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Media from Tyrculir - R.A.I.N. Radio Broadcast, August 20, 1953.


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
Media from Tyrculir - The CarrickAodh Light-Tower, November, 4th, 1953.

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Baile-Padraig Banner of Faith
Tyrculir's Leading Christian News Paper!
10 Lyrdans at newstand, religious organizations may buy in bulk for greater savings!

Saint Valentine's Day- Scam or Holy day?

This thursday was abuzz with activity throughout the town of BailePadraig and no doubt throughout the entirety of Tyrculir, but for the right reasons? Money exchanged, educational institutes throughout the nation enjoyed a half-day, even if the primary reason for it was thanks to weather, and children were out holding hands with members of the opposite gender and generally having a fun time all around. The question is though, in our modern society and provinces, thanks to the continentalization of things and the influence of alien cultures such as the Engellexic of West March or our psuedo-cousines the Sylvanians; is it true? Should things be any different today or should love songs be played?

Saint Valentine died in the days of ancient Tibur administering weddings for soldiers banned to do so, and being imprisoned in that time. It is said he healed the daughter of his jailer and inevitably converted his entire forty member household to our lord's christian religion in that time, and not more is known of him. He was no romantic, no vagabond boy trying to steal girl's hearts, no rock and roll musician. Yet the children these days pass each other candy, hearts, and kisses- things which shouldn't be done without prior permission from their parents, and which put a mockery on the good and chivalrious adult notions of courtly romance before marriage. None of these children are even marrying age- yet they frolick in mockery of a saint's day, all thanks to commercialism.

So too, you should worry for your daughter's chastity on days like this, as it is said that risque women's clothing stores sell undergarments just for this night in some places, and I know that I would never let my daughters buy such things!

Keep strong in prayer, and may you walk with our lord, Jesus Christ.

-Father John Patrick O'Connor
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Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
Pan-Lyric Alliance [for] News' Broadcasting Corporation presents:
Connlyr the Crusader in: Kayah Rose and the Yujini Snake

As the music ends, the booming voice of the narrator comes from the speakers- perhaps less booming than it would be in person, thanks to the state of radio technology.

In the days of lore, before the rise of Tibur and the Sons of An Lyr, the lands of Occidentia, Boreas, and Lothargia were connected via great land bridges that rose above the sea. In this time, steel and sorcery, wit and warriors made and broke lands. Magicks, both powerful and evil were wroth amongst the world by the evil wizards of the Slough Fey cult. As Empires tremble, a boy grown into a man on the milk of war stands strong- adventuring for riches, knowledge, might and allies. And his name is: Connlyr the Crusader, the man who will hold the jeweled crown of Aquitania upon his troubled brow, and who will rid the world of those dark wizards who have shed their skin and their humanity.

We join our hero after many days of travel- beyond the great steppes of Sarmathia and the cold mountains of the Fraken-oids- having saved the Vangalan Raj Kilik Al Hajr and his Kingdom from the Snakemen Vizier and left with only one clue to the whereabouts of his beloved companion, the fair beauty from the far east- the girl called Kayah Rose, he travels on. On top of the back of a Vangalan Crocodile, he rides the coasts of darkest Touyou, and soon finds a village being raided by dragon men.

Cue water swishing noises.
Connlyr: "What is this madness? Is the entirety of the east filled with men more born of eggs and not their mother's slit? And do the men of the east have no champions?"
Screams can be heard
Connlyr: "They may have not been born with champions, but my axe, spear and sword shall sing justice against the wretched scales of those dragon men! HAAAAAAH."
HAAAAH is the noise made when a hero makes a Salmon Leap in contemporary Lyric Pop-Culture, a Salmon Leap one of the heroic feats of old.

It's time for intermission! And we'll take our's enjoying a nice package of Kayah Rose brand Instant Touyou noodles, quick made and in a wide variety of flavors, such as chicken, beef, and spicy! Stay tuned, and remember, the Riddle of Steel is found through a man's travels, not his thoughts!

(ooc; Just testin' something out. )


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
The CarrickAodh Light-Tower
Warre's Premier Newspaper since 1615.
8 Lyrdans at News-Stand, 12 Lyrdans for Delivery on mainland, 15 Lyrdans Elsewhere in Tyrculir. International Edition: 25 Lyrdans, 15 Lyrdans or 2 Sylvanian Silverbacks in Sylvania.

"Fragarach Motors" announces Partnership Plans

Fragarach Motors, well known throughout Tyrculir for their Motor-trucks and Motorcycles and 'Mopeds' has recently announced plans for opening several new factories within Tyrculir, as well as considering opening parts factories in the southern Occidentian country of Auraria, as well as our own neighbors Sylvania; assuming governmental approval from those companies. It would be the first expansion in nearly twenty years for Fragarach motors, and company spokesmen responded to our inquiries as to the reason for the expansion as being simple.

To quote their statement, "Export is an important aim for us right now. As a result we're seeking partnership with other motor companies when necessary and opening factories in several locations, so that we can sell our motor vehicles without as many worries about protectionist policies on the part of our export targets. Domestic sales continue to be solid, especially in the moped and motorcycle markets; but if we plan to be competitive we have to expand and evolve. Otherwise foreign motor vehicle companies stand a high chance of making better products for cheaper, and undercutting us at a national level thanks to the lack of protectionist policies on government's part."

If the expansions do go through, it will be the first international expansion by a domestic motor-vehicle company. Additionally, plans to export Mopeds to Ostveg, Fey, the Danish Faroes, and possibly Tulus and Biminis as a form of affordable and dependable motor-transport for the islanders throughout those countries.

@Slyvania [MENTION=1265]Aurarian Republic[/MENTION] [MENTION=715]Tulus and Biminis[/MENTION] [MENTION=33]Danmark[/MENTION]

Hanseatic Republics

Establishing Nation
May 16, 2012
Uuslossa & Hammaborg
"I like that we've been thought of, but with all this snow and ice a Moped would be really hateful to drive for most of the year."
- Fey Licensing Department


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
"Do you think that it's wise to try to import mopeds to northern areas?" - Reporter

"Wheels? Where they're going, you don't need wheels! We've got a secret project in the works, as well as mopeds, for the export markets of Ostveg, Fey, Sylvania, and others. Domestic Sales could even be good for it." -Spokesperson

"Can we get details?" - Reporter

"We aren't releasing details until copy-right licensing is complete." -Spokeperson


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
The CarrickAodh Light-Tower
Warre's Premier Newspaper since 1615.
8 Lyrdans at News-Stand, 12 Lyrdans for Delivery on mainland, 15 Lyrdans Elsewhere in Tyrculir. International Edition: 25 Lyrdans, 15 Lyrdans or 2 Sylvanian Silverbacks in Sylvania.

Editorial: Havok! Comics announces plans for a variety of nation-based comics.

Havok! Comics, the longest standing comic syndicate in Tyrculir, and definitely most popular (with rival companies only having together approximately a third of the market share of comics) has recently announced their intent to make a new, more adult line of comics, aimed as entertainment for adults. This line, called "Cry Havok!" by the company, will feature more mature story-lines, consequences for characters, and in a strange attempt at expanding its market share, apparently a number of comics aimed directly at various foreign nations via making patriotic super-heroes to represent their countries. Also discussed was a comedy series aimed at teenage audiences which retells history in a more comedic tone and represents the various nations as characters or families.

Additionally, contracting services are being extent to the co-ops of Havenshire for a collaborative refashioning of the crimson torch hero which has long represented Havenshire in Tyrculiric comics and in Havenite comics, but also to help create an international market for the export of the Havenite Hero.


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
The CarrickAodh Light-Tower
Warre's Premier Newspaper since 1615.
8 Lyrdans at News-Stand, 12 Lyrdans for Delivery on mainland, 15 Lyrdans Elsewhere in Tyrculir. International Edition: 25 Lyrdans, 15 Lyrdans or 2 Sylvanian Silverbacks in Sylvania.

Economics: Havok! Comics (and publishing) seeking to grow it's market?

The inaugural line of international, export focused Havok! Comic Imprints have recently been announced, with seven independent brands, aimed at seven seperate nation-states, currently announced by Havok! Comics. The first issues have been made and are ready for export, spokepersons have been quoted as saying, the question that remains is? How will they sell? Is there a market for cultural exports of a new type entirely (such as comics and graphic novels are in many countries)? Will this prove to be a lucrative market? Who would win in a fight, the Crimson Torch or Colonel Fennia?

Other News:
Economics: Fragarach Motors files for seven new patents with the Body's Copy-right Office?
International: Fennian Himyari Tribal Leader rightly unseated after forced marriage attempt.
Sport: The Aodh-Mor of Hybora Minor F.C. to represent Tyrculir in the One World Series of Football
Sport: Will the Tyrculir Chess Federation send its champion to the world championships?
Wildlings: 3 Wildlings found dead in Rygard forest.
Food: Get the most of your potato! Seven new potato based recipes!


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
The CarrickAodh Light-Tower
Warre's Premier Newspaper since 1615.
8 Lyrdans at News-Stand, 12 Lyrdans for Delivery on mainland, 15 Lyrdans Elsewhere in Tyrculir. International Edition: 25 Lyrdans, 15 Lyrdans or 2 Sylvanian Silverbacks in Sylvania.

Neo-Pagan Church Opening?

CarrickAodh, the capital of Tyrculir and eldest settlement throughout the nation, received a first since the arrival of the judeo-christian religions in the region. As of last friday, the First Temple of the Lyric Gods was opened, filing its religious forms for half-taxation and sending them for approval. This church, according to spokesman Christian Richardson, plans to commit to Neo-AnLyric philosophies of living, and to promote the teachings reputably found discovered in the Caorachstyr scrolls in 1850, as well as the teachings of the best-selling author and to quote them, 'visionary', Arthur Krom Howard's quickly best-selling (in Tyrculir) non-fiction work, 'The Gods Old and New'. The initial census of the temple claims a startling one hundred and fifty three adult members within the CarrickAodh municipal limits alone.

It remains to be seen if the freedom of religion which Tyrculir has long touted for itself will be extended to this new-age, new-wave religion, and if the half-taxation status (which makes religious body's employees pay half the taxes they would otherwise pay on their earnings, and allows religious groups to reinvest the money they make in profits in local charities or body-approved international charities.) will be extended to them.

Other News:
Economics: Fragarach Motors hires sixty new employees to work in a Rygard-Padraig's Watch factory and Testing facility. Why the personnel surge?
Economics: Havok! Comics releases news of three new imprints to be released internationally and domestically, apart of its newest line.
International: Fennian and Auswegian officials fight over the legal rights of Norse-ethnicity Fennian Citizens accused of crime.
International: Elections in Meritocratic Saarema National Revolutionary State.
Sport: Tyrculir not sending champion and first-contender to the Siyang Masters?

Wildlings: Aballach Wildling reserves demanding the right to create their own passports?
Food: Touyou-Style Instant Noodles. Life-saver or JUNK food?


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
The CarrickAodh Light-Tower
Warre's Premier Newspaper since 1615.
8 Lyrdans at News-Stand, 12 Lyrdans for Delivery on mainland, 15 Lyrdans Elsewhere in Tyrculir. International Edition: 25 Lyrdans, 15 Lyrdans or 2 Sylvanian Silverbacks in Sylvania.

Havok! approached by WBS to produce television Programming?

Tyrculir's leading television broadcast network, the Warreic Broadcasting System, has recently announced cooperatively with the Havok! Comics intent to work together to create new programming to be aired on saturday mornings. Most of these animated television programs will likely be aimed to include Havok! heroes or properties which may turn into Havok! Comics as well, but also stated into the announcement, and gaining much of the press, was an 'educational' television program aimed to be broadcast by the Warreic Broadcasting System and the new 'Lyric Public Broadcasting Network' based channels on a daily basis. This show will apparently mix puppetry by the likes of Paul Jorikson's Media Arts company, Havok! subsidized cartoon segments, and live-action sections. According to the program's designers, this show, 'Oak Circle' will be broadcast in English and in Lyrige, thanks to seperate channels to feature both; but will have sections in each language.

If successful, there is certainly room for the Warreic Broadcasting System, Havok!, and PJMAC to work with public television systems elsewhere to create similar projects.

Other News:
Wildling/Domestic: Wildling Riot in Rygard results in thirteen dead. One Lyric, twelve Wildling.
Economics: Donald's House (Producers of Instant Potato Products) announce intent to compete with the foreign brands of instant-touyou style noodles.
Economics: Ore & Steel prices rise thanks to a Fragarach Motors mass purchase and preorder of 200 tons.
International: Eiffleland center of learning in the new field, "DNA"? Skeptic or not, a congress on the subject announced for Free University of Trier (Eiffleland)
International: Riots in Cantigian protectorate of Micro-Covenant of Wightland.
International: Will the Havenite Homeguard turn neighbor against neighbor, brother against brother?
International: Dedicated Poaching Policing Unit created in Fennian "Protected Territories".
International: World's Deepest Man-made pool constructed in Aurarian Resort.
Sport: Youth Gridiron and Baseball leagues begin recruiting as summer looms.
Food: Potenzan 'Spaghetti and meatballs' worth the hype? Find out.
Oct 12, 2011
Hampton Roads
The Potenzan Ministry of Cultural Heritage and ActivitiesMinister of Cultural Heritage and Activities, in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, as well as the Ministry of Economy and Finance, would like to present a portfolio to be presented to marketers in Tyrculir regarding the quality of Potenzan spaghetti and its corresponding sauce, to answer any questions or concerns regarding the product imported from the Grand Duchy.

Giancarlo Galan
Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
Isle of Warre Grocers

We at the Isle of Warre Grocers, (located primarily in CarrickAodh, Lomré's Fifth, and Uhl's Vale, which collectively have been historically apart of the High Kingdom of Warre, and which all are situated on the Isle of Warre) firmly believe in the nutritional potential, especially for poor families or college students, of Potenzan made pastas made in a variety of dishes, both in the Potenzan style and otherwise. As the operators of over fifty markets on the island itself, including two "Super-Markets", we feel that it is our duty to promote these dishes, especially given the fact that they can be made with less choice cuts of meat than some other dishes and still taste well. We would be interested in commissioning a translation into AnLyric, English, and French (there different versions, one in each language), of the most favored cook books in Potenza, to promote even more authenticity and to create a broader understanding of dishes and possible other dishes which might be made.

Already, Potenzan Wines are best-sellers among that category of spirits, and we think that Potenzan foods have potential to both expand our nation's mutual-appreciation for each other, and to help all those in the realm get their suggested nutritional supplements.

George MacAren
Vice-President of Marketing.
Oct 12, 2011
Hampton Roads
Isle of Warre Grocers

We at the Isle of Warre Grocers, (located primarily in CarrickAodh, Lomré's Fifth, and Uhl's Vale, which collectively have been historically apart of the High Kingdom of Warre, and which all are situated on the Isle of Warre) firmly believe in the nutritional potential, especially for poor families or college students, of Potenzan made pastas made in a variety of dishes, both in the Potenzan style and otherwise. As the operators of over fifty markets on the island itself, including two "Super-Markets", we feel that it is our duty to promote these dishes, especially given the fact that they can be made with less choice cuts of meat than some other dishes and still taste well. We would be interested in commissioning a translation into AnLyric, English, and French (there different versions, one in each language), of the most favored cook books in Potenza, to promote even more authenticity and to create a broader understanding of dishes and possible other dishes which might be made.

Already, Potenzan Wines are best-sellers among that category of spirits, and we think that Potenzan foods have potential to both expand our nation's mutual-appreciation for each other, and to help all those in the realm get their suggested nutritional supplements.

George MacAren
Vice-President of Marketing.

We are happy to hear this interest in Potenzan food products, which we are certain will greatly benefit the Potenzan farmers and manufacturers who have their hand in the creation and organization of these meals. We will also gladly supply the translated cook books from Potenzan publishers.

Also, Veneto, the largest producer and seller of wine in the Grand Duchy, would be very happy in discussing increased sales and distribution of her products, as well as a greater ease of access to the product through the international tariffs and trade deals.

Giancarlo Galan
Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
Isle of Warre Grocers

While the Isle of Warre Grocers have noticeable economic might, we can hardly speak for our national government's governmental body. However, a copy of these messages has been delivered to our local representatives to the government in hopes of their interaction with Potenza for this and other trade deals. We thank you for your time, and as they say in Ivernia:


George MacAren
Vice-President of Marketing.


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
The CarrickAodh Light-Tower
Warre's Premier Newspaper since 1615.
8 Lyrdans at News-Stand, 12 Lyrdans for Delivery on mainland, 15 Lyrdans Elsewhere in Tyrculir. International Edition: 25 Lyrdans, 15 Lyrdans or 2 Sylvanian Silverbacks in Sylvania.

Editorial In Food: The Havenite Full Breakfast.

Let me preface this statement with two facts. One, it is commonly misconstrued as to what the 'Havenite' version of the Haveno-Breoton-Engellexic meal, 'The Full Breakfast' is. Many assume it is not too far off from our own versions of the Full Breakfast, the All-AnLyr, the Hyboran Fry, and the Uhl's Vale & Aballach style Full Breakfast. The second fact is that during my time in Havenshire with my brother, helping cook the meals and tend to the affairs of the Havok! Comics delegation in Westhaven, I found the Havenite people as friendly as could be expected, once they got over any 'devilish capitalist' hate, their misconception, not our's.

It's easy to understand where this misconception comes from, or both misconceptions really, but in this article I'll only be clearing up the misconception that we Lyric folk have towards the Havenite Full Breakfast. It is not my duty nor my aim to try to clarify to the people of Havenshire that not all the world is rabidly capitalist or rabidly monarchical, some walk their own paths. As a student of cuisine and a lover of food, I of course had tried the Full-breakfast before. I've tried the kinds produced here in Tyrculir, the kinds produced in restaurants which produce 'pan-English' food, or claim to specialize in the dishes which offer the varieties of a particular country. Given Tyrculir's long stint of affection, strange-or-not towards Havenshire, both before the 1927 revolution and after, of course the most popular of those sorts of specialized restaurants are Havenite, or in almost equal numbers, ethnically Carnish establishments.

The Full-breakfast which they make happen in any movies set in 'Havenshire' or in propaganda pieces, are closer to what we expect of the Havenite full-breakfast and also utterly wrong. The full breakfast as we know it, both domestically and 'Havenite style' are Carnish-Lyric inventions. The original Carnish settlers were wealthy and on par in all rights and cultures with their CuLyric cousines, but in subsequent generations and centuries, as the Carnish diaspora continued to grow in Tyrculir, they came from less rich stock and from the types who came from harder working families and regions. They scrapped to survive, less so when they got here, but still enough to have had traditions firmly in-bedded in their cultural psyche. One of these traditions was to eat a sizable, varied, and fulfilling breakfast every morning as it would give you the strength to go through the day and the energy (calories as we now know) to do the hard work which you might be forced to do. So when they came to our land of bounty, things which were cheap food both in Havenshire and here, comparably by the time period, became staples. Things which they ate in breakfast. This is a Carnish Full-breakfast, the dishes we think as Havenite. Oatmeal, seasonal fruit pieces, toast, some easy-done fried eggs, blood pudding, sausage, bacon, ham, and in some cases baked beans. Given the varied nutrition it provides and the cheap cost of most of the items included, it's no surprise that it was popular with the Carnish and became popular with us.

When in Havenshire, that was what I expected when my brother, his colleagues, and I, went to a Havenite dining establishment. What we got was something entirely different. Porridge which was so watery it was hard to tell exactly what sort of grain was used to make it, and blood pudding cut into thick slices and deep fried so well it might as well have been mystery meat. There is no glory in it, and in the end it makes me wonder if perhaps we should be starting charities just to try to give Havenite people, especially their children, more balanced meals. Don't disgrace the Carnish who are so often reminded by the Havenites or systematically rejected as their own ethnicity, that they never existed, or that their work and cultural accomplishments, as well as legacies upon Tyrculir's culture, should be counted as Havenshire's own. Enough Carnish work in anonymity and have worked in anonymity through the ages.

-Megan MacBrendan, CarrickAodh Light-tower Food, Nutrition, and Cultural correspondent.

Other News:
Wildling/Domestic: Several Wildling groups petitioning to lose reservation status and to become fully recongized and voting clanns within the national legislature.
Economics: A number of clanns and corporations petitioning the confederal government to go into economic talks with the Potezan High-Duchy and with the Aurarian Republic, among others.
Economics: Fragarach Motors announces several new projects and gives press-releases, the "Snowmobile", the "All-Terrain Vehicle", and the "Aqua-cycle".
Sport: Game of Shark season begins. Hybora Major Mohawks vs Stormmaigh Raiders in 1st Game.
Entertainment: CarrickAodh Theater Corps produces 'The Mahogany Hound: The Musical'. Havok! Okay with this? What did our critics rate the performance?
Entertainment: Ivernish style Whiskey and All-AnLyr style Whisky compared.
Entertainment: Saturday Night Pubcrawls & Rockabilly Music. A CarrickAodh tradition?
Apr 18, 2010
The South
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
People's Republic of Havenshire

We most strongly protest the negative portrayal of the People's Republic in a recent culinary article published in the paper "The CarrickAodh Light Tower". Although Tyrculic Media has traditionally been allowed into the People's Republic -on strict provisions- We feel that this slanderous depiction of the otherwise prosperous and nourishing diet of the average proletariat has severely strained our tolerance for Tyrculic visitors to our nation. We henceforth shall be withdrawing travel privileges from Tyrculic citizens within our nation, and will not be permitting this edition of your paper any circulation. We remind you also that we reserve the right to ban all importation of your media completely, but have chosen not to do so on this occasion.

If you have any complaints, please direct them to our Embassy in CarrickAodh.


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
Directorate of AnLyric-Havenite Affairs
United Body [Of Government] of Tyrculir.

While we can understand the irritation and affront no-doubt placed in the hearts and minds of our Havenite counterparts when it comes to reading the article, the Tyrculiric government has a strong tradition and vow in favor of true freedom of speech. While the words of Miss MacBrendan hardly represent anything more than her own words, it is not the place of the government to censor or censure her in-regards to her editorial statement about the Havenite Full Breakfast. Nor would we if we felt it was our place, her words were at best a minor affront and hardly worth getting worked up about. What is the traditional reader-base of The CarrickAodh Light-Tower in Havenshire? Perhaps 1% or 2% of the entire newspaper reading sector, if that? Even within Tyrculir and Warre it doesn't account for the only or even truly dominant newspaper read on a daily basis.

We will be formally issuing a dispute with your agreement, and feel that Havenshire's (minute) tourist sector will only be hurt by the denial of Tyrculir citizens the right to visit the country.


-Roger O'Bruin, Directorate of AnLyric-Havenite Affairs sub-director.
Oct 12, 2011
Hampton Roads
Economics: A number of clanns and corporations petitioning the confederal government to go into economic talks with the Potezan High-Duchy and with the Aurarian Republic, among others.

Bulgari would like to make the offer to set up several store locations in the nation's major cities and towns. While we are certain that the Potenzan model of jewelry will have some novelty, we will also design and market Lyric model jewelry for the local populace. While the regional command will be under a Potenzan, we will hire and employ locals for our stores.

We look forward to hearing from the respective parties in Tyrculir.

Bulgari Jewelers


MazzioCo would like to make the offer of investing in the infrastructure of Tyrculir, focusing on the railway system, as well as the design and organization of the nation's shipping. The intricacies of this deal can be fleshed out between our respective parties, but we believe that an advanced national rail system will increase the flow of Tyrculir's population, as well as the transportation of resources and industrial output.

We would also like to make a special offer to Lyric merchant shipping which would like to register under the Potenzan Merchant Fleet. The offer would permit them to fly the merchant fleet's flag in exchange for a moderately decreased fee to MazzioCo.

Mazzio Corporation


Beretta would like to ask for permission from the Lyric government to open business between our two parties. This would entail the sales of firearms for civilian use, militia use, and actual Fragarachai/standing army use. The details of this deal can be fleshed out between our two parties. We look forward to speaking with you.

Beretta Firearms


We are sending this message to discuss the potential for factories to be built within Tyrculir, with the management of Potenzans but the employment of local populaces for labor. The vehicles would be sold locally, at a discount price.

Fornasari Automobiles


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
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May Monthly Comics Round-up.

This is a publication by the Havok! Comics & Publishing company based in; CarrickRoy, CarrickAodh (Warre), Tyrculir. With secondary printing offices in Montour, Sylvania; the WestHaven, Cascadian Republic; CarrickAodh City, Tyrculir; WestHaven, Havenshire; and Alderburg, Ivernia.

Hello and welcome to the Havok! Comics monthly round-up, where we give synopsis to the comics which have been published this month, to help the readers who haven't been able to catch up or find back issues of their favorite comics yet, and to help explain the aimed subject matter of the particular comic imprints. Located in the of this publication is a list of our current comics, prices (in Lyric Cruachcuir, in Slyvanian Dollars, Ivernish Royal Ór and in Havenite 'Credits'), including the shipping prices* for said comics. Additionally, as is true of our domestically produced bi-weekly round-ups, fan-letters will be addressed.


Mac Lir- In the this month's two issues of 'Mac Lir', the title-character, the High King of Mag Mell and Avalach, finds himself struggling with several issues. One, being an anarchist villain, known as "The Question" who is using a veil of post-delegationalist thought and a hypnotic raygun to cause riots throughout the capital of St. Brendan's. As much about the melodrama of a ruler excising his power to protect the people or restraining the use of power to protect their rights, in this month's two issues, there has been no lack of moral dilemmas for our favorite Danaan. The climax leaves "The Question" using the hypo-ray-gun to usurp the Mag-Mellic army to invade the small neighboring state of Tir na Nog. Will our hero save his nation, himself, and the people of Tir na Nog from an international incident? Find out: Next Issue!

The Mahogany Hound- This month's was a split month for story-arcs with The Mahogany Hound. The first issue ended the previous month's arc featuring the sociopathic villain 'The Jester', and The Mahogany Hound's attempt at stopping him after The Jester's failed assassination of the Mayor of Highfield, Uhl's Vale. While this new villain pushed the sensibilities of what a villain has been and could be to the Mahogany Hound, the arc ended with the arrest of The Jester. Many questions answered, many questions brought forward! In the second story-arc, that which began today, Havenite Hero and (Hero of all Communism), Alan Grey; The Crimson Torch appears to show up outside of CarrickAodh and engage in a fire-fight with the Lyric Port Authority. At the issue's end, our hero, Wade Bryan, finishes a mighty battle with his friend in hopes to neutralize him enough to find out what's going on, only to find the white light of another super-powered being showing up. Who is this new comer? What does the attack itself have to do with him? Will the Havenite Hero and the Lyric Legend remain friends, or has too far gone too far? Find out: Next Issue!

Connlyr the Crusader- This month has been a big month for Connlyr! After months of searching for his lost love, the beautiful Kayah Rose, he seems to have found her! In the arms of another! Our beloved berserker of course wouldn't take that lying down, and finds himself going on a rampage, even going so far as to almost attack her before realizing there is a mysterious gem pendent upon her neck. It's glow is that of witchy ways, and in a moment of clarity, he stops his rage and rips it off, only to have his beloved return to herself! The question remains as he stands over the slain body of his enemy and rival for Kayah Rose's affection. What dark witchery practicing wizard is responsible for the defiling of his love? Connlyr goes on a crusade: Next issue!

Colonel Fennia- Following the break-out issue of Colonel Fennia, Havok! Comics has made the second issue published this month jump right into the action! A new story-arc, known as "Colonel Fennia vs the Himyari Headsmen!" features Colonel Fennia sent to the New Fennian or "Protected" Provinces, at the request of his nation's government. Sent there to investigate super-powered crimes and stop the seeming communist inspired terrorist groups within the frontier, he soon finds himself faced with a group of black Himyari (or "Nethlian") superhumans who seem to go blow for blow with Fennia's greatest hero, and seem to be unstoppable. After being defeated in a five-on-one battle against these brigands, Juuso must find the source of their power. For without knowledge, how can he possibly stop his enemies?

Odin!- Following the reboot-recap issue first released this month, we are introduced to exactly what Bjorn Karlson, the boy who was chosen as the host of Odin must do. The Tyranny of Loki! spreads everywhere, and in the first story-arc, the no-longer sickly 10 year old Aren boy finds himself near the border of Ostveg and Fennia, stumbling upon a cult to Fenris which wise to cause war between the nations simply to feed the blood lust of the world-ender and to allow it to manifest once more in the material plane. What can Bjorn do when Odin refuses to come to his aid when the boy calls upon his power? Find out: Next Issue!

The Impetuous Owl- Following the first issue released of The Impetuous Owl, introducing his back-story and training, his previous teacher shows up in the first issue, and not on friendly terms! Our Touzenese triumph must wonder to himself if he can defeat the very man who trained him in the majority of his skills as Ji Shao Chang, (as his teacher has taken to calling himself as converting into the delegationalist imperialism of the Yujinese empire) goes on a rampage in Nagakyo City! Will our hero be able to stop him? Will the attacks by Ji Shao Chang and his masquerading as the Owl, cause Nagakyo to stop its trust in The Impetuous Owl? Will battle between the two of them spell out Hiro's last 'Oh, really?' Find out: Next Issue!

Zeke-Ly the Zeretorian- Zeke-Ly the Zeretorian's first issue explained the origins of Samuel Sander, or as he was called by birth, Zeke-Ly of Zeretor. In the first issue, he found himself barely saving his love interest from a fall from high atop one of Charleroi's buildings. In this issue, he meets the self-made Slyvanian Superman, Ryan Wallace. A multi-millionaire industrialist, Ryan's skills have always come natural, but his skills to think ahead make him attempt to take over a rival company by force of weapons, including a 'solar energy canon'. Will Charleroi's Champion save the day? Will Ryan Wallace's ascent to economic god-hood continue? Find out: Next Issue!

The Crimson Torch- Following the first issue of this new "The Crimson Torch" imprint, and the introduction of our hero, Alan Grey, we are introduced to one of his greatest challenges yet. Sent as an operative and forward agent to investigate Yujinese opposition to the RDTO's actions in Vangala, the Havenite Hero finds himself facing a Yujini master of magic, who has led his personal army forward in support of the Yujinese emperor. While The Crimson Torch may be able to stand up to him, will he be able to stop this wujen's mastery of magic and stone guardian army from destroying the infastructure the Vangalans have built up, if not the revolutionary forces themselves? Find out: Next Issue!

Lady Liberty- Rather than jump immediately into a comic story-arc for Lady Liberty! Following her break-out issue, which explained her super-heroic origins and her more normal origins, in Lady Liberty #2, we have her trying to settle back into her normal life, and spending most of her time talking to her still hospitalized father about what happened and her concerns. As it happens, she fights with the 'demi-goddess' who is her patron over these activities and the fact that apparently she's expected to be crime-fighting most of the time, and while this leaves for a drama-filled story, it can be a hit and miss in that sense, or could if at the end of the issue an super-heroine who apparently has the powers of pheromones was not causing havoc in New Dulwich! If her innate sense of responsibility lets her jump to the call or if she lets the men of New Dulwich suffer is a matter to be found out in: the Next Issue!

The Ivernian Eagle- Following the issue which reintroduced the Ivernian Eagle for international audiences and restarted his story with a modernized tale; (Ivernia is one of the few places where there has been a long standing comics trade, and the Ivernian Eagle is one of the older comic heroes existing) The Ivernian Eagle kicked right back up into action. While there have been no appearances of his rogue's gallery sense, in the second issue Jon Padraig Aodh-Mor, the man who is behind the Ivernian Eagle's mask, struggles with the need for a secret identity, with his concern for his family, and with the issues of feeling the need to return to that mountain range with more people to set up a proper mining facility and get all of the ultra-light weight ultra-strong ore he would need. So too, our hero struggles with the fact that several bonny lasses he meet go on about how the Ivernian Eagle is so handsome, or manly, or otherwise attractive, all the while half-snorting at mister Aodh-Mor's mere youthful glances at them.

Sasquatch!- When the story of John Calver and the Sasquatch! last left off, in its breakout story, Mr. Calver's family destroyed, his roots torn from the ground, he went on the hunt. After the bar fight with the Cascadian 'other', which made his own natural abilities arise, Calver's attempts to rush forward after the Sasquatch continued with more ferocity and wildness, even going so far as to take the Other's Fragarach "Red Wolf" Motorcycle and speeding down the road with acrobatic stunts. While he doesn't find the Sasquatch, he does inevitably find a long slumbering group of vampire like beings holding a rural village hostage, and begins a one-man battle against them. Does the Sasquatch have to do with this incident? Find out: Next Issue!

¡Captain Frescania!- In the exciting follow-up to the ¡Captain Frescania! break-out issue, Frescania's greatest hero is sent to wage war on the separatists in Bitumania, who have apparently only had their resolve strengthened by the attack which brought about the Captain. While the issue and new story-arc might have less pizazz or explosive action than many of Havok's other stories, it is noteable in that despite being a full fledged superhero and super-soldier, Captain Vargas' status as a supersoldier and super-operative isn't overshadowed by the fact that he is still a member of the standing military of Frescania, and there are a number of interesting side-characters who function somewhere between members of his team and what one might expect of 'side-kicks'. Will Captain Frescania take a different tone than the other hero comics, or will he end up facing super-beings as well? The answer can only be expected to be found out: Next Issue!

¡El Jaguar Oro!- While the origins of ¡El Jaguar Oro! were displayed in the first issue, released this month, the second issue takes a more rapid pace of action compared to many of its peers. In ¡El Jaguar Oro! #2, the Aurarian Adventurer designs a yellow-gold colored suit for himself in the style of a jaguar (at least, it looks like that with the bullet proof designs he has made), and begins to defend the capital from a number of threats. It seems that the organization which had employed him to help find the tree got ahold of seeds for the tree, but more than that- several of its members gained the powers the tree gives. As well, the native population which were warriors of 'The Kingdom of the Yellow Maple' have created a few super-humans as well, and are bringing the fight both to each other in the capital, and against the peoples which they oppose in the country side. Will the Gold Jaguar be able to defend his people? Will these multitude of threads prove too much? Find out: Next Issue!

The Priest and the Bissa- In the first issue of The Priest and the Bissa (released this month) we were introduced to the duo's origins, and to they themselves. In the second issue, a story-arc begins with an ancient Tiburan templar artifact being accidentally excavated by farmers near the Solaren-Potenzan border, and the Priest and the Bissa forced to rush forward and stop the demonic possessions which have begun to awash the population and flood over the region.

* Note: All shipping, domestic or international, of Havok! Comics is done by Lyric United Parcel Union.

[MENTION=1]Oikawa[/MENTION] [MENTION=39]The Fennian Union[/MENTION] [MENTION=33]Danmark[/MENTION] [MENTION=1234]Østveg[/MENTION] [MENTION=115]Arendaal[/MENTION] [MENTION=1131]Sylvania[/MENTION] [MENTION=1003]Havenshire[/MENTION] [MENTION=890]Cantignia[/MENTION] [MENTION=1243]Ivernia[/MENTION] [MENTION=1150]Cascadian Republic[/MENTION] [MENTION=60]Frescania[/MENTION] [MENTION=1265]Aurarian Republic[/MENTION] [MENTION=1181]Potenza[/MENTION]


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
Bulgari would like to make the offer to set up several store locations in the nation's major cities and towns. While we are certain that the Potenzan model of jewelry will have some novelty, we will also design and market Lyric model jewelry for the local populace. While the regional command will be under a Potenzan, we will hire and employ locals for our stores.

We look forward to hearing from the respective parties in Tyrculir.

Bulgari Jewelers


MazzioCo would like to make the offer of investing in the infrastructure of Tyrculir, focusing on the railway system, as well as the design and organization of the nation's shipping. The intricacies of this deal can be fleshed out between our respective parties, but we believe that an advanced national rail system will increase the flow of Tyrculir's population, as well as the transportation of resources and industrial output.

We would also like to make a special offer to Lyric merchant shipping which would like to register under the Potenzan Merchant Fleet. The offer would permit them to fly the merchant fleet's flag in exchange for a moderately decreased fee to MazzioCo.

Mazzio Corporation


Beretta would like to ask for permission from the Lyric government to open business between our two parties. This would entail the sales of firearms for civilian use, militia use, and actual Fragarachai/standing army use. The details of this deal can be fleshed out between our two parties. We look forward to speaking with you.

Beretta Firearms


We are sending this message to discuss the potential for factories to be built within Tyrculir, with the management of Potenzans but the employment of local populaces for labor. The vehicles would be sold locally, at a discount price.

Fornasari Automobiles

Tyrculir Body [of Government] Financial Ministry
External Development Division

We appreciate your inquiries of interest, gentlemen, and are interested in your proposals, but any facts or further movements will need a meeting between your corporations or government and our own, to discuss the legal tendencies that would be required in any such ventures, and the economic practices expected to be followed. As a free nation to a free nation, we are sure the Potenzan government, and its corporate citizenry would find these practices amenable and some level of deal could be worked out.

Telegraph or call the External Development Division for further information, and we can work out the details in letter form or a meeting of representatives.

Thank you for your time, and good health to you!
Erik Cambell, External Development Division of the Financial Ministry, Gallian sub-continent attache.


Establishing Nation
May 31, 2008
Laguna, Philippines
Hebron, P.D.
You must be registered for see images

You must be registered for see images

To:Havok! Comics
Subject:Selected Reviews of Selections from Lineup
Date:9 June, 1953

Attached here is a document containing selected reviews taken in by survey, of selections chosen from this month's lineup of imported Havok! Comics. We assure you that they have not been edited in any way, shape, or form.

Cordially Yours,
Karina Malinowska,
Director of Cultural Promotion


Colonel Fennia

"Action packed! Can't wait to see him find the super criminals' Achilles' heel and take them down!"
-Iwan, Giecz

"Colonel's gonna clean some clocks next issue, I bet! You can't just leave him down for the count like this!"
- Henio, Miciodow

"When does he get a love interest?"
- Alicja, Jastrowie


"Cult of Fenris is looking like a big bad organisation for Loki's purposes. I love those big conspiracies..."
- Gracja, Oswiecim

"Odin, whyyy? I really hope Bjorn can figure this one out!"
- Lew, Czempin

"Kind of uh.... starting to dislike the old coot here. But maybe it's like some kinda test or something..."
- Michal, Wyrzysk

The Ivernian Eagle

"If Jonny can survive jumping out of a cave carrying a box of super metal, then he should totally be able to think up a way to deal with that girl problem!"
- Jurek, Szamotuly

"He could say the Eagle is a bodyguard working for his clann? I dunno, that's my best guess. Or maybe he could just drop the act altogether and say 'I am the Ivernian Eagle'?"
- Emeryk, Wislica

"I'm excited to see what he plans to do with all that extra metal once he mines it. Multiple wing-frames, awwww yeah!"
- Bolek, Malekmiejski

The Tale of Niebswialt

"I find the idea of Jesus Christ himself having been the original owner of our most prized national treasure to be a most flattering, if fanciful notion. Indeed, one could argue that this was the whole point of St. Weronika asking that Niebswialt be brought to the Church upon her death. The sword is a sacred artefact from God. This is a very creative expression of fine traditions that one rarely finds in secular works these days, and I praise the minds at Havok! for coming up with this idea. Blessed tidings to you."
- His Beatitude, Patriarch Honok XII, Giecz

"St. Michael snatching Niebswialt from Miroslavan spies? Oh, man, that's awesome! I wish he'd really show up like that."
- Bazyli, Giecz

"Too weak to enlist, but his strength is no doubt in his heart! That's why Joseph is worthy! He's a good man chosen by the sword!"
- Iwo, Krajenka

"Marshal Cerulunia! Yeah! Shows how our Marshals aren't just sit-down armchair generals, but lead from the front of the action! I'm loving this already!"
- Kondrat, Arcodowzs

"A good old fashioned double team beatdown! Those Miroslavans never knew what hit 'em. Can't wait to see the Marshal whip little Joseph into shape next issue. That'll add Sarmatian strength to his Sarmatian guts!"
- Angelika, Stradow