to unify, on the basis of what he described as “semantical dispute”, represented a disastrous failure for both their parties collectively and the country as a whole. He went on to condemn the Voicalíxu Vacaium in particular, calling their attempts to secure the Breniccuipaxum and Chrisdhertu Auicclupaxum in favor of Suros throughout the Cígenos elections a “betrayal” and a “deliberate act of malice against the united left.” Neither Loccudos nor Suros have yet deigned to offer the socialist leader a response.

All in all, if you were hoping for change this election cycle, it's unlikely you'll see much of it. Selioax, with military background and from a wealthy family, looks to be set on continuing things as they otherwise were—though he claims a greater pedigree of competence, according to his campaign, than many of his opponents. Still, it has been an exciting set of elections, with results that were perhaps somewhat unanticipated. It remains to be seen how the Congusaxa changes in the coming months, as the new equilibrium is asserted and the Congusaxa learns how to work comfortably with Selioax and he with it.
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Establishing Nation
Apr 16, 2007
221 Mnai (ღ) — 392 Ippo Av. — Vacaium diu oít Pennolu!
wo. Marsaín 24., pb. Marsaín 24., wb. L.C. Darios

Just when we had thought that the demonstrations were well behind us with the conclusion of the emergency elections, a great number of men and women have once more taken to the streets in the wake of this morning's events. At 10:22AM, while giving a speech to several supporters in the Verovacaium Park amphitheater here in Argoculc, Leuxos Antista Molcagga was allegedly approached and shot three times in the chest by an armed man within the crowd. With panic enveloping those present, the gunman was not apprehended, and local police have announced that they will vigilantly “continue all avenues of investigation” to apprehend the culprit.

Molcagga's death has left many of his supporters shocked, with the Auícclusculganupaxum now left without a head only a day after jumping up from 32 to 44 seats in the election and the Congusaxa. While the remaining members of the party's leadership committee have refrained from making any accusations, a handful of party members and other political observers have already called his death an assassination, with claims circulating that the slaying was a carefully planned and orchestrated act. Indeed, with none of the other party leaders possessing anything like the gravitas, notoriety, or wealth which Molcagga himself possessed, the Auícclusculganupaxum's fortunes now seem uncertain—which benefits more than just the right and center parties.

Indeed, according to the Marccios estate, Ancogenos Marccios Loccudos has already received almost a dozen death-threats in the wake of Molcagga's death. Having been associates for a long time within the Social Union Party and then the subsequent Workers and Families Party, the two recently became rivals following the dissolution of the latter and the split of the left into the Auícclusculganupaxum and Loccudos' own Pennolu Iudícagnupaxum. During the Cígenos selection process, Loccudos and Molcagga remarkably refused to vote together, always favoring opposing candidates—much to the dismay of Caios Commodus Suros and his Voicalíxu Vacaium, the only other major leftist organization represented. Their rivalry has been well-documented by the media ever since it began, and there are many who believe that responsibility lies with Loccudos.

Even so, Loccudos and the Pennolu Iudícagnupaxum have both released statements on the topic, calling Molcagga's killing “tragic, unnecessary, and vile.” When pressed, neither Loccudos nor the PIP spokesperson confirmed as to whether they considered the murder to be politically motivated, though Loccudos did comment that it was possible. Calling for solidarity “among our comrades”, Loccudos has urged members and supporters of his party to hold a minute of silence in solemn remembrance of the fallen leftist leader. “We didn't get along well,” he said of him, “but his contributions to socialism in Etnaea are undeniable.”

The Auícclusculganupaxum itself has urged its constituents to demonstrate, mourn, and show their support peacefully. According to the leadership, they wish to avoid any sort of violence or attempts at what it calls “misguided retaliation” against political opponents and rival parties. Even so, the sentiment continues to gain traction among those who have come out to rally and protest following the politician's death. A large amount of those interviewed and questioned have stated that they believe his death to have been deliberately orchestrated by either one of Molcagga's opponents or from within the left-bloc itself. “It's just too much of a coincidence,” commented one anonymous protestor, “a day after the election? After the leftist parties were so deadlocked, after the failure to reach consensus?” And this logic has been pervasive, possibly prompting further investigation from Crown authorities in addition to local law enforcement.

Among the Elect, several sitting senos have expressed shock at the killing. With the last political assassination occurring almost three decades ago, the LIV senos Ticos Hieroducca Maranocc shared his view that he'd hoped “we'd moved past this”, going on to say that he indeed believed Molcagga's death to be politically motivated—and not just the act of a single rogue gunman.

Likewise, Cígenos-Elect Agricos Iaccax Selioax called Molcagga's death “a great loss” and a “national tragedy.” Expressing sympathy for the Auícclusculganupaxum and those affected, he went on to petition the Congusaxa to suspend its sessions for the next few days while the party votes on its next chief head.

Molcagga is succeeded by no children, and so his personal estates and fortune will pass onto his cousin, Adonax Tanisga Molcagga—who is also related to the Líto family by way of Agricos Tanisga Líto's marriage to Adonax Tanisga's daughter, Eraicca.


Establishing Nation
Apr 16, 2007
221 Mnai (ღ) — 392 Ippo Av. — Vacaium diu oít Pennolu!
wo. Marsaín 29., pb. Marsaín 30., wb. M.A. Antisga

The Crown Office for Internal Affairs has today released a set of statutes and guidelines which, effective on the first of April, will govern the functioning of all churches or other religious facilities formerly owned by the state. With the disbandment of the “Reformed” Catholic Church—previously the state faith of Etnaea—many priests and worshipers had been left confused, uncertain as to how their local churches will continue to function. After a month, an answer is here.

As a result of this statute, all these churches that had once been owned by the state are deemed to be public property—or public lands. They are not to be sold off to any private party, except in the most extraordinary circumstances, and will remain available for public use without reservation or interruption. In order to regulate the continued stable functioning of these facilities, a new department has been formed within the internal affairs office which will be responsible for overseeing the maintenance, preservation, and competent running of all public lands. Furthermore, it will also be responsible with issuing licenses and organizing schedules for preaching, religious services, and other events or activities.

For all intents and purposes, pastors are to be treated as something akin to independent contractors. The Public Lands Department will pay any given priest (and his staff) for providing services at their church or chapel, though they are not technically employees—instead requiring a license to use any particular facility, and being paid to operate in the licensed location.

Unsurprisingly, complaints and criticism of the arrangement have already emerged. Several pundits claim that this represents “a reversal,” and one which they're not entirely pleased about. Indeed, several especially adherent groups and individuals have come out and said that this represents a “concerted attack” against religiousity, what is apparently a “conspiracy by lix and government” to eradicate or weaken Christianity in the country. Ccgenos Selioax, who pushed his party for the necessary reforms to allow the department to be created, dismissed such concerns when questioned about them.

“The business of government is not faith,” he told reporters, “nor is the business of faith governance. The nature of government is inherently pragmatic and that of faith inherently altruistic. It was not as smooth a transition as it could have been, but we are now committed to this being a secular state in full.”

Interestingly, Selioax's position now represents something of a shift from the one he held only two years previously, when he'd briefly entertained elements of the Christian right in a hope of forming a coalition to counter the majority the WFP had then enjoyed. Of course, nothing came to pass of that, and so it's possible that the attempt there was to create a marriage of convenience, and generally Selioax has remained quiet on religious or spiritual issues until today.

The líx has also publicly expressed his support for the solution to the state church issue, and for Selioax personally. According to the Cursignaxa Estate, the líx is “positively disposed” towards the implemented system, and expressed his “greatest hope” that Etnaea be a state with but independent of faith.

Priests themselves are generally hopeful. While some lament the passing of the Reformed Church, many have also either returned to the Tiburan Church or followed the líx's advice and become independent pastors. The accordance of some official status to them now has put heed to many of the concerns raised by those priests fearful of finding work and congregations, inasmuch as those of their flocks.

wo. Marsaín 29., pb. Marsaín 30., wb. L.C. Leukiga

An arrest has been made in the investigation surrounding the death of Leuxos Antista Molcagga, the now former leader of the Auícclusculganupaxum, and one of the main leaders of the Etnaean left. A week after the killing, Argoculc police have managed to apprehend a potential suspect for the killing. Though they've refrained from releasing his name or identity until a “reasonable level of guilt” can be established to begin prosecution proceedings, a police spokesperson has stated that it is their belief that the murder was not “politically motivated” nor an “assassination”. It has been said that they are still collecting evidence and questioning witnesses, with the man's arrest having been made on the basis of information provided by those present at the scene.

“We're working hard to make this case solid,” commented the spokesperson. “We understand that many are eager for answers, and to see this matter concluded as swiftly as possible. However, we are committed to making certain that this is resolved definitively even moreso.”

Indeed, there have been previous cases of a similar sort where the courts failed to produce a conviction on the grounds that the evidence provided was insufficient and “shoddy”. While such instances have become increasingly rare in the last few years, the Argoculc Municipal Police have also profoundly increased in quality and training standards since those days in the 1910s and 1920s. Politically charged cases such as this one are especially prone to “extraordinary rulings”, is the belief of the municipal police, and so they must be handled with the utmost of care and attention.

The majority of those polled with regards to this topic (and the majority of those being members or voters for the Auícclusculganupaxum) have stated that they believe the municipal police's efforts and methods are satisfactory. While there are some that believe that immediate prosecution is necessary, over 60% of those polled have stated that they understand the need to first acquire an abundance of evidence to secure a solid conviction.

  • Ancogenos Marccios Loccudos was attacked outside his home by a fanatic supporter of Molcagga, who shouted insults at the politician and physically assaulted him. Loccudos' brother helped him in restraining the man, who was later arrested by a pair of policemen called to the scene. Loccudos has yet to announce whether or not he will press charges, though he has made it clear that he was not injured by the event and remains in good spirits. There are still some who believe that Loccudos is responsible for Molcagga's death, though police investigation thus far has turned up no evidence to point to such a connection.
  • The Cuíx Dagos has released an itinerary for travel throughout Gallia, where he will visit Transabina, Tiburtina, Cantignia, and Portusgalia each for the span of about one week. Ostensibly, his purpose is to foster inter-cultural dialogue and exchange between those states and Etnaea, where he will visit various sites of "profound cultural significance." In particular, he has also stated that he wishes to visit those sites important to Gallic history and culture, even in those states which are no longer home to Gallic peoples.
